Trump manipulating the market to whose benifit?

Furthermore, what does Trump know about the cost of military jets? NOTHING. Not a fucking thing. Who is he to declare that Locjkheed is screwing America? The man is nothing but a loud mouth blow hard.

Donald Trump is nothing but a con man who duped feeble minded America.

Actually you're clueless on what Trump may or may not have researched in the last few years when he was considering a run, or what some of these high powered military guys might have imparted. So run along and speculate elsewhere, this thread is a MASSIVE FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Furthermore, what does Trump know about the cost of military jets? NOTHING. Not a fucking thing. Who is he to declare that Locjkheed is screwing America? The man is nothing but a loud mouth blow hard.

Donald Trump is nothing but a con man who duped feeble minded America.

It doesn't take a expert on military procurement to recognize that America gets screwed on MOST of it's defense buying. It's been going on for a long time. Trump pointing it out might actually mean he intends to stop business as usual. Gee, think of more thousand dollar toilet seats and hundred dollar screwdrivers being billed to us taxpayers! Wouldn't that be nice for a change!
No, that is not what he said. He said that the costs were to high, not that they might be high & needs investigated.

Trump knows nothing about the program.

I have customers that would tell me every quote was high & they needed a lower price. After the first time, you just quote higher so you can discount to the original price. Trump is that type of buyer customer.
I'm sorry but Obama is no angel...look no further than the real estate deal he worked with Tony Rezko to get his mansion in Chicago for cheap.
Must be getting desperate to drag up that ridicuous, debunked story.
Barry destroys the health care market and creates a new one in his socialist. government-controlled image, and libs praise Barry.

Trump does the fiscally-responsible thing by challenging Boeing and Lockheed-Martin's bloated price-manipulation/control of military weapons and snowflakes freak over 'market manipulation'.

Although it will eventually get old, watching the libs hypocritically freak out for now is fun.
Still lying about governmet contropl of Healthcare while defending Trump's market manipulation.
Hillary's husband sat on a dot-com bubble that was about to burst while Enron was selling junk bonds and he pardoned the most notorious corporate criminal in history while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted list in exchange for about a million dollars "donated" to the Clinton personal account and yet the crazy left thinks Trump is "manipulating" the stock market.
Blah blah blah.

Trump DID manipulate the market. He knew that his tweet would cause Lockheed's stock to drop. That is manipulation the market.

So who is benefiting?

The Tony Rezko story was "debunked", Dave? Really? When did that happen? It is what it is. There was nothing illegal that took place but the real estate transactions that took place don't come close to passing the smell test. There is absolutely no reason in the world that someone would pay the amount that Rezko did for a basically useless piece of land unless it was part of a deal to lower the cost of another piece of real estate that was selling to someone else at a discounted price. You'd have to be naive to believe anything else.

The Obamas paid $30k less than asking price,. I guess you were stupid enough that you bought your home at list price & not a discount. There was nothing odd about it at all.
Trump tweeted about Lockheed Martin charging too much for the F35 costs too much. First of all, Trump is too stupid to know what is a fair cost or how these contracts work. Second, LM's stock plummets. Trump knew it would drop just like Boeing's dropped.

So who is making money on this? Whop is out there buy LM stock at these low numbers knowing it will go back up? Who did Trump tell that he was going to make this Tweet?
I smell a rat. A big Orange rat.
"It's always Russia....Russia.....Russia!!!"

Just think. One of Trump's kids, One of his cabinet picks, one of his friends are aught making money of of this and Trump is no longer President elect & is in jail.
'Perhaps this is why so many whiners are trying to protect El Cheeto.
"aught making money of of this"? Sounds like you're really upset that what your chocolate Jesus built will now be torn down. Sniff, too bad.

We will soon have people in charge that know money doesn't grow on government trees but has to be created. It's about goddamn time!
Everyone would like to know how Trump is manipulating the market??

The one and only thing he did was get elected and the market took the fuck off.

Guess the market is smarter than you lefty loons. LOL
I can't see how Trump is manipulating anything by expressing his and the public's sticker shock in regards to government spending. I have notion he's just playing off military jet and ship builders against each other. He'll re-build first what is most economical, properly placing the public's interest ahead of that of the stockholders. Who knows if it'll work but at least it's worth a try.
I'm sorry but Obama is no angel...look no further than the real estate deal he worked with Tony Rezko to get his mansion in Chicago for cheap.
Must be getting desperate to drag up that ridicuous, debunked story.
Barry destroys the health care market and creates a new one in his socialist. government-controlled image, and libs praise Barry.

