Trump orders federal departments, agencies to provide citizenship records: We will leave no stone un


"Conservatives" never condemned the bail outs and aren't about to end the Socialist Federal Reserve. The defense budget is harming far more than it helps. When did Conservatives become interventionists?

Comrade, explain how the federal reserve is "socialist?" You have no clue what the fed is or how it works, obviously.

We didn't use the Fed to bail out the markets? Bail outs are now Capitalism again? We aren't using the Fed to prop up the markets now? How is this Capitalism?
That's the theory. That isn't how it works.

Show me a better system, Comrade?

You can say it is a great system BUT it does not work as your theory states. Where in Capitalism do we find bailouts? Where do we find a Federal Reserve system propping up the markets?

Those are both more Socialist than Capitalist.

Show me a better system, Comrade?

Ours is a Capitalist system propped up by Socialist programs. Very few argue against that system. Some (like you) argue that isn't true and some (like me) argue it needs to be more fair.

So how do socialist programs prop up capitalism?
You can say it is a great system BUT it does not work as your theory states. Where in Capitalism do we find bailouts? Where do we find a Federal Reserve system propping up the markets?

Those are both more Socialist than Capitalist.
We have strayed from the limited government model that the Founders gave us

But most liberals do not mind that at all as long as they get their share of the pie for social programs directed at specific groups and individuals they support

Conservatives generally lean toward government spending that benefits everyone such as the defense budget

"Conservatives" never condemned the bail outs and aren't about to end the Socialist Federal Reserve. The defense budget is harming far more than it helps. When did Conservatives become interventionists?
Conservatives did condemn the bailouts to the auto industry and wall st

But certainly not all conservatives

George Bush for instance who was a very mixed bag of conservative and bleeding heart liberal supported both

Very, very, very few Conservatives did. To argue that the very few represent the many is a dishonest argument.
Lets say for the sake of argument that many conservatives did go along for the ride dueto the widespread belief that the alternative meant the end of the world

Do you have to resort to extreme hyperbole to make a point?

Does that mean they now have to turn over their future to the leftists?

I dont think so

No it means that they support Socialism when it benefits them but are against it when it benefits others and then pretend they do not support Socialism.

So if a slaughterhouse wants to pay a foreign worker to come here and pay them $5.00 that's Capitalism. That is how it works.

Capitalism is an economic system, immigration is a political question.

Funny thing to your ignorant talking point, virtually all capitalists support strong and secure borders, where nearly all socialist/monarchists promote open borders. Most capitalists are nationalists - international communism belongs to those like you, who hate sovereign and independent nations.

All countries secure their borders. We want the cheap labor so we only pretend to.

Who stops us from securing the border?

Ah, that would be the Marxist democrat party.

You can avoid my point if you wish.
That's the theory. That isn't how it works.

Show me a better system, Comrade?

You can say it is a great system BUT it does not work as your theory states. Where in Capitalism do we find bailouts? Where do we find a Federal Reserve system propping up the markets?

Those are both more Socialist than Capitalist.

Show me a better system, Comrade?

Ours is a Capitalist system propped up by Socialist programs. Very few argue against that system. Some (like you) argue that isn't true and some (like me) argue it needs to be more fair.

Propped up in what way?

Social Security is a disaster. Any worker who took the amount that was confiscated by SS and put it in a money market for the same period would have triple the returns they will see from Socialist Security. Oh does that mean we should steal the money from those who paid in their entire lives? Of course not. Objecting to outright theft is not the same as embracing or promoting a clearly failed system.

Obama's fascist care likewise is a complete and total disaster. It has tripled the costs to consumers, which is why looters like Kaiser and Blue Cross lobbied so strongly for it.

Propped up? The "socialist programs" are an anchor on prosperity.
That's the theory. That isn't how it works.

Show me a better system, Comrade?

You can say it is a great system BUT it does not work as your theory states. Where in Capitalism do we find bailouts? Where do we find a Federal Reserve system propping up the markets?

Those are both more Socialist than Capitalist.

Show me a better system, Comrade?

Ours is a Capitalist system propped up by Socialist programs. Very few argue against that system. Some (like you) argue that isn't true and some (like me) argue it needs to be more fair.

