Trump Lied About Parents Of Korean War Vets, Now He’s Lying About Returned Bodies

No other President especially Obama, has done this much to end the North Korean threat.

I think the leftwads are just green with envy.
What did the moron-in-chief do outside of fly all the way to Asia to kiss the fat despot's ass and salute his military commander? I'll tell you what, nothing.
No other President especially Obama, has done this much to end the North Korean threat.

I think the leftwads are just green with envy.
What did the moron-in-chief do outside of fly all the way to Asia to kiss the fat despot's ass and salute his military commander? I'll tell you what, nothing.

Better than anything Obama did. I will add: At least he didn't give the NORKS billions of dollars like the rapist Bill Clinton did.
No asswipe, I've never even had a cigarette in my mouth. i hate it. I'm an only child of parents who smoked and both died from it.In keeping with the topic, can you give the thousand excuses why trump lied about this when i presented the facts?
Oh, and if the shoe fits....well, you know the rest.

So you're not a truck driver? You talk like hash in a truck stop for 40 years did ya? BTW, Trump hasn't lied about anything.
Trump Lied About Parents Of Korean War Vets, Now He’s Lying About Returned Bodies

Having already invented “thousands” of parents who begged him to bring home the bodies of their Korean War veteran children, President Donald Trump is now inventing hundreds of such repatriations that haven’t actually happened.

The return of the remains of American service members who were killed in that war has become a major “victory” Trump likes to claim from his June 12 meeting in Singapore with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

“It was the last thing I asked,” he told a gathering of Nevada Republicans on Saturday. “I said, ‘Do you mind, would I be able to get the remains back of all those great heroes from so many years ago?’ And he said, ‘I will do that.’ And you probably read, they have already done 200 people. Which is so great.”

On Monday, Trump told a rally audience in South Carolina: “We’re getting the remains of our great heroes back.”

The only problem: No remains have yet been returned, and it is unclear when that might happen. “We have not yet physically received them,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, but said that he is “optimistic” it would take place “in the not-too-distant future.”

That explanation was not sufficient for Iraq War veteran Will Fischer, with the progressive veterans group VoteVets.

“It’s beyond the pale to lie about remains of fallen service persons already being returned, when they, in fact, haven’t been,” Fischer said. “Remains like these aren’t some prize, where you can make up some big fish stories. These are troops who died in war, and whose families have had no closure. He disrespected Gold Star families during the campaign, and he’s doing it now.”

Trump is soulless. Not figuratively, literally.

Take a moment and imagine Ronald Reagan doing such a thing. Or Obama. Or any president. It is so low and disgusting you'd think military people en masse would be outraged, that is if they cared about their fellow soldiers. We see one of them does, where are the others?
’ And he said, ‘I will do that.’ And you probably read, they have already done 200 people. Which is so great.”

On Monday, Trump told a rally audience in South Carolina: “We’re getting the remains of our great heroes back.”

Its in process. You're more than hysterical about the wording here. "They've already done 200 people" didn't mean that those bodies are NOW on American soil. And "We're getting the remains of our great heroes back" doesn't mean they are here.

Don't you have a Brazilian wax or something more important to do? Or does your outrage prevent you from normal hygiene?
Trump Lied About Parents Of Korean War Vets, Now He’s Lying About Returned Bodies

Having already invented “thousands” of parents who begged him to bring home the bodies of their Korean War veteran children, President Donald Trump is now inventing hundreds of such repatriations that haven’t actually happened.

The return of the remains of American service members who were killed in that war has become a major “victory” Trump likes to claim from his June 12 meeting in Singapore with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

“It was the last thing I asked,” he told a gathering of Nevada Republicans on Saturday. “I said, ‘Do you mind, would I be able to get the remains back of all those great heroes from so many years ago?’ And he said, ‘I will do that.’ And you probably read, they have already done 200 people. Which is so great.”

On Monday, Trump told a rally audience in South Carolina: “We’re getting the remains of our great heroes back.”

