Trump knew Pence was in Danger and being Evacuated before he Made the Disparaging Tweet, adding to his Guilt.

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
'Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution,' he Tweeted, at 2:24 pm...
AFTER knowing that Pence and his family had been evacuated by the rioters. He also knew full well that his mob of idiot supporters drunk on lies had stormed the Capitol.

Not only did Trump do absolutely nothing to try and stop his incited insurrection of retard supporters, he actually Tweeted disparaging remarks about Pence as he was being swept to safety.

There is just too much evidence to ignore. Trump is 100% guilty, add this to the mountain of evidence that proves his guilt.

On top of that Trump's attorney tried to lie about what Trump knew but GOP Sen from Ala Tubbervile verified that the call was made at 2:14. In addition, it was broadcast on all cable news stations at that time. Trump 100% knew. Its lie time for the sheep.

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Been debunked.
says who? A bunch of brainwashed sheep that believe Pizza-gate and like 1,000 other insane lies??

GOP sen Tubbervile said he called Trump and told him at 2:14... Everybody knows it happened...
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Trump knew Pence was in Danger and being Evacuated

Hey Bonker, still waiting to hear when you'll be ready to show me how all the legions of proof the election was stolen is all just some giant lie! Trump didn't have to know anything. What the media isn't telling you is that the VP is as protected as the POTUS is---- the moment there is the slightest threat to either of them at all, they are prepared to sweep Pence down stairs, into an elevator and into a secret underground room that's made to protect him from a nuclear bomb.

Pence was never under any danger at all, Boob.
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Trump knew Pence was in Danger and being Evacuated

Hey Bonker, still waiting to hear when you'll be ready to show me how all the legions of proof the election was stolen is all just some giant lie! Trump didn't have to know anything. What the media isn't telling you is that the VP is as protected as the POTUS is---- the moment there is the slightest threat to either of them at all, they are prepared to sweep Pence down stairs, into an elevator and into a secret underground room that's made to protect him from a nuclear bomb.

Pence was never under any danger at all, Boob.
SO all of that excuses Trump's criminal behavior and obvious guilt???

Just more excuses...
Trump knew Pence was in Danger and being Evacuated

Hey Bonker, still waiting to hear when you'll be ready to show me how all the legions of proof the election was stolen is all just some giant lie! Trump didn't have to know anything. What the media isn't telling you is that the VP is as protected as the POTUS is---- the moment there is the slightest threat to either of them at all, they are prepared to sweep Pence down stairs, into an elevator and into a secret underground room that's made to protect him from a nuclear bomb.

Pence was never under any danger at all, Boob.
When Trump makes claims that the election is stolen and can’t prove it in court, when he is told by state officials that the claims he is making are factually incorrect, then he knows better. Yet he continued pushing the lies. Those lies are why the mob rushed the capital. He had every opportunity to vet the fraud claims and challenge in court. He failed. Investigations happened, recounts happened, states certified, congress certified, at that point it is the presidents duty to concede and support the peaceful transfer of power. That’s not what Trump did. Instead he kept yelling fraud and pushing lies and he rallied his supporters to go stop the steal, which led to a tyrannical act on our capital. It doesn’t get much more blatant than that.
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Trump knew Pence was in Danger and being Evacuated

Hey Bonker, still waiting to hear when you'll be ready to show me how all the legions of proof the election was stolen is all just some giant lie! Trump didn't have to know anything. What the media isn't telling you is that the VP is as protected as the POTUS is---- the moment there is the slightest threat to either of them at all, they are prepared to sweep Pence down stairs, into an elevator and into a secret underground room that's made to protect him from a nuclear bomb.

Pence was never under any danger at all, Boob.
When Trump makes claims that the election is stolen and can’t prove it in court, when he is told by state officials that the claims he is making are factually incorrect, then he knows better. Yet he continued pushing the lies. Those lies are why the mob rushed the capital. He had every opportunity to vet the fraud claims and challenge in court. He failed. Investigations happened, recounts happened, states certified, congress certified, at that point it is the presidents duty to concede and support the peaceful transfer of power. That’s not what Trump did. Instead he kept yelling fraud and pushing lies and he rallied his supporters to go stop the steal, which led to a tyrannical act on our capital. It doesn’t get much more blatant than that.

