Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

We do

at least in the public square

if you come to my home be careful what you say or I might ask you to leave

just as you would me in your home
But this isn’t your home, it’s a university with students paying to attend.

This shows that it isn’t actually about constitutional rights or promoting academic diversity.
State funded universities are in the public square just as we are walking around on the streets

but a private Christian university that receives no federal or state subsidies is just that - private

the same we are in our homes

Is a private research university such as, say, Harvard the public square?

State Universities already have an obligation to uphold freedom of speech regardless of his executive order.
To the extent that it receives federal research grants it is in the public square

So why differentiate a college receiving research grants or federally subsidized tuition?

Because research grants are about the institution, and student loans are about individual people. The goal here is to protect individual freedom, not restrict it.
So, you support the use of street violence, against your political enemies.

THank you for your honesty. So many of your lib buddies here, lie about that.

So, are you going to be honest enough to admit that with people like you, and mobs like Antifa, that Trump's move is completely called for?

Or is that too much even for an honest left like you?

do YOU support street violence against your political enemies?

rush limbaugh (having already advocated "beating them with clubs") said "leave only SOME liberals left alive!" (apparently as a warning to future generations)

ann coulter: "we should shoot a few (liberals) to let the rest know it can happen to them"

and when every con on this board says "I HAVE GUNS and soon there is gonna be a CIVIL WAR" can I assume they are threatening violence? street or otherwise?

Only if you're a completely humorless dunce who wouldn't recognize sarcasm and hyperbole if they had neon signs and sparklers on them.

Yeah right. So let a liberal say the same about right wingers and lets see how much humor and hyperbole you see.

Not being a snowflake feel free to call me anything you like. BTW, just because you don't "think" you're a racist in no way means you aren't. You are and seem to be the only one who refuses to acknowlege it.

I used to work with this elderly black man. He admitted to me that he was racist. I told him I found that to be counter productive. He then told me this story. (which I verified to be true).

His daughter integrated the local school system. He told me how he would have to go to the school every day at lunch to sit and eat with her because no one else would. He would hear the names others would call her. He said that was something he would never be able to get past. I understood.

I am not denying it's existence, I am simply saying in this day and age it is not as systemic as IM says.

The Bonds are issued by the States, not the Feds.

Another study from the Brookings Institution showed that federal taxpayers have subsidized the construction of 36 stadiums at a cost of over $3.2 billion since 2000.​

You're talking to people who think education is bad. So facts are beyond their comprehension.

Who said it's bad? The fact of the matter is that there are other options out there. If you don't take advantage of those options, then that is just you being dumb and setting yourself up for failure later on. Not everyone is cut out for, nor wants to go to university.

And not everyone does. Problem solved.
So, you support the use of street violence, against your political enemies.

THank you for your honesty. So many of your lib buddies here, lie about that.

So, are you going to be honest enough to admit that with people like you, and mobs like Antifa, that Trump's move is completely called for?

Or is that too much even for an honest left like you?

do YOU support street violence against your political enemies?

rush limbaugh (having already advocated "beating them with clubs") said "leave only SOME liberals left alive!" (apparently as a warning to future generations)

ann coulter: "we should shoot a few (liberals) to let the rest know it can happen to them"

and when every con on this board says "I HAVE GUNS and soon there is gonna be a CIVIL WAR" can I assume they are threatening violence? street or otherwise?

Only if you're a completely humorless dunce who wouldn't recognize sarcasm and hyperbole if they had neon signs and sparklers on them.

Yeah right. So let a liberal say the same about right wingers and lets see how much humor and hyperbole you see.

Not being a snowflake feel free to call me anything you like. BTW, just because you don't "think" you're a racist in no way means you aren't. You are and seem to be the only one who refuses to acknowlege it.

I used to work with this elderly black man. He admitted to me that he was racist. I told him I found that to be counter productive. He then told me this story. (which I verified to be true).

His daughter integrated the local school system. He told me how he would have to go to the school every day at lunch to sit and eat with her because no one else would. He would hear the names others would call her. He said that was something he would never be able to get past. I understood.

What on earth do your personal anecdotes have to do with anything? Maybe she smelled bad or something?
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.

Did he tell CHRISTIAN COLLEGES that they will lose THEIR federal funding if they don't protect free speech?

He's telling all colleges that receive federal funding.

Do you have a link to a Christian college which receives federal funding banning certain speakers from speaking because they disagree with them?
do YOU support street violence against your political enemies?

rush limbaugh (having already advocated "beating them with clubs") said "leave only SOME liberals left alive!" (apparently as a warning to future generations)

ann coulter: "we should shoot a few (liberals) to let the rest know it can happen to them"

and when every con on this board says "I HAVE GUNS and soon there is gonna be a CIVIL WAR" can I assume they are threatening violence? street or otherwise?

