Trump is Hilarious!

I think it's sad for America. To think that people look at Trump as a statesman, a responsible leader, as an intellectual says much more about the bully Trump is and how sadly some Americans see his character as admirable and noble.

Thug culture flourishes on the Right Wing of modern American politics. What will this mean for our future? McCarthyesque witch hunts, erosion of civil liberties and a deepening division among Americans. It is truly sad.
Trump has qualities we need right now in the economic realm. He has policies that many of us agree with and wish someone had said them earlier. He's right on treaties, political correctness and illegal immigration. But you have to take the package.

That being said, "Thug culture flourishes with this present administration, in my opinion. Look at the people Obama had beside him. Rahm Emanuel, the father of Godfathers! The communist, Van Jones, and the Muslim, Valerie Jarrett! Obama couldn't shake his black community organizer hat and blamed whites against blacks, making him the most devisive president in history.
I have no desire to roll in the mud with the 'I hate Obama club'. But I wonder, if you find the president so egregious, so abominable why don't you support and put forth a candidate with noble statesmanlike qualities instead of the slug Donald Trump? Pompous, arrogant, the winner of the Benito Mussolini mug-a-like contest, Trump shows us first his lack of depth then his willingness to smear. Why not an adult candidate? Why not an admirable candidate?m

Why do Trump supporters always say: You're guy is just as bad? When they should say "Our guy is so much better!" Because when it comes to Trump, they cannot find a defense for his lack of character.
You have no credibility when it comes to character. Your president wipes his ass with the Constitution, one of your main candidates is proven liar and the other one is a wealth redistributing communist. Trump has more character and integrity than the three of them put together.
"I know you are, but what am I?" That's your rationalization? Why not offer the absolute best candidate? Why not lead by example? Is Donald Trump really the character you want all America to admire?m a Reality TV star and brute cast in the J.P. Morgan mold of bully Capitalist? We surely can do better than the thuggish, boorish, un-nuanced idiot that is Donald Trump!
That's exactly my point. Why don't YOU run an admirable candidate before you preach to us?
Thank you SJ!
I think it's sad for America. To think that people look at Trump as a statesman, a responsible leader, as an intellectual says much more about the bully Trump is and how sadly some Americans see his character as admirable and noble.

Thug culture flourishes on the Right Wing of modern American politics. What will this mean for our future? McCarthyesque witch hunts, erosion of civil liberties and a deepening division among Americans. It is truly sad.
Trump has qualities we need right now in the economic realm. He has policies that many of us agree with and wish someone had said them earlier. He's right on treaties, political correctness and illegal immigration. But you have to take the package.

That being said, "Thug culture flourishes with this present administration, in my opinion. Look at the people Obama had beside him. Rahm Emanuel, the father of Godfathers! The communist, Van Jones, and the Muslim, Valerie Jarrett! Obama couldn't shake his black community organizer hat and blamed whites against blacks, making him the most devisive president in history.
I have no desire to roll in the mud with the 'I hate Obama club'. But I wonder, if you find the president so egregious, so abominable why don't you support and put forth a candidate with noble statesmanlike qualities instead of the slug Donald Trump? Pompous, arrogant, the winner of the Benito Mussolini mug-a-like contest, Trump shows us first his lack of depth then his willingness to smear. Why not an adult candidate? Why not an admirable candidate?m

Why do Trump supporters always say: You're guy is just as bad? When they should say "Our guy is so much better!" Because when it comes to Trump, they cannot find a defense for his lack of character.
You have no credibility when it comes to character. Your president wipes his ass with the Constitution, one of your main candidates is proven liar and the other one is a wealth redistributing communist. Trump has more character and integrity than the three of them put together.
"I know you are, but what am I?" That's your rationalization? Why not offer the absolute best candidate? Why not lead by example? Is Donald Trump really the character you want all America to admire?m a Reality TV star and brute cast in the J.P. Morgan mold of bully Capitalist? We surely can do better than the thuggish, boorish, un-nuanced idiot that is Donald Trump!
That's exactly my point. Why don't YOU run an admirable candidate before you preach to us?
There are good qualified Democrat candidates. Candidates who do not call for the exclusion of people of faith. Candidates who do not call for carpet bombing of civilian areas. Candidates who do not demean POWs. Candidates who do not paint all immigrants as rapists, thieves and murderers. And some of those candidates are also Republicans.

Trump and his shadow, Ted Cruz are divisive, seeking to cast fellow Americans as 'other' and not one of us.

The appeal of such boors is a recognition that those who are attracted to them bear the same loathe some qualities. And that's what is so sad about this election cycle.
Trump has qualities we need right now in the economic realm. He has policies that many of us agree with and wish someone had said them earlier. He's right on treaties, political correctness and illegal immigration. But you have to take the package.

