Trump orders federal departments, agencies to provide citizenship records: We will leave no stone un

You don’t blame your communist legislators to pass immigration laws to protect us you blame bob father of four lol

Like Communists Reagan, HW Bush, and W Bush who had appeased the Illegals?

You're very deluded, a true Crapitalist CUCK.
yeah Republicans are opening up sanctuary cities everywhere Lol dufus

Communists deported the most people of all time.

Probably 30 million ethnic minorities were deported by Stalin's policies.

Crapitalism is clearly the issue, the problem is Republicans are subservient to this form of government because of their lower levels of intellectual functioning.
Did he go to Europe and grab them.......bring them to the USSR and then deport them...

Oh....I'm sorry....oops the ones Stalin PURGED were his own people and already lived there......thanks for playing.

Stalin's policies ultimately lead to 12 - 14 million Germans being deported (expelled) and or fleeing from Eastern Europe.

Millions of Poles were deported (Expelled) and or fled out of Wilno now Lithuania & eastern Poland Galicia like Lwow.
Ukrainians were (Expelled) in Eastern Poland like Przemysl.

Stalin also deported millions of Islamic Tatars, Volga Germans, and many others.
So............they were already LIVING THERE.

The USSR put up walls later to keep people in........we have to put up walls to keep people out.

Big difference.
The real reason DemoRats want so many new immigrants.

Like Communists Reagan, HW Bush, and W Bush who had appeased the Illegals?

You're very deluded, a true Crapitalist CUCK.
yeah Republicans are opening up sanctuary cities everywhere Lol dufus

Communists deported the most people of all time.

Probably 30 million ethnic minorities were deported by Stalin's policies.

Crapitalism is clearly the issue, the problem is Republicans are subservient to this form of government because of their lower levels of intellectual functioning.
Did he go to Europe and grab them.......bring them to the USSR and then deport them...

Oh....I'm sorry....oops the ones Stalin PURGED were his own people and already lived there......thanks for playing.

Stalin's policies ultimately lead to 12 - 14 million Germans being deported (expelled) and or fleeing from Eastern Europe.

Millions of Poles were deported (Expelled) and or fled out of Wilno now Lithuania & eastern Poland Galicia like Lwow.
Ukrainians were (Expelled) in Eastern Poland like Przemysl.

Stalin also deported millions of Islamic Tatars, Volga Germans, and many others.
So............they were already LIVING THERE.

The USSR put up walls later to keep people in........we have to put up walls to keep people out.

Big difference.

Communism lead to the biggest deportations in recorded history.

Capitalism lead to the biggest mass immigration event in recorded history.
yeah Republicans are opening up sanctuary cities everywhere Lol dufus

Communists deported the most people of all time.

Probably 30 million ethnic minorities were deported by Stalin's policies.

Crapitalism is clearly the issue, the problem is Republicans are subservient to this form of government because of their lower levels of intellectual functioning.
Did he go to Europe and grab them.......bring them to the USSR and then deport them...

Oh....I'm sorry....oops the ones Stalin PURGED were his own people and already lived there......thanks for playing.

Stalin's policies ultimately lead to 12 - 14 million Germans being deported (expelled) and or fleeing from Eastern Europe.

Millions of Poles were deported (Expelled) and or fled out of Wilno now Lithuania & eastern Poland Galicia like Lwow.
Ukrainians were (Expelled) in Eastern Poland like Przemysl.

Stalin also deported millions of Islamic Tatars, Volga Germans, and many others.
So............they were already LIVING THERE.

The USSR put up walls later to keep people in........we have to put up walls to keep people out.

Big difference.

Communism lead to the biggest deportations in recorded history.

Capitalism lead to the biggest mass immigration event in recorded history.

You like almost all Republicans are subservient clowns towards Capitalism.

Fact is, it will cost probably 100's of billions to deport 20 million Illegals.

There's no guarantee they'll even stay back in Mexico, Guatemala, etc.