Trump does the fiscally-responsible thing by challenging Boeing and Lockheed-Martin's bloated price-manipulation/control of military weapons and snowflakes freak over 'market manipulation'.

Although it will eventually get old, watching the libs hypocritically freak out for now is fun.
Still lying about governmet contropl of Healthcare while defending Trump's market manipulation.
Hillary's husband sat on a dot-com bubble that was about to burst while Enron was selling junk bonds and he pardoned the most notorious corporate criminal in history while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted list in exchange for about a million dollars "donated" to the Clinton personal account and yet the crazy left thinks Trump is "manipulating" the stock market.
Blah blah blah.

Trump DID manipulate the market. He knew that his tweet would cause Lockheed's stock to drop. That is manipulation the market.

So who is benefiting?

The Tony Rezko story was "debunked", Dave? Really? When did that happen? It is what it is. There was nothing illegal that took place but the real estate transactions that took place don't come close to passing the smell test. There is absolutely no reason in the world that someone would pay the amount that Rezko did for a basically useless piece of land unless it was part of a deal to lower the cost of another piece of real estate that was selling to someone else at a discounted price. You'd have to be naive to believe anything else.

The Obamas paid $30k less than asking price,. I guess you were stupid enough that you bought your home at list price & not a discount. There was nothing odd about it at all.

The Obama's paid $300,000 less than the asking price. The vacant lot that Rita Rezko (Tony's wife) purchased went for $125,000 more than the appraised value. Both properties were sold on the same day. You're right...there was nothing "odd" about it at was an obvious case of influence peddling between Rezko and Obama!

Get your facts straight, Dave!
Furthermore, what does Trump know about the cost of military jets? NOTHING. Not a fucking thing. Who is he to declare that Locjkheed is screwing America? The man is nothing but a loud mouth blow hard.

Donald Trump is nothing but a con man who duped feeble minded America.

It doesn't take a expert on military procurement to recognize that America gets screwed on MOST of it's defense buying. It's been going on for a long time. Trump pointing it out might actually mean he intends to stop business as usual. Gee, think of more thousand dollar toilet seats and hundred dollar screwdrivers being billed to us taxpayers! Wouldn't that be nice for a change!
No, that is not what he said. He said that the costs were to high, not that they might be high & needs investigated.

Trump knows nothing about the program.

I have customers that would tell me every quote was high & they needed a lower price. After the first time, you just quote higher so you can discount to the original price. Trump is that type of buyer customer.

Defense contractors quote higher because they know nobody in our Federal Government gives a shit about spending tax payer money...something that Trump correctly pointed out. As I said's amusing to watch liberals who constantly complained about Defense industry profits in the accusing Trump of doing something wrong because he accused a Defense contractor of charging too much!
Furthermore, what does Trump know about the cost of military jets? NOTHING. Not a fucking thing. Who is he to declare that Locjkheed is screwing America? The man is nothing but a loud mouth blow hard.

Donald Trump is nothing but a con man who duped feeble minded America.

It doesn't take a expert on military procurement to recognize that America gets screwed on MOST of it's defense buying. It's been going on for a long time. Trump pointing it out might actually mean he intends to stop business as usual. Gee, think of more thousand dollar toilet seats and hundred dollar screwdrivers being billed to us taxpayers! Wouldn't that be nice for a change!
No, that is not what he said. He said that the costs were to high, not that they might be high & needs investigated.

Trump knows nothing about the program.

I have customers that would tell me every quote was high & they needed a lower price. After the first time, you just quote higher so you can discount to the original price. Trump is that type of buyer customer.

Defense contractors quote higher because they know nobody in our Federal Government gives a shit about spending tax payer money...something that Trump correctly pointed out. As I said's amusing to watch liberals who constantly complained about Defense industry profits in the accusing Trump of doing something wrong because he accused a Defense contractor of charging too much!
Like you know shit about it. Jobs are put out to bid & the lowest approved bid wins. You'd vote higher & lose the jobs because you just aren't very bright.

Trump knew NOTHING, he insulted the manufacturer & called milittary personnel idiots (not the first time there), and called Congress dumbasses.
I'm sorry but Obama is no angel...look no further than the real estate deal he worked with Tony Rezko to get his mansion in Chicago for cheap.
Must be getting desperate to drag up that ridicuous, debunked story.
Barry destroys the health care market and creates a new one in his socialist. government-controlled image, and libs praise Barry.

