trump no longer moral leader of the free world

Top rights body: Trump no longer ‘moral leader of free world’

But....then....he never was and never wanted to be. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.

For that matter he never was a leader of any kind. Trump is a coward by the very definition of the word.

He is a bully who mocks the disabled....praises murderers and dictators....and pulls breast feeding babies from their mothers..Then the pervert probably take a bite for himself...

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that while wearing your Che t-shirt. You fucking hypocrites are hilarious.


You can't deny everything I said is true. He is a Jerk....who seems o find pleasure in insulting anyone who disagrees with him. He is nothing more than a carnival barker who is surrounded by racist who are whispering in his ear.

The man is in this game to:
-enrich himself even more
-assure America stay white
-.Undo everything Obama did
-Pay back Putin for helping him get elected.

He is disposable. The Repubs know he is a clown but they are afraid of him. We have a mob boss in the Oval Office.

Pesky facts....they do cause a problem. The Authoritarian loving trump cares little about the plight of the poor in the world.

He just wants to be "president for life."

do you have any evidence of either of those idiotic claims? they do fit Obama, however.

If you have nothing but BS talking points to contribute to this forum, its best if you leave. We already have our quota of idiots.
Top rights body: Trump no longer ‘moral leader of free world’

But....then....he never was and never wanted to be. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.

For that matter he never was a leader of any kind. Trump is a coward by the very definition of the word.

He is a bully who mocks the disabled....praises murderers and dictators....and pulls breast feeding babies from their mothers..Then the pervert probably take a bite for himself...

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that while wearing your Che t-shirt. You fucking hypocrites are hilarious.


You can't deny everything I said is true. He is a Jerk....who seems o find pleasure in insulting anyone who disagrees with him. He is nothing more than a carnival barker who is surrounded by racist who are whispering in his ear.

The man is in this game to:
-enrich himself even more
-assure America stay white
-.Undo everything Obama did
-Pay back Putin for helping him get elected.

He is disposable. The Repubs know he is a clown but they are afraid of him. We have a mob boss in the Oval Office.

nothing in your post is true. You are either a complete moron, or you are totally brainwashed with left wing indoctrination
Top rights body: Trump no longer ‘moral leader of free world’

But....then....he never was and never wanted to be. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
I don't think anyone has ever been "the moral leader of the free world".

There was a time when we proudly carried the torch of freedom around this rock.

We had plenty of followers too

But any altruism can be corrupted ,coerced, crash & burn

This is no one person or pols fault, the onus of guilt rests upon all of us that followed it down the road to perdition into mammons rathole

Of course it’s true.

Trump is morally bankrupt; he’s completely devoid of ethics.

He became president not to facilitate sound, responsible governance and beneficial public policy; he became president to destroy all that President Obama accomplished, to promote an agenda of fear and hostility toward minorities and immigrants, and to pander to the grievances of ignorant, frightened white conservatives – grievances completely devoid of merit, predicated on the errant, wrongheaded perception that ‘white culture’ was ‘under siege.’

well, I see that you have all of the left wing BS talking points rolled up in one idiotic post.

but let me counter some of the BS

1. lowest unemployment rate in 20 years
2. lowest black unemployment rate in history
3. lowest Hispanic unemployment rate in history
4. surging stock market
5. lowered taxes on everyone that pays taxes
6. consumer confidence is all time highs
7. dialog opened with north korea
8. fixing bad trade deals
9. businesses returning to the USA and build new factories
10. enforcing immigration laws
11. Gave his entire salary to charity
12. Beat crooked Hillary

and none of this has anything to do with "white culture" or racism. Every US citizen has benefitted from his policies, especially minorities.

I understand that you are so filled with hate that you cannot see the truth. What exactly has created all that hate? Seriously? Do you even know?
Top rights body: Trump no longer ‘moral leader of free world’

But....then....he never was and never wanted to be. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
I don't think anyone has ever been "the moral leader of the free world".

There was a time when we proudly carried the torch of freedom around this rock.

We had plenty of followers too

But any altruism can be corrupted ,coerced, crash & burn

This is no one person or pols fault, the onus of guilt rests upon all of us that followed it down the road to perdition into mammons rathole


that hasn't changed. Its the reason that so many people want to come to this country. sorry, but your rhetoric doesn't pass the smell test.

Pesky facts....they do cause a problem. The Authoritarian loving trump cares little about the plight of the poor in the world.

He just wants to be "president for life."

do you have any evidence of either of those idiotic claims? they do fit Obama, however.

If you have nothing but BS talking points to contribute to this forum, its best if you leave. We already have our quota of idiots.

Have a grownup read the article to you....
From a little boy....the spoiled Donald trump has been a bully....who finds joy in the misery of others. Now he has matched himself with the ultra racist Steve Miller. They are on a mission to Make America White Again....these people are scum....they are in it to enrich themselves....period.
but let me counter some of the BS

1. lowest unemployment rate in 20 years
2. lowest black unemployment rate in history
3. lowest Hispanic unemployment rate in history
4. surging stock market
5. lowered taxes on everyone that pays taxes
6. consumer confidence is all time highs
7. dialog opened with north korea
8. fixing bad trade deals
9. businesses returning to the USA and build new factories
10. enforcing immigration laws
11. Gave his entire salary to charity
12. Beat crooked Hillar

All feel good mental masturbation Red

Sorry, but i'm in for the long run

They are now in the process of conquering areas they only dreamed of before.


Well why don't you go to Canada or Europe and bad mouth Muslims and see what happens. Report back to us with the results.

But....the same goes for Jews. Buddhists, too. You really have no clue what you are talking about, or what any of those laws say, do you?

Funny, you don't see any news reports about anything but muslims.


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