You're just getting goofy, Capitalism is for morons.

Capitalism is freedom. It is the system where free men trade value for value, where one person can sell their time, talent, and labor for as much as another person values those things. You offer slavery and misery.

You like almost all Republicans are subservient clowns towards Capitalism.

Fact is, it will cost probably 100's of billions to deport 20 million Illegals.

There's no guarantee they'll even stay back in Mexico, Guatemala, etc.

You're just getting goofy, Capitalism is for morons.

Capitalism is freedom. It is the system where free men trade value for value, where one person can sell their time, talent, and labor for as much as another person values those things. You offer slavery and misery.

Capitalist freedom?

- To hire Illegals in mass.
- To outsource jobs in mass.
- H2B Visas.
- Soros funding disruption.
- Facebook cracking down on Right-Wingers.
- Youtube cracking down on Right-Wingers.
- Google pushing extreme Liberal biases
- MSNBC pushing extreme Liberal biases.
- CNN pushing extreme Liberal biases.
- Hollywood's degenerate films of Liberal smut, raunchy & shoot 'em up films.
- Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners.
- Illicit drug dealers.
- Prostitutes.
- Abortions by Hospitals.
- Porn industry.
- T Shirt companies selling Che Guevara T-Shirts.
- Music industry pushing Gangster rap music, with degenerate, violent, raunchy messages & curse words?

Wow, sounds like a large bowl of cr@p that needs to be flushed.

I offer slavery?

Like the Black slaves imported by the greedy whims of Capitalists, and now the Illegal Mexicans being imported by the greedy whims of Capitalists.
All to maximize profits, for their greedy mania & pushes for cheap labor.
Last edited:
witsfully remembering the old days of Nixon, when crooked presidents had the decency to resign
Says the guy who spends every single day of his life on this site challenging anything positive someone posts about trump :lol:

Silly boy, you try way too hard. I give Trump credit every time he deserves it
Did you give him credit on the tariffs and China yet?

Yep, I did give him credit for stagnating the financial markets for about 650 days after the start of his stupid ass trade war.
This post right here exposes you. You’re a raging leftist and can’t even bring yourself to admit it because you hate yourself. The left is never proud of themselves. You hate yourselves. You hate this country and you hate its traditions and you hate yourselves for having to have been born here rather than somewhere else in the world that’s more friendly to your views but instead of simply moving somewhere else that’s more tolerant and accepting of your political views you want to change the one you were born in to suit your needs and wants.

It’s never going to happen. Donald Trump is your president and he’s going to be your president for the next 5 years still and it absolutely destroys you inside to have to come to terms with that. Suck it up sweetheart.
Capitalist freedom?

- To hire Illegals in mass.
- To outsource jobs in mass.
- H2B Visas.
- Soros funding disruption.
- Facebook cracking down on Right-Wingers.
- Youtube cracking down on Right-Wingers.
- Google pushing extreme Liberal biases
- MSNBC pushing extreme Liberal biases.
- CNN pushing extreme Liberal biases.
- Hollywood's degenerate films of Liberal smut, raunchy & shoot 'em up films.
- Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners.
- Illicit drug dealers.
- Prostitutes.
- Abortions by Hospitals.
- Porn industry.
- T Shirt companies selling Che Guevara T-Shirts.
- Music industry pushing Gangster rap music, with degenerate, violent, raunchy messages & curse words?

Wow, sounds like a large bowl of cr@p that needs to be flushed.

I offer slavery?

Like the Black slaves imported by the greedy whims of Capitalists, and now the Illegal Mexicans being imported by the greedy whims of Capitalists.
All to maximize profits, for their greedy mania & pushes for cheap labor.

You're an idiot.

Slavery is an offshoot of feudalism, which Communism is nothing more than a restatement of. Take a monarchy and replace the king with the state, the barrons with the bureaucrats and you have Communism,. Slavery cannot exist in a capitalist system. Remember, capitalism is the FREE TRADE of labor for pay.

