Trump officially declared a racist

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That you donā€™t understand is the problem.

Trump represents the modern racist, racism that makes no reference to color and hides behind the faƧade of rightwing sophistry, conservative siege mentality, and the lie that white culture is ā€˜under attackā€™ by ā€˜foreignersā€™ and ā€˜outsiders.ā€™

It is in fact racism just as heinous and insidious as the overt racism of the past.

Perhaps this will help you understand:

ā€˜The chanting was disturbing and the anger was frightening, but what I noticed most about the presidentā€™s rally in Greenville, N.C., on Wednesday night was the pleasure of the crowd.

His voters and supporters were having fun. The ā€œSend her backā€ chant directed at Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota was hateful but also exuberant, an expression of racist contempt and a celebration of shared values.

This dynamic wasnā€™t unique to the event. Itā€™s been a part of Trumpā€™s rallies since 2015. Both he and his crowds work from a template. He rants and spins hate-filled tirades; they revel in the transgressive atmosphere. The chants are their mutual release. Sometimes he basks in them.

To watch raucous crowds of (mostly) white Americans unite in frenzied hatred of a black woman ā€” to watch them cast her as a cancer on the body politic and a threat to a racialized social order ā€” is to see the worst of our past play out in modern form.ā€™

The Joy of Hatred

Typical leftist hypocrite. You're worried that Trump followers are disgusted by this Omar clown (if that's even her real name) but not by the support she receives from Democrat followers.

If she is investigated, found to be a fraud, and violated many of our laws, I bet the Democrats will still stand behind this hate filled anti-Semite right until she ends up in a prison cell, and perhaps even afterwards.
"I bet the Democrats will still stand behind this <blah, blah, blah>"


Yes folks, that was actually projected by a Donald "I Could Shoot Someone On 5th Avenue And Not Lose Any Supporters" Trump supporter.
What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Charges for not leaving the hotel were dropped.

When was the last time you said anything good about America or our President?

And what flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Again, the charges were dropped. Why is that such a hard pill for you to swallow?
So, the House Circus is wasting time more worried voting about Trump tweets about Congresswomen hating America... rather than not vote on fixing the immigration crisis?

It's obvious that Trump is the one who hates America. He had no regard for any of our nation's founding principles.
What is it about AMERICA FIRST don't you comprehend dumbass?

Did you ever try to think about about what the expansion of the universe means? The universe expands from every point into all directions. This means when you change the position in the universe, then you will see always the same: an expanding universe. You are in the middle and the universe expands. If you'll fly through the universe, then you are in every single moment also always in the middle. You should not think god is an idiot. For him is the USA "only" one center, one first point, one middle. But it exists in reality a nearly endless number of first points. That's by the way a reason why we are able to make a time travel into all pasts of the universe. God made everything transparent. We are able to find out what's going on. If not today, then tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. If ... The universe never forgets anything.

Oh by the way. Time for the USA to close the concentration camp Guantanamo. A civilized first nation should not act like a criminal organisation.


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Typical leftist hypocrite. You're worried that Trump followers are disgusted by this Omar clown (if that's even her real name) but not by the support she receives from Democrat followers.

If she is investigated, found to be a fraud, and violated many of our laws, I bet the Democrats will still stand behind this hate filled anti-Semite right until she ends up in a prison cell, and perhaps even afterwards.
"I bet the Democrats will still stand behind this <blah, blah, blah>"


Yes folks, that was actually projected by a Donald "I Could Shoot Someone On 5th Avenue And Not Lose Any Supporters" Trump supporter.
What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Charges for not leaving the hotel were dropped.

When was the last time you said anything good about America or our President?

And what flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Again, the charges were dropped. Why is that such a hard pill for you to swallow?
When are you going to accept the results of the election and the results of The Mueller Report.

We already know you swallow.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

"I bet the Democrats will still stand behind this <blah, blah, blah>"


Yes folks, that was actually projected by a Donald "I Could Shoot Someone On 5th Avenue And Not Lose Any Supporters" Trump supporter.
What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Charges for not leaving the hotel were dropped.

When was the last time you said anything good about America or our President?

And what flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Again, the charges were dropped. Why is that such a hard pill for you to swallow?
When are you going to accept the results of the election and the results of The Mueller Report.