Only if you're a completely humorless dunce who wouldn't recognize sarcasm and hyperbole if they had neon signs and sparklers on them.

Yeah right. So let a liberal say the same about right wingers and lets see how much humor and hyperbole you see.

Not being a snowflake feel free to call me anything you like. BTW, just because you don't "think" you're a racist in no way means you aren't. You are and seem to be the only one who refuses to acknowlege it.

I used to work with this elderly black man. He admitted to me that he was racist. I told him I found that to be counter productive. He then told me this story. (which I verified to be true).

His daughter integrated the local school system. He told me how he would have to go to the school every day at lunch to sit and eat with her because no one else would. He would hear the names others would call her. He said that was something he would never be able to get past. I understood.

I am not denying it's existence, I am simply saying in this day and age it is not as systemic as IM says.

Maybe......or maybe you simply don't live it? Stop and Frisk is recent. White's would have never stood for that. Bloomberg even complained that too many white's were being stopped. Trump supported the policy.

Maybe it's just that you don't live it.

See post 644.
do YOU support street violence against your political enemies?

rush limbaugh (having already advocated "beating them with clubs") said "leave only SOME liberals left alive!" (apparently as a warning to future generations)

ann coulter: "we should shoot a few (liberals) to let the rest know it can happen to them"

and when every con on this board says "I HAVE GUNS and soon there is gonna be a CIVIL WAR" can I assume they are threatening violence? street or otherwise?

Only if you're a completely humorless dunce who wouldn't recognize sarcasm and hyperbole if they had neon signs and sparklers on them.

Yeah right. So let a liberal say the same about right wingers and lets see how much humor and hyperbole you see.

Not being a snowflake feel free to call me anything you like. BTW, just because you don't "think" you're a racist in no way means you aren't. You are and seem to be the only one who refuses to acknowlege it.

I used to work with this elderly black man. He admitted to me that he was racist. I told him I found that to be counter productive. He then told me this story. (which I verified to be true).

His daughter integrated the local school system. He told me how he would have to go to the school every day at lunch to sit and eat with her because no one else would. He would hear the names others would call her. He said that was something he would never be able to get past. I understood.

What on earth do your personal anecdotes have to do with anything? Maybe she smelled bad or something?

If you don't understand, I understand and it explains your response.
You were the one trying to make an equivalency between the two.

The TOPIC is ensuring that OUR Universities are not favoring one ideology over another.

Our fight for independence is not part of that topic.

Again the question arises ....does that include Christian Schools and Military Academies?

Christian Universities aren't the best example but Military Academies would be excellent examples. I'm sure the argument would be that they should get "special exemptions".
So cadets at military academies should be “indoctrinated”?
They should avoid politics
You consider that a balanced education?
Military officers should have no knowledge of politics?
The military academies teach history

but you are demanding that military officers engage in politics which is not allowed in the military
Only if you're a completely humorless dunce who wouldn't recognize sarcasm and hyperbole if they had neon signs and sparklers on them.

Yeah right. So let a liberal say the same about right wingers and lets see how much humor and hyperbole you see.

Not being a snowflake feel free to call me anything you like. BTW, just because you don't "think" you're a racist in no way means you aren't. You are and seem to be the only one who refuses to acknowlege it.

I used to work with this elderly black man. He admitted to me that he was racist. I told him I found that to be counter productive. He then told me this story. (which I verified to be true).

His daughter integrated the local school system. He told me how he would have to go to the school every day at lunch to sit and eat with her because no one else would. He would hear the names others would call her. He said that was something he would never be able to get past. I understood.

What on earth do your personal anecdotes have to do with anything? Maybe she smelled bad or something?

If you don't understand, I understand and it explains your response.

Why don't you explain it then, smarty pants?

So, some kids in some school somewhere (according to YOU) did not want to sit with some kid somewhere??? Completely irrelevant, and there could be any number of reasons why nobody wants to sit with somebody else. They could be annoying, they could have poor hygiene, they could chew with their mouths open, etc.
I'm all for promoting free speech but Trump's approach seems to me a bit of cut off one's nose to spite one's face. If any money is doled out it should go to where it will produce the most bang for the buck. A school that receives a lot of federal government dough is John Hopkins,

With $2.0 billion in federal R&D funding in 2015, Johns Hopkins University is the largest university research partner of the federal government. One of the major centers of innovation on campus is the Applied Physics Laboratory. Established in 1942, the APL has provided the Department of Defense with research in missile defense, space, and weapons systems. The DOD funds 40% of Johns Hopkins annual R&D spending, compared to the 14% average for all universities. NASA funds account for 11% of the school’s R&D expenditure, compared to the 4% average. Among the school's many research accomplishments, Johns Hopkins was responsible for the first spacecraft to land on an asteroid and helped develop the first effective treatment for sickle cell anemia.

