Trump just won the majority of our military. Trump grants pardons to two service members in.....

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
....war-crimes cases!!!!!!!!

President Trump on Friday granted pardons to two U.S. service members in cases involving allegations of war crimes.


“The President, as Commander-in-Chief, is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the law is enforced and when appropriate, that mercy is granted,” White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement. “For more than two hundred years, presidents have used their authority to offer second chances to deserving individuals, including those in uniform who have served our country.”

“These actions are in keeping with this long history. As the President has stated, ‘when our soldiers have to fight for our country, I want to give them the confidence to fight,’” she continued.

Golsteyn, a former Green Beret, was charged with murder in the death of an Afghan man during a deployment in the war-torn country in 2010. Golsteyn had pleaded not guilty in the case.

Lorance was found guilty in 2013 of murder in the second degree for ordering his soldiers to fire on three unarmed Afghan men on a motorcycle. He has served six years of the 19-year prison sentence he received for the charge.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Watch the Demomedia pivot on this one. Last week they were all patriotic and supportive of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. If you questioned anything about him, YOU were being unpatriotic.

Now, the Demomedia will find it easy to criticize President Trump for pardoning these “killers.” They will say it’s just a stunt, and that justice demands more time for this guys.

Now boys and girls be sure to vote DemonRAT....The party that hates the military until one of them becomes a traitor...then they LOVE HIM!
So giving up on the heart and minds...

Golsteyn admitted executing the man in cold blood, burning the body and lying about that afterwards... So the Army is into summary executions...

This man had a trial (unlike the guy he killed) and was found guilty.

So I presume that you feel that all captured soldiers should be summarily executed....

So now you have no problem with captured US soldiers being executed in future?
So giving up on the heart and minds...

Golsteyn admitted executing the man in cold blood, burning the body and lying about that afterwards... So the Army is into summary executions...

This man had a trial (unlike the guy he killed) and was found guilty.

So I presume that you feel that all captured soldiers should be summarily executed....

So now you have no problem with captured US soldiers being executed in future?
-------------------- I don't think that there should ever be a category called CAPTURED enemy Combatants English .
I remember that within just a few days of beginning basic training we had several classes on battlefield law. This included lengthy lectures on prisoner treatment. Then we were tested as to our understanding of how we were expected to act should we ever take an enemy prisoner. When did they quit teaching that?
So giving up on the heart and minds...

Golsteyn admitted executing the man in cold blood, burning the body and lying about that afterwards... So the Army is into summary executions...

This man had a trial (unlike the guy he killed) and was found guilty.

So I presume that you feel that all captured soldiers should be summarily executed....

So now you have no problem with captured US soldiers being executed in future?
--------------------------------- Americans gotta fight harder and NO silly 'roe' English .
hope fully when they smartened up and started doing things correctly Occupied ;
hope fully when they smartened up and started doing things correctly Occupied ;
Some people like you think that the only way to fight a war is to be just like the bad guys. If we are just like the bad guys then we are the bad guys.
hope fully when they smartened up and started doing things correctly Occupied ;
Some people like you think that the only way to fight a war is to be just like the bad guys. If we are just like the bad guys then we are the bad guys.
-------------------------------------- what is it , 18 years in 'afghanistan' and my Dad and Uncles won ww2 in 4 - 5 year Occupoed
hope fully when they smartened up and started doing things correctly Occupied ;
Some people like you think that the only way to fight a war is to be just like the bad guys. If we are just like the bad guys then we are the bad guys.
-------------------------------------- what is it , 18 years in 'afghanistan' and my Dad and Uncles won ww2 in 4 - 5 year Occupoed
So, murdering prisoners will make it all better? Screw you. In WWII we broke with long tradition and treated occupied countries with tremendous kindness. That's called winning the peace. It's a tedious process that allows us to actually be able to leave one day with honor. It primarily involves being better people that the assholes who used to lead the place. Our commitment to peace and dignity must extend to punishing our own people if they threaten the mission by committing atrocities. We are still in Afghanstan because we can no longer convince anyone that the American way includes truth and justice.
hope fully when they smartened up and started doing things correctly Occupied ;
Some people like you think that the only way to fight a war is to be just like the bad guys. If we are just like the bad guys then we are the bad guys.
-------------------------------------- what is it , 18 years in 'afghanistan' and my Dad and Uncles won ww2 in 4 - 5 year Occupoed
So, murdering prisoners will make it all better? Screw you. In WWII we broke with long tradition and treated occupied countries with tremendous kindness. That's called winning the peace. It's a tedious process that allows us to actually be able to leave one day with honor. It primarily involves being better people that the assholes who used to lead the place. Our commitment to peace and dignity must extend to punishing our own people if they threaten the mission by committing atrocities. We are still in Afghanstan because we can no longer convince anyone that the American way includes truth and justice.
------------------------------------------------ check out 'dresden' . Hiroshima and 'Nagasaki' . And YES , we sent them all candy , food and goodies after we incinerated them all Occupied . -------------------- 19 years in ' aghanistan .
after we kicked 'euros' and 'japs' azzez in 4 - 5 years in a convincing way in ww2 Occupied . You pacififist eh ,
Last edited:
hope fully when they smartened up and started doing things correctly Occupied ;
Some people like you think that the only way to fight a war is to be just like the bad guys. If we are just like the bad guys then we are the bad guys.
-------------------------------------- what is it , 18 years in 'afghanistan' and my Dad and Uncles won ww2 in 4 - 5 year Occupoed
So, murdering prisoners will make it all better? Screw you. In WWII we broke with long tradition and treated occupied countries with tremendous kindness. That's called winning the peace. It's a tedious process that allows us to actually be able to leave one day with honor. It primarily involves being better people that the assholes who used to lead the place. Our commitment to peace and dignity must extend to punishing our own people if they threaten the mission by committing atrocities. We are still in Afghanstan because we can no longer convince anyone that the American way includes truth and justice.
-------------------------------------------and USA pays TAXPAYER money to win your type peace . Stick around , you might elect your type in another year or 2 Occupied .
Military’s ever increasing majority for trump goes with the ever increasing majority of men agreeing with this from trump