Trump does the fiscally-responsible thing by challenging Boeing and Lockheed-Martin's bloated price-manipulation/control of military weapons and snowflakes freak over 'market manipulation'.

Although it will eventually get old, watching the libs hypocritically freak out for now is fun.
Still lying about governmet contropl of Healthcare while defending Trump's market manipulation.
Hillary's husband sat on a dot-com bubble that was about to burst while Enron was selling junk bonds and he pardoned the most notorious corporate criminal in history while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted list in exchange for about a million dollars "donated" to the Clinton personal account and yet the crazy left thinks Trump is "manipulating" the stock market.
Blah blah blah.

Trump DID manipulate the market. He knew that his tweet would cause Lockheed's stock to drop. That is manipulation the market.

So who is benefiting?

The Tony Rezko story was "debunked", Dave? Really? When did that happen? It is what it is. There was nothing illegal that took place but the real estate transactions that took place don't come close to passing the smell test. There is absolutely no reason in the world that someone would pay the amount that Rezko did for a basically useless piece of land unless it was part of a deal to lower the cost of another piece of real estate that was selling to someone else at a discounted price. You'd have to be naive to believe anything else.

The Obamas paid $30k less than asking price,. I guess you were stupid enough that you bought your home at list price & not a discount. There was nothing odd about it at all.

The Obama's paid $300,000 less than the asking price. The vacant lot that Rita Rezko (Tony's wife) purchased went for $125,000 more than the appraised value. Both properties were sold on the same day. You're right...there was nothing "odd" about it at was an obvious case of influence peddling between Rezko and Obama!

Get your facts straight, Dave!
Yes, it was $300K on a house they bought for 1.65 million. It was the highest bid the sellers received. (a 15% under asking price...I paid 12% under asking price for mine. I guess you paid list price.

That vacant land that was bought by Resko's wife (around $650K), 2 years after she sold a slice to Obama, it was sold for 1.5 million so the vacant lot was hardly overpriced.

It should also be noted that Obama was friends with Resko when he had a good reputation . After Resko did bad things, Obama no longer was friends with him.

So, asshat, tell me what favors did a Ill Senate gave to a local contractor. Politifact said you are lying.
Everyone would like to know how Trump is manipulating the market??

The one and only thing he did was get elected and the market took the fuck off.

Guess the market is smarter than you lefty loons. LOL

He tweets against Boeing & Boeing's stock tumbles.

He tweets against Lockheed & their stock tumbles.

But hey, stick your head in the sand & pretend not to see it.
Furthermore, what does Trump know about the cost of military jets? NOTHING. Not a fucking thing. Who is he to declare that Locjkheed is screwing America? The man is nothing but a loud mouth blow hard.

Donald Trump is nothing but a con man who duped feeble minded America.

Actually you're clueless on what Trump may or may not have researched in the last few years when he was considering a run, or what some of these high powered military guys might have imparted. So run along and speculate elsewhere, this thread is a MASSIVE FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He researched which women to grope. You know damn well he did not research shit about anything other than jhow much he can make by running for President & now that he won, how much he can stick in his pockets.
Everyone would like to know how Trump is manipulating the market??

The one and only thing he did was get elected and the market took the fuck off.

Guess the market is smarter than you lefty loons. LOL

He tweets against Boeing & Boeing's stock tumbles.

He tweets against Lockheed & their stock tumbles.

But hey, stick your head in the sand & pretend not to see it.

Excuse me while I stand over her and LMAO

I'm sure Trump will be surprised to learn that his tweets control the market. I know everyone else is surprise to learn that.

You have to be the only idiot on the planet that believes that. Take your head out of your ass.

Bottom line is you still can't believe Trump won and Hillary lost. Grow the fuck up you idiot.
Last edited:
Everyone would like to know how Trump is manipulating the market??

The one and only thing he did was get elected and the market took the fuck off.

Guess the market is smarter than you lefty loons. LOL

He tweets against Boeing & Boeing's stock tumbles.

He tweets against Lockheed & their stock tumbles.

But hey, stick your head in the sand & pretend not to see it.

Excuse me while I stand over her and LMAO

I'm sure Trump will be surprised to learn that his tweets control the market. I know everyone else is surprise to learn that.

You have to be the only idiot on the planet that believes that. Take your head out of your ass.

Bottom line is you still can't believe Trump won and Hillary lost. Grow the fuck up you idiot.

