Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

So, when Obama wrote an EO/EA regarding DACA, was that waste to time?

I addressed that already.

Obama Broke His Promise to Latinos

It was the act of a coward on his way out of the door.

After all, the left have managed to get a federal judge to act rashly and support it as if it were law.

What is to say that the right won't do the same for this EO?

In reality, why isn't Trump pushing for legislation the specifically criminalizes Universities discriminating against speech oppression?

I said that if that is what he wants that is what he should do. Not write lazy EO's. I thought you said you had read what I wrote already?
Every Executive for the past 50 years has lazily written EO's. It is a reality that we have to deal with.

No we do not. We do because we do not want the "other guy" to win so we condemn their guy when they do it but defend our guy when they do it. Stop defending it.

The sad part of this is that this is even a thing. There are people here and in the rest of the country who are actually defending the practice of oppression speech they disagree with.

All around.
In fact, you do. Or is it your contention that going forward, no President is going to write an EO/EA?

I clearly said what I said. I said I will condemn it as lazy.

No American should be supporting a University suppressing speech or the exchange of ideas.

I'm going to support students when they protest racism.
Knock yourself out.
Without them we are still flying the Union Jack and blacks still have to drink out of separate fountains.
You want to overthrow the government?

How does suppressing free speech at liberal colleges accomplish that?

I wanted to address your point. Obviously I did since you felt to reply as you did.
You did not address #558

Liberal students at our universities have the temperament of 3-year old children who must express themselves with violent action instead of thoughts and reason

Republicans dont like government students loans because it allows minorities to move above their proper standing as they perceive it.

Seriously, it's not that difficult to provide examples if you have a case to make. If you prefer to deal in vast generalization that is my last reply in kind to you about yours.
I would have thought better of you than that, but it appears that I was wrong.

YOU do not know what Republicans do or don't like it appears.

The government should not be in the business of inflating the cost of education. There ARE good and reasonable alternatives to basket weaving.

Is your argument that vast generalizations make poor arguments? Yeah, that was mine also.

But yet you continue.
You want to overthrow the government?

How does suppressing free speech at liberal colleges accomplish that?

I wanted to address your point. Obviously I did since you felt to reply as you did.
You did not address #558

Liberal students at our universities have the temperament of 3-year old children who must express themselves with violent action instead of thoughts and reason

Republicans dont like government students loans because it allows minorities to move above their proper standing as they perceive it.

Seriously, it's not that difficult to provide examples if you have a case to make. If you prefer to deal in vast generalization that is my last reply in kind to you about yours.
I would have thought better of you than that, but it appears that I was wrong.

YOU do not know what Republicans do or don't like it appears.

The government should not be in the business of inflating the cost of education. There ARE good and reasonable alternatives to basket weaving.

Is your argument that vast generalizations make poor arguments? Yeah, that was mine also.

But yet you continue.
Examples and proof of government entering the student loan process and raising the costs of tuition are known issues and can be read about using any search engine you desire.
While I expect this out of some I had sort of expected more out of you.
You were the one trying to make an equivalency between the two.

The TOPIC is ensuring that OUR Universities are not favoring one ideology over another.

Our fight for independence is not part of that topic.

Again the question arises ....does that include Christian Schools and Military Academies?

Christian Universities aren't the best example but Military Academies would be excellent examples. I'm sure the argument would be that they should get "special exemptions".
So cadets at military academies should be “indoctrinated”?
They should avoid politics
You consider that a balanced education?
Military officers should have no knowledge of politics?
I wanted to address your point. Obviously I did since you felt to reply as you did.
You did not address #558

Liberal students at our universities have the temperament of 3-year old children who must express themselves with violent action instead of thoughts and reason

Republicans dont like government students loans because it allows minorities to move above their proper standing as they perceive it.

Seriously, it's not that difficult to provide examples if you have a case to make. If you prefer to deal in vast generalization that is my last reply in kind to you about yours.
I would have thought better of you than that, but it appears that I was wrong.

YOU do not know what Republicans do or don't like it appears.

The government should not be in the business of inflating the cost of education. There ARE good and reasonable alternatives to basket weaving.

Is your argument that vast generalizations make poor arguments? Yeah, that was mine also.

But yet you continue.
Examples and proof of government entering the student loan process and raising the costs of tuition are known issues and can be read about using any search engine you desire.

If you want a better system where everyone can access higher education, come up with it, promote it and pass it.

Until then you can only complain about those who did.
Sorry, but it is not a misrepresentation, at worst it is an exaggeration to make a point.

If you have a point you don't have to "exaggerate".

Many degrees offered have no value except to propagate the topics at the academic level.

But obviously you will continue to.

An accounting degree leads to becoming an accountant. An Engineering degree leads to becoming an Engineer. A Criminal Justice degree leads to becoming a Cop or a Lawyer. A Women's studies degree prepares you to get your doctorate and teach women's studies.

