Trump orders federal departments, agencies to provide citizenship records: We will leave no stone un

USMCA strikes a welcome blow against investor-state dispute settlement - Behind the Numbers

ISDS has (mostly) disappeared
Under the USMCA, ISDS will be eliminated between Canada and the U.S., and scaled back between Mexico and the U.S. This is an incredible achievement. NAFTA’s ISDS mechanism, embedded in NAFTA Chapter 11, allowed investors to bypass the domestic courts and sue governments before private international tribunals when public policy choices, laws or regulations allegedly harmed their investments. Of the three NAFTA countries, Canada has been the most sued, with U.S. investors frequently targeting federal and provincial environmental regulations.

Foreign investors must also first try to resolve the disputes through the domestic courts—Mexican courts in the case of U.S. investors in that country, and U.S. courts for Mexican investors in that country. Crucially, USMCA will deny foreign investors the right to invoke much-abused provisions—in NAFTA and now thousands of other bilateral investment treaties—on minimum standards of treatment, indirect expropriation, and for planned, but not yet established, investments. From a public policy perspective, this is a vast improvement over the NAFTA status quo.
Yeah....too bad we need it but we do need it....aside from facilitating commerce and economic growth however the reserve also has too much power for a non elected body....and they use it to benefit the elite.


Argue we need it. That's fine with me but don't argue it's Capitalism.
Capitalism is more of a philosophy than

As presented it's a theory we do not practice.

It would be quite impossible to practice it in is anathema to the human ambience. People need things like food, shelter and general peace and security.....however having said that it is also impossible to practice any of the other major schools in purity....a mix is required begging the question as to whether or not there is an actual school that works that is unmanned.

I've long argued for a mix. I've long argued we have a mix. I argue it's tilted too far one way but that doesn't change the earlier points.

Ultimately it is not a human is a mechanical one. This shocks most people but even in the realm of choice there is limit and in the limit there is direction....cold, unfeeling and unyielding reality that doesn't care if anyone believes it or not.

Capitalism is an economic system, immigration is a political question.

Funny thing to your ignorant talking point, virtually all capitalists support strong and secure borders, where nearly all socialist/monarchists promote open borders. Most capitalists are nationalists - international communism belongs to those like you, who hate sovereign and independent nations.

All countries secure their borders. We want the cheap labor so we only pretend to.
Speak for yourself

At least 62 million Americans do not agree with you

No they don't or they would be demanding that those exploiting the cheap labor be dealt with.
Thats your liberal one-trick pony

Trump voters support a variety of measures to end the illegal alien invasion

All except the big one. The reason they come in the first place.
We are not against workplace enforcement

but you dont want to meet us halh
All countries secure their borders. We want the cheap labor so we only pretend to.
Speak for yourself

At least 62 million Americans do not agree with you

No they don't or they would be demanding that those exploiting the cheap labor be dealt with.
Thats your liberal one-trick pony

Trump voters support a variety of measures to end the illegal alien invasion

All except the big one. The reason they come in the first place.
We are not against workplace enforcement

but you dont want to meet us halh

When someone starts enforcing that you let me know.
The Right and US Trade Law: Invalidating the 20th Century

NAFTA’s arbitrators cannot overturn domestic laws, but their huge damage awards may be nearly as crippling–chilling governments from acting once they realize they will be “paying to regulate,” as William Waren, a fellow at Georgetown law school, puts it. On its face, this strange new legal system’s ability to check democratically elected governments confirms a principal accusation of those much-disparaged protesters against corporate-dominated globalization. Elite power politics, they contend, is imposing rules on the global economy that effectively shut out competing voices and values, that slyly undermine the sovereign capacity of a nation to defend its own citizens’ broader interests. Indeed, the US multinational community dreams of establishing Chapter 11’s provisions as the worldwide standard, to be applied next in the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas.

The most disturbing aspect of Chapter 11, however, is not its private arbitration system but its expansive new definition of property rights–far beyond the established terms in US jurisprudence and with a potential to override established rights in domestic law. NAFTA’s new investor protections actually mimic a radical revision of constitutional law that the American right has been aggressively pushing for years–redefining public regulation as a government “taking” of private property that requires compensation to the owners, just as when government takes private land for a highway or park it has to pay its fair value. Because any new regulation is bound to have some economic impact on private assets, this doctrine is a formula to shrink the reach of modern government and cripple the regulatory state–undermining long-established protections for social welfare and economic justice, environmental values and individual rights.
The Right and US Trade Law: Invalidating the 20th Century

NAFTA’s arbitrators cannot overturn domestic laws, but their huge damage awards may be nearly as crippling–chilling governments from acting once they realize they will be “paying to regulate,” as William Waren, a fellow at Georgetown law school, puts it. On its face, this strange new legal system’s ability to check democratically elected governments confirms a principal accusation of those much-disparaged protesters against corporate-dominated globalization. Elite power politics, they contend, is imposing rules on the global economy that effectively shut out competing voices and values, that slyly undermine the sovereign capacity of a nation to defend its own citizens’ broader interests. Indeed, the US multinational community dreams of establishing Chapter 11’s provisions as the worldwide standard, to be applied next in the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas.

