Trump orders federal departments, agencies to provide citizenship records: We will leave no stone un

When someone starts enforcing that you let me know.
You expect it to be dropped into your lap like a birthday present?

Put pressure on the dems to make a deal with trump for border enforcement aka the wall, along with an end the sanctuary city resistance to enforcement

It doesn't matter to me in the end. What is going to happen is that you are going to continue to be lied to . The problem will continue to get bigger and bigger. Then at some point all these people are going to be made citizens.
Cities aren't resisting enforcement because there is none.
And you will continue to sit on the fence doing nothing except act superior and complain

There is nothing I can do. I'm not sure why you expect me to do what you don't expect those who can do something for doing.
Yes there is

You have to pressure the democrats to get off their ass and implement your ideas on illegals

At this point in time they can NOT enforce immigration laws and they have no more intention to address the businesses that hire them than do the Republicans.

And if the price is to fund the wall and other measures trump voters demand such as punishing sanctuary cities for non cooperation then well and good

I have no intention of helping the rich to harm the poor.
You expect it to be dropped into your lap like a birthday present?

Put pressure on the dems to make a deal with trump for border enforcement aka the wall, along with an end the sanctuary city resistance to enforcement

It doesn't matter to me in the end. What is going to happen is that you are going to continue to be lied to . The problem will continue to get bigger and bigger. Then at some point all these people are going to be made citizens.
Cities aren't resisting enforcement because there is none.
And you will continue to sit on the fence doing nothing except act superior and complain

There is nothing I can do. I'm not sure why you expect me to do what you don't expect those who can do something for doing.
Yes there is

You have to pressure the democrats to get off their ass and implement your ideas on illegals

At this point in time they can NOT enforce immigration laws and they have no more intention to address the businesses that hire them than do the Republicans.

And if the price is to fund the wall and other measures trump voters demand such as punishing sanctuary cities for non cooperation then well and good

I have no intention of helping the rich to harm the poor.
I suspect that deep down you are a nihilist at heart

The democrats in the house can pass bills funding the wall and increasing enforcement of laws against illegal aliens in the workplace

Bills that the senate would pass and trump would sign
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We were closer to the idea of Capitalism in the times past than we are now. The Capitalists of old did have slavery I suppose.

How can you have slavery in free trade? THINK Comrade.

It's like saying "the living people of old were dead, I suppose."

Stop changing the subject. How can you have trade agreements in free trade?

President Donald J. Trump Has Forged New Trade Agreements to Revitalize American Industry and Agriculture

Capitalism is free trade Comrade. You don't even know the basics.
It doesn't matter to me in the end. What is going to happen is that you are going to continue to be lied to . The problem will continue to get bigger and bigger. Then at some point all these people are going to be made citizens.
Cities aren't resisting enforcement because there is none.
And you will continue to sit on the fence doing nothing except act superior and complain

There is nothing I can do. I'm not sure why you expect me to do what you don't expect those who can do something for doing.
Yes there is

You have to pressure the democrats to get off their ass and implement your ideas on illegals

At this point in time they can NOT enforce immigration laws and they have no more intention to address the businesses that hire them than do the Republicans.

And if the price is to fund the wall and other measures trump voters demand such as punishing sanctuary cities for non cooperation then well and good

I have no intention of helping the rich to harm the poor.
I suspect that deep down you are a nihilist at heart

The democrats in the house can pass bills finding the wall and increasing enforcement of laws against illegal aliens in the workplace

Bills that the senate would pass and trump would sign

If that was the case they could have done it when they held the House. They didn't. As I noted, neither party wants to address the corrupt businesses.
We were closer to the idea of Capitalism in the times past than we are now. The Capitalists of old did have slavery I suppose.

How can you have slavery in free trade? THINK Comrade.

It's like saying "the living people of old were dead, I suppose."

Stop changing the subject. How can you have trade agreements in free trade?

