trump makes shit up at his latest rally....

President Donald Trump touted several false claims during a GOP rally in Mississippi, including an attack on the media before insisting CNN turned off the live feed. CNN's Daniel Dale fact-checks the President's false claims.

Daniel Dale: Donald Trump's CNN claim at his Mississippi rally 'is fascinating to me' - CNN Video

The man can't help it....The lies come flowing from his lips..
He says stuff he knows will make his fans cheer. He doesn't care if it's true, they don't care if it's true.
Trump supporters BEG to be lied to. I can't imagine Trump has anything but utter contempt for them.

Eh, I'm not sure. In order to have contempt for the gullible you have to know you're lying. Rump seems to live in this mentally retarded state where Reality does not exist and you just make it up on the spot, so he would see his sycophants as being in the same psychosis. If you begin from a basis where there literally is no Reality, then "lying" is impossible. He lies to himself and it launches from there.
There are times when Trump is stupid/deluded and does not know he is lying. I agree.

But then there are many more times when Trump knows he is lying to the rubes.

Case in point:

Sort-of. But what my theory means is the process where he's asked "Did you know about X", most of us, if we lie, would think, "well yes I knew about X but I can't say that so I'll say no", and out comes the lie, and we know it's a lie. Whereas Rump in that moment thinks, "Ï knew about X, but that won't work here, therefore I didn't know about X" and from that moment believes that he didn't know about X, à la Doublethink. And of course that doesn't preclude subsequently having known about X and interacting with it, while seeing no conflict therein. Which is why I call it mental retardation. Again, Doublethink, the action of holding contradictory thoughts simultaneously while believing both of them, even though that's impossible.

Knew all about David Duke in 2000, "knew nothing" of David Duke in 2015. Another example.

In other words I'd be willing to bet that Rump could pass a lie detector test on his own bullshit. He could literally read his father's birth certificate indicating "Bronx" and then look up and say "my father was born in a very wonderful place in Germany", without getting why that won't fly. That's why he's bewildered when the UN laughs at him. He buys his own bullshit.

When Reality has no function, you can say whatever the fuck you want. It's yet another way to shirk responsibility for one's own actions. "When I say would I mean wouldn't". If you recall he even toyed with the idea of trying to say it wasn't his voice on the Access Hollywood bus tape, even though it was on audio AND video. Doesn't get much more divorced from Reality than that.
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no one wants to be left out, my friends!

that's why a coalition of random lonely people have formed a coalition in support of Trump. thats why Trump is so popular!
'trump makes shit up at his latest rally....'

So you are saying he pulled an 'Adam Schiff'?! :p

Relax, was all a 'Parody'.


President Donald Trump touted several false claims during a GOP rally in Mississippi, including an attack on the media before insisting CNN turned off the live feed. CNN's Daniel Dale fact-checks the President's false claims.

Daniel Dale: Donald Trump's CNN claim at his Mississippi rally 'is fascinating to me' - CNN Video

The man can't help it....The lies come flowing from his lips..
He says stuff he knows will make his fans cheer. He doesn't care if it's true, they don't care if it's true.
Trump supporters BEG to be lied to. I can't imagine Trump has anything but utter contempt for them.

Eh, I'm not sure. In order to have contempt for the gullible you have to know you're lying. Rump seems to live in this mentally retarded state where Reality does not exist and you just make it up on the spot, so he would see his sycophants as being in the same psychosis. If you begin from a basis where there literally is no Reality, then "lying" is impossible. He lies to himself and it launches from there.
There are times when Trump is stupid/deluded and does not know he is lying. I agree.

But then there are many more times when Trump knows he is lying to the rubes.

I'm just glad you and Pogo care so deeply about the truth. I can sleep better at night. Maybe you 'independents' can go beat people up or dox some people. The Truth must be enforced.
President Donald Trump touted several false claims during a GOP rally in Mississippi, including an attack on the media before insisting CNN turned off the live feed. CNN's Daniel Dale fact-checks the President's false claims.

Daniel Dale: Donald Trump's CNN claim at his Mississippi rally 'is fascinating to me' - CNN Video

The man can't help it....The lies come flowing from his lips..
He says stuff he knows will make his fans cheer. He doesn't care if it's true, they don't care if it's true.
Trump supporters BEG to be lied to. I can't imagine Trump has anything but utter contempt for them.

Eh, I'm not sure. In order to have contempt for the gullible you have to know you're lying. Rump seems to live in this mentally retarded state where Reality does not exist and you just make it up on the spot, so he would see his sycophants as being in the same psychosis. If you begin from a basis where there literally is no Reality, then "lying" is impossible. He lies to himself and it launches from there.
There are times when Trump is stupid/deluded and does not know he is lying. I agree.

But then there are many more times when Trump knows he is lying to the rubes.

Case in point:

Sort-of. But what my theory means is the process where he's asked "Did you know about X", most of us, if we lie, would think, "well yes I knew about X but I can't say that so I'll say no", and out comes the lie, and we know it's a lie. Whereas Rump in that moment thinks, "Ï knew about X, but that won't work here, therefore I didn't know about X" and from that moment believes that he didn't know about X, à la Doublethink. And of course that doesn't preclude subsequently having known about X and interacting with it, while seeing no conflict therein. Which is why I call it mental retardation. Again, Doublethink, the action of holding contradictory thoughts simultaneously while believing both of them, even though that's impossible.

Knew all about David Duke in 2000, "knew nothing" of David Duke in 2015. Another example.

In other words I'd be willing to bet that Rump could pass a lie detector test on his own bullshit. He could literally read his father's birth certificate indicating "Bronx" and then look up and say "my father was born in a very wonderful place in Germany", without getting why that won't fly. That's why he's bewildered when the UN laughs at him. He buys his own bullshit.

When Reality has no function, you can say whatever the fuck you want. It's yet another way to shirk responsibility for one's own actions. "When I say would I mean wouldn't". If you recall he even toyed with the idea of trying to say it wasn't his voice on the Access Hollywood bus tape, even though it was on audio AND video. Doesn't get much more divorced from Reality than that.

(Is it just me, but I enjoy this shit when otherwise rational people go insane when talking about their president)

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