Trump Melts Down Bigly On Truth Social As Republican Vultures Circle The Wreckage

We are not circling but I’m not going to cripple myself for Trump. Last night 2 or 3 of we Republicans mused on that some.
Trump's a con man.

But the Orange Cult are just too snowflake to recognize it because they've wrapped their emotional being and a lot of money into him. Trump sees his rube base as suckers to soak for his own wealth.
I still want to know how he got them in the first place, and how the attraction was so freaking intense and consuming. This guy, of all people. I remember very early on, how they would say he was a brilliant, honest, patriotic Christian man. I've been trying to figure this out from that moment on.

Looking forward to the sociological studies on this period.
The term "woke" is a right wing, weaponized term.

What you call "woke" is a code speak for "It's ok to discriminate against people who don't look like, think like, or act like me". "It's ok to deny people basic respect and dignity".

Just as you leftist vermin use:

White Supremacist
Domestic Terrorist
Election Denier
Rube, Redneck, Hillbilly, et al

What you call any of those things is code speak for "We democriminals are losing and scared shitless".
We lost the Senate?


The red flip of the House stands at 7 seats. Hardly the 40-50 republics claimed.

We are not obsessed with race or use it for a weapon.
" Woke " happens to be a fitting word or term in describing
a political calling.It basically means to " Wake up " and
act different from normal.Or " aware " as BLM used to
benefit their Crooked narrative.Woke has been around in
other forms like the word " fly " and "OMG ".
In reality the word is little more than a way to ply
a political agenda.Not reality,but actually the opposite of
reality.In effect an experiment.
" In politics experiments mean revolutions "
-- Benjamin Disraeli { Earl of Beaconsfield }
Yes....Fetterman won! :clap: :clap: The fat loser's candidate LOST.
Yeah! I can seed dat now.But how.Like at a summer Carny where
at the gaming booths those appearing Rich and well-dressed tend
to lose.Like how obvious.And kids with dirty faces and shoddy clothes
WiN.The reason I know is about 25 years ago I had an argument
with some lug who worked a Carny.It was late summer.He explained
his take.That he just as soon allow a rich guy to Win every time
as commit hara kiri on himself.meaning do all he could to make sure
the Rich guy loses.And Kids with dirty faces and scruffy clothes
make sure and win.Man did that dumb lug tick me off.I wanted
to pull a Clark Gable and start pushin' him around and force him
to put his hands up and fight.But I dint.But I could have.
I believe in being Fair and above board.The American way.
They can't legally call a election until it's mathematically impossible for the Person in the lead to lose. If it's mathematically possible for the lead to change With enough votes then the election can't be called. There are technically enough votes that the lead could change, depending on who the remaining ballots are for
Which is why I think you'll see him go 3rd party if he runs in 204 and can't get the nomination.
Agreed. Here's the question for all those folks who are jumping on the DeSantis bandwagon now that they've figured out what a loser Trump is. Can DeSantis withstand the kind of attack Trump is going to launch at him? Can Ron win an election outside of FL with Humpty Dumpty siphoning off 25% of Repub voters? Not a chance.

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