Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

do YOU support street violence against your political enemies?

rush limbaugh (having already advocated "beating them with clubs") said "leave only SOME liberals left alive!" (apparently as a warning to future generations)

ann coulter: "we should shoot a few (liberals) to let the rest know it can happen to them"

and when every con on this board says "I HAVE GUNS and soon there is gonna be a CIVIL WAR" can I assume they are threatening violence? street or otherwise?

Only if you're a completely humorless dunce who wouldn't recognize sarcasm and hyperbole if they had neon signs and sparklers on them.

Yeah right. So let a liberal say the same about right wingers and lets see how much humor and hyperbole you see.

Not being a snowflake feel free to call me anything you like. BTW, just because you don't "think" you're a racist in no way means you aren't. You are and seem to be the only one who refuses to acknowlege it.

Yawn! I know I am not a racist and I know that in a forum full of "conservative" white racists they will call me one just for pointing out continuing white racism.

Of course you are a racist.

Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Last I checked the NFL doesn't get federal funding to teach their athletes. I love some of the shit you conflate.

None! Ice cream has no bones.
Sorry but they get federal funding and if you get federal funding you must abide by federal rules. So trump just stuck his head up his ass again showing how he wants to push white supremacy.

What the fuck does this have to do with white supremacy?

He didn't write an executive order that stated at the end "except for Christian colleges".

And you're wrong about them getting federal funding:

How Some Religious Colleges Avoid Rules Prohibiting Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation

None of which has to do with white supremacy.

Do you live in an alternate world? Maybe it's TDS. I recommend talking to a professional about it if that's the case.
State funded universities are in the public square just as we are walking around on the streets

but a private Christian university that receives no federal or state subsidies is just that - private

the same we are in our homes

Is a private research university such as, say, Harvard the public square?

State Universities already have an obligation to uphold freedom of speech regardless of his executive order.
To the extent that it receives federal research grants it is in the public square

So why differentiate a college receiving research grants or federally subsidized tuition?

Because research grants are about the institution, and student loans are about individual people. The goal here is to protect individual freedom, not restrict it.

I agree. So the federal government shouldn’t allow their student loans to go institutions that restrict freedoms.

No, if you're saying that you think the federal government should dictate to individuals where they choose to go to school, then you don't agree with me. You're agreeing with your own ass-backward, functionally-illiterate, power-is-for-controlling-everyone leftist misunderstanding.
do YOU support street violence against your political enemies?

rush limbaugh (having already advocated "beating them with clubs") said "leave only SOME liberals left alive!" (apparently as a warning to future generations)

ann coulter: "we should shoot a few (liberals) to let the rest know it can happen to them"

and when every con on this board says "I HAVE GUNS and soon there is gonna be a CIVIL WAR" can I assume they are threatening violence? street or otherwise?

Only if you're a completely humorless dunce who wouldn't recognize sarcasm and hyperbole if they had neon signs and sparklers on them.

Yeah right. So let a liberal say the same about right wingers and lets see how much humor and hyperbole you see.

Not being a snowflake feel free to call me anything you like. BTW, just because you don't "think" you're a racist in no way means you aren't. You are and seem to be the only one who refuses to acknowlege it.

Yawn! I know I am not a racist and I know that in a forum full of "conservative" white racists they will call me one just for pointing out continuing white racism.

I hope you realize that these conservatives are deranged?

any one who goes around spitting on blacks all day long and then claims he is NOT a racist is deranged.

Show me a link to people spitting on blacks. I have got to see this. That's just disgusting.
So why differentiate a college receiving research grants or federally subsidized tuition?
They all do except one. Here's the answer: because he can.
The answer is that the money goes to students not Liberty U

Its the kids money that angry libs would have to take away

if they dare

The kids then spend the money at liberty U, so sorry this is incorrect.

Only if you're a leftist drone who doesn't comprehend what individual freedoms are, or why they matter.

Liberty University restricts the individual freedoms of their students. That’s a fact.

Liberty University is a private institution, and therefore irrelevant to this topic, no matter HOW much you despise them and want to twist the discussion into an attack on them.
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

If the NFL and it’s teams were receiving Federal funding like the colleges that obstruct free speech, then you would have a point. The NFL is a private enterprise and can control speech just like a private college, but all that changes when you take money from Uncle Sam.