President Donald J. Trump Has Forged New Trade Agreements to Revitalize American Industry and Agriculture

Capitalism is free trade Comrade. You don't even know the basics.

You avoided my questions to you earlier concerning that and will again so there is no need to bother.
We were closer to the idea of Capitalism in the times past than we are now. The Capitalists of old did have slavery I suppose.

How can you have slavery in free trade? THINK Comrade.

It's like saying "the living people of old were dead, I suppose."

Stop changing the subject. How can you have trade agreements in free trade?

President Donald J. Trump Has Forged New Trade Agreements to Revitalize American Industry and Agriculture

NAFTA-lite .....



It's not perfect by any means, but a HELL of a lot better than NAFTA.
We were closer to the idea of Capitalism in the times past than we are now. The Capitalists of old did have slavery I suppose.

How can you have slavery in free trade? THINK Comrade.

It's like saying "the living people of old were dead, I suppose."

Stop changing the subject. How can you have trade agreements in free trade?

President Donald J. Trump Has Forged New Trade Agreements to Revitalize American Industry and Agriculture

NAFTA-lite .....



It's not perfect by any means, but a HELL of a lot better than NAFTA.

Free trade would mean the end of the Federal Reserve. Bail outs and yes NAFTA. When that happens I'll take it seriously.
And you will continue to sit on the fence doing nothing except act superior and complain

There is nothing I can do. I'm not sure why you expect me to do what you don't expect those who can do something for doing.
Yes there is

You have to pressure the democrats to get off their ass and implement your ideas on illegals

At this point in time they can NOT enforce immigration laws and they have no more intention to address the businesses that hire them than do the Republicans.

And if the price is to fund the wall and other measures trump voters demand such as punishing sanctuary cities for non cooperation then well and good

I have no intention of helping the rich to harm the poor.
I suspect that deep down you are a nihilist at heart

The democrats in the house can pass bills finding the wall and increasing enforcement of laws against illegal aliens in the workplace

Bills that the senate would pass and trump would sign

If that was the case they could have done it when they held the House. They didn't. As I noted, neither party wants to address the corrupt businesses.
Trump never got his First Hundred Days

Even before he took the oath of office Deep State liars were calling him a traitor who colluded with the russians

That hoax froze many republicans in congress who should have funded the wall
There is nothing I can do. I'm not sure why you expect me to do what you don't expect those who can do something for doing.
Yes there is

You have to pressure the democrats to get off their ass and implement your ideas on illegals

At this point in time they can NOT enforce immigration laws and they have no more intention to address the businesses that hire them than do the Republicans.

And if the price is to fund the wall and other measures trump voters demand such as punishing sanctuary cities for non cooperation then well and good

I have no intention of helping the rich to harm the poor.
I suspect that deep down you are a nihilist at heart

The democrats in the house can pass bills finding the wall and increasing enforcement of laws against illegal aliens in the workplace

Bills that the senate would pass and trump would sign

If that was the case they could have done it when they held the House. They didn't. As I noted, neither party wants to address the corrupt businesses.
Trump never got his First Hundred Days

Even before he took the oath of office Deep State liars were calling him a traitor who colluded with the russians

That hoax froze many republicans in congress who should have funded the wall

Neither party has any desire to stop the low wage train.
Yes there is

You have to pressure the democrats to get off their ass and implement your ideas on illegals

At this point in time they can NOT enforce immigration laws and they have no more intention to address the businesses that hire them than do the Republicans.

And if the price is to fund the wall and other measures trump voters demand such as punishing sanctuary cities for non cooperation then well and good

I have no intention of helping the rich to harm the poor.
I suspect that deep down you are a nihilist at heart

The democrats in the house can pass bills finding the wall and increasing enforcement of laws against illegal aliens in the workplace

Bills that the senate would pass and trump would sign

If that was the case they could have done it when they held the House. They didn't. As I noted, neither party wants to address the corrupt businesses.
Trump never got his First Hundred Days

Even before he took the oath of office Deep State liars were calling him a traitor who colluded with the russians

That hoax froze many republicans in congress who should have funded the wall

Neither party has any desire to stop the low wage train.
Most career swamp rats have to respond to their voters

And trump voters are rock solid on ending the illegal alien invasion
Standard Oil was very successful & kept buying out & knocking out its competitors.