The other issue is a liberal arts degree used to teach critical thinking and rigorous questioning, now it leads to groupthink and acceptance of dogmatic rote.

You simply no longer like the questions being asked.
It is a common dodge of conservatives. They pretend that most college students get worthless degrees. It supports their claim that college is a waste of time.

But most college degrees are in Business, Education, Healthcare, Liberal Arts and STEM

Liberal arts includes women's studies.

It's not Republicans complaining about it, its the people getting the degrees and finding out business owners don't want them, or at least don't want them at the salary they are expecting.

Let’s see Logic 101

Liberal Arts includes Women’s Studies, therefore all Liberal Arts degrees are Women’s Studies degrees

it falls more under my statement of degrees going from teaching critical thinking to teaching rote acceptance.
What ever made you think Liberal Arts teaches nothing about critical thinking?

You been listening to Hannity again?
You did not address #558

Liberal students at our universities have the temperament of 3-year old children who must express themselves with violent action instead of thoughts and reason

Republicans dont like government students loans because it allows minorities to move above their proper standing as they perceive it.

Seriously, it's not that difficult to provide examples if you have a case to make. If you prefer to deal in vast generalization that is my last reply in kind to you about yours.
I would have thought better of you than that, but it appears that I was wrong.

YOU do not know what Republicans do or don't like it appears.

The government should not be in the business of inflating the cost of education. There ARE good and reasonable alternatives to basket weaving.

Is your argument that vast generalizations make poor arguments? Yeah, that was mine also.

But yet you continue.
Examples and proof of government entering the student loan process and raising the costs of tuition are known issues and can be read about using any search engine you desire.

If you want a better system where everyone can access higher education, come up with it, promote it and pass it.

Until then you can only complain about those who did.
Not everyone needs, or even wants, to access so-called higher education.

Are you familiar with a person called Mike Rowe?

Look him up.

What is certain is that the taxpayer should never be on the hook for loans to students who can't pay them back, or funding universities that do not adhere to the Constitution.
Why do Conservatives attack Liberal Arts degrees?
Because it had the word “Liberal” in it

To them, it means they are teaching students to be liberal
Republicans dont like government students loans because it allows minorities to move above their proper standing as they perceive it.

Seriously, it's not that difficult to provide examples if you have a case to make. If you prefer to deal in vast generalization that is my last reply in kind to you about yours.
I would have thought better of you than that, but it appears that I was wrong.

YOU do not know what Republicans do or don't like it appears.

The government should not be in the business of inflating the cost of education. There ARE good and reasonable alternatives to basket weaving.

Is your argument that vast generalizations make poor arguments? Yeah, that was mine also.

But yet you continue.
Examples and proof of government entering the student loan process and raising the costs of tuition are known issues and can be read about using any search engine you desire.

If you want a better system where everyone can access higher education, come up with it, promote it and pass it.

Until then you can only complain about those who did.
Not everyone needs, or even wants, to access so-called higher education.

Are you familiar with a person called Mike Rowe?

Look him up.

What is certain is that the taxpayer should never be on the hook for loans to students who can't pay them back, or funding universities that do not adhere to the Constitution.
Look up Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Neither one ever graduated from college. Doesn’t keep them from claiming to be experts in economics, history, political theory and science
Colleges have the right not to promote hate speech.
Then you would be barred from every college in the country.
Nah. Because I am not speaking hate. You just don't get it. Nobody has to accept or be quiet about the continuing racism of whites like you. You've listened to the president of race pimping, Rush Limbaugh, for too long son.
Of everyone on this forum, you are among the leaders of speaking hate. Given that, I would allow you to speak at any University. You cannot say the same.
Unfortunately for your lie, I haven't spoken a word of hate and I've already spoken on college campuses.
You speak hate each and every day that I've run across you. You can lie to yourself and think that you are not, but I don't really care about the lies you tell yourself.
I don't have to lie to myself for I am not you. I have not spoken hate. But whites like you get your feelings hurt because you think blacks don't have any reason to be a little upset about the continuing racism going on by whites around here so you want to dismiss what is said as hate. That is another example of white fragility.
I would have thought better of you than that, but it appears that I was wrong.

YOU do not know what Republicans do or don't like it appears.

The government should not be in the business of inflating the cost of education. There ARE good and reasonable alternatives to basket weaving.

Is your argument that vast generalizations make poor arguments? Yeah, that was mine also.

But yet you continue.
Examples and proof of government entering the student loan process and raising the costs of tuition are known issues and can be read about using any search engine you desire.

If you want a better system where everyone can access higher education, come up with it, promote it and pass it.

Until then you can only complain about those who did.
Not everyone needs, or even wants, to access so-called higher education.

Are you familiar with a person called Mike Rowe?

