Trump is "is going down-and here are the reasons why!

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You guys are the same types who bragged about Trump winning the Nobel Peace Prize for ending the Korean war. Trump is in trouble. That is a fact.

Well if the North Korean situation is resolved peacefully then The Donald might still get the Nobel Peace Prize.

I don't think so.

Why not, Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING, six months into his first term they gave him that award for doing absolutely NOTHING.
President Obama was give a peace.prize for bringing a historically racist nation together enough o elect a black.president.

That is hardly nothing.

That's a fair point. But in the end, it showed just how racist America still really is.
True as well.
The OP article rehashed a bunch of shit that's went absolutley nowhere

That's what your mouth says but it's not what the courts are saying.

Yawn...hope springs eternal, eh?

You're the one hoping.

Dude it's the same old BS you idiots have been harping on for months. Now stop ankle snapping and get on topic. I don't give two shits what you spew

I'm on topic. There is this thing going on called an investigation. And the investigation is not over. But you are dumb enough to believe what Trump tells you and he's the one being investigated..
The latest breaking story I'm interested in is why Trump called Qatar a supporter of terrorism, but now is saying they are great allies. Matter of fact, Qatar had an official state visit to the WH last week.

But last year, when Saudi Arabia decided to call Qatar a terrorist nation and imposed sanctions on them, Trump fell in lockstep with them.

But, by an amazing coincidence, Qatar refused to lend Trump's son in law's family money for a development project when the sanctions were imposed.

Now that Qatar has agreed to lend them money? Sanctions are suddenly gone, and Trump calls them great allies.

I wonder if Trump knows that we have had a major military base in that country since 1996?
They welcomed little clock boy who makes bombs from clocks. Yep


So you support corruption by the Trumps.

Making millons by duping morons like you.

You guys keep saying that and yet no substantive scandals. I mean you guys spent last week attacking him for calling ms-13 animals. Not something you would have to do if you had real corruption to fight
You guys are the same types who bragged about Trump winning the Nobel Peace Prize for ending the Korean war. Trump is in trouble. That is a fact.

Well if the North Korean situation is resolved peacefully then The Donald might still get the Nobel Peace Prize.

I don't think so.

Why not, Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING, six months into his first term they gave him that award for doing absolutely NOTHING.
President Obama was give a peace.prize for bringing a historically racist nation together enough o elect a black.president.

That is hardly nothing.

so nothing but fantasy
"Going down"? The President of the United States is "going down"? "Going down" can be slang for anything from assault to murder. Is it time to mobilize the National Guard and start arresting these psychotic lefties who can't seem to deal with reality?

No it's not time to arrest members of the press who oppose this president. The reality here is what you can't face. Trump is a crook. He has broken the law. You have chosen to believe anything he says.

what statute did he break?

I agree, but he is going down to Florida for a much deserved vacation.


I wonder what those like you are going to do when Mueller turns in his report.

President Pence.

You guys should be praying Trump does not get the boot.

Pence knows the system and will fuck you coming and going.
You guys are the same types who bragged about Trump winning the Nobel Peace Prize for ending the Korean war. Trump is in trouble. That is a fact.

Well if the North Korean situation is resolved peacefully then The Donald might still get the Nobel Peace Prize.

I don't think so.

Why not, Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING, six months into his first term they gave him that award for doing absolutely NOTHING.
President Obama was give a peace.prize for bringing a historically racist nation together enough o elect a black.president.

That is hardly nothing.

So Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize because he is Black? What idiocy Obama was given that prize for NO reason, but of course being a Leftist you have to insist he was given it because of his Race because he is Black.
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