Free companies like Google, and Twitter can do as they please, and the public is free (and encouraged) to choose alternatives, such as we currently are using. George Soros is a Communist and should be arrested for treason, which has nothing to do with Capitalism.

As far as you imposing your morality on others, no. And be honest, you have Che shirts, probably and Osama Bin Laden shirt...

I understand that you are poorly educated, so enlighten yourself:
Last edited:
witsfully remembering the old days of Nixon, when crooked presidents had the decency to resign

Nixon was a fool. Bill Clinton was FAR worse and dug his heels in. No president will EVER resign again.

Of course a fraud perpetrated by Communist traitors for the purpose of corrupting a free election is nothing to resign over.

Don't get me wrong, Nancy Pelosi should resign, kill herself in fact, for the shame she has brought on this country. Adam the lying Schitt should commit Seppuku with a dull butter knife for his crimes. But our magnificent president has nothing to resign over.
Capitalist freedom?

- To hire Illegals in mass.
- To outsource jobs in mass.
- H2B Visas.
- Soros funding disruption.
- Facebook cracking down on Right-Wingers.
- Youtube cracking down on Right-Wingers.
- Google pushing extreme Liberal biases
- MSNBC pushing extreme Liberal biases.
- CNN pushing extreme Liberal biases.
- Hollywood's degenerate films of Liberal smut, raunchy & shoot 'em up films.
- Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners.
- Illicit drug dealers.
- Prostitutes.
- Abortions by Hospitals.
- Porn industry.
- T Shirt companies selling Che Guevara T-Shirts.
- Music industry pushing Gangster rap music, with degenerate, violent, raunchy messages & curse words?

Wow, sounds like a large bowl of cr@p that needs to be flushed.

I offer slavery?

Like the Black slaves imported by the greedy whims of Capitalists, and now the Illegal Mexicans being imported by the greedy whims of Capitalists.
All to maximize profits, for their greedy mania & pushes for cheap labor.

You're an idiot.

Slavery is an offshoot of feudalism, which Communism is nothing more than a restatement of. Take a monarchy and replace the king with the state, the barrons with the bureaucrats and you have Communis,. Slavery cannot exist in a capitalist system. Remember, capitalism is the FREE TRADE of labor for pay.

Free companies like Google, and Twitter can do as they please, and the public is free (and encouraged) to choose alternatives, such as we currently are using. George Soros is a Communist and should be arrested for treason, which has nothing to do with Capitalism.

As far as you imposing your morality on others, no. And be honest, you have Che shirts, probably and Osama Bin Laden shirt...

I understand that you are poorly educated, so enlighten yourself:

Soros is a Capitalist investor financier & one of your favorites a card carrying member of the Synagogue of Satan.

You are actually a Liberal, if you don't want to do anything about the societal ills I mentioned.

You are very degenerate, an accomplice of degeneracy, a plain weak idiot.

That's how dumb you Brits tend to be, you're basically just pale faced Negrows.

Greed was the primary fuel for slavery, basically the same thing that fuels Capitalism.

I disagree, Capitalism could absolutely lead back to slavery.

Capitalists like you want to take away Unions which pay well, and have us settle for less.

If you're admitting early America filled with slavery wasn't Capitalist.

Then your Republican arguments favoring Capitalism are worthless.
Last edited:
Soros is a Capitalist financier & one of your favorites a card carrying member of the Synagogue of Satan.

Soros is a criminal who used fraud and deceit to crash the British economy. He belongs in prison or better executed. Of course he was a Nazi collaborator, so has a lot in common with you.

That's how dumb you Brits tend to be, you're basically just pale faced Negrows.

Learn to read, moron. I've from Orange County, California.

Greed was the primary fuel for slavery, basically the same thing that fuels Capitalism.

Greed is the basis of socialism, the promise of something for nothing.

