Trump mocking the disabled is nothing compared to what he said about US combat troops.




This is something Republicans simply can't deny.

"I like people who weren't captured."

This is a man who fled the country to avoid serving the United States. Someone who said he knows more than the Generals. A man who we know accepts an unknown number of millions of dollars from Putin's Russia.

"I like people who weren't captured."

How many Republicans had a relative that was captured or knows someone who was captured? Do you dislike them because they were captured?

In spite of all the other things he's said, to me, this is the single worst thing. The fact that Republicans see this man as a role model for their children confirms my worst suspicions about the current members of the Republican Party. These people do not mean anything good for the United States. How can they when they support someone who says this about American Patriotic soldiers who were captured, many times injured and even tortured while serving the best interests of the United States of America.
No one in america really gives a fuck, around 1% serve in the military these days, everyone else heads to the mall. It's just an excuse to squal and hiss.
Isn't it amazing that the military supported Trump 2 to 1 over Hillary? Just ties your panties in a knot doesn't it? The more threads you make, the more ignorant you appear.

This is something Republicans simply can't deny.

"I like people who weren't captured."

This is a man who fled the country to avoid serving the United States. Someone who said he knows more than the Generals. A man who we know accepts an unknown number of millions of dollars from Putin's Russia.

"I like people who weren't captured."

How many Republicans had a relative that was captured or knows someone who was captured? Do you dislike them because they were captured?

In spite of all the other things he's said, to me, this is the single worst thing. The fact that Republicans see this man as a role model for their children confirms my worst suspicions about the current members of the Republican Party. These people do not mean anything good for the United States. How can they when they support someone who says this about American Patriotic soldiers who were captured, many times injured and even tortured while serving the best interests of the United States of America.

/---- Hillary horror! 'Get those fucking retards out of here'
Read more at Hillary horror! ‘Get those f-ing retards out of here’
Those are said to be the infamous words of Hillary Clinton – also known as Arkansas’ “Mother of the Year” in 1984 – when Hillary reportedly grew frustrated that handicapped children weren’t collecting their Easter eggs quickly enough on the lawn of the Arkansas governor’s mansion.

“[T]he children were having a wonderful time. But they were having a v-e-r-y, v-e-r-y, v-e-r-y s-l-o-w time of finding and picking up the Easter eggs,” wrote Dolly Kyle – a childhood sweetheart of Bill Clinton who had a 33-year relationship with him – in her new book, “Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir.”

This is something Republicans simply can't deny.

"I like people who weren't captured."

This is a man who fled the country to avoid serving the United States. Someone who said he knows more than the Generals. A man who we know accepts an unknown number of millions of dollars from Putin's Russia.

"I like people who weren't captured."

How many Republicans had a relative that was captured or knows someone who was captured? Do you dislike them because they were captured?

In spite of all the other things he's said, to me, this is the single worst thing. The fact that Republicans see this man as a role model for their children confirms my worst suspicions about the current members of the Republican Party. These people do not mean anything good for the United States. How can they when they support someone who says this about American Patriotic soldiers who were captured, many times injured and even tortured while serving the best interests of the United States of America.

The John McCain BS was spewed first by the democrats during his campaign against Obama. Funny how liberals had no problem with it then.

But then they like to whine about a lot of things they things do first.

This is something Republicans simply can't deny.

"I like people who weren't captured."

This is a man who fled the country to avoid serving the United States. Someone who said he knows more than the Generals. A man who we know accepts an unknown number of millions of dollars from Putin's Russia.

"I like people who weren't captured."

How many Republicans had a relative that was captured or knows someone who was captured? Do you dislike them because they were captured?

In spite of all the other things he's said, to me, this is the single worst thing. The fact that Republicans see this man as a role model for their children confirms my worst suspicions about the current members of the Republican Party. These people do not mean anything good for the United States. How can they when they support someone who says this about American Patriotic soldiers who were captured, many times injured and even tortured while serving the best interests of the United States of America.

/---- Hillary horror! 'Get those fucking retards out of here'
Read more at Hillary horror! ‘Get those f-ing retards out of here’
Those are said to be the infamous words of Hillary Clinton – also known as Arkansas’ “Mother of the Year” in 1984 – when Hillary reportedly grew frustrated that handicapped children weren’t collecting their Easter eggs quickly enough on the lawn of the Arkansas governor’s mansion.

“[T]he children were having a wonderful time. But they were having a v-e-r-y, v-e-r-y, v-e-r-y s-l-o-w time of finding and picking up the Easter eggs,” wrote Dolly Kyle – a childhood sweetheart of Bill Clinton who had a 33-year relationship with him – in her new book, “Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir.”