Propped up in what way?

Social Security is a disaster.

If it's such a disaster, try and end it. Go ahead. Tell Trump to make that his priority.

Any worker who took the amount that was confiscated by SS and put it in a money market for the same period would have triple the returns they will see from Socialist Security. Oh does that mean we should steal the money from those who paid in their entire lives? Of course not. Objecting to outright theft is not the same as embracing or promoting a clearly failed system.

Does this take into consideration not bailing out the markets when they fail?

Obama's fascist care likewise is a complete and total disaster. It has tripled the costs to consumers, which is why looters like Kaiser and Blue Cross lobbied so strongly for it.

Propped up? The "socialist programs" are an anchor on prosperity.

It hasn't tripled the costs so there is no need for the hyperbole but I didn't then and I don't now support Obamacare.
Trump would buy every single farmer a truck if it would help him win re-election, my friends!

and he would put the name TRUMP on the license plates!
Says someone supporting a party promising free healthcare and free college for everyone within driving distance of the US.
Soros is a Capitalist financier & one of your favorites a card carrying member of the Synagogue of Satan.

Soros is a criminal who used fraud and deceit to crash the British economy. He belongs in prison or better executed. Of course he was a Nazi collaborator, so has a lot in common with you.

That's how dumb you Brits tend to be, you're basically just pale faced Negrows.

Learn to read, moron. I've from Orange County, California.

Greed was the primary fuel for slavery, basically the same thing that fuels Capitalism.

Greed is the basis of socialism, the promise of something for nothing.

I disagree, Capitalism could absolutely lead back to slavery.

You're uneducated and highly ignorant. It is you who seeks to enslave others, to force them to give you "free" medical care and whatever else you can get the government to point a gun at them for to take by force.

Capitalists like you want to take away Unions which pay well, and have us settle for less.

More idiocy.

Corporations and Unions are two sides of the same coin. Both must be present for a healthy system to exist, Neither can be allowed to become a monopoly though - as the AFL/CIO and SEUI have done. Monopolies are created by and nurtured by the state, they are always destructive.

Most Americans are British savages, there's no such thing as a real American, idiots.

Greed & Capitalism has ruined America.

Capitalism is centered on greed.

State monopolies?

Monopolies are in existence because the state hasn't stopped them dumb f*ck.

Again, you are uneducated and highly ignorant.

Let's say you own a string of gas stations. You want a monopoly. But someone else opens one and charges less. What do you do? Go burn down your competitor? You'll go to prison. Go kill your competitor? Nope, prison again. The ONLY way you can have the monopoly is if the STATE interferes on your behalf. That's why monopolies are pretty well universal in socialist countries - the state run oil company, the municipal taxi companies, et al. Outside of a natural monopoly, a monopoly or trust can ONLY exist with the express aid of the state,

Oh, and merry Christmas, Nazi Boi.

Monopolies exist because of inequalities between businessman, prices, and product largely, but can be propped up by the government too.

Saying Monopolies cannot exist without government, is the biggest ignorant trash argument I've ever heard.

You Protestants are goofy savages at best.
We didn't use the Fed to bail out the markets? Bail outs are now Capitalism again? We aren't using the Fed to prop up the markets now? How is this Capitalism?

There is a word associated with "federal" that you clearly fail to grasp, that word is "reserve." First off, your statement of "bailout" is incorrect and made from a position of abject ignorance due to your utter lack of understanding of the monetary system.

We have to break this down to the basics, because you CLEARLY have no idea what the federal reserve is or how monetary policy works. I am going to assume you are some nutjob who has heard "fed bad" and believes it without having any clue what is behind it. What is behind it is fiat currency. Fiat currency means money not backed by tangible assets. Bad, right? Well, it's little more complicated than that. Took make it simple let's say we have a simple economy where a woodcutter can cut down 10 trees a year, and there are 10 1 ounce chunks of gold. So we peg the gold to the wood, each tree is worth one gold. All is good, trade is fair. But then another wood cutter moves in, and now there are 20 trees pegged to the 10 gold. Do we just have the wealth of the first woodcutter magically be cut in half? Chances are he wouldn't like that and will abandon the monetary system as it fails to provide an equitable means of trade. So the mayor comes up with something ingenious, he locks the gold up and creates credits that he calls "dollars." The trees are one dollar each. Now when another wood cutter shows up, he can expand the currency by fiat, preserving the trade balance.

