trump makes shit up at his latest rally....

Loved the story Trump made up about capturing Al Baghdadi

He died whimpering and crying.....

How do you know it was a story that President Trump made up? What is the alternative history that al-Baghdadi's apologists are telling on this?
Seems nobody but Trump heard crying and whimpering......
Why would he lie?

The reason why liberal al-Baghdadi sympathizers would lie is to build up al-Baghdadi at the expense of Trump.

The true story, about the caliph whimpering,crying and crapping himself, is actually a point of positivity for Western Civilization. Makes Islam seem less desirable and heroic to prospective members
Trump loses all credibility on the capture when he makes up blatant lies

I haven't seen any actual EVIDENCE to show that the President misrepresented the whacking of al-Baghdadi at all. None of the men who were actually there have testified to the contrary. The only ones saying something different are the Islamic State sycophants in the Lame Stream Media.
Seems no one else who watched the video saw any crying and whimpering
That would be the Liar in Chief
How do you know it was a story that President Trump made up? What is the alternative history that al-Baghdadi's apologists are telling on this?
Seems nobody but Trump heard crying and whimpering......
Why would he lie?

The reason why liberal al-Baghdadi sympathizers would lie is to build up al-Baghdadi at the expense of Trump.

The true story, about the caliph whimpering,crying and crapping himself, is actually a point of positivity for Western Civilization. Makes Islam seem less desirable and heroic to prospective members
Trump loses all credibility on the capture when he makes up blatant lies

I haven't seen any actual EVIDENCE to show that the President misrepresented the whacking of al-Baghdadi at all. None of the men who were actually there have testified to the contrary. The only ones saying something different are the Islamic State sycophants in the Lame Stream Media.
Seems no one else who watched the video saw any crying and whimpering
That would be the Liar in Chief

Be knows his very gullible followers will believe his lie....So he confidently lies and walks away...knowing that he has a group of people following him who will believe any lie he tells...Most of these people see him as a celebrity.....but he is supposed to be president. He has done neither one very well....
How do you know it was a story that President Trump made up? What is the alternative history that al-Baghdadi's apologists are telling on this?
Seems nobody but Trump heard crying and whimpering......
Why would he lie?

The reason why liberal al-Baghdadi sympathizers would lie is to build up al-Baghdadi at the expense of Trump.

The true story, about the caliph whimpering,crying and crapping himself, is actually a point of positivity for Western Civilization. Makes Islam seem less desirable and heroic to prospective members
Trump loses all credibility on the capture when he makes up blatant lies

I haven't seen any actual EVIDENCE to show that the President misrepresented the whacking of al-Baghdadi at all. None of the men who were actually there have testified to the contrary. The only ones saying something different are the Islamic State sycophants in the Lame Stream Media.
Seems no one else who watched the video saw any crying and whimpering
That would be the Liar in Chief
Of course the democrat fabricators never expected that Trump spoke to the men who executed the mission and TOLD him.
Seems nobody but Trump heard crying and whimpering......
Why would he lie?

The reason why liberal al-Baghdadi sympathizers would lie is to build up al-Baghdadi at the expense of Trump.

The true story, about the caliph whimpering,crying and crapping himself, is actually a point of positivity for Western Civilization. Makes Islam seem less desirable and heroic to prospective members
Trump loses all credibility on the capture when he makes up blatant lies

I haven't seen any actual EVIDENCE to show that the President misrepresented the whacking of al-Baghdadi at all. None of the men who were actually there have testified to the contrary. The only ones saying something different are the Islamic State sycophants in the Lame Stream Media.
Seems no one else who watched the video saw any crying and whimpering
That would be the Liar in Chief
Of course the democrat fabricators never expected that Trump spoke to the men who executed the mission and TOLD him.

He made it up...."GET OVER IT!"
Lying is second nature to trump....It is like a game. He lies....his cult believes his HE LIES MORE!
He knows they have his back.

Just like the bully in fourth grade. He knows his group is with him no matter what.

And, ironically, he communicates and behaves at that level.
How does one that gets the beating everyday from a mob of democrats get called the bully?
Lying is second nature to trump....It is like a game. He lies....his cult believes his HE LIES MORE!
He knows they have his back.

Just like the bully in fourth grade. He knows his group is with him no matter what.

And, ironically, he communicates and behaves at that level.
How does one that gets the beating everyday from a mob of democrats get called the bully?
Awww. Poor Trump. He's just an innocent victim. He didn't do nuthin'. Just like the bully who gets in trouble with the teacher.

Another example my point. You guys are re-living grade school. You probably never left it.
Just think only 5 more yrs.
Better up your meds


Lying is second nature to trump....It is like a game. He lies....his cult believes his HE LIES MORE!
He knows they have his back.

Just like the bully in fourth grade. He knows his group is with him no matter what.

And, ironically, he communicates and behaves at that level.
How does one that gets the beating everyday from a mob of democrats get called the bully?
Awww. Poor Trump. He's just an innocent victim. He didn't do nuthin'. Just like the bully who gets in trouble with the teacher.

Another example my point. You guys are re-living grade school. You probably never left it.
Trump would say nothing to you if you didn’t attack him everyday .. learn your lesson you can’t beat him
Lying is second nature to trump....It is like a game. He lies....his cult believes his HE LIES MORE!
He knows they have his back.

Just like the bully in fourth grade. He knows his group is with him no matter what.

And, ironically, he communicates and behaves at that level.
How does one that gets the beating everyday from a mob of democrats get called the bully?
Awww. Poor Trump. He's just an innocent victim. He didn't do nuthin'. Just like the bully who gets in trouble with the teacher.

Another example my point. You guys are re-living grade school. You probably never left it.
Trump would say nothing to you if you didn’t attack him everyday .. learn your lesson you can’t beat him
And again.

You just can't help yourselves.
Seems nobody but Trump heard crying and whimpering......
Why would he lie?

The reason why liberal al-Baghdadi sympathizers would lie is to build up al-Baghdadi at the expense of Trump.

The true story, about the caliph whimpering,crying and crapping himself, is actually a point of positivity for Western Civilization. Makes Islam seem less desirable and heroic to prospective members
Trump loses all credibility on the capture when he makes up blatant lies

I haven't seen any actual EVIDENCE to show that the President misrepresented the whacking of al-Baghdadi at all. None of the men who were actually there have testified to the contrary. The only ones saying something different are the Islamic State sycophants in the Lame Stream Media.
Seems no one else who watched the video saw any crying and whimpering
That would be the Liar in Chief
Of course the democrat fabricators never expected that Trump spoke to the men who executed the mission and TOLD him.

None of the Generals spoke to the men who executed the mission?
President Donald Trump touted several false claims during a GOP rally in Mississippi, including an attack on the media before insisting CNN turned off the live feed. CNN's Daniel Dale fact-checks the President's false claims.

Daniel Dale: Donald Trump's CNN claim at his Mississippi rally 'is fascinating to me' - CNN Video

The man can't help it....The lies come flowing from his lips..

The article you linked to claimed that somebody from CNN "fact checked " the story. The problem with "fact checking", when used in politics, is that it is euphemism for a partisan witch hunt. There are no sites or news sources who fact check for the sake of creating an objective data base of facts, so fact checking does not mean checking for facts. Fact checking sites are sites that compile specific partisan data to be used for partisan purposes.

Regardless of what Trump said about the live feed, CNN ensures that Trump's agenda is hidden from their viewers.

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