Trump: My first 100 days have been the most successful in American history


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
i'm not surprised he said that!

He has played more golf than any President in history
Also sent the most tweets
i'm not surprised he said that!


Gotta say, I LOVE that meme.

In real life, he's fat, doughy, globs of so much fat he can't even close his jacket and tries to hide it with that ridiculous red tie.

Commie though?

Anyway, very funny. I often think you might be writing satirically and ^^^that^^^ qualifies!
He has played more golf than any President in history
Also sent the most tweets

Yeah. All that golf and he's still a fatso.

More than $35K fees just for Secret Sevice to rent golf carts to ride around and watch him play golf. Embarrassing for them and pisses me off that trump gets away with so many different types of pay for play.

But, he's a Repub so its okay that he's also a crook.
We certainly have proof of mental illness now.
Trump must believe his supporters are compete idiots. Do they know nothing about American History?

In his first 100 days in 1933, at the depths of the Great Depression, Roosevelt signed 15 major bills, rescuing the banking system, winding down Prohibition, slashing the budget, regulating Wall Street for the first time, limiting foreclosures, raising disastrously low crop prices, enacting bank deposit insurance and putting 250,000 young men to work through the Civilian Conservation Corps, which eventually employed 3 million Americans. Finally, Roosevelt signed the National Industrial Recovery Act, which reshaped every aspect of the American economy (though not always for the better). The country came out of its coma psychologically. All in a hundred days.

In fact, according to the American people, every president since Roosevelt has had a more successful debut than Trump. The latest Gallup Poll shows Trump’s approval rating at 40 percent, the only president with the support of less than half of the public at this point in his term.

Opinion | Trump says his first 100 days have been a historic success. History disagrees.
As President, Trump has had the most pep rallies
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i'm not surprised he said that!


We are so proud of him. The democrats are obstructionist. Our President wants to fix healthcare and the democrats won't help. They want to keep the failing Obamacare even as insurance exchanges are folding every day. Screw 100 days, we're looking forward to 8 years.
We certainly have proof of mental illness now.
Trump must believe his supporters are compete idiots. Do they know nothing about American History?

In his first 100 days in 1933, at the depths of the Great Depression, Roosevelt signed 15 major bills, rescuing the banking system, winding down Prohibition, slashing the budget, regulating Wall Street for the first time, limiting foreclosures, raising disastrously low crop prices, enacting bank deposit insurance and putting 250,000 young men to work through the Civilian Conservation Corps, which eventually employed 3 million Americans. Finally, Roosevelt signed the National Industrial Recovery Act, which reshaped every aspect of the American economy (though not always for the better). The country came out of its coma psychologically. All in a hundred days.

In fact, according to the American people, every president since Roosevelt has had a more successful debut than Trump. The latest Gallup Poll shows Trump’s approval rating at 40 percent, the only president with the support of less than half of the public at this point in his term.

Opinion | Trump says his first 100 days have been a historic success. History disagrees.
It's laughable you hold up Roosevelt as doing something great.
i'm not surprised he said that!


We are so proud of him. The democrats are obstructionist. Our President wants to fix healthcare and the democrats won't help. They want to keep the failing Obamacare even as insurance exchanges are folding every day. Screw 100 days, we're looking forward to 8 years.

LOL The orange clown will be lucky to make 2 years. How can the Dems obstruct the clown? The GOP has the House, the Senate, and the Executive. That they and the clown can get nothing done rests squarely on their shoulders.
We certainly have proof of mental illness now.
Trump must believe his supporters are compete idiots. Do they know nothing about American History?

In his first 100 days in 1933, at the depths of the Great Depression, Roosevelt signed 15 major bills, rescuing the banking system, winding down Prohibition, slashing the budget, regulating Wall Street for the first time, limiting foreclosures, raising disastrously low crop prices, enacting bank deposit insurance and putting 250,000 young men to work through the Civilian Conservation Corps, which eventually employed 3 million Americans. Finally, Roosevelt signed the National Industrial Recovery Act, which reshaped every aspect of the American economy (though not always for the better). The country came out of its coma psychologically. All in a hundred days.

In fact, according to the American people, every president since Roosevelt has had a more successful debut than Trump. The latest Gallup Poll shows Trump’s approval rating at 40 percent, the only president with the support of less than half of the public at this point in his term.

Opinion | Trump says his first 100 days have been a historic success. History disagrees.
It's laughable you hold up Roosevelt as doing something great.
For sure, FDR was one of the great Presidents. That you 'Conservatives' continue to try to rewrite history simply demonstrates that you like to lie as much as the clown does.
i'm not surprised he said that!


We are so proud of him. The democrats are obstructionist. Our President wants to fix healthcare and the democrats won't help. They want to keep the failing Obamacare even as insurance exchanges are folding every day. Screw 100 days, we're looking forward to 8 years.

Fix healthcare?

Show me something better and I will support it....Deal?
i'm not surprised he said that!


I'm not surprised, either.
Remember when....was it only three or four months ago?....when a statement like that from him caused people to sit up in their chairs, jump to their Twitter accounts, grumble over coffee in the diner, while the pundits raced to collect the facts to dispute his grandiose claims?
So long ago, now. Now we just roll our eyes or say yeah, sure, and move on. Nothing new here. He's like the homeless man who wanders here shouting at no one and occasionally stops to give a vehicle in the parking lot a good ass chewing.
Nuts. The guy is either nuts, or a bag of wind, a bullshit artist who doesn't even care that it's obviously bullshit. Maybe this is how you sell a multi-million dollar real estate property, but it doesn't work with us. Sorry, but at this point, no one even cares anymore what he says. Even his "Presidential" pronouncements are subject to change within a week, so what's the sense in listening to anything the man says.
"President Trump's successes are unmatched in recent presidential history" - Lou Dobbs
Trump's 1st 100 days: Illegal border crossings way down, Muslim visa app's way down, gov regulations gone, Gorsuch in... Pretty darn good.

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