I disagree, Capitalism could absolutely lead back to slavery.

You're uneducated and highly ignorant. It is you who seeks to enslave others, to force them to give you "free" medical care and whatever else you can get the government to point a gun at them for to take by force.

Capitalists like you want to take away Unions which pay well, and have us settle for less.

More idiocy.

Corporations and Unions are two sides of the same coin. Both must be present for a healthy system to exist, Neither can be allowed to become a monopoly though - as the AFL/CIO and SEUI have done. Monopolies are created by and nurtured by the state, they are always destructive.
Soros is a Capitalist financier & one of your favorites a card carrying member of the Synagogue of Satan.

Soros is a criminal who used fraud and deceit to crash the British economy. He belongs in prison or better executed. Of course he was a Nazi collaborator, so has a lot in common with you.

That's how dumb you Brits tend to be, you're basically just pale faced Negrows.

Learn to read, moron. I've from Orange County, California.

Greed was the primary fuel for slavery, basically the same thing that fuels Capitalism.

Greed is the basis of socialism, the promise of something for nothing.

I disagree, Capitalism could absolutely lead back to slavery.

You're uneducated and highly ignorant. It is you who seeks to enslave others, to force them to give you "free" medical care and whatever else you can get the government to point a gun at them for to take by force.

Capitalists like you want to take away Unions which pay well, and have us settle for less.

More idiocy.

Corporations and Unions are two sides of the same coin. Both must be present for a healthy system to exist, Neither can be allowed to become a monopoly though - as the AFL/CIO and SEUI have done. Monopolies are created by and nurtured by the state, they are always destructive.

Most Americans are British savages, there's no such thing as a real American, idiots.

Greed & Capitalism has ruined America.

Capitalism is centered on greed.

State monopolies?

Monopolies are in existence because the state hasn't stopped them dumb f*ck.
stone unturned

GOD BLESS this President! :clap2:

President Trump, speaking at the White House on Thursday, announced that he would "immediately" issue an executive order to get an accurate count of non-citizens and citizens in the United States -- a measure Trump said would be "far more accurate" than relying on a citizenship question in the 2020 census.

The move would make use of "vast" federal databases and free up information sharing among all federal agencies concerning who they know is living in the country, Trump said.

"Today I'm here to say we are not backing down in our effort to determine the citizenship status of the United States population," the president told reporters in the Rose Garden, after slamming "far-left Democrats" seeking to "conceal the number of illegal aliens in our midst."

Trump, 'not backing down' in effort to count citizens amid census fight, announces executive order

The winning continues even on Christmas. This guy never stops, puts American people first relentlessly.

I need a break from all the winning. See you guys after Christmas. New year, more winning!
yeah Republicans are opening up sanctuary cities everywhere Lol dufus

Communists deported the most people of all time.

Probably 30 million ethnic minorities were deported by Stalin's policies.

Crapitalism is clearly the issue, the problem is Republicans are subservient to this form of government because of their lower levels of intellectual functioning.
Did he go to Europe and grab them.......bring them to the USSR and then deport them...

Oh....I'm sorry....oops the ones Stalin PURGED were his own people and already lived there......thanks for playing.

Stalin's policies ultimately lead to 12 - 14 million Germans being deported (expelled) and or fleeing from Eastern Europe.

Millions of Poles were deported (Expelled) and or fled out of Wilno now Lithuania & eastern Poland Galicia like Lwow.
Ukrainians were (Expelled) in Eastern Poland like Przemysl.

Stalin also deported millions of Islamic Tatars, Volga Germans, and many others.
So............they were already LIVING THERE.

The USSR put up walls later to keep people in........we have to put up walls to keep people out.

Big difference.

Communism lead to the biggest deportations in recorded history.

Capitalism lead to the biggest mass immigration event in recorded history.
No democrat run communist run towns is what brought them here .
Bill pending in The Democrat controlled House to make cocaine FREE to arctic sea birds!