The only problem: No remains have yet been returned, and it is unclear when that might happen. “We have not yet physically received them,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, but said that he is “optimistic” it would take place “in the not-too-distant future.”

That explanation was not sufficient for Iraq War veteran Will Fischer, with the progressive veterans group VoteVets.

“It’s beyond the pale to lie about remains of fallen service persons already being returned, when they, in fact, haven’t been,” Fischer said. “Remains like these aren’t some prize, where you can make up some big fish stories. These are troops who died in war, and whose families have had no closure. He disrespected Gold Star families during the campaign, and he’s doing it now.”

WTF is wrong with you fricken clowns, did you expect this to happen overnight?
Return of US Korean War Vets' Remains Draws Nearer
Trump Lied About Parents Of Korean War Vets, Now He’s Lying About Returned Bodies

Having already invented “thousands” of parents who begged him to bring home the bodies of their Korean War veteran children, President Donald Trump is now inventing hundreds of such repatriations that haven’t actually happened.

The return of the remains of American service members who were killed in that war has become a major “victory” Trump likes to claim from his June 12 meeting in Singapore with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

“It was the last thing I asked,” he told a gathering of Nevada Republicans on Saturday. “I said, ‘Do you mind, would I be able to get the remains back of all those great heroes from so many years ago?’ And he said, ‘I will do that.’ And you probably read, they have already done 200 people. Which is so great.”

On Monday, Trump told a rally audience in South Carolina: “We’re getting the remains of our great heroes back.”

The only problem: No remains have yet been returned, and it is unclear when that might happen. “We have not yet physically received them,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, but said that he is “optimistic” it would take place “in the not-too-distant future.”

That explanation was not sufficient for Iraq War veteran Will Fischer, with the progressive veterans group VoteVets.

“It’s beyond the pale to lie about remains of fallen service persons already being returned, when they, in fact, haven’t been,” Fischer said. “Remains like these aren’t some prize, where you can make up some big fish stories. These are troops who died in war, and whose families have had no closure. He disrespected Gold Star families during the campaign, and he’s doing it now.”

WTF is wrong with you fricken clowns, did you expect this to happen overnight?
Return of US Korean War Vets' Remains Draws Nearer

WOW... Imagine that. REAL NEWS COVERAGE of the progress in returning war remains. Who would have thought stuff like that EVEN ACTUALLY existed.??? :rolleyes:

ALWAYS better to rip off another hysterical outrage thread based on nearly nothing before you RESEARCH THE ISSUE yourself.

He never lied, we did get remains back. You watch too much CNN. Right now they're being tested for DNA we don't know who's remains are who's. So much hate. Please keep hating. You're just giving the GOP more votes, You're losing voters in droves tired of the hate of the media and other leftists. It's time... Please, just #WalkAway.
Does the transvestite OP think the NKs have these remains sitting on a self ready to package up and ship? Probably does....multiple STDs from the bathhouses have taken their toll. For readers who actually give a shit, the remains will be located and brought across the border to SK for shipment home.
Is your inbred retarded ass not able to comprehend what you read? Too much meth and inbred jizz clogging up your tiny brain?

You just made the point again for me. You said, “the remains WILL BE located”. But Donald said they’ve already been located and returned. So, he’s lying. He’s using the remains of US service members to make himself look good. He’s a piece of shit. And you just open up and swallow his piss and ask for more.
’ And he said, ‘I will do that.’ And you probably read, they have already done 200 people. Which is so great.”

On Monday, Trump told a rally audience in South Carolina: “We’re getting the remains of our great heroes back.”

Its in process. You're more than hysterical about the wording here. "They've already done 200 people" didn't mean that those bodies are NOW on American soil. And "We're getting the remains of our great heroes back" doesn't mean they are here.

Don't you have a Brazilian wax or something more important to do? Or does your outrage prevent you from normal hygiene?
He already lied about thousands of parents (presumably in their second century of age) of Korean War vets begging him to bring back remains of their loved ones. Now he’s saying they’ve already been returned.

