Trump orders federal departments, agencies to provide citizenship records: We will leave no stone un

Monopolies exist because of inequalities between businessman, prices, and product largely, but can be propped up by the government too.

Saying Monopolies cannot exist without government, is the biggest ignorant trash argument I've ever heard.

You Protestants are goofy savages at best.

You should have finished high school, or at least grade school.

A monopoly is impossible (save a natural monopoly) without the acquiescence and assistance of the state.

Monopolies exist to create price fixing, "inequalities in prices, i.e. competition" is the opposite of a monopoly, you drooling moron. The biggest issue is you have no grasp of the terms you bandy about. The biggest monopoly in America is the AFL/CIO. It has enjoyed government protection and support for over 100 years. Any time or place where government withdraws support from the monopoly, such as right to work states, the monopoly fails. Simply stated, a monopoly cannot exist without the implied violence of the state backing up the monopoly. Monopolies are coercive by nature, given that government has the EXCLUSIVE right to violence, a monopoly cannot coerce compliance without the government.
Monopolies exist because of inequalities between businessman, prices, and product largely, but can be propped up by the government too.

Saying Monopolies cannot exist without government, is the biggest ignorant trash argument I've ever heard.

You Protestants are goofy savages at best.

You should have finished high school, or at least grade school.

A monopoly is impossible (save a natural monopoly) without the acquiescence and assistance of the state.

Monopolies exist to create price fixing, "inequalities in prices, i.e. competition" is the opposite of a monopoly, you drooling moron. The biggest issue is you have no grasp of the terms you bandy about. The biggest monopoly in America is the AFL/CIO. It has enjoyed government protection and support for over 100 years. Any time or place where government withdraws support from the monopoly, such as right to work states, the monopoly fails. Simply stated, a monopoly cannot exist without the implied violence of the state backing up the monopoly. Monopolies are coercive by nature, given that government has the EXCLUSIVE right to violence, a monopoly cannot coerce compliance without the government.

Monopolies are natural.
The ignorant one is you.

If someone is a better businessman, offers better products, or at cheaper prices?
They will thrive more than their competitors.

Overtime by buying out & knocking down other competitors grow stronger.

Look at Microsoft & Apple they had far better products than their competitors at that time, and is exactly why they grew so fast.

You are clearly astoundingly ignorant, typical of you British Protestant dregs.
We didn't use the Fed to bail out the markets? Bail outs are now Capitalism again? We aren't using the Fed to prop up the markets now? How is this Capitalism?

There is a word associated with "federal" that you clearly fail to grasp, that word is "reserve." First off, your statement of "bailout" is incorrect and made from a position of abject ignorance due to your utter lack of understanding of the monetary system.

We have to break this down to the basics, because you CLEARLY have no idea what the federal reserve is or how monetary policy works. I am going to assume you are some nutjob who has heard "fed bad" and believes it without having any clue what is behind it. What is behind it is fiat currency. Fiat currency means money not backed by tangible assets. Bad, right? Well, it's little more complicated than that. Took make it simple let's say we have a simple economy where a woodcutter can cut down 10 trees a year, and there are 10 1 ounce chunks of gold. So we peg the gold to the wood, each tree is worth one gold. All is good, trade is fair. But then another wood cutter moves in, and now there are 20 trees pegged to the 10 gold. Do we just have the wealth of the first woodcutter magically be cut in half? Chances are he wouldn't like that and will abandon the monetary system as it fails to provide an equitable means of trade. So the mayor comes up with something ingenious, he locks the gold up and creates credits that he calls "dollars." The trees are one dollar each. Now when another wood cutter shows up, he can expand the currency by fiat, preserving the trade balance.

What the federal reserve does is maintain the ratio of goods and services to currency. As we have shifted to a credit economy, most transactions occur using nothing more than credits and debits in computer systems. The Repo market is for those situations where transactions exceed the available currency. Generally the float of currency in the Repo market is between 4 and 24 hours. So when the ignorant speak of the "billions pumped into the economy by the fed," they simply don't grasp that a billion dollar repo on Wednesday is the SAME billion that was floated on Tuesday.

BTW, I oppose the fed, but not for the reasons you ignorantly do.

In the beginning of this country we had Capitalism. We had to change that and create the Federal Reserve because it was not working as well as some wanted it to work. In Capitalism there is not some big entity deciding what a proper level of goods and service is. That is Socialism. Ours is simply tilted more towards the top so the "Capitalists" pretend it is Capitalism.

