trump loses again! Senate overrides Veto

Open SmartNews and read "Trump handed defeat as Congress overrides his defense bill veto" here:
To read it on the web, tap here: Trump Handed Defeat as Congress Overrides Defense Bill Veto

What a Loser trump is! His threats didn't make a difference. Poor Baby trump
You mr America hater will no doubt kill yourself when if trump as expected,invokes the insurrection act on Jan 6th which in the constitution allows the president to have a military tribunal court when the judges and the court system are corrupt and the judges are not even listening to the evidence. The framers of the constitution were smart and they could see the future where this could happen which is the case then you will be the poor baby. :iyfyus.jpg:

I have always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same so if trump does not use it,then I guess you will then have the last laugh because hewill have been playing all trump supporters and this is all a show.I don’t see that though because I don’t see trump conceding.the militsry is behind trump so enjoy your laugh while you still can.powell has said they have a major surprise in store that date they are not talking about that will shock the country.:iyfyus.jpg:
Wait a minute, if the judges and the court system are corrupt, then what good is a military tribunal? Didn't you just pull a circle jerk on yourself? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Well...alcoholism seems to be running rampant in the Repub members of USMB.
These folks have no relationship with critical thinking. I still can't get over how stupid this post is;

You mr America hater will no doubt kill yourself when if trump as expected,invokes the insurrection act on Jan 6th which in the constitution allows the president to have a military tribunal court when the judges and the court system are corrupt and the judges are not even listening to the evidence. The framers of the constitution were smart and they could see the future where this could happen which is the case then you will be the poor baby. :iyfyus.jpg:

He's talking about having a military Tribunal in a court, when the judges and the court system are corrupt. :auiqs.jpg:This is about as good as the Republicans calling the election process corrupt in Georgia, but telling everyone in their party to vote in the Senate runoff.

We could find enough material for an SNL skit on a daily basis with these clowns.
Open SmartNews and read "Trump handed defeat as Congress overrides his defense bill veto" here:
To read it on the web, tap here: Trump Handed Defeat as Congress Overrides Defense Bill Veto

What a Loser trump is! His threats didn't make a difference. Poor Baby trump
You mr America hater will no doubt kill yourself when if trump as expected,invokes the insurrection act on Jan 6th which in the constitution allows the president to have a military tribunal court when the judges and the court system are corrupt and the judges are not even listening to the evidence. The framers of the constitution were smart and they could see the future where this could happen which is the case then you will be the poor baby. :iyfyus.jpg:

I have always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same so if trump does not use it,then I guess you will then have the last laugh because hewill have been playing all trump supporters and this is all a show.I don’t see that though because I don’t see trump conceding.the militsry is behind trump so enjoy your laugh while you still can.powell has said they have a major surprise in store that date they are not talking about that will shock the country.:iyfyus.jpg:
Wait a minute, if the judges and the court system are corrupt, then what good is a military tribunal? Didn't you just pull a circle jerk on yourself? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

They are going to say the Veto is wrong now... Trump will tell them the Veto Override is unconstitutional next and they will back him...
Who knows what they will say now. They're a bunch of chickens with the head cut off. They are pathetic.
Open SmartNews and read "Trump handed defeat as Congress overrides his defense bill veto" here:
To read it on the web, tap here: Trump Handed Defeat as Congress Overrides Defense Bill Veto

What a Loser trump is! His threats didn't make a difference. Poor Baby trump
Glad to see you assholes finally expose yourselves as the military-industrial warmongering cocksuckers that most of us already knew that you were.
Open SmartNews and read "Trump handed defeat as Congress overrides his defense bill veto" here:
To read it on the web, tap here: Trump Handed Defeat as Congress Overrides Defense Bill Veto

What a Loser trump is! His threats didn't make a difference. Poor Baby trump
You mr America hater will no doubt kill yourself when if trump as expected,invokes the insurrection act on Jan 6th which in the constitution allows the president to have a military tribunal court when the judges and the court system are corrupt and the judges are not even listening to the evidence. The framers of the constitution were smart and they could see the future where this could happen which is the case then you will be the poor baby. :iyfyus.jpg:

I have always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same so if trump does not use it,then I guess you will then have the last laugh because hewill have been playing all trump supporters and this is all a show.I don’t see that though because I don’t see trump conceding.the militsry is behind trump so enjoy your laugh while you still can.powell has said they have a major surprise in store that date they are not talking about that will shock the country.:iyfyus.jpg:
Wait a minute, if the judges and the court system are corrupt, then what good is a military tribunal? Didn't you just pull a circle jerk on yourself? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Well...alcoholism seems to be running rampant in the Repub members of USMB.
These folks have no relationship with critical thinking. I still can't get over how stupid this post is;

You mr America hater will no doubt kill yourself when if trump as expected,invokes the insurrection act on Jan 6th which in the constitution allows the president to have a military tribunal court when the judges and the court system are corrupt and the judges are not even listening to the evidence. The framers of the constitution were smart and they could see the future where this could happen which is the case then you will be the poor baby. :iyfyus.jpg:

He's talking about having a military Tribunal in a court, when the judges and the court system are corrupt. :auiqs.jpg:This is about as good as the Republicans calling the election process corrupt in Georgia, but telling everyone in their party to vote in the Senate runoff.

We could find enough material for an SNL skit on a daily basis with these clowns.

I didn't even read it.....The Tower of Babble...
  • Funny
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Open SmartNews and read "Trump handed defeat as Congress overrides his defense bill veto" here:
To read it on the web, tap here: Trump Handed Defeat as Congress Overrides Defense Bill Veto

What a Loser trump is! His threats didn't make a difference. Poor Baby trump

Why do you think overriding this veto is a good thing for the country?

