Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

I asked that question about you being under a rock as a joke. Now it is no joke. You don't know who the FISA was for? Boss, you are in the wrong place. Go back to your Legos.

The FISA warrant was for Carter Page--not Donald Trump you fool. You have no idea WTF you're even talking about. I tried to be nice by asking a question so you could come to the realization you were wrong. But no. Instead, you come out with insults.
You asked me if it was Trump. I didn't ask you squirt.

I asked you who the warrant was for. You couldn't answer because you thought it was Trump.

"The best thing about telling the truth is you never have to remember what you said."
Author unknown.
I'm still procrastinating with myself, trying to figure out if you know anything at all yet? So far, I'm not too impressed. You've failed to mount any intelligent debate from the claims I've already made, so that should convince me right there, what you are all about.

That's because you are so uninformed you have no idea what I'm talking about.
Neither do you.
Left wingers think Trump should be worrying. Lefties should be. This is Trump holding his cards and starting to release them now. He’s going to absolutely fuck over the democrats in the next two months with slow releases of information. By November democrats will be so down they won’t even bother getting out of bed.
In the meantime, Manafort, Cohen, and Flynn are already talking.
Talking about what? The nothing that mewler has on Trump? This special council is going down the shitter. You best prepare yourself.
Multiple indictments, multiple convictions, and multiple immunity deals in Mueller's back pocket, all related to Trump. If SC goes down the shitter, it will be because the rule of law will have been abandoned, and the Republican Congress was part of the crime.
The rule of law was abandoned to start this shit.
Left wingers think Trump should be worrying. Lefties should be. This is Trump holding his cards and starting to release them now. He’s going to absolutely fuck over the democrats in the next two months with slow releases of information. By November democrats will be so down they won’t even bother getting out of bed.

No, Trump is selectively declassifying.......specifically keeping the vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant application where the FBI disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier to the FISA judges classified.

While pushing a narrative that the FBI didn't disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier to the FISA judges. One Trump knows that full disclosure doesn't support.

Which is stupid. There's zero application in any charges to anyone in the FBI. As the FISA warrant still has the disclosures to the judges about the political motivations of the Steele Dossier, classified or no. This is solely to push a narrative that Trump knows doesn't hold up to discredit the Russia Investigation.

Which pointlessly opens Trump up *personally* for all sorts of Obstruction of Justice implications. As Trump got rid of his cut out man Nunes and did the selective declassifications himself.

Again, 30 members of Congress have already seen the unredacted version of the FISA memo. If this was going to be a thing, it would have been a thing.

And you know this how? Have you even seen anything Trump announced today that he was going to declassify?

You do know that there's a mountain of documents illustrating the criminal activities the deep states committed against the Trump campaign, right? Not just the heavily-redacted documents that the Democrats and Republicans agreed on, right?
Left wingers think Trump should be worrying. Lefties should be. This is Trump holding his cards and starting to release them now. He’s going to absolutely fuck over the democrats in the next two months with slow releases of information. By November democrats will be so down they won’t even bother getting out of bed.
In the meantime, Manafort, Cohen, and Flynn are already talking.
Talking about what? The nothing that mewler has on Trump? This special council is going down the shitter. You best prepare yourself.
Multiple indictments, multiple convictions, and multiple immunity deals in Mueller's back pocket, all related to Trump. If SC goes down the shitter, it will be because the rule of law will have been abandoned, and the Republican Congress was part of the crime.
The rule of law was abandoned to start this shit.
Really? Care to attach an intelligent argument to that claim?
Looks like an act of desperation from Crooked Donnie

Crooked hillary has to be shaking in her table cloth...…...
Shaking at the thought of who else on Trump's team is going to be locked up minus her? Remember Flynn ginning up the crowd for locking Hillary up? And look at who the bozo is who's getting locked up now? Folks, if this doesn't go down as the funniest thing this century, I don't know what will? The whole damn RNC was chanting lock her up, and look at what the hell happened. :777::5_1_12024:And justice got served to this low life trash.
Hilarious. Every time one of Trump's felons leaves or goes into a court house, there are a group of people with signs chanting "Lock him up". It makes me smile. Just before I laugh out loud.

What's going on now makes me laugh...

All your Russian bull shit is coming back to bite you in the ass....