Yeah....too bad we need it but we do need it....aside from facilitating commerce and economic growth however the reserve also has too much power for a non elected body....and they use it to benefit the elite.


Based on the Constitution, CONGRESS is responsible for monetary policy. Shirking their duty to self-interested bankers in an unregulated pseudo-private enterprise is a recipe for graft and corruption.
We were closer to the idea of Capitalism in the times past than we are now. The Capitalists of old did have slavery I suppose.

How can you have slavery in free trade? THINK Comrade.

It's like saying "the living people of old were dead, I suppose."

Stop changing the subject. How can you have trade agreements in free trade?

President Donald J. Trump Has Forged New Trade Agreements to Revitalize American Industry and Agriculture
We were closer to the idea of Capitalism in the times past than we are now. The Capitalists of old did have slavery I suppose.

How can you have slavery in free trade? THINK Comrade.

It's like saying "the living people of old were dead, I suppose."

Stop changing the subject. How can you have trade agreements in free trade?

President Donald J. Trump Has Forged New Trade Agreements to Revitalize American Industry and Agriculture

NAFTA-lite .....


The arbitration game

IF YOU wanted to convince the public that international trade agreements are a way to let multinational companies get rich at the expense of ordinary people, this is what you would do: give foreign firms a special right to apply to a secretive tribunal of highly paid corporate lawyers for compensation whenever a government passes a law to, say, discourage smoking, protect the environment or prevent a nuclear catastrophe. Yet that is precisely what thousands of trade and investment treaties over the past half century have done, through a process known as “investor-state dispute settlement”, or ISDS.

The “New NAFTA” and Its Revised Dispute Resolution Mechanisms | Perspectives & Events | Mayer Brown

Limited US-Mexico ISDS Arbitrations

The USMCA significantly narrows the circumstances under which US parties investing in Mexico or vice versa can bring ISDS actions. Most notably, the revised agreement prevents many US and Mexican investors from asserting claims under the “fair and equitable treatment” standard. That standard is a key protection included in most international investment treaties and is a frequent basis for ISDS claims. Generally, the doctrine obligates states to treat foreign investors and their investments equitably under international law, i.e., to afford reasonable due process.
Monopolies are natural.

Natural monopolies are natural, moron; which is why I clearly stated:

A monopoly is impossible (save a natural monopoly) without the acquiescence and assistance of the state.

The ignorant one is you.

If someone is a better businessman, offers better products, or at cheaper prices?
They will thrive more than their competitors.

Overtime by buying out & knocking down other competitors grow stronger.

Look at Microsoft & Apple they had far better products than their competitors at that time, and is exactly why they grew so fast.

You are clearly astoundingly ignorant, typical of you British Protestant dregs.

What do Microsoft and Apple have to do with monopolies?

You're babbling.
Monopolies are natural.

Natural monopolies are natural, moron; which is why I clearly stated:

A monopoly is impossible (save a natural monopoly) without the acquiescence and assistance of the state.

The ignorant one is you.

If someone is a better businessman, offers better products, or at cheaper prices?
They will thrive more than their competitors.

Overtime by buying out & knocking down other competitors grow stronger.

Look at Microsoft & Apple they had far better products than their competitors at that time, and is exactly why they grew so fast.

You are clearly astoundingly ignorant, typical of you British Protestant dregs.

What do Microsoft and Apple have to do with monopolies?

You're babbling.

Standard Oil was very successful & kept buying out & knocking out its competitors.

How much more aid did Rockerfeller get than small business back then?
USMCA strikes a welcome blow against investor-state dispute settlement - Behind the Numbers

ISDS has (mostly) disappeared
Under the USMCA, ISDS will be eliminated between Canada and the U.S., and scaled back between Mexico and the U.S. This is an incredible achievement. NAFTA’s ISDS mechanism, embedded in NAFTA Chapter 11, allowed investors to bypass the domestic courts and sue governments before private international tribunals when public policy choices, laws or regulations allegedly harmed their investments. Of the three NAFTA countries, Canada has been the most sued, with U.S. investors frequently targeting federal and provincial environmental regulations.

Foreign investors must also first try to resolve the disputes through the domestic courts—Mexican courts in the case of U.S. investors in that country, and U.S. courts for Mexican investors in that country. Crucially, USMCA will deny foreign investors the right to invoke much-abused provisions—in NAFTA and now thousands of other bilateral investment treaties—on minimum standards of treatment, indirect expropriation, and for planned, but not yet established, investments. From a public policy perspective, this is a vast improvement over the NAFTA status quo.
We didn't use the Fed to bail out the markets? Bail outs are now Capitalism again? We aren't using the Fed to prop up the markets now? How is this Capitalism?