We already know you swallow.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

I can't help you're too rightarded to comprehend I accepted those results.
What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Charges for not leaving the hotel were dropped.

When was the last time you said anything good about America or our President?

And what flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Again, the charges were dropped. Why is that such a hard pill for you to swallow?
When are you going to accept the results of the election and the results of The Mueller Report.

We already know you swallow.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

I can't help you're too rightarded to comprehend I accepted those results.

Would you marry your brother?

She would.


What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

When are you going to start praising President Trump for how good he has been to you?

So you accept that Mueller and his team of partisan hacks could not frame the president with collusion?

Charges for not leaving the hotel were dropped.

When was the last time you said anything good about America or our President?

And what flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Again, the charges were dropped. Why is that such a hard pill for you to swallow?
When are you going to accept the results of the election and the results of The Mueller Report.

We already know you swallow.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

I can't help you're too rightarded to comprehend I accepted those results.

Would you marry your brother?

She would.


What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

When are you going to start praising President Trump for how good he has been to you?

So you accept that Mueller and his team of partisan hacks could not frame the president with collusion?
There's no evidence she married her brother but I have no doubt you would.
So, the House Circus is wasting time more worried voting about Trump tweets about Congresswomen hating America... rather than not vote on fixing the immigration crisis?

It's obvious that Trump is the one who hates America. He had no regard for any of our nation's founding principles.
What is it about AMERICA FIRST don't you comprehend dumbass?

Did you ever try to think about about what the expansion of the universe means? The universe expands from every point into all directions. This means when you change the position in the universe, then you will see always the same: an expanding universe. You are in the middle and the universe expands. If you'll fly through the universe, then you are in every single moment also always in the middle. You should not think god is an idiot. For him is the USA "only" one center, one first point, one middle. But it exists in reality a nearly endless number of first points. That's by the way a reason why we are able to make a time travel into all pasts of the universe. God made everything transparent. We are able to find out what's going on. If not today, then tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. If ... The universe never forgets anything.

Oh by the way. Time for the USA to close the concentration camp Guantanamo. A civilized first nation should not act like a criminal organisation.


It would be better to just execute terrorists than jail them. But since we have a bunch of metrosexual softies in this country, we should build more prisons instead.
When was the last time you said anything good about America or our President?

And what flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Again, the charges were dropped. Why is that such a hard pill for you to swallow?
When are you going to accept the results of the election and the results of The Mueller Report.

We already know you swallow.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

I can't help you're too rightarded to comprehend I accepted those results.

Would you marry your brother?

She would.


What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

When are you going to start praising President Trump for how good he has been to you?

So you accept that Mueller and his team of partisan hacks could not frame the president with collusion?
There's no evidence she married her brother but I have no doubt you would.

There is no evidence of Russian Collusion, except for Obama and Clinton's. Yet you refuse to believe The Mueller Report or accept the results of the election.

She married her brother and he boned her every night.

That gave birth to you.

Official School Records Support Claims That Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Married Her Brother

TEN YEARS AGO TODAY: Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Marries Her Biological Brother from Somalia
Again, the charges were dropped. Why is that such a hard pill for you to swallow?
When are you going to accept the results of the election and the results of The Mueller Report.

We already know you swallow.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

I can't help you're too rightarded to comprehend I accepted those results.

Would you marry your brother?

She would.


What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

When are you going to start praising President Trump for how good he has been to you?

So you accept that Mueller and his team of partisan hacks could not frame the president with collusion?
There's no evidence she married her brother but I have no doubt you would.

There is no evidence of Russian Collusion, except for Obama and Clinton's. Yet you refuse to believe The Mueller Report or accept the results of the election.

She married her brother and he boned her every night.

They gave birth to you.
I see you still can't comprehend I accepted Mueller's findings. I also see you're still obsessing over her and her brother despite there being no proof.

Thanks for proving you're just another deranged rightie.
I'll try to male this as clear as possible:

Trump may be a "racist", but that is by inclusion. Trump despises all humans. He is a malignant narcissist and sociopath that shows sign of psycopathy. To a mentally ill person like Trump, people are objects whose value is determined by what they contribute to his self perceptions and the very public dog and pony show that only serves to do the same. Even his family are just prized possessions, their worth determined by what they add to his own perception of worth.