Many of yours should and hopefully will be in jail.
Left wingers think Trump should be worrying. Lefties should be. This is Trump holding his cards and starting to release them now. He’s going to absolutely fuck over the democrats in the next two months with slow releases of information. By November democrats will be so down they won’t even bother getting out of bed.
In the meantime, Manafort, Cohen, and Flynn are already talking.
Talking about what? The nothing that mewler has on Trump? This special council is going down the shitter. You best prepare yourself.
Multiple indictments, multiple convictions, and multiple immunity deals in Mueller's back pocket, all related to Trump. If SC goes down the shitter, it will be because the rule of law will have been abandoned, and the Republican Congress was part of the crime.
The rule of law was abandoned to start this shit.
Really? Care to attach an intelligent argument to that claim?
Releasing the documents will begin to show that. So much for your Russia hysteria.
Looks like an act of desperation from Crooked Donnie

So making government transparent is an act of desperation?
If you want transparency, show us his tax returns.

Everyone else shows theirs.

He was talking about government transparency. Trump's tax returns have nothing to do with being President.
Some transparency

Afraid to tell the people where his money goes

Why would we need to know?

Trump never expected to be President. He's not a professional politician that worked his way up. He just went right to the top.

Professional politicians prepare their taxes for public view, so they are not afraid to show how much they paid in taxes, or how much they contributed to charity.

I'm guessing Trump paid as little in taxes as he could unlike professional politicians. I'm assuming he gave a less than impressive amount to charity, unlike professional politicians.

So what the left is asking of Trump is to disclose records that they can beat him over the head with. WTF would he do that? That's like a robber asking you to buy a gun for him so he can shoot you and take your money. Would you do that?
Left wingers think Trump should be worrying. Lefties should be. This is Trump holding his cards and starting to release them now. He’s going to absolutely fuck over the democrats in the next two months with slow releases of information. By November democrats will be so down they won’t even bother getting out of bed.
In the meantime, Manafort, Cohen, and Flynn are already talking.
Talking about what? The nothing that mewler has on Trump? This special council is going down the shitter. You best prepare yourself.
Multiple indictments, multiple convictions, and multiple immunity deals in Mueller's back pocket, all related to Trump. If SC goes down the shitter, it will be because the rule of law will have been abandoned, and the Republican Congress was part of the crime.
The rule of law was abandoned to start this shit.
Really? Care to attach an intelligent argument to that claim?

A Democratic candidate paying some Russians for a made-up "dossier" in order to slander her opponent, and the upper echelon of the Justice Department using that phony document to justify not only spying on her opponent, but using the phony document to launch a slanderous media campaign, illegal FISA warrants, and an "investigation"?

Someone is going to prison over this shit, and it won't be who you think it is.
Left wingers think Trump should be worrying. Lefties should be. This is Trump holding his cards and starting to release them now. He’s going to absolutely fuck over the democrats in the next two months with slow releases of information. By November democrats will be so down they won’t even bother getting out of bed.

No, Trump is selectively declassifying.......specifically keeping the vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant application where the FBI disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier to the FISA judges classified.

While pushing a narrative that the FBI didn't disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier to the FISA judges. One Trump knows that full disclosure doesn't support.

Which is stupid. There's zero application in any charges to anyone in the FBI. As the FISA warrant still has the disclosures to the judges about the political motivations of the Steele Dossier, classified or no. This is solely to push a narrative that Trump knows doesn't hold up to discredit the Russia Investigation.

Which pointlessly opens Trump up *personally* for all sorts of Obstruction of Justice implications. As Trump got rid of his cut out man Nunes and did the selective declassifications himself.

Again, 30 members of Congress have already seen the unredacted version of the FISA memo. If this was going to be a thing, it would have been a thing.

And you know this how? Have you even seen anything Trump announced today that he was going to declassify?

Because the Press Secretary already cited the specific pages that Trump was declassifying of the FISA application for Carter Page. Only 21 pages of 412 pages of the FISA applications were declassified by Trump. So much for 'full disclosure', huh?

With the vast majority of the portions of the FISA application where the FBI discloses the political motivation of Steele Dossier to the FISA judges.......remaining classified. Trump doesn't want that released to the public.

Trump is actively withholding the FBI disclosures of the political motivations for Steele Dossier while pushing a narrative that there were were no FBI disclosures of the political motivations of the Steele Dossier.

Which is so incredibly 30 members of congress have already seen the unredacted FISA applications. And Trump did this personally. He eliminated his own cut out man, Nunes. He eliminated plausible deniability for Obstruction of Justice charges. All the Obstruction of Justice implications come to lay at Trump's feet.
Left wingers think Trump should be worrying. Lefties should be. This is Trump holding his cards and starting to release them now. He’s going to absolutely fuck over the democrats in the next two months with slow releases of information. By November democrats will be so down they won’t even bother getting out of bed.

