Trump is turning to racism to mock Nikki Haley's Indian name. Experts say it could backfire.

What we don't have are any tough MAGAts. When I'm insulting you at least I'm not a bitch about it. :lmao:
what's that intended to mean exactly? tough? So you're a tough internet guy are you? hahahahahahha come and get me big guy!!!!
At least I know where my side stands, based on actual accomplishments.

Yes, they suck and are equally responsible for the 33T dollar debt we have. They gave us the PATRIOT Act and spying on citizens. You should be so proud.

Trump wasn't really the monster the left makes him out to be.

Correct, he was not a monster, just a shitty president that has promised if he gets reelected will use his 4 years making everyone that crossed him pay for doing so.
what's that intended to mean exactly? tough? So you're a tough internet guy are you? hahahahahahha come and get me big guy!!!!

I never called myself a tough guy. That's you clowns. If you want to think I'm tough for simply not being a bitch about my honest opinions that's your thought process, not mine. :dunno:
"But" what? loved the atmosphere of discrimination all the while pretending to be offended by such "Buts" about i........

Umm, good poster Frankenstein.....well, mein freund, you are trying too hard.
That "atmosphere" you now complain about was 60yrs ago in a lunch bar in a German restaurant in downtown Chicago. Were you even born?

But that was then. This is now. I will not fret about the zeitgeist of America or even Illinois... in the wayback times of my youth. Whatsoever.
After all, 60yrs before THAT....women couldn't vote in Illinois.

But......times change, perceptions change, things change. Duh!

Trump is turning to racism to mock Nikki Haley's Indian name. Experts say it could backfire.

“Trump is no stranger to turning to racism and name calling against his political foes.”

“A 2021 study led by Aaron Dusso, associate professor of political science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, showed that name-calling did nothing to impact a voter's perception of the insulted candidate.”

“Instead, the name-calling backfired and impacted how the respondents viewed the perpetrating candidate.”

“‘Whatever effect we found was all focused on the actual attacker,’ Dusso told BI in an interview.”

This may be true for other politicians, but not for trump and his devoted fans. Name-calling, bigoted and racial slurs, and his other hate-filled rhetoric are what most impress his supporters. His hate-speech has, in fact, liberated the devout trumpists from polite societal restrictions and has motivated their similar behavior since trump began his first presidential campaign in 2015.

Civil discourse is not anything trump wants and prefers to avoid such situations as in debates and news conferences. With his history of unconscionable behavior, trump’s cult members would lose confidence in their leader should he resort to civil discourse.

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You know how when you repeat a word enough, it sometimes loses its meaning? That’s what’s happening with the word “racist”. You all use the word so much for everything under the sun, that actual racism gets lost in translation.

There’s nothing to suggest he was being racist, other than your outrage. Trump makes fun of all his opponents names…a serious character flaw in my book, but it’s what he does. It doesn’t have any racial overtones other than the ones you all assign to it.
Swaying the opinion of the majority of society that yours is a piece of shit racist culture is how we buried Confederate idolatry.
The same way you are trying to bury european culture beginning with Columbus and everything that came after him

I dont think you have corrupted public opinion as successfully as you think you have

What you have done is divide the country even more by race
The same way you are trying to bury european culture beginning with Columbus and everything that came after him
Columbus is just being put in his rightful place along with the Confederates.
I dont think you have corrupted public opinion as successfully as you think you have
Sure. Don't believe your lying eyes then. :dunno:
What you have done is divide the country even more by race
Who were dividing are the deplorables from decent society.

I never called myself a tough guy. That's you clowns. If you want to think I'm tough for simply not being a bitch about my honest opinions that's your thought process, not mine. :dunno:

Yet you asked why trump supporters weren’t tough? Odd
At least I know where my side stands, based on actual accomplishments.

Trump wasn't really the monster the left makes him out to be.
Everything the demofks say about trump is made up faked and shared amongst them all with talking points.

Here, take a listen....

Yet you asked why trump supporters weren’t tough? Odd
No. I asked why you're such pussies. I don't find anything particularly tough about being honest with your opinion. I do find a lot of bitch in MAGAts need to pretend.
Everything the demofks say about trump is made up faked and shared amongst them all with talking points.
I don't care. Cry for Trump to someone who does you bitch.
Here, take a listen....

I think the ones who vote for Trump, vote for him because he is Trump and does such things, but he never had the majority even when he defeated Hilary Clinton he didnt won the popular vote, so the majority of americans are not racist
Are you insane or just retarded? Anyone who votes democrat supports and abets racism whether they know it or not.
Columbus is just being put in his rightful place along with the Confederates.
Columbus changed the course of history and deserves credit for it

America and the New World could not remain apart from the rest of the world forever

Yes the natives were mistreated

Which was inevitable when a Stone Age culture comes in contact with a technologically advanced culture like the europeans

Being bitter about it now serves no useful purpose

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