So I click on your link. It's WND. One of the biggest homes of fake news. I posted this pic from the top of their home page.

And then in comments, I posted "Thank God Trump never cheated on any of his many wives". I wonder how long it will last before they delete it?

This is something Republicans simply can't deny.

"I like people who weren't captured."

This is a man who fled the country to avoid serving the United States. Someone who said he knows more than the Generals. A man who we know accepts an unknown number of millions of dollars from Putin's Russia.

"I like people who weren't captured."

How many Republicans had a relative that was captured or knows someone who was captured? Do you dislike them because they were captured?

In spite of all the other things he's said, to me, this is the single worst thing. The fact that Republicans see this man as a role model for their children confirms my worst suspicions about the current members of the Republican Party. These people do not mean anything good for the United States. How can they when they support someone who says this about American Patriotic soldiers who were captured, many times injured and even tortured while serving the best interests of the United States of America.

The John McCain BS was spewed first by the democrats during his campaign against Obama. Funny how liberals had no problem with it then.

But then they like to whine about a lot of things they things do first.

Forget John McCain. Trump said "people". Clearly, his comment wasn't limited to John McCain.

And about John McCain. You know that even though he disobeyed orders and was shot down, it was what he did after he was captured that people consider him a hero. When there was a negotiated release of McCain, because his father was an admiral, he refused to leave until his fellow captive were released first.

You know with Trump, it's always "me first". That is something he never would have done even if he hadn't fled the country to avoid serving.

"I like people who weren't captured". Only Republicans can read that statement and see nothing wrong. Only Republicans.
Isn't it amazing that the military supported Trump 2 to 1 over Hillary? Just ties your panties in a knot doesn't it? The more threads you make, the more ignorant you appear.
It truly is sad. Too bad the media pretty much ignored what Trump said about POW's. I've talked to other veterans who had no idea Trump ever said that.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

It's a pity you agree with Trump about American POW's. A real pity.

This is something Republicans simply can't deny.

"I like people who weren't captured."

This is a man who fled the country to avoid serving the United States. Someone who said he knows more than the Generals. A man who we know accepts an unknown number of millions of dollars from Putin's Russia.

"I like people who weren't captured."

How many Republicans had a relative that was captured or knows someone who was captured? Do you dislike them because they were captured?

In spite of all the other things he's said, to me, this is the single worst thing. The fact that Republicans see this man as a role model for their children confirms my worst suspicions about the current members of the Republican Party. These people do not mean anything good for the United States. How can they when they support someone who says this about American Patriotic soldiers who were captured, many times injured and even tortured while serving the best interests of the United States of America.

You have no new stuff to spread? Really sad.
Go keep praising your Baghdadi friend, who enjoys the company of Islamist terrorists.


This is something Republicans simply can't deny.

"I like people who weren't captured."

This is a man who fled the country to avoid serving the United States. Someone who said he knows more than the Generals. A man who we know accepts an unknown number of millions of dollars from Putin's Russia.

"I like people who weren't captured."

How many Republicans had a relative that was captured or knows someone who was captured? Do you dislike them because they were captured?

In spite of all the other things he's said, to me, this is the single worst thing. The fact that Republicans see this man as a role model for their children confirms my worst suspicions about the current members of the Republican Party. These people do not mean anything good for the United States. How can they when they support someone who says this about American Patriotic soldiers who were captured, many times injured and even tortured while serving the best interests of the United States of America.

The John McCain BS was spewed first by the democrats during his campaign against Obama. Funny how liberals had no problem with it then.

But then they like to whine about a lot of things they things do first.

Forget John McCain. Trump said "people". Clearly, his comment wasn't limited to John McCain.

And about John McCain. You know that even though he disobeyed orders and was shot down, it was what he did after he was captured that people consider him a hero. When there was a negotiated release of McCain, because his father was an admiral, he refused to leave until his fellow captive were released first.

You know with Trump, it's always "me first". That is something he never would have done even if he hadn't fled the country to avoid serving.

"I like people who weren't captured". Only Republicans can read that statement and see nothing wrong. Only Republicans.

And liberals have attacked others POW's such as Jessica Lynch....which means they really don't give a shit about POW's unless they can use them to prop up their fake political points.

This is something Republicans simply can't deny.

"I like people who weren't captured."

This is a man who fled the country to avoid serving the United States. Someone who said he knows more than the Generals. A man who we know accepts an unknown number of millions of dollars from Putin's Russia.

"I like people who weren't captured."

How many Republicans had a relative that was captured or knows someone who was captured? Do you dislike them because they were captured?

In spite of all the other things he's said, to me, this is the single worst thing. The fact that Republicans see this man as a role model for their children confirms my worst suspicions about the current members of the Republican Party. These people do not mean anything good for the United States. How can they when they support someone who says this about American Patriotic soldiers who were captured, many times injured and even tortured while serving the best interests of the United States of America.