The result is that Trump is amoral and devoid of any ethics. If he thinks blowing the racist dog whistle will get him some applause and attention, that is what he will do (with Stephen Miller feeding him the material). To call him "racist" is to grant him a depth of thought and emotion that simply does not exist in a mentally ill person such as him.

brothers and sisters: i come to you in the interest of healing our nation through honest but blunt talk. i will make you squirm in your seat in discomfort before pointing a way to relief.

i do not do so from a standpoint of arrogance, of being above the fray, pointing the finger without an awareness of my own frailty, my own suffering and need for salvation.

i must nevertheless prophesy, not because i'm perfect, but because i'm called.

God stood in my way when i tried to write anything, and, everything, except what i offer you now.

this is written to you my friends, because i feel led by the Spirit to preach to you.

here's the truth: yes, Trump's a racist, but we are called by God to RESPECT him as a fellow human being
God also said thou shalt not bear false witness

Exactly. That's one reason to fight against Trump for many other people of the USA. He's a specialist in throwing dirty sticky defamations against everyone and everything. And his spitlickers repeat this nonsense, as if they would read what he says in a holy book. A very insane form of possessive political propaganda. He lies like a professional machine gun liar. Intentionally and unwitting - both, I guess. To be a defamator and liar seems to be a kind of second nature of him - and not only of him.

Oh by the way: Thank you, Bruce Springsteen. Thank you very much.
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I'll try to male this as clear as possible:

Trump may be a "racist", but that is by inclusion. Trump despises all humans. He is a malignant narcissist and sociopath that shows sign of psycopathy. To a mentally ill person like Trump, people are objects whose value is determined by what they contribute to his self perceptions and the very public dog and pony show that only serves to do the same. Even his family are just prized possessions, their worth determined by what they add to his own perception of worth.

The result is that Trump is amoral and devoid of any ethics. If he thinks blowing the racist dog whistle will get him some applause and attention, that is what he will do (with Stephen Miller feeding him the material). To call him "racist" is to grant him a depth of thought and emotion that simply does not exist in a mentally ill person such as him.

brothers and sisters: i come to you in the interest of healing our nation through honest but blunt talk. i will make you squirm in your seat in discomfort before pointing a way to relief.

i do not do so from a standpoint of arrogance, of being above the fray, pointing the finger without an awareness of my own frailty, my own suffering and need for salvation.

i must nevertheless prophesy, not because i'm perfect, but because i'm called.

God stood in my way when i tried to write anything, and, everything, except what i offer you now.

this is written to you my friends, because i feel led by the Spirit to preach to you.

here's the truth: yes, Trump's a racist, but we are called by God to RESPECT him as a fellow human being
God also said thou shalt not bear false witness

Exactly. That's one reason to fight against Trump for many other people of the USA. He's a specialist in throwing dirty sticky defamations against everyeone and everything. He lies like a professional machine gun liar.

Go back to where you came from.
When are you going to accept the results of the election and the results of The Mueller Report.

We already know you swallow.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

I can't help you're too rightarded to comprehend I accepted those results.

Would you marry your brother?

She would.


What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

When are you going to start praising President Trump for how good he has been to you?

So you accept that Mueller and his team of partisan hacks could not frame the president with collusion?
There's no evidence she married her brother but I have no doubt you would.

There is no evidence of Russian Collusion, except for Obama and Clinton's. Yet you refuse to believe The Mueller Report or accept the results of the election.

She married her brother and he boned her every night.

They gave birth to you.
I see you still can't comprehend I accepted Mueller's findings. I also see you're still obsessing over her and her brother despite there being no proof.

Thanks for proving you're just another deranged rightie.

It's Omar that obsesses over her brother's cock and you obsess over Trump.

Both of you are deranged inbred boneheads.
I can't help you're too rightarded to comprehend I accepted those results.

Would you marry your brother?

She would.


What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

When are you going to start praising President Trump for how good he has been to you?

So you accept that Mueller and his team of partisan hacks could not frame the president with collusion?
There's no evidence she married her brother but I have no doubt you would.

There is no evidence of Russian Collusion, except for Obama and Clinton's. Yet you refuse to believe The Mueller Report or accept the results of the election.

She married her brother and he boned her every night.

They gave birth to you.
I see you still can't comprehend I accepted Mueller's findings. I also see you're still obsessing over her and her brother despite there being no proof.

Thanks for proving you're just another deranged rightie.