There is a word associated with "federal" that you clearly fail to grasp, that word is "reserve." First off, your statement of "bailout" is incorrect and made from a position of abject ignorance due to your utter lack of understanding of the monetary system.

We have to break this down to the basics, because you CLEARLY have no idea what the federal reserve is or how monetary policy works. I am going to assume you are some nutjob who has heard "fed bad" and believes it without having any clue what is behind it. What is behind it is fiat currency. Fiat currency means money not backed by tangible assets. Bad, right? Well, it's little more complicated than that. Took make it simple let's say we have a simple economy where a woodcutter can cut down 10 trees a year, and there are 10 1 ounce chunks of gold. So we peg the gold to the wood, each tree is worth one gold. All is good, trade is fair. But then another wood cutter moves in, and now there are 20 trees pegged to the 10 gold. Do we just have the wealth of the first woodcutter magically be cut in half? Chances are he wouldn't like that and will abandon the monetary system as it fails to provide an equitable means of trade. So the mayor comes up with something ingenious, he locks the gold up and creates credits that he calls "dollars." The trees are one dollar each. Now when another wood cutter shows up, he can expand the currency by fiat, preserving the trade balance.

What the federal reserve does is maintain the ratio of goods and services to currency. As we have shifted to a credit economy, most transactions occur using nothing more than credits and debits in computer systems. The Repo market is for those situations where transactions exceed the available currency. Generally the float of currency in the Repo market is between 4 and 24 hours. So when the ignorant speak of the "billions pumped into the economy by the fed," they simply don't grasp that a billion dollar repo on Wednesday is the SAME billion that was floated on Tuesday.

BTW, I oppose the fed, but not for the reasons you ignorantly do.

In the beginning of this country we had Capitalism. We had to change that and create the Federal Reserve because it was not working as well as some wanted it to work. In Capitalism there is not some big entity deciding what a proper level of goods and service is. That is Socialism. Ours is simply tilted more towards the top so the "Capitalists" pretend it is Capitalism.

Yeah....too bad we need it but we do need it....aside from facilitating commerce and economic growth however the reserve also has too much power for a non elected body....and they use it to benefit the elite.


Argue we need it. That's fine with me but don't argue it's Capitalism.
Capitalism is more of a philosophy than
We didn't use the Fed to bail out the markets? Bail outs are now Capitalism again? We aren't using the Fed to prop up the markets now? How is this Capitalism?

There is a word associated with "federal" that you clearly fail to grasp, that word is "reserve." First off, your statement of "bailout" is incorrect and made from a position of abject ignorance due to your utter lack of understanding of the monetary system.

We have to break this down to the basics, because you CLEARLY have no idea what the federal reserve is or how monetary policy works. I am going to assume you are some nutjob who has heard "fed bad" and believes it without having any clue what is behind it. What is behind it is fiat currency. Fiat currency means money not backed by tangible assets. Bad, right? Well, it's little more complicated than that. Took make it simple let's say we have a simple economy where a woodcutter can cut down 10 trees a year, and there are 10 1 ounce chunks of gold. So we peg the gold to the wood, each tree is worth one gold. All is good, trade is fair. But then another wood cutter moves in, and now there are 20 trees pegged to the 10 gold. Do we just have the wealth of the first woodcutter magically be cut in half? Chances are he wouldn't like that and will abandon the monetary system as it fails to provide an equitable means of trade. So the mayor comes up with something ingenious, he locks the gold up and creates credits that he calls "dollars." The trees are one dollar each. Now when another wood cutter shows up, he can expand the currency by fiat, preserving the trade balance.

What the federal reserve does is maintain the ratio of goods and services to currency. As we have shifted to a credit economy, most transactions occur using nothing more than credits and debits in computer systems. The Repo market is for those situations where transactions exceed the available currency. Generally the float of currency in the Repo market is between 4 and 24 hours. So when the ignorant speak of the "billions pumped into the economy by the fed," they simply don't grasp that a billion dollar repo on Wednesday is the SAME billion that was floated on Tuesday.

BTW, I oppose the fed, but not for the reasons you ignorantly do.