The John McCain BS was spewed first by the democrats during his campaign against Obama. Funny how liberals had no problem with it then.

But then they like to whine about a lot of things they things do first.

Forget John McCain. Trump said "people". Clearly, his comment wasn't limited to John McCain.

And about John McCain. You know that even though he disobeyed orders and was shot down, it was what he did after he was captured that people consider him a hero. When there was a negotiated release of McCain, because his father was an admiral, he refused to leave until his fellow captive were released first.

You know with Trump, it's always "me first". That is something he never would have done even if he hadn't fled the country to avoid serving.

"I like people who weren't captured". Only Republicans can read that statement and see nothing wrong. Only Republicans.

And liberals have attacked others POW's such as Jessica Lynch....which means they really don't give a shit about POW's unless they can use them to prop up their fake political points.

I don't know what you are talking about.
Isn't it amazing that the military supported Trump 2 to 1 over Hillary? Just ties your panties in a knot doesn't it? The more threads you make, the more ignorant you appear.
Those military who supported Drumplethinskin have no self least enough to say "hell no!" To His disgusting comment. Wager they will soon learn just how little the new CinC values them.

This is something Republicans simply can't deny.

"I like people who weren't captured."

This is a man who fled the country to avoid serving the United States. Someone who said he knows more than the Generals. A man who we know accepts an unknown number of millions of dollars from Putin's Russia.

"I like people who weren't captured."

How many Republicans had a relative that was captured or knows someone who was captured? Do you dislike them because they were captured?

In spite of all the other things he's said, to me, this is the single worst thing. The fact that Republicans see this man as a role model for their children confirms my worst suspicions about the current members of the Republican Party. These people do not mean anything good for the United States. How can they when they support someone who says this about American Patriotic soldiers who were captured, many times injured and even tortured while serving the best interests of the United States of America.

The John McCain BS was spewed first by the democrats during his campaign against Obama. Funny how liberals had no problem with it then.

But then they like to whine about a lot of things they things do first.

Forget John McCain. Trump said "people". Clearly, his comment wasn't limited to John McCain.

And about John McCain. You know that even though he disobeyed orders and was shot down, it was what he did after he was captured that people consider him a hero. When there was a negotiated release of McCain, because his father was an admiral, he refused to leave until his fellow captive were released first.

You know with Trump, it's always "me first". That is something he never would have done even if he hadn't fled the country to avoid serving.

"I like people who weren't captured". Only Republicans can read that statement and see nothing wrong. Only Republicans.

And liberals have attacked others POW's such as Jessica Lynch....which means they really don't give a shit about POW's unless they can use them to prop up their fake political points.

Who attacked Jessica Lynch?....Name names.
Isn't it amazing that the military supported Trump 2 to 1 over Hillary? Just ties your panties in a knot doesn't it? The more threads you make, the more ignorant you appear.

It's cause trump promised to throw money at them. No different than the border patrol . Buying votes.
Isn't it amazing that the military supported Trump 2 to 1 over Hillary? Just ties your panties in a knot doesn't it? The more threads you make, the more ignorant you appear.
It truly is sad. Too bad the media pretty much ignored what Trump said about POW's. I've talked to other veterans who had no idea Trump ever said that.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

It's a pity you agree with Trump about American POW's. A real pity.

What is a pity is the fact that the military supported Trump 2 to 1 over Hillary and you can't understand why. That makes you stupid. But no, I was never a prisoner of war. Most of us were taught to not accept capture by the enemy.
Isn't it amazing that the military supported Trump 2 to 1 over Hillary? Just ties your panties in a knot doesn't it? The more threads you make, the more ignorant you appear.

It's cause trump promised to throw money at them. No different than the border patrol . Buying votes.

Yes, he did promise to rebuild the military, restore our respect on the world stage, and to provide some decent healthcare to the veterans. That makes him a bad President in your eyes, Timmy? Your hatred for the men and women of our military is well documented on the board.
Isn't it amazing that the military supported Trump 2 to 1 over Hillary? Just ties your panties in a knot doesn't it? The more threads you make, the more ignorant you appear.
Those military who supported Drumplethinskin have no self least enough to say "hell no!" To His disgusting comment. Wager they will soon learn just how little the new CinC values them.

Indeed they will soon learn and you will look like the idiot you really are.
What's with the lie about mocking a disabled reporter? We know it's a flat out fabrication yet you left wing loons keep hammering down on it.

Oh and when did Trump get money from Russia? Another lie.

Here's a truth for you rdean. Hillary accepted millions on record from multiple foreign countries.

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