No, while the 1st amendment originally was just a restriction on the federal government from infringing upon freedom of political speech, after the 14th amendment, all the restrictions in the Bill of Rights were considered to also protect individual rights from anyone and everyone, including private companies like the NFL.
It is absolutely illegal for the NFL or any of its teams, to force anyone to stand, sing the anthem, salute the flag, put your hand over your heart, or anything else with any political connotation at all.

Does that imply the NFL then also can not stop people from kneeling?
I think so.
I think it is illegal to even play the anthem at a public events like sports.
It does not belong there.
It is intrusive, and requires an individual response.
We play the national anthem and salute the flag because we love America and appreciate Americas positive contribution to world history

when the black players stupidly began taking a knee it was an insult to the flag and most Americans, which in turn harmed attendance and revenues to pay the players salary

Bullshit. What you're trying to say is that you're butthurt that uppity black people dared to stand up to your little puppet jingo dance and that's an 'insult' to your klan. And it " harmed" nothing ---- those national anthems aren't even broadcast on TV anyway. If you didn't have moles ordering your fake outrage you wouldn't even have a cue.
Forcing the NFL to not show disrespect for the American flag by taking playing of the national anthem off TV is a victory for the leftwing America haters

It was NEVER ON TV in the first place you pathetic baboon. The telecast starts with the kickoff, which demonstrates your dearth of expertise in this fake-outrage game. Hell I don't even have a TV and I know that. Furthermore it's only been about ten years that NFL players have been used as dancing marionettes to strike the submissive pose on the field AT ALL, even off TV.

You're a dancing puppet, obediently doing the outrage dance on cue. Furthermore, plastic jingo exercises have absolute ZERO to do with the game of football, or for that matter any other game. Unless you're competing in the Olympics where athletes represent different countries, a national jingoanthem literally has no function.
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Only if you're a completely humorless dunce who wouldn't recognize sarcasm and hyperbole if they had neon signs and sparklers on them.

Yeah right. So let a liberal say the same about right wingers and lets see how much humor and hyperbole you see.

Not being a snowflake feel free to call me anything you like. BTW, just because you don't "think" you're a racist in no way means you aren't. You are and seem to be the only one who refuses to acknowlege it.

Yawn! I know I am not a racist and I know that in a forum full of "conservative" white racists they will call me one just for pointing out continuing white racism.

Of course you are a racist.


I'll assume you are younger than I am (I'm 68...or is it 69?.....I forget....must be brain damage!)

I've been reading the comments of conservatives since the advent of message boards in the 1990's...

they LOVE to mock, ridicule, insult, and indulge in personal attacks....

then, right after they do all of that, they LOVE to say "liberals always mock and ridicule! they NEVER discuss issues civilly! conservatives are ALWAYS nice and civil!"...

and it seems that they actually believe this crap.....

hence that assholes continued accusation that YOU are the racist....

he's doing what cons love to do......try to piss you off.....
Only if you're a completely humorless dunce who wouldn't recognize sarcasm and hyperbole if they had neon signs and sparklers on them.

Yeah right. So let a liberal say the same about right wingers and lets see how much humor and hyperbole you see.

Not being a snowflake feel free to call me anything you like. BTW, just because you don't "think" you're a racist in no way means you aren't. You are and seem to be the only one who refuses to acknowlege it.

Yawn! I know I am not a racist and I know that in a forum full of "conservative" white racists they will call me one just for pointing out continuing white racism.

I hope you realize that these conservatives are deranged?

any one who goes around spitting on blacks all day long and then claims he is NOT a racist is deranged.

Show me a link to people spitting on blacks. I have got to see this. That's just disgusting.

Better to just scroll on by certain posters and don't make eye contact. LOL!

Interesting conflict between state law and personal beliefs.

Meanwhile, at lib schools when conservatives try to speak.

Sometimes it takes riots. It took riots to get blacks equal rights. It took riots to get us out of Vietnam. The founders understood that.

So, you support the use of street violence, against your political enemies.