You can try to dance around and pretend he meant this or meant that, but the fact of the matter is he’s a fucking liar. It’s disgusting to see him try to take credit for something that hasn’t even taken place.

Make excuses for him, asshole. Insult me while you’re at it. I don’t give a shit. Now go fuck yourself, you sorry ass excuse for a “moderator”.

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Trump Lied About Parents Of Korean War Vets, Now He’s Lying About Returned Bodies

Having already invented “thousands” of parents who begged him to bring home the bodies of their Korean War veteran children, President Donald Trump is now inventing hundreds of such repatriations that haven’t actually happened.

The return of the remains of American service members who were killed in that war has become a major “victory” Trump likes to claim from his June 12 meeting in Singapore with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

“It was the last thing I asked,” he told a gathering of Nevada Republicans on Saturday. “I said, ‘Do you mind, would I be able to get the remains back of all those great heroes from so many years ago?’ And he said, ‘I will do that.’ And you probably read, they have already done 200 people. Which is so great.”

On Monday, Trump told a rally audience in South Carolina: “We’re getting the remains of our great heroes back.”

The only problem: No remains have yet been returned, and it is unclear when that might happen. “We have not yet physically received them,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, but said that he is “optimistic” it would take place “in the not-too-distant future.”

That explanation was not sufficient for Iraq War veteran Will Fischer, with the progressive veterans group VoteVets.

“It’s beyond the pale to lie about remains of fallen service persons already being returned, when they, in fact, haven’t been,” Fischer said. “Remains like these aren’t some prize, where you can make up some big fish stories. These are troops who died in war, and whose families have had no closure. He disrespected Gold Star families during the campaign, and he’s doing it now.”

WTF is wrong with you fricken clowns, did you expect this to happen overnight?
Return of US Korean War Vets' Remains Draws Nearer
Then that’s all he had to say. Instead he lies and acts like he personally took back remains in his carry-on
No asswipe, I've never even had a cigarette in my mouth. i hate it. I'm an only child of parents who smoked and both died from it.In keeping with the topic, can you give the thousand excuses why trump lied about this when i presented the facts?
Oh, and if the shoe fits....well, you know the rest.

So you're not a truck driver? You talk like hash in a truck stop for 40 years did ya? BTW, Trump hasn't lied about anything.

I retired from a major airline in the international rate dept. and I was one of three who was in charge of handling tasks that no one else in the company could do. Plus, I've seen a million times worse language than what I used here on this board, but you want to single me out because I'm female and called you trump cultists assholes. That really says more about you than it does me.
Trump Lied About Parents Of Korean War Vets, Now He’s Lying About Returned Bodies

Having already invented “thousands” of parents who begged him to bring home the bodies of their Korean War veteran children, President Donald Trump is now inventing hundreds of such repatriations that haven’t actually happened.

The return of the remains of American service members who were killed in that war has become a major “victory” Trump likes to claim from his June 12 meeting in Singapore with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

“It was the last thing I asked,” he told a gathering of Nevada Republicans on Saturday. “I said, ‘Do you mind, would I be able to get the remains back of all those great heroes from so many years ago?’ And he said, ‘I will do that.’ And you probably read, they have already done 200 people. Which is so great.”

On Monday, Trump told a rally audience in South Carolina: “We’re getting the remains of our great heroes back.”

The only problem: No remains have yet been returned, and it is unclear when that might happen. “We have not yet physically received them,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, but said that he is “optimistic” it would take place “in the not-too-distant future.”

That explanation was not sufficient for Iraq War veteran Will Fischer, with the progressive veterans group VoteVets.

“It’s beyond the pale to lie about remains of fallen service persons already being returned, when they, in fact, haven’t been,” Fischer said. “Remains like these aren’t some prize, where you can make up some big fish stories. These are troops who died in war, and whose families have had no closure. He disrespected Gold Star families during the campaign, and he’s doing it now.”