How much more aid did Rockerfeller get than small business back then?

You skitter about thinking you are somehow making points. What you fail to grasp is that Standard oil had an army of Marshalls and Judges - government - to enforce their monopolies.
At this point in time they can NOT enforce immigration laws and they have no more intention to address the businesses that hire them than do the Republicans.

I have no intention of helping the rich to harm the poor.
I suspect that deep down you are a nihilist at heart

The democrats in the house can pass bills finding the wall and increasing enforcement of laws against illegal aliens in the workplace

Bills that the senate would pass and trump would sign

If that was the case they could have done it when they held the House. They didn't. As I noted, neither party wants to address the corrupt businesses.
Trump never got his First Hundred Days

Even before he took the oath of office Deep State liars were calling him a traitor who colluded with the russians

That hoax froze many republicans in congress who should have funded the wall

Neither party has any desire to stop the low wage train.
Most career swamp rats have to respond to their voters

And trump voters are rock solid on ending the illegal alien invasion

But yet they make excuses for Trump.
We didn't use the Fed to bail out the markets? Bail outs are now Capitalism again? We aren't using the Fed to prop up the markets now? How is this Capitalism?

There is a word associated with "federal" that you clearly fail to grasp, that word is "reserve." First off, your statement of "bailout" is incorrect and made from a position of abject ignorance due to your utter lack of understanding of the monetary system.

We have to break this down to the basics, because you CLEARLY have no idea what the federal reserve is or how monetary policy works. I am going to assume you are some nutjob who has heard "fed bad" and believes it without having any clue what is behind it. What is behind it is fiat currency. Fiat currency means money not backed by tangible assets. Bad, right? Well, it's little more complicated than that. Took make it simple let's say we have a simple economy where a woodcutter can cut down 10 trees a year, and there are 10 1 ounce chunks of gold. So we peg the gold to the wood, each tree is worth one gold. All is good, trade is fair. But then another wood cutter moves in, and now there are 20 trees pegged to the 10 gold. Do we just have the wealth of the first woodcutter magically be cut in half? Chances are he wouldn't like that and will abandon the monetary system as it fails to provide an equitable means of trade. So the mayor comes up with something ingenious, he locks the gold up and creates credits that he calls "dollars." The trees are one dollar each. Now when another wood cutter shows up, he can expand the currency by fiat, preserving the trade balance.

What the federal reserve does is maintain the ratio of goods and services to currency. As we have shifted to a credit economy, most transactions occur using nothing more than credits and debits in computer systems. The Repo market is for those situations where transactions exceed the available currency. Generally the float of currency in the Repo market is between 4 and 24 hours. So when the ignorant speak of the "billions pumped into the economy by the fed," they simply don't grasp that a billion dollar repo on Wednesday is the SAME billion that was floated on Tuesday.

BTW, I oppose the fed, but not for the reasons you ignorantly do.

In the beginning of this country we had Capitalism. We had to change that and create the Federal Reserve because it was not working as well as some wanted it to work. In Capitalism there is not some big entity deciding what a proper level of goods and service is. That is Socialism. Ours is simply tilted more towards the top so the "Capitalists" pretend it is Capitalism.

Yeah....too bad we need it but we do need it....aside from facilitating commerce and economic growth however the reserve also has too much power for a non elected body....and they use it to benefit the elite.


Argue we need it. That's fine with me but don't argue it's Capitalism.
Capitalism is more of a philosophy than

Capitalism gave rise to the middle class. In order to return to what the left sees as the natural order of rulers and peasants, Capitalism must be destroyed. As long as man is allowed to prosper, not kicking back to or begging permission from kings or noblemen, they will rise to their own abilities, no way to keep them in their place. The left cannot rule in such a situation. So offer the dregs something for nothing, fan the flames of envy, your neighbor has more than you, I'll help you steal if for yourself, and then the left can again rule.