In the beginning of this country we had Capitalism. We had to change that and create the Federal Reserve because it was not working as well as some wanted it to work. In Capitalism there is not some big entity deciding what a proper level of goods and service is. That is Socialism. Ours is simply tilted more towards the top so the "Capitalists" pretend it is Capitalism.

Yeah....too bad we need it but we do need it....aside from facilitating commerce and economic growth however the reserve also has too much power for a non elected body....and they use it to benefit the elite.


Argue we need it. That's fine with me but don't argue it's Capitalism.
Capitalism is more of a philosophy than

As presented it's a theory we do not practice.
USMCA strikes a welcome blow against investor-state dispute settlement - Behind the Numbers

ISDS has (mostly) disappeared
Under the USMCA, ISDS will be eliminated between Canada and the U.S., and scaled back between Mexico and the U.S. This is an incredible achievement. NAFTA’s ISDS mechanism, embedded in NAFTA Chapter 11, allowed investors to bypass the domestic courts and sue governments before private international tribunals when public policy choices, laws or regulations allegedly harmed their investments. Of the three NAFTA countries, Canada has been the most sued, with U.S. investors frequently targeting federal and provincial environmental regulations.

Foreign investors must also first try to resolve the disputes through the domestic courts—Mexican courts in the case of U.S. investors in that country, and U.S. courts for Mexican investors in that country. Crucially, USMCA will deny foreign investors the right to invoke much-abused provisions—in NAFTA and now thousands of other bilateral investment treaties—on minimum standards of treatment, indirect expropriation, and for planned, but not yet established, investments. From a public policy perspective, this is a vast improvement over the NAFTA status quo.
There is a word associated with "federal" that you clearly fail to grasp, that word is "reserve." First off, your statement of "bailout" is incorrect and made from a position of abject ignorance due to your utter lack of understanding of the monetary system.

We have to break this down to the basics, because you CLEARLY have no idea what the federal reserve is or how monetary policy works. I am going to assume you are some nutjob who has heard "fed bad" and believes it without having any clue what is behind it. What is behind it is fiat currency. Fiat currency means money not backed by tangible assets. Bad, right? Well, it's little more complicated than that. Took make it simple let's say we have a simple economy where a woodcutter can cut down 10 trees a year, and there are 10 1 ounce chunks of gold. So we peg the gold to the wood, each tree is worth one gold. All is good, trade is fair. But then another wood cutter moves in, and now there are 20 trees pegged to the 10 gold. Do we just have the wealth of the first woodcutter magically be cut in half? Chances are he wouldn't like that and will abandon the monetary system as it fails to provide an equitable means of trade. So the mayor comes up with something ingenious, he locks the gold up and creates credits that he calls "dollars." The trees are one dollar each. Now when another wood cutter shows up, he can expand the currency by fiat, preserving the trade balance.

What the federal reserve does is maintain the ratio of goods and services to currency. As we have shifted to a credit economy, most transactions occur using nothing more than credits and debits in computer systems. The Repo market is for those situations where transactions exceed the available currency. Generally the float of currency in the Repo market is between 4 and 24 hours. So when the ignorant speak of the "billions pumped into the economy by the fed," they simply don't grasp that a billion dollar repo on Wednesday is the SAME billion that was floated on Tuesday.

BTW, I oppose the fed, but not for the reasons you ignorantly do.

In the beginning of this country we had Capitalism. We had to change that and create the Federal Reserve because it was not working as well as some wanted it to work. In Capitalism there is not some big entity deciding what a proper level of goods and service is. That is Socialism. Ours is simply tilted more towards the top so the "Capitalists" pretend it is Capitalism.

Yeah....too bad we need it but we do need it....aside from facilitating commerce and economic growth however the reserve also has too much power for a non elected body....and they use it to benefit the elite.


Argue we need it. That's fine with me but don't argue it's Capitalism.
Capitalism is more of a philosophy than

As presented it's a theory we do not practice.

It would be quite impossible to practice it in is anathema to the human ambience. People need things like food, shelter and general peace and security.....however having said that it is also impossible to practice any of the other major schools in purity....a mix is required begging the question as to whether or not there is an actual school that works that is unamed.
USMCA strikes a welcome blow against investor-state dispute settlement - Behind the Numbers

ISDS has (mostly) disappeared
Under the USMCA, ISDS will be eliminated between Canada and the U.S., and scaled back between Mexico and the U.S. This is an incredible achievement. NAFTA’s ISDS mechanism, embedded in NAFTA Chapter 11, allowed investors to bypass the domestic courts and sue governments before private international tribunals when public policy choices, laws or regulations allegedly harmed their investments. Of the three NAFTA countries, Canada has been the most sued, with U.S. investors frequently targeting federal and provincial environmental regulations.

