Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

Excessive blood clotting and stroke -- even in young, previously healthy people -- are among the myriad of effects the virus is having on people across the globe
People get blood clots, stroke. My sister, my dad. Wtf are you taking about? Virus don’t cause blood clots asswipe.

You’re a dupe that’s been duped. Post any study where a virus causes blood clots
Something else Fox isn't covering?

Naw. Then why doesn’t bloodwork identify the virus? It has to be in the blood to cause a clot. So you know!
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Trump is brutal to his staff, he refuses to delegate anything, so immersed in the detail of the corona that he has trouble making decisions. all presidents mess up like this.
All those excuses doesn’t mean anything.
Even one of his advisers Navarro warned Trump in writing this pandemic will hit US

He was in daily meetings with the heads of the CDC, and NIH, and you want him to ignore them in favor of Peter Navarro?

Mid March outbreak was small here in US . True. ARE YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING? In January, February and March China was in full scale war of Coronavirus. The whole world knew this is a big health crisis. March and April Trump and Fox are very busy downplaying the crisis. Didn’t start ordering supplies still mid March. That is a total failure of the administration. Then he blamed China and Obama.

OMG....Downplaying while behind the scenes fighting it very aggressively....I tell ya. Your argument here is pure Bull Shit....You are using hindsight to nit pick his response and I don't recall reading from you or any other democrat in here at the time anything of the sort, other than when he did act you calling him a wannabe dictator or some such....

What you are doing is politicizing this virus, and it is disgusting.

Now you tell me what kind of a president is that? Trump is part of the problem. As long as Trump is the president I don’t think this crisis will go away.

I think Trump's actions during this virus were far better than the previous administrations reaction to H1N1, that's for sure....And, ofcourse this crisis won't go away, because you people can't be honest for one second...
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

You said you were here to change minds...I didn't say that...How you approach it is up to you....But, the current tactic you are using is a failure...

It's amazing how one leftist after another like colfax and eddiew believe that if somehow they can just convey how much they really, truly, totally hate Trump it will somehow convince us to vote against our own interests for Biden. That while they shallowly deny all the hate coming from Biden, Pelosi, Schummer and company

Absolutely...They are vapid of anything even remotely tied to rational, intelectual debate...I understand that Trump triggers them, but my God....They can't have a civil conversation anymore without using a slew of slurs and insults that would get them punched in the mouth in person.
Now you are playing like the victim.
Hate Trump? My GOD. What is there to like Trump? A totally corrupted, racist dog shit, traitor, disgusting, dishonest, liar human being.
Can’t have a civil conversation? You want me to go to Gizmo. Is that a civil conversation?

Pelosi? Visiting her constituents in China town is a violations?

Trump lied to Americans downplayed the Coronavirus. Trump lied...... people died. Is that supposed to be acceptable?

Ah, that is pure bull shit, triggered, talking point crap....Look at the videos, Pelosi not only visited the people of Chinatown, she was there NOT wearing a mask, surrounded by people less than 6 ft away, telling people it was safe....BUT, you want to hammer Trump for not panicing at the very same time....Where is your shame?

Bullshit? Really? Pelosi visited her constituents in Chinatown February 24, 2020. Mask and social distancing was not even enforced at that time. California went on lock down March 20, 2020 using Fauci guidelines.
What part of that don’t you understand?

I don't understand how you can nakedly give Pelosi a pass, while at the same time you are everserating Trump for not taking to the airwaves and scream "the sky is falling", while hiding a Democrat you justify trying to use the when what was in place? Shouldn't have Pelosi been showing leadership as well? I mean she is speaker, no?
There’s a difference in Pelosi saying that there is no known cases of viruses at the time and Trump saying it’s a hoax that won’t be a big deal.

What don’t you get about the action he took?
If she had seen the presidents PDB's she would have been able to confirm the information was in a presidential PDB.
and she's going to lie about what was told to her something you can't grasp because you think shes honest
If Pelosi was given access to the PDB, it also means she gets to request additional information.

Officials receiving the daily briefings frequently ask questions regarding the items presented. The briefer may be able to answer those questions immediately, based upon the briefer's own knowledge or additional information in his or her possession. If the briefer cannot answer the question immediately, the briefer transmits the question to the CIA's Directorate of Intelligence for additional research and analysis. The CIA's response to the inquiry is provided as soon as possible,
People get blood clots, stroke. My sister, my dad. Wtf are you taking about? Virus don’t cause blood clots asswipe.