You have just summed up exactly why Trump is 100% guilty.
Trump knew Pence was in Danger and being Evacuated

Hey Bonker, still waiting to hear when you'll be ready to show me how all the legions of proof the election was stolen is all just some giant lie! Trump didn't have to know anything. What the media isn't telling you is that the VP is as protected as the POTUS is---- the moment there is the slightest threat to either of them at all, they are prepared to sweep Pence down stairs, into an elevator and into a secret underground room that's made to protect him from a nuclear bomb.

Pence was never under any danger at all, Boob.
When Trump makes claims that the election is stolen and can’t prove it in court, when he is told by state officials that the claims he is making are factually incorrect, then he knows better. Yet he continued pushing the lies. Those lies are why the mob rushed the capital. He had every opportunity to vet the fraud claims and challenge in court. He failed. Investigations happened, recounts happened, states certified, congress certified, at that point it is the presidents duty to concede and support the peaceful transfer of power. That’s not what Trump did. Instead he kept yelling fraud and pushing lies and he rallied his supporters to go stop the steal, which led to a tyrannical act on our capital. It doesn’t get much more blatant than that.

You have just summed up exactly why Trump is 100% guilty.
It’s all pretty obvious. I don’t know what these people trying to point back at Dems are thinking. Has logic and reason completely gone out the window?
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Trump knew Pence was in Danger and being Evacuated

Hey Bonker, still waiting to hear when you'll be ready to show me how all the legions of proof the election was stolen is all just some giant lie! Trump didn't have to know anything. What the media isn't telling you is that the VP is as protected as the POTUS is---- the moment there is the slightest threat to either of them at all, they are prepared to sweep Pence down stairs, into an elevator and into a secret underground room that's made to protect him from a nuclear bomb.

Pence was never under any danger at all, Boob.
When Trump makes claims that the election is stolen and can’t prove it in court, when he is told by state officials that the claims he is making are factually incorrect, then he knows better. Yet he continued pushing the lies. Those lies are why the mob rushed the capital. He had every opportunity to vet the fraud claims and challenge in court. He failed. Investigations happened, recounts happened, states certified, congress certified, at that point it is the presidents duty to concede and support the peaceful transfer of power. That’s not what Trump did. Instead he kept yelling fraud and pushing lies and he rallied his supporters to go stop the steal, which led to a tyrannical act on our capital. It doesn’t get much more blatant than that.

You have just summed up exactly why Trump is 100% guilty.
It’s all pretty obvious. I don’t know what these people trying to point back at Dems are thinking. Has logic and reason completely gone out the window?
These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15...

Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. This is where the modern GOP is in 2021.

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it.

When Trump tells these dumb fucking morons "We won in a landslide" they believe it, look at all the retards on here that believe it.

Trump incited the insurrection using these lies, then incited them to get Pence, then never did anything to stop it, until like 4hrs later after people died...
Trump knew Pence was in Danger and being Evacuated

Hey Bonker, still waiting to hear when you'll be ready to show me how all the legions of proof the election was stolen is all just some giant lie! Trump didn't have to know anything. What the media isn't telling you is that the VP is as protected as the POTUS is---- the moment there is the slightest threat to either of them at all, they are prepared to sweep Pence down stairs, into an elevator and into a secret underground room that's made to protect him from a nuclear bomb.

Pence was never under any danger at all, Boob.
When Trump makes claims that the election is stolen and can’t prove it in court, when he is told by state officials that the claims he is making are factually incorrect, then he knows better. Yet he continued pushing the lies. Those lies are why the mob rushed the capital. He had every opportunity to vet the fraud claims and challenge in court. He failed. Investigations happened, recounts happened, states certified, congress certified, at that point it is the presidents duty to concede and support the peaceful transfer of power. That’s not what Trump did. Instead he kept yelling fraud and pushing lies and he rallied his supporters to go stop the steal, which led to a tyrannical act on our capital.

It doesn’t get much more blatant than that.