Yes, Capitalism is a philosophy, it is the belief that every person has the right to the product of their own effort and their own mind.
I suspect that deep down you are a nihilist at heart

The democrats in the house can pass bills finding the wall and increasing enforcement of laws against illegal aliens in the workplace

Bills that the senate would pass and trump would sign

If that was the case they could have done it when they held the House. They didn't. As I noted, neither party wants to address the corrupt businesses.
Trump never got his First Hundred Days

Even before he took the oath of office Deep State liars were calling him a traitor who colluded with the russians

That hoax froze many republicans in congress who should have funded the wall

Neither party has any desire to stop the low wage train.
Most career swamp rats have to respond to their voters

And trump voters are rock solid on ending the illegal alien invasion

But yet they make excuses for Trump.
Just as knee-jerk libs shouted “Impeach 45!” since he took office

This is trench warfare that only gets uglier by the week
If that was the case they could have done it when they held the House. They didn't. As I noted, neither party wants to address the corrupt businesses.
Trump never got his First Hundred Days

Even before he took the oath of office Deep State liars were calling him a traitor who colluded with the russians

That hoax froze many republicans in congress who should have funded the wall

Neither party has any desire to stop the low wage train.
Most career swamp rats have to respond to their voters

And trump voters are rock solid on ending the illegal alien invasion

But yet they make excuses for Trump.
Just as knee-jerk libs shouted “Impeach 45!” since he took office

This is trench warfare that only gets uglier by the week

I told someone the other day it's not about doing the right thing, it's only about power but that power only benefits the few.
Trump never got his First Hundred Days

Even before he took the oath of office Deep State liars were calling him a traitor who colluded with the russians

That hoax froze many republicans in congress who should have funded the wall

Neither party has any desire to stop the low wage train.
Most career swamp rats have to respond to their voters

And trump voters are rock solid on ending the illegal alien invasion

But yet they make excuses for Trump.
Just as knee-jerk libs shouted “Impeach 45!” since he took office

This is trench warfare that only gets uglier by the week

I told someone the other day it's not about doing the right thing, it's only about power but that power only benefits the few.
Defeating the democrat impeachment witch hunt benefits 62 million trump voters directly and the rest of America indirectly in spite of themselves
As presented it's a theory we do not practice.

Life is not perfect, so you say we should choose death?

We don't perfectly implement Capitalism, so we should embrace slavery?

What we are advocating with Capitalism is little more than a small step up from slavery. Address the businesses ignoring our employment laws to pay people very low wages? No, we won't do that.

Give people a raise in the minimum wage? No, we won't do that.

Free trade would mean the end of the Federal Reserve. Bail outs and yes NAFTA. When that happens I'll take it seriously.

We already established that you don't have a hint of a clue as to what the federal reserve is or does. Free trade within the borders of a nation does not necessarily equate to free trade outside of our borders, as other nations may not have the same values and system that we do.

Free trade is within a particular economy.
Neither party has any desire to stop the low wage train.
Most career swamp rats have to respond to their voters

And trump voters are rock solid on ending the illegal alien invasion

But yet they make excuses for Trump.
Just as knee-jerk libs shouted “Impeach 45!” since he took office

This is trench warfare that only gets uglier by the week

I told someone the other day it's not about doing the right thing, it's only about power but that power only benefits the few.
Defeating the democrat impeachment witch hunt benefits 62 million trump voters directly and the rest of America indirectly in spite of themselves

I never supported the impeachment mess. You act and argue like I'm a Democrat. While they pretend to support the things I argue for, most do not in action. I will note that there was not a raise in the minimum wage under Obama's entire eight years.

It's why I ended up voting for Jill Stein.

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