Look him up.

What is certain is that the taxpayer should never be on the hook for loans to students who can't pay them back, or funding universities that do not adhere to the Constitution.
Look up Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Neither one ever graduated from college. Doesn’t keep them from claiming to be experts in economics, history, political theory and science
I've not seen any such humility from you or anyone else on this forum since I've joined. Do you believe that everyone here is an authority on anything they speak about? Particularly given the propensity to demand links that they intend to ignore?

Mike Rowe makes no appeal to an authority other than life experience and some small truths about how public schools push higher education at the expense of the students they claim to care about.
Republicans dont like government students loans because it allows minorities to move above their proper standing as they perceive it.

Seriously, it's not that difficult to provide examples if you have a case to make. If you prefer to deal in vast generalization that is my last reply in kind to you about yours.
I would have thought better of you than that, but it appears that I was wrong.

YOU do not know what Republicans do or don't like it appears.

The government should not be in the business of inflating the cost of education. There ARE good and reasonable alternatives to basket weaving.

Is your argument that vast generalizations make poor arguments? Yeah, that was mine also.

But yet you continue.
Examples and proof of government entering the student loan process and raising the costs of tuition are known issues and can be read about using any search engine you desire.

If you want a better system where everyone can access higher education, come up with it, promote it and pass it.

Until then you can only complain about those who did.
Not everyone needs, or even wants, to access so-called higher education.

And they don't.

Are you familiar with a person called Mike Rowe?

Look him up.

What is certain is that the taxpayer should never be on the hook for loans to students who can't pay them back, or funding universities that do not adhere to the Constitution.

Yes, he did an episode here in town on Fenton Glass.

The Fenton Art Glass Factory comes to a closing

Or are you saying everyone should be a TV host?
Then you would be barred from every college in the country.
Nah. Because I am not speaking hate. You just don't get it. Nobody has to accept or be quiet about the continuing racism of whites like you. You've listened to the president of race pimping, Rush Limbaugh, for too long son.
Of everyone on this forum, you are among the leaders of speaking hate. Given that, I would allow you to speak at any University. You cannot say the same.
Unfortunately for your lie, I haven't spoken a word of hate and I've already spoken on college campuses.
You speak hate each and every day that I've run across you. You can lie to yourself and think that you are not, but I don't really care about the lies you tell yourself.
I don't have to lie to myself for I am not you. I have not spoken hate. But whites like you get your feelings hurt because you think blacks don't have any reason to be a little upset about the continuing racism going on by whites around here so you want to dismiss what is said as hate. That is another example of white fragility.
This is hate. Understand it.

Now, have a nice day.
Is your argument that vast generalizations make poor arguments? Yeah, that was mine also.

But yet you continue.
Examples and proof of government entering the student loan process and raising the costs of tuition are known issues and can be read about using any search engine you desire.

If you want a better system where everyone can access higher education, come up with it, promote it and pass it.

Until then you can only complain about those who did.
Not everyone needs, or even wants, to access so-called higher education.

Are you familiar with a person called Mike Rowe?

Look him up.

What is certain is that the taxpayer should never be on the hook for loans to students who can't pay them back, or funding universities that do not adhere to the Constitution.
Look up Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Neither one ever graduated from college. Doesn’t keep them from claiming to be experts in economics, history, political theory and science
I've not seen any such humility from you or anyone else on this forum since I've joined. Do you believe that everyone here is an authority on anything they speak about? Particularly given the propensity to demand links that they intend to ignore?

Mike Rowe makes no appeal to an authority other than life experience and some small truths about how public schools push higher education at the expense of the students they claim to care about.

Another vast generalization. Thousands of high schools still offer students the option of attending tech schooling.
I would have thought better of you than that, but it appears that I was wrong.

YOU do not know what Republicans do or don't like it appears.

The government should not be in the business of inflating the cost of education. There ARE good and reasonable alternatives to basket weaving.

Is your argument that vast generalizations make poor arguments? Yeah, that was mine also.

But yet you continue.
Examples and proof of government entering the student loan process and raising the costs of tuition are known issues and can be read about using any search engine you desire.

If you want a better system where everyone can access higher education, come up with it, promote it and pass it.

Until then you can only complain about those who did.
Not everyone needs, or even wants, to access so-called higher education.

Are you familiar with a person called Mike Rowe?

Look him up.

What is certain is that the taxpayer should never be on the hook for loans to students who can't pay them back, or funding universities that do not adhere to the Constitution.
Look up Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Neither one ever graduated from college. Doesn’t keep them from claiming to be experts in economics, history, political theory and science

Both are college drop outs and Limbaugh flunked out and never went back. And these are the "experts" conservatives rely on.
I would have thought better of you than that, but it appears that I was wrong.

YOU do not know what Republicans do or don't like it appears.