WTF is wrong with you fricken clowns, did you expect this to happen overnight?
Return of US Korean War Vets' Remains Draws Nearer
Then that’s all he had to say. Instead he lies and acts like he personally took back remains in his carry-on

I dunno, maybe he felt some people out there had a little more common sense.
Trump Lied About Parents Of Korean War Vets, Now He’s Lying About Returned Bodies

Having already invented “thousands” of parents who begged him to bring home the bodies of their Korean War veteran children, President Donald Trump is now inventing hundreds of such repatriations that haven’t actually happened.

The return of the remains of American service members who were killed in that war has become a major “victory” Trump likes to claim from his June 12 meeting in Singapore with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

“It was the last thing I asked,” he told a gathering of Nevada Republicans on Saturday. “I said, ‘Do you mind, would I be able to get the remains back of all those great heroes from so many years ago?’ And he said, ‘I will do that.’ And you probably read, they have already done 200 people. Which is so great.”

On Monday, Trump told a rally audience in South Carolina: “We’re getting the remains of our great heroes back.”

The only problem: No remains have yet been returned, and it is unclear when that might happen. “We have not yet physically received them,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, but said that he is “optimistic” it would take place “in the not-too-distant future.”

That explanation was not sufficient for Iraq War veteran Will Fischer, with the progressive veterans group VoteVets.

“It’s beyond the pale to lie about remains of fallen service persons already being returned, when they, in fact, haven’t been,” Fischer said. “Remains like these aren’t some prize, where you can make up some big fish stories. These are troops who died in war, and whose families have had no closure. He disrespected Gold Star families during the campaign, and he’s doing it now.”

WTF is wrong with you fricken clowns, did you expect this to happen overnight?
Return of US Korean War Vets' Remains Draws Nearer
Then that’s all he had to say. Instead he lies and acts like he personally took back remains in his carry-on

I dunno, maybe he felt some people out there had a little more common sense.
So, why do you keep making excuses for his lies?
Trump Lied About Parents Of Korean War Vets, Now He’s Lying About Returned Bodies

Having already invented “thousands” of parents who begged him to bring home the bodies of their Korean War veteran children, President Donald Trump is now inventing hundreds of such repatriations that haven’t actually happened.

The return of the remains of American service members who were killed in that war has become a major “victory” Trump likes to claim from his June 12 meeting in Singapore with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

“It was the last thing I asked,” he told a gathering of Nevada Republicans on Saturday. “I said, ‘Do you mind, would I be able to get the remains back of all those great heroes from so many years ago?’ And he said, ‘I will do that.’ And you probably read, they have already done 200 people. Which is so great.”

On Monday, Trump told a rally audience in South Carolina: “We’re getting the remains of our great heroes back.”

The only problem: No remains have yet been returned, and it is unclear when that might happen. “We have not yet physically received them,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, but said that he is “optimistic” it would take place “in the not-too-distant future.”

That explanation was not sufficient for Iraq War veteran Will Fischer, with the progressive veterans group VoteVets.

“It’s beyond the pale to lie about remains of fallen service persons already being returned, when they, in fact, haven’t been,” Fischer said. “Remains like these aren’t some prize, where you can make up some big fish stories. These are troops who died in war, and whose families have had no closure. He disrespected Gold Star families during the campaign, and he’s doing it now.”

WTF is wrong with you fricken clowns, did you expect this to happen overnight?
Return of US Korean War Vets' Remains Draws Nearer
Then that’s all he had to say. Instead he lies and acts like he personally took back remains in his carry-on

I dunno, maybe he felt some people out there had a little more common sense.
So, why do you keep making excuses for his lies?

And what lies did I make excuses for?
Now he’s saying they’ve already been returned.

No he didn't. And the REAL NEWS IS --- the process is proceeding actively and quickly. June 26th -- caskets will be delivered to the North for the remains. READ THE REAL NEWS.. Stop bawling your eyes out about not having the power in Washington.. Maybe keep your tribe from destroying themselves with all this embarrassing waste of time and energy..

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