That being said, "Thug culture flourishes with this present administration, in my opinion. Look at the people Obama had beside him. Rahm Emanuel, the father of Godfathers! The communist, Van Jones, and the Muslim, Valerie Jarrett! Obama couldn't shake his black community organizer hat and blamed whites against blacks, making him the most devisive president in history.
I have no desire to roll in the mud with the 'I hate Obama club'. But I wonder, if you find the president so egregious, so abominable why don't you support and put forth a candidate with noble statesmanlike qualities instead of the slug Donald Trump? Pompous, arrogant, the winner of the Benito Mussolini mug-a-like contest, Trump shows us first his lack of depth then his willingness to smear. Why not an adult candidate? Why not an admirable candidate?m

Why do Trump supporters always say: You're guy is just as bad? When they should say "Our guy is so much better!" Because when it comes to Trump, they cannot find a defense for his lack of character.
You have no credibility when it comes to character. Your president wipes his ass with the Constitution, one of your main candidates is proven liar and the other one is a wealth redistributing communist. Trump has more character and integrity than the three of them put together.
"I know you are, but what am I?" That's your rationalization? Why not offer the absolute best candidate? Why not lead by example? Is Donald Trump really the character you want all America to admire?m a Reality TV star and brute cast in the J.P. Morgan mold of bully Capitalist? We surely can do better than the thuggish, boorish, un-nuanced idiot that is Donald Trump!
That's exactly my point. Why don't YOU run an admirable candidate before you preach to us?
Thank you SJ!
You're welcome. I get tired of liberal hypocrisy and double standards.
There are good qualified Democrat candidates. Candidates who do not call for the exclusion of people of faith.
Except when it comes to Christians.

Candidates who do not demean POWs.
Just veterans.

Candidates who do not paint all immigrants as rapists, thieves and murderers.
They welcome the rapists, thieves, and murderers into the country.

Trump and his shadow, Ted Cruz are divisive, seeking to cast fellow Americans as 'other' and not one of us.
That's interesting, coming from a supporter of the most divisive president in history (especially when it comes to race).
I have no desire to roll in the mud with the 'I hate Obama club'. But I wonder, if you find the president so egregious, so abominable why don't you support and put forth a candidate with noble statesmanlike qualities instead of the slug Donald Trump? Pompous, arrogant, the winner of the Benito Mussolini mug-a-like contest, Trump shows us first his lack of depth then his willingness to smear. Why not an adult candidate? Why not an admirable candidate?m

Why do Trump supporters always say: You're guy is just as bad? When they should say "Our guy is so much better!" Because when it comes to Trump, they cannot find a defense for his lack of character.
You have no credibility when it comes to character. Your president wipes his ass with the Constitution, one of your main candidates is proven liar and the other one is a wealth redistributing communist. Trump has more character and integrity than the three of them put together.
"I know you are, but what am I?" That's your rationalization? Why not offer the absolute best candidate? Why not lead by example? Is Donald Trump really the character you want all America to admire?m a Reality TV star and brute cast in the J.P. Morgan mold of bully Capitalist? We surely can do better than the thuggish, boorish, un-nuanced idiot that is Donald Trump!
That's exactly my point. Why don't YOU run an admirable candidate before you preach to us?
Thank you SJ!
You're welcome. I get tired of liberal hypocrisy and double standards.
Supporting candidates like Trump, who is wholly lacking in statesmanship, nobility in public comportment, dismissive of whole groups of Americans and disrespectful of armed service personnel who were taken POW does not show hypocrisy and a double standard?

Look in the mirror and you will be staring hypocrisy in the face.
You have no credibility when it comes to character. Your president wipes his ass with the Constitution, one of your main candidates is proven liar and the other one is a wealth redistributing communist. Trump has more character and integrity than the three of them put together.
"I know you are, but what am I?" That's your rationalization? Why not offer the absolute best candidate? Why not lead by example? Is Donald Trump really the character you want all America to admire?m a Reality TV star and brute cast in the J.P. Morgan mold of bully Capitalist? We surely can do better than the thuggish, boorish, un-nuanced idiot that is Donald Trump!
That's exactly my point. Why don't YOU run an admirable candidate before you preach to us?
Thank you SJ!
You're welcome. I get tired of liberal hypocrisy and double standards.
Supporting candidates like Trump, who is wholly lacking in statesmanship, nobility in public comportment, dismissive of whole groups of Americans and disrespectful of armed service personnel who were taken POW does not show hypocrisy and a double standard?

Look in the mirror and you will be staring hypocrisy in the face.
You mean like Obama being dismissive of all Republicans and blocking them from debating legislation?
Stop making blanket statements. Trump was NOT disrespectful of POWs. He was attacked by McCain and responded. He has the right to do that. Liberals attacked McCain relentlessly in 2008 (another example of your hypocrisy).
That's interesting, coming from a supporter of the most divisive president in history (especially when it comes to race).

I supported Romney.