The government should not be in the business of inflating the cost of education. There ARE good and reasonable alternatives to basket weaving.

Is your argument that vast generalizations make poor arguments? Yeah, that was mine also.

But yet you continue.
Examples and proof of government entering the student loan process and raising the costs of tuition are known issues and can be read about using any search engine you desire.

If you want a better system where everyone can access higher education, come up with it, promote it and pass it.

Until then you can only complain about those who did.
Not everyone needs, or even wants, to access so-called higher education.

And they don't.

Are you familiar with a person called Mike Rowe?

Look him up.

What is certain is that the taxpayer should never be on the hook for loans to students who can't pay them back, or funding universities that do not adhere to the Constitution.

Yes, he did an episode here in town on Fenton Glass.

The Fenton Art Glass Factory comes to a closing

Or are you saying everyone should be a TV host?
I am saying that we do our young people, and the nation as a whole, by pushing higher education above all else. For a small fraction of the cost, students can get solid higher education in skills and vocations that are the equivalent of any university, permits them to earn higher salaries while continuing their educations. All without the crushing debt to the student OR the taxpayer.

The best part of these programs is they stick to the technical education they are being paid to provide and we have none of the issues associated with ideology found at biased universities.

When was the last time we heard of protests and riots at the local electrician trade school?
Is your argument that vast generalizations make poor arguments? Yeah, that was mine also.

But yet you continue.
Examples and proof of government entering the student loan process and raising the costs of tuition are known issues and can be read about using any search engine you desire.

If you want a better system where everyone can access higher education, come up with it, promote it and pass it.

Until then you can only complain about those who did.
Not everyone needs, or even wants, to access so-called higher education.

Are you familiar with a person called Mike Rowe?

Look him up.

What is certain is that the taxpayer should never be on the hook for loans to students who can't pay them back, or funding universities that do not adhere to the Constitution.
Look up Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Neither one ever graduated from college. Doesn’t keep them from claiming to be experts in economics, history, political theory and science

Both are college drop outs and Limbaugh flunked out and never went back. And these are the "experts" conservatives rely on.

It did help him (along with other rumored things) avoid the draft.
Examples and proof of government entering the student loan process and raising the costs of tuition are known issues and can be read about using any search engine you desire.

If you want a better system where everyone can access higher education, come up with it, promote it and pass it.

Until then you can only complain about those who did.
Not everyone needs, or even wants, to access so-called higher education.

Are you familiar with a person called Mike Rowe?

Look him up.

What is certain is that the taxpayer should never be on the hook for loans to students who can't pay them back, or funding universities that do not adhere to the Constitution.
Look up Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Neither one ever graduated from college. Doesn’t keep them from claiming to be experts in economics, history, political theory and science
I've not seen any such humility from you or anyone else on this forum since I've joined. Do you believe that everyone here is an authority on anything they speak about? Particularly given the propensity to demand links that they intend to ignore?

Mike Rowe makes no appeal to an authority other than life experience and some small truths about how public schools push higher education at the expense of the students they claim to care about.

Another vast generalization. Thousands of high schools still offer students the option of attending tech schooling.
Yet, here we are, being told by the left that every student needs to attend college.
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.

LOL @ Dems all over, America, gnashing their teeth over this
there is certainly a lot of arguing over it.

look, we either have freedom of speech or we don't. while yes there are guidelines around it, people are splitting micro-hairs on this just to find a point of disagreement they can rage over.

if you allow group a to hold events at a college and give group b a different set of rules, that would be a problem for me w/o digging and seeing why that is needed.

if someone has a problem with this base premise, THEY and THEIR mindset are the very reason we're so jacked up these days. if you have to dig deep to be "special" in all this and ergo, deserve different reasons, or hate someone and they get different rules, YOU ARE THE REASON we're jacked up these days.

people are simply LOOKING to argue anymore. come in here and XYZ poster says something, i'll take the other stance just because that's how we do things anymore.

Is your argument that vast generalizations make poor arguments? Yeah, that was mine also.

But yet you continue.
Examples and proof of government entering the student loan process and raising the costs of tuition are known issues and can be read about using any search engine you desire.

If you want a better system where everyone can access higher education, come up with it, promote it and pass it.

Until then you can only complain about those who did.
Not everyone needs, or even wants, to access so-called higher education.

And they don't.

Are you familiar with a person called Mike Rowe?

Look him up.

What is certain is that the taxpayer should never be on the hook for loans to students who can't pay them back, or funding universities that do not adhere to the Constitution.

Yes, he did an episode here in town on Fenton Glass.

The Fenton Art Glass Factory comes to a closing

Or are you saying everyone should be a TV host?
I am saying that we do our young people, and the nation as a whole, by pushing higher education above all else.

Your vast generalizations grow tired.

If Republicans weren't so upset at minorities furthering their educations...............

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