You’re a dupe that’s been duped. Post any study where a virus causes blood clots
Read a newspaper for once. Medical reports of postmortems of YOUNG PEOPLE, show blood clots throughout the entire body.

The connection between coronavirus, strokes, and young ...

Unexpected Cause of Death in Younger COVID-19 Patients is ... › article › covid-19-increases-risk-o...

Unexpected Cause of Death in Younger COVID-19 Patients is Related to Blood Clotting. Published: Apr 28, 2020 By Mark Terry. Blood Clot. Early on in the ...
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan

CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard. That is all you are. You are no doctor. You are not a pathologist. You have no access to official figures. You are no expert. You have nothing other than an opinion. I base my opinion on published facts and figures. If you have something from a credible source that has access to autopsy reports and figures from the CDC then post them and I'll be more than happy to consider them. You don't get to post opinions dressed up as facts on messageboards based on nothing but your own political/misinformed ideals that have nothing to back them up other than a preconceived idea that 'the system' can't be trusted.
This is the real world, not some Fake News Trump White House press conference.
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Medical examiners from Colorado to Michigan use the same definition. In Macomb and Oakland counties in Michigan, where most of the deaths in that state occurred, medical examiners classify any death as a coronavirus death when the postmortem test is positive. Even people who died in suicides and automobile accidents meet that definition.

Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death.
It’s not necessarily that the cases are going to the medical examiner for postmortems, it’s that the medical examiner collects the data for death certificates.

The death certificate will list the most proximate cause of death and then any contributing factors. Someone who died in a car accident isn’t going to have COVID as a contributing cause. The instances that have been discovered of something like this happen were errors, which if you have hundreds of thousands of data point, a few are always going to be in error.

You know, my room mate died at the end of June of this year, right when the pandemic was raging at some of it's worst. And, she didn't die because of COVID, she died because she had a heart condition, COPD, diabetes and was overweight. What was the cause of death on her death certificate? They said she died from heart failure due to her heart condition and COPD. Nothing was mentioned about COVID.
Medical examiners from Colorado to Michigan use the same definition. In Macomb and Oakland counties in Michigan, where most of the deaths in that state occurred, medical examiners classify any death as a coronavirus death when the postmortem test is positive. Even people who died in suicides and automobile accidents meet that definition.

Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death.
It’s not necessarily that the cases are going to the medical examiner for postmortems, it’s that the medical examiner collects the data for death certificates.

The death certificate will list the most proximate cause of death and then any contributing factors. Someone who died in a car accident isn’t going to have COVID as a contributing cause. The instances that have been discovered of something like this happen were errors, which if you have hundreds of thousands of data point, a few are always going to be in error.

You know, my room mate died at the end of June of this year, right when the pandemic was raging at some of it's worst. And, she didn't die because of COVID, she died because she had a heart condition, COPD, diabetes and was overweight. What was the cause of death on her death certificate? They said she died from heart failure due to her heart condition and COPD. Nothing was mentioned about COVID.
I believe you're a lying sack of shit as usual

U.S. COVID-19 Death Toll Is Inflated


By Timothy Allen & John R. Lott Jr.
May 29, 2020
(AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
The latest Centers for Disease Control data show that the COVID-19 fatality rate is 0.26% -- four times higher than the worst rate for the seasonal flu over the past decade. That is dramatically lower than the World Health Organization’s estimate of 3.4% and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s initial guess of about 2%.
When the CDC projected 1.7 million deaths back in March, it used an estimated death rate of 0.8%. Imperial College’s estimate of 2.2 million deaths assumed a rate of 0.9%. The fear generated by the projections drives the public policy debate. The Washington Post headline, “As deaths mount, Trump tries to convince Americans it’s safe to inch back to normal,” were part of a steady diet of such fare. When Georgia opened up over a month ago, the Post warned: “Georgia leads the race to become America’s No. 1 Death Destination.”

The CDC currently puts the number of confirmed deaths at about 100,000. But even the “best estimate” 0.26% fatality rate is a significant overestimate because of how the CDC is counting deaths. The actual rate is fairly close to a recent bad year for the seasonal flu. And though public health officials have been transparent about how they are counting coronavirus deaths, the implications for calculating the infection fatality rate are not appreciated.
“The case definition is very simplistic,” Dr. Ngozi Ezike, director of Illinois Department of Public Health, explains. “It means, at the time of death, it was a COVID positive diagnosis. That means, that if you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live, and then you also were found to have COVID, that would be counted as a COVID death. It means, technically even if you died of [a] clear alternative cause, but you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death.”
Medical examiners from Colorado to Michigan use the same definition. In Macomb and Oakland counties in Michigan, where most of the deaths in that state occurred, medical examiners classify any death as a coronavirus death when the postmortem test is positive. Even people who died in suicides and automobile accidents meet that definition.