The 20 universities getting the most money from the federal government

Not sure what your point is, apropos of the topic.
Just because a lib editor lies in a headline it does not become a fact

Liberty receive ZERO dollars from the federal government

that money went to students

I keep forgetting.

Cons only believe what they WANT to believe and truth, facts or reality have nothing to do with it.


why don't YOU see if YOU can find any data suggesting that liberty did NOT get any federal funds.
I read every link and all of them are for student loans and grants to students not the university

Which then goes to the University. Yes there are different rules whether the aide is direct or not. All the same they are benefiting greatly.

if you want to hurt Liberty you could do so by not giving the kids any money for education

is that what liberals plan to do?

and that is why you are conservative....because you are an idiot!

NOBODY said anything about HURTING liberty.


we are all merely wondering if the rule will apply to ALL institutions.....


If that is the rule then it should be applied to ALL institutions.

We are all wondering where this assumption came from that conservative/Christian institutions might possibly be exempted. Could it be from projection because that's what YOU would do?
But this isn’t your home, it’s a university with students paying to attend.

This shows that it isn’t actually about constitutional rights or promoting academic diversity.
State funded universities are in the public square just as we are walking around on the streets

but a private Christian university that receives no federal or state subsidies is just that - private

the same we are in our homes

Is a private research university such as, say, Harvard the public square?

State Universities already have an obligation to uphold freedom of speech regardless of his executive order.
To the extent that it receives federal research grants it is in the public square

So why differentiate a college receiving research grants or federally subsidized tuition?

Because research grants are about the institution, and student loans are about individual people. The goal here is to protect individual freedom, not restrict it.

I agree. So the federal government shouldn’t allow their student loans to go institutions that restrict freedoms.
Only if you're a completely humorless dunce who wouldn't recognize sarcasm and hyperbole if they had neon signs and sparklers on them.

Yeah right. So let a liberal say the same about right wingers and lets see how much humor and hyperbole you see.

Not being a snowflake feel free to call me anything you like. BTW, just because you don't "think" you're a racist in no way means you aren't. You are and seem to be the only one who refuses to acknowlege it.

I used to work with this elderly black man. He admitted to me that he was racist. I told him I found that to be counter productive. He then told me this story. (which I verified to be true).

His daughter integrated the local school system. He told me how he would have to go to the school every day at lunch to sit and eat with her because no one else would. He would hear the names others would call her. He said that was something he would never be able to get past. I understood.

I am not denying it's existence, I am simply saying in this day and age it is not as systemic as IM says.

Maybe......or maybe you simply don't live it? Stop and Frisk is recent. White's would have never stood for that. Bloomberg even complained that too many white's were being stopped. Trump supported the policy.

Maybe it's just that you don't live it.

See post 644.

I live in the same world everyone else does. It's not systemic and some of it is even brought on by their attitudes.

Treru story. I was grocery shopping in Walmart. Down one aisle there was a very obese black woman in a little motorized cart. and her daughter pushing a shopping cart. They were stopped and I said excuse me and after a time they letr me through. This was happening in ailse after aisle. On about the 4th one I just stood behind them, this was getting old. As I stood there the daughter finally looked back and said "mama we need to let this man by". Her response? "why don't you ever just take my side for once? She turned and looked at me and said " Oh and he a white mothaf**cker too". I had the "right to remain silent but I did not have the ability. I responed "did the white man make you fat too"?

She like IM2 are/were racist pigs.
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Without them we are still flying the Union Jack and blacks still have to drink out of separate fountains.
You want to overthrow the government?

How does suppressing free speech at liberal colleges accomplish that?

I wanted to address your point. Obviously I did since you felt to reply as you did.
You did not address #558

Liberal students at our universities have the temperament of 3-year old children who must express themselves with violent action instead of thoughts and reason

I did address 558. I am not going to reply to your vast generalizations. If you have a specific instance, I will address my opinion.
Pick any liberal student riot at any liberal university

there are plenty to choose from

the students claim the only response to speech they dont like is violence

which makes them over-educated morons

Middlebury Professor Injured as Protest Against Racist Author Turns Violent

Middlebury Professor Injured as Protest Against Racist Author Turns Violent
rightwinger ( who is actually a lib) thinks the liberal student riot at Middlebury college is funny

needless to day I dont
Is a private research university such as, say, Harvard the public square?