It's Omar that obsesses over her brother's cock and you obsess over Trump.

Both of you are deranged inbred boneheads.
No, it's actually you obsessing over it. Notice you're the one who brought it up and you're the one who can't stop thinking about it and posting about it.
Would you marry your brother?

She would.


What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

When are you going to start praising President Trump for how good he has been to you?

So you accept that Mueller and his team of partisan hacks could not frame the president with collusion?
There's no evidence she married her brother but I have no doubt you would.

There is no evidence of Russian Collusion, except for Obama and Clinton's. Yet you refuse to believe The Mueller Report or accept the results of the election.

She married her brother and he boned her every night.

They gave birth to you.
I see you still can't comprehend I accepted Mueller's findings. I also see you're still obsessing over her and her brother despite there being no proof.

Thanks for proving you're just another deranged rightie.

It's Omar that obsesses over her brother's cock and you obsess over Trump.

Both of you are deranged inbred boneheads.
No, it's actually you obsessing over it. Notice you're the one who brought it up and you're the one who can't stop thinking about it and posting about it.
What Flag do you fly over your commie compound and why are you obsessed about President Trump like Omar was obsessed over her brother's cock?

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Most of it goes to public transportation, but it goes to other wasteful areas as well.

You ever been out of the country Ray From Cleveland? To a place where public transportation is seen as an asset? Europe? Japan? China?

Let's look at China. Say what you will about their politics, but they have public transportation figured out. They move millions of people on a daily basis safely and efficiently. Shanghai and Beijing both have vast subway systems that are cheap and easy to use. They also have high speed rail. I rode a train from Shanghai to Xi'an. We traveled about 300 kmh. Fast, safe and extremely comfortable. In May they unveiled a Maglev prototype capable of reaching 600 kmh.

Meanwhile here in the best most advanced country in the world we still have folks carrying on about the evils of leftist pubic transportation. Man you can't make this shit up.

I have no problem with public transportation, just as long as those that are using it pay for it and it's not subsidized by taxpayers. I don't think I should be paying for you to ride around on a bus. If you want to use a bus, go ahead, just leave me out of it and pay for it yourself.

The reason public transportation sucks money out of the public is because nobody wants to take public transportation. It couldn't survive on it's own. Even years ago when many didn't have a choice, they hated it. A car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot was considered a milestone for the future. People wanted the freedom to go when and where they wanted to go.

Do you know what it's like up north to stand at a bus stop at 5:00 am, and the temperature is 2 degrees with the wind blowing at 20mph? Let me tell you, it's no fun.
I think you are wrong about that. It is cost effective for taxpayers to pay for busses . They are taking people to work so subsiding it is mostly taxes from them. And no I dont think it should be free but reasonable. I use the bus because I have one car for both me and my wife so she gets the car. I pay to ride the bus but I am sure it will never make a profit. That is not its goal. Its goal is to get people to work

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk

I don't care if it makes a profit or not, the point is that if you ride a bus, you should pay for the bus and not taxpayers.

Here they are taxing everybody in the county to subsidize probably a fraction of 1%. Okay, so they are going to work. So am I. But taxpayers don't subsidize my car or insurance either.
Your car isn't for the public the bus is. Oh and I pay for the bus. I am just saying that it is a logical thing to have in a city with a decent population. The only people who ride free where I am are the disabled . The elderly pay half . Oh and I live in Florida I would much rather have the elderly on a bus then behind the wheel. Yes it is ageist but it is down right scary on the road in southern Florida. Well I cant also discount the horrible new York drivers.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
I still don't get this. Trump never mentioned race, this is strictly in the eye of the beholder. And speaking of which...Hispanics being treated as ubermench. Why do Hispanic Illegal aliens get special treatment? Sanctuary cities nobody got to vote for? Anyway, back at the ranch: My great grand parents didn't acclimate well, hell, my mother HAD to speak German/yiddish to my grandmother. They didn't get sanctuary cities and WE MANAGED JUST FINE. So, Mexicans don't need to learn English and we need ballots in Spanish interpreters in our courtrooms? Because the last few times I was Juror. Both the plaintiff and defendant were non English speaking Spaniards of the opposite sex , Really?
That you donā€™t understand is the problem.