Such expansive definitions are not due to rogue public health officials. The rules direct them to do this. “If someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death,” White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx recently noted.

Beyond including people with the virus who clearly didn’t die from it, the numbers are inflated by counting people who don’t even have the virus. New York has classified many cases as coronavirus deaths even when postmortem tests have been negative. The diagnosis can be based on symptoms, even though the symptoms are often similar to those of the seasonal flu.
The Centers for Disease Control guidance explicitly acknowledges the uncertainty that doctors can face when identifying the cause of death. When coronavirus cases are “suspected,” the agency counsels doctors that “it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate.” This advice has produced a predictable inflation in the numbers. When New York City’s death toll rose above 10,000 on April 21, the New York Times reported that the city included “3,700 additional people who were presumed to have died of the coronavirus but had never tested positive” – more than a 50% increase in the number of cases.
Nor can this be explained by false-negative results in the tests. For the five most commonly used tests, the least reliable test still scored a 96% accuracy rate in laboratory settings. Some doctors report feeling pressure from hospitals to list deaths as being due to the coronavirus, even when the doctors don’t believe that is the case “to make it look a little bit worse than it is.” That is pressure they say they never previously faced in reporting deaths from the seasonal flu.

There are financial incentives that might make a difference for hospitals and doctors. The CARES Act adds a 20% premium for COVID-19 Medicare patients. Birx and others are also concerned that the CDC’s “antiquated” accounting system is double-counting cases and inflating mortality and case counts “by as much as 25%.” When all these anomalies are added up, it becomes apparent that we simply don’t have an accurate death toll from this new coronavirus. But it seems clear that the correct rate is just a little worse than the rate for the 2017-2018 flu.
Meanwhile, the Washington Post, New York Times, and others claim that we are undercounting the true number of deaths. They reach that conclusion by showing that the total number of deaths from all causes is about 30% greater than we would typically expect from March through early May. They then conclude that the excess is due to deaths not being accurately labeled as due to the coronavirus.
But these are not normal times. Many people with heart problems aren’t going to the hospital for fear of the virus. Delaying cancer surgeries and other serious medical treatments for months has real impacts on life expectancies. The stress of the situation is almost certainly increasing suicides and other illnesses. Which is not to minimize the threat: Even if the true death toll is now closer to 50,000 than 100,000, this pandemic is a big deal. But we need some perspective. During the 2017-18 flu season, 61,000 Americans died from the flu.
Public health officials need to face a lot of serious questions about how they counted Coronavirus deaths. We don’t have all the answers yet, but it’s clear the inflated numbers have helped mislead people into a state of alarmism.
.By Timothy Allen & John R. Lott Jr.
May 29, 2020

The latest Centers for Disease Control data show that the COVID-19 fatality rate is 0.26% -- four times higher than the worst rate for the seasonal flu over the past decade. That is dramatically lower than the World Health Organization’s estimate of 3.4% and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s initial guess of about 2%.

And from the January 28th 2020 president's daily brief, they told Trump it was five times higher than the worst rate for the seasonal flu.

Maybe Trump should have told Fauci what he knew.
Maybe Trump should have told the governors and the mayors what he knew.

It would have saved thousands, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousand lives.
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."

.By Timothy Allen & John R. Lott Jr.
May 29, 2020

The latest Centers for Disease Control data show that the COVID-19 fatality rate is 0.26% -- four times higher than the worst rate for the seasonal flu over the past decade. That is dramatically lower than the World Health Organization’s estimate of 3.4% and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s initial guess of about 2%.

And from the January 28th 2020 president's daily brief, they told Trump it was five times higher than the worst rate for the seasonal flu.

Maybe Trump should have told Fauci what he knew.
Maybe Trump should have told the governors and the mayors what he knew.

It would have saved thousands, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousand lives.
And Nancy told people to come on out to Chinatown
And Nancy told people to come on out to Chinatown

I hate to admit it, but Pelosi, the governors and the mayors fell for Donald Trumps bullshit.

Trump said there was noting to worry about, just 15 cases, soon going down to almost zero. It was no worse than the flu. Trump told people to continue with their normal daily lives.

Yeah.... people fell for Trumps bullshit. I admit it.

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