His tweets had an effect on the market because it will be President & those tweets indicate what he plans on doing.
He knows exactly what he is doing. He is threatening corporations. He is causing stocks values to drop[ at least short term.
Furthermore, what does Trump know about the cost of military jets? NOTHING. Not a fucking thing. Who is he to declare that Locjkheed is screwing America? The man is nothing but a loud mouth blow hard.

Donald Trump is nothing but a con man who duped feeble minded America.

Actually you're clueless on what Trump may or may not have researched in the last few years when he was considering a run, or what some of these high powered military guys might have imparted. So run along and speculate elsewhere, this thread is a MASSIVE FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He researched which women to grope. You know damn well he did not research shit about anything other than jhow much he can make by running for President & now that he won, how much he can stick in his pockets.

:itsok: :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Furthermore, what does Trump know about the cost of military jets? NOTHING. Not a fucking thing. Who is he to declare that Locjkheed is screwing America? The man is nothing but a loud mouth blow hard.

Donald Trump is nothing but a con man who duped feeble minded America.

It doesn't take a expert on military procurement to recognize that America gets screwed on MOST of it's defense buying. It's been going on for a long time. Trump pointing it out might actually mean he intends to stop business as usual. Gee, think of more thousand dollar toilet seats and hundred dollar screwdrivers being billed to us taxpayers! Wouldn't that be nice for a change!
No, that is not what he said. He said that the costs were to high, not that they might be high & needs investigated.

Trump knows nothing about the program.

I have customers that would tell me every quote was high & they needed a lower price. After the first time, you just quote higher so you can discount to the original price. Trump is that type of buyer customer.

Defense contractors quote higher because they know nobody in our Federal Government gives a shit about spending tax payer money...something that Trump correctly pointed out. As I said's amusing to watch liberals who constantly complained about Defense industry profits in the accusing Trump of doing something wrong because he accused a Defense contractor of charging too much!
Like you know shit about it. Jobs are put out to bid & the lowest approved bid wins. You'd vote higher & lose the jobs because you just aren't very bright.

Trump knew NOTHING, he insulted the manufacturer & called milittary personnel idiots (not the first time there), and called Congress dumbasses.

So let me get this straight...time after time Congressional investigations into the military procurement system reveal cost overruns but Trump knows nothing because...he says costs are too high? Not for nothing, Dave...but from where I'm sitting the real "dumb ass" here would seem to be you!
I notice you don't want to talk about Tony Rezko and Barack Obama's little real estate "deal" anymore, Dave! What happened? Oh, let me actually looked into it and realized that I was spot on and that it was YOU that was clueless?

I'm starting to see a pattern here, Dave...and it's not a good one for you.
I'm sorry but Obama is no angel...look no further than the real estate deal he worked with Tony Rezko to get his mansion in Chicago for cheap.
Must be getting desperate to drag up that ridicuous, debunked story.
Barry destroys the health care market and creates a new one in his socialist. government-controlled image, and libs praise Barry.

Trump does the fiscally-responsible thing by challenging Boeing and Lockheed-Martin's bloated price-manipulation/control of military weapons and snowflakes freak over 'market manipulation'.

Although it will eventually get old, watching the libs hypocritically freak out for now is fun.
Still lying about governmet contropl of Healthcare while defending Trump's market manipulation.
Hillary's husband sat on a dot-com bubble that was about to burst while Enron was selling junk bonds and he pardoned the most notorious corporate criminal in history while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted list in exchange for about a million dollars "donated" to the Clinton personal account and yet the crazy left thinks Trump is "manipulating" the stock market.
Blah blah blah.

Trump DID manipulate the market. He knew that his tweet would cause Lockheed's stock to drop. That is manipulation the market.

So who is benefiting?

The Tony Rezko story was "debunked", Dave? Really? When did that happen? It is what it is. There was nothing illegal that took place but the real estate transactions that took place don't come close to passing the smell test. There is absolutely no reason in the world that someone would pay the amount that Rezko did for a basically useless piece of land unless it was part of a deal to lower the cost of another piece of real estate that was selling to someone else at a discounted price. You'd have to be naive to believe anything else.

The Obamas paid $30k less than asking price,. I guess you were stupid enough that you bought your home at list price & not a discount. There was nothing odd about it at all.

The Obama's paid $300,000 less than the asking price. The vacant lot that Rita Rezko (Tony's wife) purchased went for $125,000 more than the appraised value. Both properties were sold on the same day. You're right...there was nothing "odd" about it at was an obvious case of influence peddling between Rezko and Obama!