And Trump supporters want Trump to be just as bad as Obama. They want him to be just as divisive and antagonistic towards people they don't like, except more so.
That's interesting, coming from a supporter of the most divisive president in history (especially when it comes to race).

I supported Romney.

And Trump supporters want Trump to be just as bad as Obama. They want him to be just as divisive and antagonistic towards people they don't like, except more so.
Aren't you generalizing just a little?
Aren't you generalizing just a little?

You mean generalizing like this?

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people,

Aren't you generalizing just a little?

You mean generalizing like this?

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people,

Then I guess you're no better than Trump.
Aren't you generalizing just a little?

You mean generalizing like this?

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people,

Then I guess you're no better than Trump.

I have better hair.
"I know you are, but what am I?" That's your rationalization? Why not offer the absolute best candidate? Why not lead by example? Is Donald Trump really the character you want all America to admire?m a Reality TV star and brute cast in the J.P. Morgan mold of bully Capitalist? We surely can do better than the thuggish, boorish, un-nuanced idiot that is Donald Trump!
That's exactly my point. Why don't YOU run an admirable candidate before you preach to us?
Thank you SJ!
You're welcome. I get tired of liberal hypocrisy and double standards.
Supporting candidates like Trump, who is wholly lacking in statesmanship, nobility in public comportment, dismissive of whole groups of Americans and disrespectful of armed service personnel who were taken POW does not show hypocrisy and a double standard?

Look in the mirror and you will be staring hypocrisy in the face.
You mean like Obama being dismissive of all Republicans and blocking them from debating legislation?
Stop making blanket statements. Trump was NOT disrespectful of POWs. He was attacked by McCain and responded. He has the right to do that. Liberals attacked McCain relentlessly in 2008 (another example of your hypocrisy).
But Trump's attack wasn't on political disagreements. It was about McCain the POW. This is why Trump is a bully and a boor.
Aren't you generalizing just a little?

You mean generalizing like this?

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people,

Then I guess you're no better than Trump.

I have better hair.
And a helluva lot less money!
Aren't you generalizing just a little?

You mean generalizing like this?

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people,

Then I guess you're no better than Trump.

I have better hair.
And a helluva lot less money!

Yes, but my IRR is higher because I didn't inherit $40 million from daddy.
That's exactly my point. Why don't YOU run an admirable candidate before you preach to us?
Thank you SJ!
You're welcome. I get tired of liberal hypocrisy and double standards.
Supporting candidates like Trump, who is wholly lacking in statesmanship, nobility in public comportment, dismissive of whole groups of Americans and disrespectful of armed service personnel who were taken POW does not show hypocrisy and a double standard?

Look in the mirror and you will be staring hypocrisy in the face.
You mean like Obama being dismissive of all Republicans and blocking them from debating legislation?
Stop making blanket statements. Trump was NOT disrespectful of POWs. He was attacked by McCain and responded. He has the right to do that. Liberals attacked McCain relentlessly in 2008 (another example of your hypocrisy).
But Trump's attack wasn't on political disagreements. It was about McCain the POW. This is why Trump is a bully and a boor.
Neither was McCain's. He was attacking Trump's followers, calling them "crazies". He asked for it. Being a POW doesn't give him a free pass to insult other people without retaliation.
Aren't you generalizing just a little?

You mean generalizing like this?

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people,

Then I guess you're no better than Trump.

I have better hair.
And a helluva lot less money!

Yes, but my IRR is higher because I didn't inherit $40 million from daddy.
So, because his father gave him some money, nothing he achieves after that counts? Would you apply that same standard to yourself?
You mean generalizing like this?

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people,

Then I guess you're no better than Trump.

I have better hair.
And a helluva lot less money!

Yes, but my IRR is higher because I didn't inherit $40 million from daddy.
So, because his father gave him some money, nothing he achieves after that counts? Would you apply that same standard to yourself?

Do you need to any more straw for that straw man?

I've done better with what I started with than Trump.
Neither was McCain's. He was attacking Trump's followers, calling them "crazies". He asked for it. Being a POW doesn't give him a free pass to insult other people without retaliation.

No it doesn't.

But by going after him as a POW, calling him a loser because he was captured in war - a war in which Trump ducked out - pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the character of the man.
Then I guess you're no better than Trump.

I have better hair.
And a helluva lot less money!

Yes, but my IRR is higher because I didn't inherit $40 million from daddy.
So, because his father gave him some money, nothing he achieves after that counts? Would you apply that same standard to yourself?

Do you need to any more straw for that straw man?

I've done better with what I started with than Trump.
Yeah, sure you have. :lol:
Neither was McCain's. He was attacking Trump's followers, calling them "crazies". He asked for it. Being a POW doesn't give him a free pass to insult other people without retaliation.

No it doesn't.

But by going after him as a POW, calling him a loser because he was captured in war - a war in which Trump ducked out - pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the character of the man.
As I recall, you libs were calling him "Songbird McCain". I guess that's different though, now that your agenda has changed.

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