The deep state is the Enemy of America

And now that counts with the real agrees

That means anything the enemy brings up against trump will be swatted down

Trump now can declare anything from the courts and congress illegal acts because of crookedness !!!

Trump has it all set to bring logic tests for voters to stop the unwise from getting brainwashed and electing crooks

A poll just out shows the increase in the strong agreement of American Men

58% to 37%
So giving up on the heart and minds...

Golsteyn admitted executing the man in cold blood, burning the body and lying about that afterwards... So the Army is into summary executions...

This man had a trial (unlike the guy he killed) and was found guilty.

So I presume that you feel that all captured soldiers should be summarily executed....

So now you have no problem with captured US soldiers being executed in future?
And of course you're simply lying, as usual.
Trump is increasing his power to call for martial law to stop the enemy of America within

Trump rising strong with the men and the military
Military’s ever increasing majority for trump goes with the ever increasing majority of men agreeing with this from trump

The deep state is the Enemy of America

And now that counts with the real agrees

That means anything the enemy brings up against trump will be swatted down

Trump now can declare anything from the courts and congress illegal acts because of crookedness !!!

Trump has it all set to bring logic tests for voters to stop the unwise from getting brainwashed and electing crooks

A poll just out shows the increase in the strong agreement of American Men

58% to 37%

Like this one

Oh crap... Do you look stupid... Let me guess you have an on line one...
Our Constitution has given our enemies and TAKERS easy access to our country. No longer do people come here to be Americans but come for our stupidity of giving them FREE SHIT. Perhaps make it mandatory that if you want to come . You have to give 6 years of your life to serve in our military and in order to stay must learn the English language.

Also a good idea to make every 18 year old (school deferment ok until finished then 4 years for American born citizens) We have no cohesion of our populace as we did in WW II and Korean War. Also would install a feeling of patriotism that sadly is missing. Trump is trying to pull us out of all territory that is not directly connected to the safety of America. A situation the left has marched and protested for since Vietnam, but being it is Trump, the left has now become warmongers along with the neocons. Strange situation but if we ask men and women to give up their lives to protect us, the very idea of taking prisoners, that we have seen with the muslim terrorists, once released even after 10-20 years of confinement will go right back to trying to kill us. Only way to stop this as much as possible is to kill the vermin. IMHO of course.
Military’s ever increasing majority for trump goes with the ever increasing majority of men agreeing with this from trump

The deep state is the Enemy of America

And now that counts with the real agrees

That means anything the enemy brings up against trump will be swatted down

Trump now can declare anything from the courts and congress illegal acts because of crookedness !!!

Trump has it all set to bring logic tests for voters to stop the unwise from getting brainwashed and electing crooks

A poll just out shows the increase in the strong agreement of American Men

58% to 37%

Like this one

Oh crap... Do you look stupid... Let me guess you have an on line one...

Yes, we all believe in polls......ROTFLMFAO!


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