Get your facts straight, Dave!
Yes, it was $300K on a house they bought for 1.65 million. It was the highest bid the sellers received. (a 15% under asking price...I paid 12% under asking price for mine. I guess you paid list price.

That vacant land that was bought by Resko's wife (around $650K), 2 years after she sold a slice to Obama, it was sold for 1.5 million so the vacant lot was hardly overpriced.

It should also be noted that Obama was friends with Resko when he had a good reputation . After Resko did bad things, Obama no longer was friends with him.

So, asshat, tell me what favors did a Ill Senate gave to a local contractor. Politifact said you are lying.

The sellers were stipulating that the house and the vacant lot be sold at the same time but the Obama's couldn't afford to buy both the lot and the house. Amazingly the wife of Tony Rezko decides to buy the vacant lot on the very same day that the Obama's buy the house and she pays full price for a vacant lot that was never developed and the Obama's pay 300,000 less than the asking price for the house! Now the Obama's would like you to believe that this was simply a "coincidence" and nothing was planned or orchestrated by Tony Rezko. The Realtor that sold the properties states that she can't remember who approached her first about the deal. Anyone out there in cyber land that has friends in the Real Estate biz who buy that story? What favors did Barry do for Tony? None. But that's because shortly thereafter Rezko was sent to prison for influence peddling forcing Obama to donate huge amounts of Rezko donations made to his campaign to charity because the stench coming off Rezko was becoming too toxic for his Senate run. So, "ass hat" tell me you're naive enough to believe the bullshit that Obama was putting out about his house buy!
Must be getting desperate to drag up that ridicuous, debunked story.
Still lying about governmet contropl of Healthcare while defending Trump's market manipulation.
Blah blah blah.

Trump DID manipulate the market. He knew that his tweet would cause Lockheed's stock to drop. That is manipulation the market.

So who is benefiting?

The Tony Rezko story was "debunked", Dave? Really? When did that happen? It is what it is. There was nothing illegal that took place but the real estate transactions that took place don't come close to passing the smell test. There is absolutely no reason in the world that someone would pay the amount that Rezko did for a basically useless piece of land unless it was part of a deal to lower the cost of another piece of real estate that was selling to someone else at a discounted price. You'd have to be naive to believe anything else.

The Obamas paid $30k less than asking price,. I guess you were stupid enough that you bought your home at list price & not a discount. There was nothing odd about it at all.

The Obama's paid $300,000 less than the asking price. The vacant lot that Rita Rezko (Tony's wife) purchased went for $125,000 more than the appraised value. Both properties were sold on the same day. You're right...there was nothing "odd" about it at was an obvious case of influence peddling between Rezko and Obama!

Get your facts straight, Dave!
Yes, it was $300K on a house they bought for 1.65 million. It was the highest bid the sellers received. (a 15% under asking price...I paid 12% under asking price for mine. I guess you paid list price.

That vacant land that was bought by Resko's wife (around $650K), 2 years after she sold a slice to Obama, it was sold for 1.5 million so the vacant lot was hardly overpriced.

It should also be noted that Obama was friends with Resko when he had a good reputation . After Resko did bad things, Obama no longer was friends with him.

So, asshat, tell me what favors did a Ill Senate gave to a local contractor. Politifact said you are lying.

The sellers were stipulating that the house and the vacant lot be sold at the same time but the Obama's couldn't afford to buy both the lot and the house. Amazingly the wife of Tony Rezko decides to buy the vacant lot on the very same day that the Obama's buy the house and she pays full price for a vacant lot that was never developed and the Obama's pay 300,000 less than the asking price for the house! Now the Obama's would like you to believe that this was simply a "coincidence" and nothing was planned or orchestrated by Tony Rezko. The Realtor that sold the properties states that she can't remember who approached her first about the deal. Anyone out there in cyber land that has friends in the Real Estate biz who buy that story? What favors did Barry do for Tony? None. But that's because shortly thereafter Rezko was sent to prison for influence peddling forcing Obama to donate huge amounts of Rezko donations made to his campaign to charity because the stench coming off Rezko was becoming too toxic for his Senate run. So, "ass hat" tell me you're naive enough to believe the bullshit that Obama was putting out about his house buy!

LMAO Well ya gotta know by now that any Dem who does what anyone would consider dishonest or shady is forgiven.

If Douchebag were a Rep they would all be wanting him hung from the nearest tree.

Realasshole just can't accept the fact that Hillary lost and Trump won.

He, like the rest of the lefty loons, on this board will use any excuse to try to make Trump look bad.

They all should grow the fuck up. Assholes one and all.

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