The most disturbing aspect of Chapter 11, however, is not its private arbitration system but its expansive new definition of property rights–far beyond the established terms in US jurisprudence and with a potential to override established rights in domestic law. NAFTA’s new investor protections actually mimic a radical revision of constitutional law that the American right has been aggressively pushing for years–redefining public regulation as a government “taking” of private property that requires compensation to the owners, just as when government takes private land for a highway or park it has to pay its fair value. Because any new regulation is bound to have some economic impact on private assets, this doctrine is a formula to shrink the reach of modern government and cripple the regulatory state–undermining long-established protections for social welfare and economic justice, environmental values and individual rights.

this is almost 20 years old now

The Secret courts of Nafta just took a big blow. They can no longer sue governments for their laws .....Demanding compensation from governments if they say our Laws damage them financially. While this will take 3 years from full Ratification........In 3 years the Globalist can no longer Sue us for our Laws.....

This was a Big blow to the Globalist and their secret courts. TPP had a Secret court that was NAFTA on Steroids.

This NEEDED TO GO........and is a Major issue with the those try to DOWNPLAY IT'S IMPORTANCE.
The Right and US Trade Law: Invalidating the 20th Century

NAFTA’s arbitrators cannot overturn domestic laws, but their huge damage awards may be nearly as crippling–chilling governments from acting once they realize they will be “paying to regulate,” as William Waren, a fellow at Georgetown law school, puts it. On its face, this strange new legal system’s ability to check democratically elected governments confirms a principal accusation of those much-disparaged protesters against corporate-dominated globalization. Elite power politics, they contend, is imposing rules on the global economy that effectively shut out competing voices and values, that slyly undermine the sovereign capacity of a nation to defend its own citizens’ broader interests. Indeed, the US multinational community dreams of establishing Chapter 11’s provisions as the worldwide standard, to be applied next in the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas.

The most disturbing aspect of Chapter 11, however, is not its private arbitration system but its expansive new definition of property rights–far beyond the established terms in US jurisprudence and with a potential to override established rights in domestic law. NAFTA’s new investor protections actually mimic a radical revision of constitutional law that the American right has been aggressively pushing for years–redefining public regulation as a government “taking” of private property that requires compensation to the owners, just as when government takes private land for a highway or park it has to pay its fair value. Because any new regulation is bound to have some economic impact on private assets, this doctrine is a formula to shrink the reach of modern government and cripple the regulatory state–undermining long-established protections for social welfare and economic justice, environmental values and individual rights.

this is almost 20 years old now

And? It points out key points proven true by NAFTA courts and Chapter 11.

Companies will eventually not be able to Sue COUNTRIES for Financial Damages for their laws. The Nafta courts HAVE FORCED us to change laws......

Country of Origin is another example.......Whether you believe in the Country of Origin Label or not doesn't matter.......The NAFTA courts Forced MASSIVE penalties on our country because of our law. Simple law........The country of origin has to be on the meats we buy at the Store.

We changed that law to avoid Billions more in penalties.
..and is a Major issue with the those try to DOWNPLAY IT'S IMPORTANCE.

so why is it a secret?

It's been referred to as Secret Courts, not always in this country. Where CORPS and BUSINESS challenge Gov'ts for FINANCIAL compensation for their very laws...............

Under the new agreement.........If a business doesn't like our will have to go to the court system in that country to file a case........Which will not care that you don't like our laws.........

TPP did this as well........a way for Companies to Sue Nations and take Tax payers money.

The way it should be is that if you want to do business will obey our laws here or you can go somewhere else.
stone unturned

GOD BLESS this President! :clap2:

President Trump, speaking at the White House on Thursday, announced that he would "immediately" issue an executive order to get an accurate count of non-citizens and citizens in the United States -- a measure Trump said would be "far more accurate" than relying on a citizenship question in the 2020 census.

The move would make use of "vast" federal databases and free up information sharing among all federal agencies concerning who they know is living in the country, Trump said.

"Today I'm here to say we are not backing down in our effort to determine the citizenship status of the United States population," the president told reporters in the Rose Garden, after slamming "far-left Democrats" seeking to "conceal the number of illegal aliens in our midst."

Trump, 'not backing down' in effort to count citizens amid census fight, announces executive order

Thanks on the news from July. What has happened with it since this was first reported?