What the federal reserve does is maintain the ratio of goods and services to currency. As we have shifted to a credit economy, most transactions occur using nothing more than credits and debits in computer systems. The Repo market is for those situations where transactions exceed the available currency. Generally the float of currency in the Repo market is between 4 and 24 hours. So when the ignorant speak of the "billions pumped into the economy by the fed," they simply don't grasp that a billion dollar repo on Wednesday is the SAME billion that was floated on Tuesday.

BTW, I oppose the fed, but not for the reasons you ignorantly do.

If it's such a disaster, try and end it. Go ahead. Tell Trump to make that his priority.

Yes, you have talking points and are ignorant, I get it.

Does this take into consideration not bailing out the markets when they fail?

Yes. Bailing out GM did nothing for the wealth of shareholders and was done to prop up the UAW. I strongly oppose any bailouts. The best thing for the long term health of the market is for crooks like Bank of America and Goldman Sachs to go out of business.

It hasn't tripled the costs so there is no need for the hyperbole but I didn't then and I don't now support Obamacare.

It's tripled the cost to consumers. The looters are doing quite well.

And of course you don't support fascistcare, you seek single payer.
We didn't use the Fed to bail out the markets? Bail outs are now Capitalism again? We aren't using the Fed to prop up the markets now? How is this Capitalism?

There is a word associated with "federal" that you clearly fail to grasp, that word is "reserve." First off, your statement of "bailout" is incorrect and made from a position of abject ignorance due to your utter lack of understanding of the monetary system.

We have to break this down to the basics, because you CLEARLY have no idea what the federal reserve is or how monetary policy works. I am going to assume you are some nutjob who has heard "fed bad" and believes it without having any clue what is behind it. What is behind it is fiat currency. Fiat currency means money not backed by tangible assets. Bad, right? Well, it's little more complicated than that. Took make it simple let's say we have a simple economy where a woodcutter can cut down 10 trees a year, and there are 10 1 ounce chunks of gold. So we peg the gold to the wood, each tree is worth one gold. All is good, trade is fair. But then another wood cutter moves in, and now there are 20 trees pegged to the 10 gold. Do we just have the wealth of the first woodcutter magically be cut in half? Chances are he wouldn't like that and will abandon the monetary system as it fails to provide an equitable means of trade. So the mayor comes up with something ingenious, he locks the gold up and creates credits that he calls "dollars." The trees are one dollar each. Now when another wood cutter shows up, he can expand the currency by fiat, preserving the trade balance.

What the federal reserve does is maintain the ratio of goods and services to currency. As we have shifted to a credit economy, most transactions occur using nothing more than credits and debits in computer systems. The Repo market is for those situations where transactions exceed the available currency. Generally the float of currency in the Repo market is between 4 and 24 hours. So when the ignorant speak of the "billions pumped into the economy by the fed," they simply don't grasp that a billion dollar repo on Wednesday is the SAME billion that was floated on Tuesday.

BTW, I oppose the fed, but not for the reasons you ignorantly do.

In the beginning of this country we had Capitalism. We had to change that and create the Federal Reserve because it was not working as well as some wanted it to work. In Capitalism there is not some big entity deciding what a proper level of goods and service is. That is Socialism. Ours is simply tilted more towards the top so the "Capitalists" pretend it is Capitalism.
What's the point in knowing exactly how many are here? (not that he could even if he wanted to)

Voter roles....can be double checked against the information gathered...
There is no question that hundreds of thousands, probably millions of voter id's are fake.

We didn't use the Fed to bail out the markets? Bail outs are now Capitalism again? We aren't using the Fed to prop up the markets now? How is this Capitalism?

There is a word associated with "federal" that you clearly fail to grasp, that word is "reserve." First off, your statement of "bailout" is incorrect and made from a position of abject ignorance due to your utter lack of understanding of the monetary system.