Neither does you misconception of reality regarding what happened on Jan 6th.

Keep pushing those buttons though.
You're a hilarious read. Thanx
I don’t know what these people trying to point back at Dems are thinking.
These people need to live a Lie.

You must mean like the totally false lie that there is no basis to the election fraud when there are easily 88 different ways easily shown where they committed glaring fraud that you know which is why you all run from openly debating them!
I don’t know what these people trying to point back at Dems are thinking.
These people need to live a Lie.

You must mean like the totally false lie that there is no basis to the election fraud when there are easily 88 different ways easily shown where they committed glaring fraud that you know which is why you all run from openly debating them!
Who's running all evidence of election fraud has been proven to be fabricated and false.
The courts have ruled, election officials have ruled, AG Barr even ruled. There was no election fraud and there is no real evidence of fraud, and all claims of fraud are just fabricated out of thin air

This video debunks all you fake claims, and the guy is a republican:
Who's running all evidence of election fraud has been proven to be fabricated and false. The courts have ruled, election officials have ruled, AG Barr even ruled. There was no election fraud and there is no real evidence of fraud, and all claims of fraud are just fabricated out of thin air

GREAT! Then why don't you meet me in Structured Debate where you can easily disprove then all of my 88 definite cases of fraud!? I mean, you should be able to knock down my 88 examples of MASSIVE FRAUD with one arm tied behind your back, right?

When can we get started?
'Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution,' he Tweeted, at 2:24 pm...
AFTER knowing that Pence and his family had been evacuated by the rioters. He also knew full well that his mob of idiot supporters drunk on lies had stormed the Capitol.

Not only did Trump do absolutely nothing to try and stop his incited insurrection of retard supporters, he actually Tweeted disparaging remarks about Pence as he was being swept to safety.

There is just too much evidence to ignore. Trump is 100% guilty, add this to the mountain of evidence that proves his guilt.

On top of that Trump's attorney tried to lie about what Trump knew but GOP Sen from Ala Tubbervile verified that the call was made at 2:14. In addition, it was broadcast on all cable news stations at that time. Trump 100% knew. Its lie time for the sheep.

Reprehensible, disgusting, and awful.

Won't make a bit of difference though.

The republicans in the senate Are a bunch of cowardly weasels with a few complete whack-jobs thrown in for color commentary. They will not convict.
Trump knew Pence was in Danger and being Evacuated

Hey Bonker, still waiting to hear when you'll be ready to show me how all the legions of proof the election was stolen is all just some giant lie! Trump didn't have to know anything. What the media isn't telling you is that the VP is as protected as the POTUS is---- the moment there is the slightest threat to either of them at all, they are prepared to sweep Pence down stairs, into an elevator and into a secret underground room that's made to protect him from a nuclear bomb.

Pence was never under any danger at all, Boob.
When Trump makes claims that the election is stolen and can’t prove it in court, when he is told by state officials that the claims he is making are factually incorrect, then he knows better. Yet he continued pushing the lies. Those lies are why the mob rushed the capital. He had every opportunity to vet the fraud claims and challenge in court. He failed. Investigations happened, recounts happened, states certified, congress certified, at that point it is the presidents duty to concede and support the peaceful transfer of power. That’s not what Trump did. Instead he kept yelling fraud and pushing lies and he rallied his supporters to go stop the steal, which led to a tyrannical act on our capital.

It doesn’t get much more blatant than that.


Neither does you misconception of reality regarding what happened on Jan 6th.

Keep pushing those buttons though.
You're a hilarious read. Thanx
You made zero counter arguments in that weak reply. If you take issue with a point I made then make a counter argument. Otherwise you’re just wasting space.
I don’t know what these people trying to point back at Dems are thinking.
These people need to live a Lie.

You must mean like the totally false lie that there is no basis to the election fraud when there are easily 88 different ways easily shown where they committed glaring fraud that you know which is why you all run from openly debating them!
There is nothing to run from. These 88 cases of glaring fraud you mention could be used to challenge the results in court. Trump had an army of lawyers and millions of dollars raised to do so. He tried and he failed. The results were certified. It’s over.

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