Foreign investors must also first try to resolve the disputes through the domestic courts—Mexican courts in the case of U.S. investors in that country, and U.S. courts for Mexican investors in that country. Crucially, USMCA will deny foreign investors the right to invoke much-abused provisions—in NAFTA and now thousands of other bilateral investment treaties—on minimum standards of treatment, indirect expropriation, and for planned, but not yet established, investments. From a public policy perspective, this is a vast improvement over the NAFTA status quo.
In the beginning of this country we had Capitalism. We had to change that and create the Federal Reserve because it was not working as well as some wanted it to work. In Capitalism there is not some big entity deciding what a proper level of goods and service is. That is Socialism. Ours is simply tilted more towards the top so the "Capitalists" pretend it is Capitalism.

Yeah....too bad we need it but we do need it....aside from facilitating commerce and economic growth however the reserve also has too much power for a non elected body....and they use it to benefit the elite.


Argue we need it. That's fine with me but don't argue it's Capitalism.
Capitalism is more of a philosophy than

As presented it's a theory we do not practice.

It would be quite impossible to practice it in is anathema to the human ambience. People need things like food, shelter and general peace and security.....however having said that it is also impossible to practice any of the other major schools in purity....a mix is required begging the question as to whether or not there is an actual school that works that is unmanned.

I've long argued for a mix. I've long argued we have a mix. I argue it's tilted too far one way but that doesn't change the earlier points.
Still waiting on an explanation of where trade agreements fit into free markets.

they don't

free trade has always been a misnomer , free traitors would be a better description

the very same globalists wanting 'gub'mit off their backs' lobby the h*ll out of it for a legislative leg up


Crucially, USMCA will deny foreign investors the right to invoke much-abused provisions—in NAFTA

Something of a feat, considering domestic biz grant voting rights to public stockholders regardless of nationality.....~S~

Well THAT alone will be a monstrous blow to the clandestine Chinese stake holders ....WOW.... don't think people realize that this thing is aimed more at China than anyone else since China in theory secretly owns a controlling interest in nearly all of the fortune 500 through a series of dummy corporations both native and offshore. I'm surprised XI isn't melting down over this unless of course he is privately.....he has to realize the potential shift in world influence that this will facilitate.

Trump is a freaking GIANT GENIUS! Pelosi has to be dying behind the scenes since her hubby's company STARKIST is also a Chinese overlay via Dongwon industries of explains why she is so shy on the details of any real trade agreement....

Last edited:
USMCA strikes a welcome blow against investor-state dispute settlement - Behind the Numbers

ISDS has (mostly) disappeared
Under the USMCA, ISDS will be eliminated between Canada and the U.S., and scaled back between Mexico and the U.S. This is an incredible achievement. NAFTA’s ISDS mechanism, embedded in NAFTA Chapter 11, allowed investors to bypass the domestic courts and sue governments before private international tribunals when public policy choices, laws or regulations allegedly harmed their investments. Of the three NAFTA countries, Canada has been the most sued, with U.S. investors frequently targeting federal and provincial environmental regulations.

Foreign investors must also first try to resolve the disputes through the domestic courts—Mexican courts in the case of U.S. investors in that country, and U.S. courts for Mexican investors in that country. Crucially, USMCA will deny foreign investors the right to invoke much-abused provisions—in NAFTA and now thousands of other bilateral investment treaties—on minimum standards of treatment, indirect expropriation, and for planned, but not yet established, investments. From a public policy perspective, this is a vast improvement over the NAFTA status quo.
Yeah....too bad we need it but we do need it....aside from facilitating commerce and economic growth however the reserve also has too much power for a non elected body....and they use it to benefit the elite.


Argue we need it. That's fine with me but don't argue it's Capitalism.
Capitalism is more of a philosophy than

As presented it's a theory we do not practice.

It would be quite impossible to practice it in is anathema to the human ambience. People need things like food, shelter and general peace and security.....however having said that it is also impossible to practice any of the other major schools in purity....a mix is required begging the question as to whether or not there is an actual school that works that is unmanned.

I've long argued for a mix. I've long argued we have a mix. I argue it's tilted too far one way but that doesn't change the earlier points.

we are but fleas riding the double edged sword of GubMit bureaucracy.....~S~

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