All because of the outcry: "Leave NO tern unstoned".

Liberals: When you seek out an adult to explain that please also show them the thread title or they'll be as puzzled as are you.

You like almost all Republicans are subservient clowns towards Capitalism.

Fact is, it will cost probably 100's of billions to deport 20 million Illegals.

There's no guarantee they'll even stay back in Mexico, Guatemala, etc.

You're just getting goofy, Capitalism is for morons.

Capitalism is freedom. It is the system where free men trade value for value, where one person can sell their time, talent, and labor for as much as another person values those things. You offer slavery and misery.

That's the theory. That isn't how it works.
Capitalist freedom?

- To hire Illegals in mass.
- To outsource jobs in mass.
- H2B Visas.
- Soros funding disruption.
- Facebook cracking down on Right-Wingers.
- Youtube cracking down on Right-Wingers.
- Google pushing extreme Liberal biases
- MSNBC pushing extreme Liberal biases.
- CNN pushing extreme Liberal biases.
- Hollywood's degenerate films of Liberal smut, raunchy & shoot 'em up films.
- Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners.
- Illicit drug dealers.
- Prostitutes.
- Abortions by Hospitals.
- Porn industry.
- T Shirt companies selling Che Guevara T-Shirts.
- Music industry pushing Gangster rap music, with degenerate, violent, raunchy messages & curse words?

Wow, sounds like a large bowl of cr@p that needs to be flushed.

I offer slavery?

Like the Black slaves imported by the greedy whims of Capitalists, and now the Illegal Mexicans being imported by the greedy whims of Capitalists.
All to maximize profits, for their greedy mania & pushes for cheap labor.

You're an idiot.

Slavery is an offshoot of feudalism, which Communism is nothing more than a restatement of. Take a monarchy and replace the king with the state, the barrons with the bureaucrats and you have Communism,. Slavery cannot exist in a capitalist system. Remember, capitalism is the FREE TRADE of labor for pay.

So if a slaughterhouse wants to pay a foreign worker to come here and pay them $5.00 that's Capitalism. That is how it works.
Soros is a Capitalist financier & one of your favorites a card carrying member of the Synagogue of Satan.

Soros is a criminal who used fraud and deceit to crash the British economy. He belongs in prison or better executed. Of course he was a Nazi collaborator, so has a lot in common with you.

That's how dumb you Brits tend to be, you're basically just pale faced Negrows.

Learn to read, moron. I've from Orange County, California.

Greed was the primary fuel for slavery, basically the same thing that fuels Capitalism.

Greed is the basis of socialism, the promise of something for nothing.

I disagree, Capitalism could absolutely lead back to slavery.

You're uneducated and highly ignorant. It is you who seeks to enslave others, to force them to give you "free" medical care and whatever else you can get the government to point a gun at them for to take by force.

Capitalists like you want to take away Unions which pay well, and have us settle for less.

More idiocy.

Corporations and Unions are two sides of the same coin. Both must be present for a healthy system to exist, Neither can be allowed to become a monopoly though - as the AFL/CIO and SEUI have done. Monopolies are created by and nurtured by the state, they are always destructive.

Most Americans are British savages, there's no such thing as a real American, idiots.

Greed & Capitalism has ruined America.

Capitalism is centered on greed.

State monopolies?

Monopolies are in existence because the state hasn't stopped them dumb f*ck.

Again, you are uneducated and highly ignorant.

Let's say you own a string of gas stations. You want a monopoly. But someone else opens one and charges less. What do you do? Go burn down your competitor? You'll go to prison. Go kill your competitor? Nope, prison again. The ONLY way you can have the monopoly is if the STATE interferes on your behalf. That's why monopolies are pretty well universal in socialist countries - the state run oil company, the municipal taxi companies, et al. Outside of a natural monopoly, a monopoly or trust can ONLY exist with the express aid of the state,

Oh, and merry Christmas, Nazi Boi.

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