We have to break this down to the basics, because you CLEARLY have no idea what the federal reserve is or how monetary policy works. I am going to assume you are some nutjob who has heard "fed bad" and believes it without having any clue what is behind it. What is behind it is fiat currency. Fiat currency means money not backed by tangible assets. Bad, right? Well, it's little more complicated than that. Took make it simple let's say we have a simple economy where a woodcutter can cut down 10 trees a year, and there are 10 1 ounce chunks of gold. So we peg the gold to the wood, each tree is worth one gold. All is good, trade is fair. But then another wood cutter moves in, and now there are 20 trees pegged to the 10 gold. Do we just have the wealth of the first woodcutter magically be cut in half? Chances are he wouldn't like that and will abandon the monetary system as it fails to provide an equitable means of trade. So the mayor comes up with something ingenious, he locks the gold up and creates credits that he calls "dollars." The trees are one dollar each. Now when another wood cutter shows up, he can expand the currency by fiat, preserving the trade balance.

What the federal reserve does is maintain the ratio of goods and services to currency. As we have shifted to a credit economy, most transactions occur using nothing more than credits and debits in computer systems. The Repo market is for those situations where transactions exceed the available currency. Generally the float of currency in the Repo market is between 4 and 24 hours. So when the ignorant speak of the "billions pumped into the economy by the fed," they simply don't grasp that a billion dollar repo on Wednesday is the SAME billion that was floated on Tuesday.

BTW, I oppose the fed, but not for the reasons you ignorantly do.

In the beginning of this country we had Capitalism. We had to change that and create the Federal Reserve because it was not working as well as some wanted it to work. In Capitalism there is not some big entity deciding what a proper level of goods and service is. That is Socialism. Ours is simply tilted more towards the top so the "Capitalists" pretend it is Capitalism.

Yeah....too bad we need it but we do need it....aside from facilitating commerce and economic growth however the reserve also has too much power for a non elected body....and they use it to benefit the elite.


If it's such a disaster, try and end it. Go ahead. Tell Trump to make that his priority.

Yes, you have talking points and are ignorant, I get it.

Mine was a simple point. Why not counter it if I am wrong?

Does this take into consideration not bailing out the markets when they fail?

Yes. Bailing out GM did nothing for the wealth of shareholders and was done to prop up the UAW. I strongly oppose any bailouts. The best thing for the long term health of the market is for crooks like Bank of America and Goldman Sachs to go out of business.

So you are against Trump bailing out the farms? I will also note that if you agree it was wrong you are in a very small minority of people. I fully understand I am also.

It hasn't tripled the costs so there is no need for the hyperbole but I didn't then and I don't now support Obamacare.

It's tripled the cost to consumers. The looters are doing quite well.

And of course you don't support fascistcare, you seek single payer.

Yes, the looters have done well, no it has not tripled costs and yes I support the ability for everyone to get good medical care when they need it.
We didn't use the Fed to bail out the markets? Bail outs are now Capitalism again? We aren't using the Fed to prop up the markets now? How is this Capitalism?

There is a word associated with "federal" that you clearly fail to grasp, that word is "reserve." First off, your statement of "bailout" is incorrect and made from a position of abject ignorance due to your utter lack of understanding of the monetary system.

We have to break this down to the basics, because you CLEARLY have no idea what the federal reserve is or how monetary policy works. I am going to assume you are some nutjob who has heard "fed bad" and believes it without having any clue what is behind it. What is behind it is fiat currency. Fiat currency means money not backed by tangible assets. Bad, right? Well, it's little more complicated than that. Took make it simple let's say we have a simple economy where a woodcutter can cut down 10 trees a year, and there are 10 1 ounce chunks of gold. So we peg the gold to the wood, each tree is worth one gold. All is good, trade is fair. But then another wood cutter moves in, and now there are 20 trees pegged to the 10 gold. Do we just have the wealth of the first woodcutter magically be cut in half? Chances are he wouldn't like that and will abandon the monetary system as it fails to provide an equitable means of trade. So the mayor comes up with something ingenious, he locks the gold up and creates credits that he calls "dollars." The trees are one dollar each. Now when another wood cutter shows up, he can expand the currency by fiat, preserving the trade balance.