Sometimes. Is that not what we did in Boston on December 16, 1773?

THank you for your honesty. So many of your lib buddies here, lie about that.

So, are you going to be honest enough to admit that with people like you, and mobs like Antifa, that Trump's move is completely called for?

Or is that too much even for an honest left like you?

My lib buddies? Who is it that often times notes

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.

You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.

That's kind of acrobatic, since our Founders were the quintessential Liberals. Oops.
I am not denying it's existence, I am simply saying in this day and age it is not as systemic as IM says.

Maybe......or maybe you simply don't live it? Stop and Frisk is recent. White's would have never stood for that. Bloomberg even complained that too many white's were being stopped. Trump supported the policy.

Maybe it's just that you don't live it.

See post 644.

I live in the same world everyone else does. It's not systemic and some of it is even brought on by their attitudes.

Racism will give you an attitude.

Treru story. I was grocery shopping in Walmart. Down one ailse there was a very obese black woman in a little motorized cart. and her daughter pushing a shopping cart. They were stopped and I said excuse me and after a time they letr me through. This was happening in ailse after aisle. On about the 4th one I just stood behind them, this was getting old. As I stood there the daughter finally looked back and said "mama we need to let this man by". Her response? "why don't you ever just take my side for once? She turned and looked at me and said " Oh and he a white mothaf**cher too". I had the "right to remain silent but I did not have the ability. I responed "did the white man make you fat too"?

She like IM2 are/were racist pigs.

Institutionalized racism will do that to you.

Nope, sorry. An entitled attitude does that you you.

How did you react to racism? Very well?[/QUOTE]

LOL, you really want to try and make the point that Blcks get shat on whenever they out into publc? I have zero tolerance for entitlement
If you have a point you don't have to "exaggerate".

But obviously you will continue to.

You simply no longer like the questions being asked.
It is a common dodge of conservatives. They pretend that most college students get worthless degrees. It supports their claim that college is a waste of time.

But most college degrees are in Business, Education, Healthcare, Liberal Arts and STEM

Liberal arts includes women's studies.

It's not Republicans complaining about it, its the people getting the degrees and finding out business owners don't want them, or at least don't want them at the salary they are expecting.

Let’s see Logic 101

Liberal Arts includes Women’s Studies, therefore all Liberal Arts degrees are Women’s Studies degrees

it falls more under my statement of degrees going from teaching critical thinking to teaching rote acceptance.
What ever made you think Liberal Arts teaches nothing about critical thinking?

You been listening to Hannity again?

How can you be critical of something when you are taught your view is the only view?
Only if you're a completely humorless dunce who wouldn't recognize sarcasm and hyperbole if they had neon signs and sparklers on them.

Yeah right. So let a liberal say the same about right wingers and lets see how much humor and hyperbole you see.

Not being a snowflake feel free to call me anything you like. BTW, just because you don't "think" you're a racist in no way means you aren't. You are and seem to be the only one who refuses to acknowlege it.

Yawn! I know I am not a racist and I know that in a forum full of "conservative" white racists they will call me one just for pointing out continuing white racism.

Of course you are a racist.


You are indeed, you are a one trick pony. White man bad, he owes me money.
That's kind of acrobatic, since our Founders were the quintessential Liberals. Oops.

but then again, liberals of the 1700/1800's bare no resemblance to what is supposed to be a liberal today.
They are quite opposite

Interesting conflict between state law and personal beliefs.

Meanwhile, at lib schools when conservatives try to speak.

Sometimes it takes riots. It took riots to get blacks equal rights. It took riots to get us out of Vietnam. The founders understood that.

So, you support the use of street violence, against your political enemies.

Sometimes. Is that not what we did in Boston on December 16, 1773?

THank you for your honesty. So many of your lib buddies here, lie about that.

So, are you going to be honest enough to admit that with people like you, and mobs like Antifa, that Trump's move is completely called for?

Or is that too much even for an honest left like you?

My lib buddies? Who is it that often times notes

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.

You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.

Which is why so often the riots happen to STOP conservative speech. Because you lefties fear the Truth getting out.

Which is why this rule will not NEED to be used against conservative schools.

We are not the bad guys, you are.