State Universities already have an obligation to uphold freedom of speech regardless of his executive order.
To the extent that it receives federal research grants it is in the public square

So why differentiate a college receiving research grants or federally subsidized tuition?
They all do except one. Here's the answer: because he can.
The answer is that the money goes to students not Liberty U

Its the kids money that angry libs would have to take away

if they dare

The kids then spend the money at liberty U, so sorry this is incorrect.

Only if you're a leftist drone who doesn't comprehend what individual freedoms are, or why they matter.
To the extent that it receives federal research grants it is in the public square

So why differentiate a college receiving research grants or federally subsidized tuition?
They all do except one. Here's the answer: because he can.
The answer is that the money goes to students not Liberty U

Its the kids money that angry libs would have to take away

if they dare

The kids then spend the money at liberty U, so sorry this is incorrect.

Only if you're a leftist drone who doesn't comprehend what individual freedoms are, or why they matter.

Liberty University restricts the individual freedoms of their students. That’s a fact.
So why differentiate a college receiving research grants or federally subsidized tuition?
They all do except one. Here's the answer: because he can.
The answer is that the money goes to students not Liberty U

Its the kids money that angry libs would have to take away

if they dare

The kids then spend the money at liberty U, so sorry this is incorrect.

Only if you're a leftist drone who doesn't comprehend what individual freedoms are, or why they matter.

Liberty University restricts the individual freedoms of their students. That’s a fact.

and yet you listed none of them,,,
They all do except one. Here's the answer: because he can.
The answer is that the money goes to students not Liberty U

Its the kids money that angry libs would have to take away

if they dare

The kids then spend the money at liberty U, so sorry this is incorrect.

Only if you're a leftist drone who doesn't comprehend what individual freedoms are, or why they matter.

Liberty University restricts the individual freedoms of their students. That’s a fact.

and yet you listed none of them,,,

‘Liberty’ University? When It Comes to Free Speech, It’s Anything But.

let's face it

if trump shot someone on 5th avenue while you watched him do it he would turn to you and say "hillary did that!" and you would believe it!

I assume this state of denial is a life time obstacle for you
So why differentiate a college receiving research grants or federally subsidized tuition?
They all do except one. Here's the answer: because he can.
The answer is that the money goes to students not Liberty U

Its the kids money that angry libs would have to take away

if they dare

The kids then spend the money at liberty U, so sorry this is incorrect.

Only if you're a leftist drone who doesn't comprehend what individual freedoms are, or why they matter.

Liberty University restricts the individual freedoms of their students. That’s a fact.
Translation from liberish to English:

Liberty U has high standards that does not include gay and lesbian free sex day

students so inclined have plenty of hedonist lib colleges to choose from
Yeah right. So let a liberal say the same about right wingers and lets see how much humor and hyperbole you see.

Not being a snowflake feel free to call me anything you like. BTW, just because you don't "think" you're a racist in no way means you aren't. You are and seem to be the only one who refuses to acknowlege it.

I used to work with this elderly black man. He admitted to me that he was racist. I told him I found that to be counter productive. He then told me this story. (which I verified to be true).

His daughter integrated the local school system. He told me how he would have to go to the school every day at lunch to sit and eat with her because no one else would. He would hear the names others would call her. He said that was something he would never be able to get past. I understood.

I am not denying it's existence, I am simply saying in this day and age it is not as systemic as IM says.

Maybe......or maybe you simply don't live it? Stop and Frisk is recent. White's would have never stood for that. Bloomberg even complained that too many white's were being stopped. Trump supported the policy.

Maybe it's just that you don't live it.

See post 644.

I live in the same world everyone else does. It's not systemic and some of it is even brought on by their attitudes.

Racism will give you an attitude.

Treru story. I was grocery shopping in Walmart. Down one ailse there was a very obese black woman in a little motorized cart. and her daughter pushing a shopping cart. They were stopped and I said excuse me and after a time they letr me through. This was happening in ailse after aisle. On about the 4th one I just stood behind them, this was getting old. As I stood there the daughter finally looked back and said "mama we need to let this man by". Her response? "why don't you ever just take my side for once? She turned and looked at me and said " Oh and he a white mothaf**cher too". I had the "right to remain silent but I did not have the ability. I responed "did the white man make you fat too"?

She like IM2 are/were racist pigs.[/QUOTE]

Institutionalized racism will do that to you.

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