What the federal reserve does is maintain the ratio of goods and services to currency. As we have shifted to a credit economy, most transactions occur using nothing more than credits and debits in computer systems. The Repo market is for those situations where transactions exceed the available currency. Generally the float of currency in the Repo market is between 4 and 24 hours. So when the ignorant speak of the "billions pumped into the economy by the fed," they simply don't grasp that a billion dollar repo on Wednesday is the SAME billion that was floated on Tuesday.

BTW, I oppose the fed, but not for the reasons you ignorantly do.

In the beginning of this country we had Capitalism. We had to change that and create the Federal Reserve because it was not working as well as some wanted it to work. In Capitalism there is not some big entity deciding what a proper level of goods and service is. That is Socialism. Ours is simply tilted more towards the top so the "Capitalists" pretend it is Capitalism.

Eh, to tell you the truth the USA has never been full Capitalist, or full non Capitalist, but rather just about always a mixed system.
We didn't use the Fed to bail out the markets? Bail outs are now Capitalism again? We aren't using the Fed to prop up the markets now? How is this Capitalism?

There is a word associated with "federal" that you clearly fail to grasp, that word is "reserve." First off, your statement of "bailout" is incorrect and made from a position of abject ignorance due to your utter lack of understanding of the monetary system.

We have to break this down to the basics, because you CLEARLY have no idea what the federal reserve is or how monetary policy works. I am going to assume you are some nutjob who has heard "fed bad" and believes it without having any clue what is behind it. What is behind it is fiat currency. Fiat currency means money not backed by tangible assets. Bad, right? Well, it's little more complicated than that. Took make it simple let's say we have a simple economy where a woodcutter can cut down 10 trees a year, and there are 10 1 ounce chunks of gold. So we peg the gold to the wood, each tree is worth one gold. All is good, trade is fair. But then another wood cutter moves in, and now there are 20 trees pegged to the 10 gold. Do we just have the wealth of the first woodcutter magically be cut in half? Chances are he wouldn't like that and will abandon the monetary system as it fails to provide an equitable means of trade. So the mayor comes up with something ingenious, he locks the gold up and creates credits that he calls "dollars." The trees are one dollar each. Now when another wood cutter shows up, he can expand the currency by fiat, preserving the trade balance.

What the federal reserve does is maintain the ratio of goods and services to currency. As we have shifted to a credit economy, most transactions occur using nothing more than credits and debits in computer systems. The Repo market is for those situations where transactions exceed the available currency. Generally the float of currency in the Repo market is between 4 and 24 hours. So when the ignorant speak of the "billions pumped into the economy by the fed," they simply don't grasp that a billion dollar repo on Wednesday is the SAME billion that was floated on Tuesday.

BTW, I oppose the fed, but not for the reasons you ignorantly do.

In the beginning of this country we had Capitalism. We had to change that and create the Federal Reserve because it was not working as well as some wanted it to work. In Capitalism there is not some big entity deciding what a proper level of goods and service is. That is Socialism. Ours is simply tilted more towards the top so the "Capitalists" pretend it is Capitalism.

Yeah....too bad we need it but we do need it....aside from facilitating commerce and economic growth however the reserve also has too much power for a non elected body....and they use it to benefit the elite.


Argue we need it. That's fine with me but don't argue it's Capitalism.
We didn't use the Fed to bail out the markets? Bail outs are now Capitalism again? We aren't using the Fed to prop up the markets now? How is this Capitalism?

There is a word associated with "federal" that you clearly fail to grasp, that word is "reserve." First off, your statement of "bailout" is incorrect and made from a position of abject ignorance due to your utter lack of understanding of the monetary system.

We have to break this down to the basics, because you CLEARLY have no idea what the federal reserve is or how monetary policy works. I am going to assume you are some nutjob who has heard "fed bad" and believes it without having any clue what is behind it. What is behind it is fiat currency. Fiat currency means money not backed by tangible assets. Bad, right? Well, it's little more complicated than that. Took make it simple let's say we have a simple economy where a woodcutter can cut down 10 trees a year, and there are 10 1 ounce chunks of gold. So we peg the gold to the wood, each tree is worth one gold. All is good, trade is fair. But then another wood cutter moves in, and now there are 20 trees pegged to the 10 gold. Do we just have the wealth of the first woodcutter magically be cut in half? Chances are he wouldn't like that and will abandon the monetary system as it fails to provide an equitable means of trade. So the mayor comes up with something ingenious, he locks the gold up and creates credits that he calls "dollars." The trees are one dollar each. Now when another wood cutter shows up, he can expand the currency by fiat, preserving the trade balance.