Trump represents the modern racist, racism that makes no reference to color and hides behind the faƧade of rightwing sophistry, conservative siege mentality, and the lie that white culture is ā€˜under attackā€™ by ā€˜foreignersā€™ and ā€˜outsiders.ā€™

It is in fact racism just as heinous and insidious as the overt racism of the past.

Perhaps this will help you understand:

ā€˜The chanting was disturbing and the anger was frightening, but what I noticed most about the presidentā€™s rally in Greenville, N.C., on Wednesday night was the pleasure of the crowd.

His voters and supporters were having fun. The ā€œSend her backā€ chant directed at Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota was hateful but also exuberant, an expression of racist contempt and a celebration of shared values.

This dynamic wasnā€™t unique to the event. Itā€™s been a part of Trumpā€™s rallies since 2015. Both he and his crowds work from a template. He rants and spins hate-filled tirades; they revel in the transgressive atmosphere. The chants are their mutual release. Sometimes he basks in them.

To watch raucous crowds of (mostly) white Americans unite in frenzied hatred of a black woman ā€” to watch them cast her as a cancer on the body politic and a threat to a racialized social order ā€” is to see the worst of our past play out in modern form.ā€™

The Joy of Hatred

Typical leftist hypocrite. You're worried that Trump followers are disgusted by this Omar clown (if that's even her real name) but not by the support she receives from Democrat followers.

If she is investigated, found to be a fraud, and violated many of our laws, I bet the Democrats will still stand behind this hate filled anti-Semite right until she ends up in a prison cell, and perhaps even afterwards.
"I bet the Democrats will still stand behind this <blah, blah, blah>"


Yes folks, that was actually projected by a Donald "I Could Shoot Someone On 5th Avenue And Not Lose Any Supporters" Trump supporter.
What flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Charges for not leaving the hotel were dropped.
Not to Republicans
:lol: Better you are not able to explain, how the racist USA under their crumpy greatest leader of all leaders Donaldo Trumpo denies the European heritage of the USA and all traditions of the western world.

You're full of shit

By the way: In a real conversation in the 19th century you would be dead now.
OH goodie I do first-person impressions of 19th-century individuals lol
try entering into any sovereign nation see how far your global citizenship get's you lol

Good grief. US-Americans suffer really under obsessive aggressions in case of a lack of education. Go to doctore Diogenes in Sinope 400 B.C.. Perhaps he is able to help you
What in the fuck did that blather have to do with what I said?
Why don't you try entering Mexico without permission lol

Good idea. I forgot that an Mexican restaurant had opened not far from here a little time ago. When I make a visa application this year and they will need 3 months or 3 years to give me a permission to visit the restaurant, then perhaps I'm able to eat today, tomorrow or next weekend there. I love Mexican food and Mexican food loves me. A very good idea, because we get an abnormal 4th heat wave next time - most probably on reason of the climate change, which exists everywhere in the world; except in some pseudo-republican states of the USA, when not a terminator is governor there.

Again what in the fuck did that blather have to do with what I said?

Besides that it has nothing to do with sexual intercourse: A good question! Seek the answer. A pointer: The answer is not in your brain. Try to start about 2400 years ago in Sinope and latest in some thousand years you will be back. I'll wait for you. Godot.

Nothing you blathered about was in no way relevant to what I said
I accept your concession

You expect what? ... You are still alive. Is this not concession enough? ... But okay - go to a concession stand, drink a cold orange juice and be happy.
Sorry, it was racist.
Sorry, only in your retarded mind.

Trump's own govt says you're dumb as shit.

Federal guidance identifying 'go back to where you came from' as discrimination goes viral after Trump comments

"Examples of potentially unlawful conduct include insults, taunting, or ethnic epithets, such as making fun of a person's foreign accent or comments like, 'Go back to where you came from,' whether made by supervisors or by co-workers," it adds.

talk about not being smart I bet you are an obamacare supporter
Obamacare architect' Jonathan Gruber recently said that Obamacare only passed due to the 'stupidity' of the American voter and a lack of 'transparency,'

A health care system for all citizens is a minimal requirement for a modern civilisation. Same with food for everyone and a warm home for everyone; including safety for everyone.

I don't want government-run healthcare a slave might I don't

Aha. Because of brainwashed political propaganda? The health care system of Germany cost per person for example relatively 50% of the health care system of the USA - is very effective - and in principle for [nearly] everyone here available. And no one is a slave because of this.
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