DHS and ICE are making major efforts to gather the information from the myriad of sources. Few understand just how evasive government is in our daily lives.
AFL-CIO endorses Trump’s revised re-write of NAFTA trade treaty | nwLaborPress

But national AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka—and top Democrats in Congress—said that wasn’t good enough. And they objected to a provision in the USMCA that would guarantee drug companies a 10-year patent monopoly on new drugs known as biologics. To win support in the Democrat-controlled House, Trump administration trade negotiator Robert Lighthizer went back to negotiate further with Mexico and Canada. The revised deal, announced Dec. 10:

  • drops the drug patent extension;
  • requires that Mexico’s compliance with newly beefed up labor standards be verified by independent labor experts; allows for inspections of Mexican factories and facilities that aren’t living up to agreed-upon labor standards; and penalizes goods and services that aren’t produced in compliance;
  • allows the United States to impose quotas on imported cars from Canada and Mexico;
  • requires that at least 40% of the steel used in auto production come from U.S. steel plants
AFL-CIO president Trumka called the revised USMCA “a vast improvement.”

“We demanded a trade deal that benefits workers,” Trumka said in a Dec. 10 press statement, “and now we have secured an agreement that working people can proudly support.”

Trumka commended Trump trade ambassador Lighthizer as a straight shooter, and thanked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democrats Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) for their role in pushing for the USMCA to be revised.

“For the first time, there truly will be enforceable labor standards,” Trumka said, “including a process that allows for the inspections of factories and facilities that are not living up to their obligations.”
It's been less than six months since EO 13880 was issued, far too soon to have results. Give it six months.
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Speak for yourself

At least 62 million Americans do not agree with you

No they don't or they would be demanding that those exploiting the cheap labor be dealt with.
Thats your liberal one-trick pony

Trump voters support a variety of measures to end the illegal alien invasion

All except the big one. The reason they come in the first place.
We are not against workplace enforcement

but you dont want to meet us halh

When someone starts enforcing that you let me know.
You expect it to be dropped into your lap like a birthday present?

Put pressure on the dems to make a deal with trump for border enforcement aka the wall, along with an end the sanctuary city resistance to enforcement
No they don't or they would be demanding that those exploiting the cheap labor be dealt with.
Thats your liberal one-trick pony

Trump voters support a variety of measures to end the illegal alien invasion

All except the big one. The reason they come in the first place.
We are not against workplace enforcement

but you dont want to meet us halh

When someone starts enforcing that you let me know.
You expect it to be dropped into your lap like a birthday present?

Put pressure on the dems to make a deal with trump for border enforcement aka the wall, along with an end the sanctuary city resistance to enforcement

It doesn't matter to me in the end. What is going to happen is that you are going to continue to be lied to . The problem will continue to get bigger and bigger. Then at some point all these people are going to be made citizens.
Cities aren't resisting enforcement because there is none.
Thats your liberal one-trick pony

Trump voters support a variety of measures to end the illegal alien invasion

All except the big one. The reason they come in the first place.
We are not against workplace enforcement

but you dont want to meet us halh

When someone starts enforcing that you let me know.
You expect it to be dropped into your lap like a birthday present?

Put pressure on the dems to make a deal with trump for border enforcement aka the wall, along with an end the sanctuary city resistance to enforcement

It doesn't matter to me in the end. What is going to happen is that you are going to continue to be lied to . The problem will continue to get bigger and bigger. Then at some point all these people are going to be made citizens.
Cities aren't resisting enforcement because there is none.
And you will continue to sit on the fence doing nothing except act superior and complain
All except the big one. The reason they come in the first place.
We are not against workplace enforcement

but you dont want to meet us halh

When someone starts enforcing that you let me know.
You expect it to be dropped into your lap like a birthday present?

Put pressure on the dems to make a deal with trump for border enforcement aka the wall, along with an end the sanctuary city resistance to enforcement

It doesn't matter to me in the end. What is going to happen is that you are going to continue to be lied to . The problem will continue to get bigger and bigger. Then at some point all these people are going to be made citizens.
Cities aren't resisting enforcement because there is none.
And you will continue to sit on the fence doing nothing except act superior and complain

There is nothing I can do. I'm not sure why you expect me to do what you don't expect those who can do something for doing.
We are not against workplace enforcement

but you dont want to meet us halh

When someone starts enforcing that you let me know.
You expect it to be dropped into your lap like a birthday present?

Put pressure on the dems to make a deal with trump for border enforcement aka the wall, along with an end the sanctuary city resistance to enforcement

It doesn't matter to me in the end. What is going to happen is that you are going to continue to be lied to . The problem will continue to get bigger and bigger. Then at some point all these people are going to be made citizens.
Cities aren't resisting enforcement because there is none.
And you will continue to sit on the fence doing nothing except act superior and complain

There is nothing I can do. I'm not sure why you expect me to do what you don't expect those who can do something for doing.
Yes there is

You have to pressure the democrats to get off their ass and implement your ideas on illegals

And if the price is to fund the wall and other measures trump voters demand such as punishing sanctuary cities for non cooperation then well and good

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