Or are you simply limited to basic brain processes that compute between two outcomes: Pro Trump = Bad, Against Trump = Good
There is no good Trump. It never existed.

I asked the TDS Lord, not you.
Open SmartNews and read "Trump handed defeat as Congress overrides his defense bill veto" here:
To read it on the web, tap here: Trump Handed Defeat as Congress Overrides Defense Bill Veto

What a Loser trump is! His threats didn't make a difference. Poor Baby trump

Why do you think overriding this veto is a good thing for the country?

Or are you simply limited to basic brain processes that compute between two outcomes: Pro Trump = Bad, Against Trump = Good
There is no good Trump. It never existed.

I asked the TDS Lord, not you.
Oh, okay! That would be the devil.
Could it be that Republicans are beginning to realize that trump is a little nuts? Many will now suffer his vengeance or threats....cause.....well, he is a Cowards and a Baby. The GOP needs to grow up and cut the apron strings of a man that will be out of office in 19 days. 19 days in which he will inflict as much damage on this country as possible.
I don't know that the portion of the party that adores the buffoon has changed much, yet. Remember they have their alternate universe media pounding on them hour after hour, day after day. Plus, now that Fox and Drudge are considered evil Hitler commies, their universe is beginning to shrink and get even MORE intense.

The fascinating things to watch will be (a) how long this lasts -- no doubt Trump will keep tweeting and his media will keep up the fantasies for as long as the ratings are good, and (b) how much success the normal Republicans have in getting the party back into reality.

Why do you think overriding this veto is a good thing for the country?

Or are you simply limited to basic brain processes that compute between two outcomes: Pro Trump = Bad, Against Trump = Good

If Trump was really that keen on overturning Section 230, he should have had his lackeys introduce that in a clean bill... then we could discuss it and determine it was a terrible idea.
What are they going to rename the forts now?

Fort Martin Luther Negro Jr?

Fort George Floyd?

Fort Muhammad Ali?

Fort Trayvon Martin?

Why not Fort Karl Marx? That is what the filthy ass Democrats and the weak minded RINOs really want, isn't it?
Setting up to be a great week. The blob gets destroyed by the GOP senate....and in 5 days, he officially gets his pink slip.

Yes..the most wonderful time of the year. The vile man named trump is near the edge. January 6th might push him over.....Get the 25th Amendment ready. Baby trump is about to lose it.
What are they going to rename the forts now?

Fort Martin Luther Negro Jr?

Fort George Floyd?

Fort Muhammad Ali?

Fort Trayvon Martin?

Why not Fort Karl Marx? That is what the filthy ass Democrats and the weak minded RINOs really want, isn't it?

You sound pretty miserable....sorry. Butt Hurt can be painful.
Open SmartNews and read "Trump handed defeat as Congress overrides his defense bill veto" here:
To read it on the web, tap here: Trump Handed Defeat as Congress Overrides Defense Bill Veto

What a Loser trump is! His threats didn't make a difference. Poor Baby trump
Poor Jim.
What are they going to rename the forts now?

Fort Martin Luther Negro Jr?

Fort George Floyd?

Fort Muhammad Ali?

Fort Trayvon Martin?

Why not Fort Karl Marx? That is what the filthy ass Democrats and the weak minded RINOs really want, isn't it?

You sound pretty miserable....sorry. Butt Hurt can be painful.

Since they named a goddamn Navy ship after a queer what in the hell do you think they will do to the Army forts? Maybe name one after the previous First "Lady" transsexual. Fort Michelle.

The naming of the Southern forts after the great Southern heroes was a part of post Civil War reconciliation. If anybody is butt hurt it is the stupid uneducated Moon Bats that don't know any more about History than they do Economics, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.
Why do you think overriding this veto is a good thing for the country?

Or are you simply limited to basic brain processes that compute between two outcomes: Pro Trump = Bad, Against Trump = Good

If Trump was really that keen on overturning Section 230, he should have had his lackeys introduce that in a clean bill... then we could discuss it and determine it was a terrible idea.

You mean like not grouping the COVID "stimulus" and debt ridden omnibus spending bill into one package to be voted on?
I didn't even read it.....The Tower of Babble...

Still waiting for you to explain to us how overriding this veto benefits the country, TDS Lord, or is that beyond your mental capacity?

I owe you Nothing. Your King has been defeated. Let it go. And seek medication for BDS. 2021 is gonna be a great year...compared to the year that trump Lied to the entire country and people died.

Happy New Year! BIDEN-HARRIS
Open SmartNews and read "Trump handed defeat as Congress overrides his defense bill veto" here:
To read it on the web, tap here: Trump Handed Defeat as Congress Overrides Defense Bill Veto

What a Loser trump is! His threats didn't make a difference. Poor Baby trump
Not necessarily. When Trump's victory is affirmed, he will teturn to making America Great, and everyone wins.

Poor Dumb Donald, not only was his veto overridden, his VP seeks to dismiss the lawsuit to overturn the results of the presidential election won by Joe Biden when Congress formally counts the Electoral College votes next week.
So you're saying it's in God's hands whether we get a dementia patient/former extortionist or the people's favorite, good guy President Trump. No brainer ! :woohoo:

I wrote nothing that anything is in "God's hands" and your attack on President-Elect is an echo of those who echo this same scurrilous attack on Biden's mental acuity. It is Donald Trump whose mental acuity is no longer in question for his behavior can be clearly discovered as pathological in the DSM 5.

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