"We are not the bad guys, you are"

isn't that what aryan nazi germans said to the jews?

I'm certain you believe YOU are the good guys and liberals are the bad guys...

but from my perspective...

I am the GOOD GUY who wants rights and freedoms for EVERYONE and YOU are the piece of shit who supports a tyranical dirtbag .

so don't forget...

MILLIONS and MILLIONS of us believe YOU are "human scum"
" I am not denying it's existence, I am simply saying in this day and age it is not as systemic as IM says."

Except it is. And while you live here like everybody else, you live here as a white man, not a woman, or a person of color. You have never experienced pregnancy or given birth. You have never lived as a person of color to make the claims that you do. Of course systemic racism doesn't exist for you, and you don't have to pay attention to it. Things are exactly how I say and if you had the balls to go into a majority black forum and tell them how systemic racism is not what they say, you'd be blasted right the fuck out of that forum quick. So you come back and tell me what's what for blacks after living 59 years black. OK?
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Does the NFL get federal funding?

Just How Much Money Does the NFL Rake in from Taxpayers?

The Bonds are issued by the States, not the Feds.

Another study from the Brookings Institution showed that federal taxpayers have subsidized the construction of 36 stadiums at a cost of over $3.2 billion since 2000.​

subsidizing is not funding. Again, it's due to municipal bonds being tax free.

And $3.2 billion over 20 years sounds like a lot until you realize that the same amount of money is 1/3 of the total federal expenditure in a SINGLE DAY.

Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Does the NFL get federal funding?

Just How Much Money Does the NFL Rake in from Taxpayers?

The Bonds are issued by the States, not the Feds.

Another study from the Brookings Institution showed that federal taxpayers have subsidized the construction of 36 stadiums at a cost of over $3.2 billion since 2000.​

You're talking to people who think education is bad. So facts are beyond their comprehension.

Some education is worthless, and thus bad for the person shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars for it.
The answer is that the money goes to students not Liberty U

Its the kids money that angry libs would have to take away

if they dare

The kids then spend the money at liberty U, so sorry this is incorrect.

Only if you're a leftist drone who doesn't comprehend what individual freedoms are, or why they matter.

Liberty University restricts the individual freedoms of their students. That’s a fact.

and yet you listed none of them,,,

‘Liberty’ University? When It Comes to Free Speech, It’s Anything But.

let's face it

if trump shot someone on 5th avenue while you watched him do it he would turn to you and say "hillary did that!" and you would believe it!

I assume this state of denial is a life time obstacle for you

State of denial like the one that keeps you gabbling about a private institution which is irrelevant to the topic?
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

yeah cause... a private organization setting their own rules, and players violating those rules is the same thing as Public Universities prohibiting speakers they don't like, faculty staff shutting the power off of microphones when they don't like what it said and organizing protests that threaten speakers is the exact same thing.


the point at issue;

trump says "no federal funding for colleges that don't allow free speech"

shall we dissect that sentence?

"NO" (none...not any....)

FEDERAL FUNDING (my federal tax dollars)

for COLLEGES (any and all.....)

that don't allow free speech"

there you have it

ANY COLLEGE that doesn't allow FREE SPEECH with receive NO FEDERAL FUNDING.

IF liberty STIFLES free speech they will LOSE any federal funding they get

if they do NOT get any federal funding they can stifle free speech all they want to.

And it only took you 67 pages of multiple people telling you that for you to grasp it. Congrats!
" I am not denying it's existence, I am simply saying in this day and age it is not as systemic as IM says."

Except it is. And while you live here like everybody else, you live here as a white man, not a woman, or a person of color. You have never experienced pregnancy or given birth. You have never lived as a person of color to make the claims that you do. Of course systemic racism doesn't exist for you, and you don't have to pay attention to it. Things are exactly how I say and if you had the balls to go into a majority black forum and tell them how systemic racism is not what they say, you'd be blasted right the fuck out of that forum quick. So you come back and tell me what's what for blacks after living 59 years black. OK?

Kid, to you ANYONE who disagrees with ANYTHING you think/say/ want is a Racist. I don't owe you anything and just because 200 people might think a thing is true does not make it true. You're nothing more than a whiner

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