What the federal reserve does is maintain the ratio of goods and services to currency. As we have shifted to a credit economy, most transactions occur using nothing more than credits and debits in computer systems. The Repo market is for those situations where transactions exceed the available currency. Generally the float of currency in the Repo market is between 4 and 24 hours. So when the ignorant speak of the "billions pumped into the economy by the fed," they simply don't grasp that a billion dollar repo on Wednesday is the SAME billion that was floated on Tuesday.

BTW, I oppose the fed, but not for the reasons you ignorantly do.

In the beginning of this country we had Capitalism. We had to change that and create the Federal Reserve because it was not working as well as some wanted it to work. In Capitalism there is not some big entity deciding what a proper level of goods and service is. That is Socialism. Ours is simply tilted more towards the top so the "Capitalists" pretend it is Capitalism.

Eh, to tell you the truth the USA has never been full Capitalist, or full non Capitalist, but rather just about always a mixed system.

We were closer to the idea of Capitalism in the times past than we are now. The Capitalists of old did have slavery I suppose.
We didn't use the Fed to bail out the markets? Bail outs are now Capitalism again? We aren't using the Fed to prop up the markets now? How is this Capitalism?

There is a word associated with "federal" that you clearly fail to grasp, that word is "reserve." First off, your statement of "bailout" is incorrect and made from a position of abject ignorance due to your utter lack of understanding of the monetary system.

We have to break this down to the basics, because you CLEARLY have no idea what the federal reserve is or how monetary policy works. I am going to assume you are some nutjob who has heard "fed bad" and believes it without having any clue what is behind it. What is behind it is fiat currency. Fiat currency means money not backed by tangible assets. Bad, right? Well, it's little more complicated than that. Took make it simple let's say we have a simple economy where a woodcutter can cut down 10 trees a year, and there are 10 1 ounce chunks of gold. So we peg the gold to the wood, each tree is worth one gold. All is good, trade is fair. But then another wood cutter moves in, and now there are 20 trees pegged to the 10 gold. Do we just have the wealth of the first woodcutter magically be cut in half? Chances are he wouldn't like that and will abandon the monetary system as it fails to provide an equitable means of trade. So the mayor comes up with something ingenious, he locks the gold up and creates credits that he calls "dollars." The trees are one dollar each. Now when another wood cutter shows up, he can expand the currency by fiat, preserving the trade balance.

What the federal reserve does is maintain the ratio of goods and services to currency. As we have shifted to a credit economy, most transactions occur using nothing more than credits and debits in computer systems. The Repo market is for those situations where transactions exceed the available currency. Generally the float of currency in the Repo market is between 4 and 24 hours. So when the ignorant speak of the "billions pumped into the economy by the fed," they simply don't grasp that a billion dollar repo on Wednesday is the SAME billion that was floated on Tuesday.

BTW, I oppose the fed, but not for the reasons you ignorantly do.

In the beginning of this country we had Capitalism. We had to change that and create the Federal Reserve because it was not working as well as some wanted it to work. In Capitalism there is not some big entity deciding what a proper level of goods and service is. That is Socialism. Ours is simply tilted more towards the top so the "Capitalists" pretend it is Capitalism.

Eh, to tell you the truth the USA has never been full Capitalist, or full non Capitalist, but rather just about always a mixed system.

We were closer to the idea of Capitalism in the times past than we are now. The Capitalists of old did have slavery I suppose.

The Corporate charters were strict until the 1880's.

Basically the Corporations couldn't get away with what they do now.

In that aspect we were actually less Capitalist.

In the aspect of social programs, higher taxes, and less central banking?

We were more Capitalist.

So, really we've never been a full Capitalist country, Capitalism isn't really fully responsible for developing America either.

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