No, Trump is selectively declassifying.......specifically keeping the vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant application where the FBI disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier to the FISA judges classified.

While pushing a narrative that the FBI didn't disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier to the FISA judges. One Trump knows that full disclosure doesn't support.

Which is stupid. There's zero application in any charges to anyone in the FBI. As the FISA warrant still has the disclosures to the judges about the political motivations of the Steele Dossier, classified or no. This is solely to push a narrative that Trump knows doesn't hold up to discredit the Russia Investigation.

Which pointlessly opens Trump up *personally* for all sorts of Obstruction of Justice implications. As Trump got rid of his cut out man Nunes and did the selective declassifications himself.

Again, 30 members of Congress have already seen the unredacted version of the FISA memo. If this was going to be a thing, it would have been a thing.
It’s a thing now. And you’re playing right into his hands. When you demand he release another page, he will in due time. When your argument gets blown up and you ask for another, he will blow you up again. This is going to hurt the left a lot. I suspect soon you will be calling to dismantle the special council and stop the bleeding.

Nope. Again, 30 members of Congress have already seen the pages in question. Unredacted. With 15 of them being republicans. And it was a big bucket of nothing.

The smoking gun...isn't. Which is what opens Trump up to such dangerous Obstruction of Justice implications. As these declassifications have zero application for charges of anyone in the FBI. While Trump may try and keep the vast majority of those portions of the FISA warrant where the FBI discloses the political motivations of the Steele Dossier from the public....

.....those portions of the warrant still exist. Even if Trump keeps them classified. And exonerate the FBI in any application of the law.

The sole purpose of these selective declassifications is to push a narrative that the FBI didn't diclose the political implications of the Steele Dossier in the FISA warrant. A narrative that full disclosure of the FISA warrant doesn't support. And Trump knows full disclosure doesn't support.

Which means that Trump is *intentionally* pushing a narrative he knows the FISA warrant doesn't support for the purpose of trying to discrediting an active investigation.

And Trump did this personally. No cut out man. No Nunes pushing the false narrative for him. No plausible deniability. All the Obstruction of Justice implications of pushing a narrative Trump knows full disclosure doesn't support to discredit an active investigation.....

....lay right at Trump's feet.
Go ahead and ask for more info. You’re playing right into his hands. This has been on the table for a year or more. Just waited on the timing. The more spin you and the media add the worse it will get.
Looks like an act of desperation from Crooked Donnie

Crooked hillary has to be shaking in her table cloth...…...
Shaking at the thought of who else on Trump's team is going to be locked up minus her? Remember Flynn ginning up the crowd for locking Hillary up? And look at who the bozo is who's getting locked up now? Folks, if this doesn't go down as the funniest thing this century, I don't know what will? The whole damn RNC was chanting lock her up, and look at what the hell happened. :777::5_1_12024:And justice got served to this low life trash.

The real TRASH will be taken out Soon....

President Donald J. Trump is draining the swamp...…

You better grab a log sucker...….

Nope. Again, 30 members of Congress, including 15 republicans have already seen the unredacted FISA warrant application. It was a steaming plate of nothing. And Trump kept the vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant where the FBI discloses the political motivations of the Steele Dossier classified.

Portions 30 members of Congress have already seen (to general yawns). But Trump doesn't want the public to see.

While pushing a fraudulent narrative for the public that those portions *don't exist*.

This was a desperation move and epic blunder. As Trump did this himself. He has no cut out man pushing fake narratives for him. There's no Nunes to take the blame. And all the Obstruction of Justice implications lay right at Trump's feet.

Yours is what you get when you listen to FAKE NEWS.....

You Suckers are going down....
Left wingers think Trump should be worrying. Lefties should be. This is Trump holding his cards and starting to release them now. He’s going to absolutely fuck over the democrats in the next two months with slow releases of information. By November democrats will be so down they won’t even bother getting out of bed.

No, Trump is selectively declassifying.......specifically keeping the vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant application where the FBI disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier to the FISA judges classified.

While pushing a narrative that the FBI didn't disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier to the FISA judges. One Trump knows that full disclosure doesn't support.

Which is stupid. There's zero application in any charges to anyone in the FBI. As the FISA warrant still has the disclosures to the judges about the political motivations of the Steele Dossier, classified or no. This is solely to push a narrative that Trump knows doesn't hold up to discredit the Russia Investigation.

Which pointlessly opens Trump up *personally* for all sorts of Obstruction of Justice implications. As Trump got rid of his cut out man Nunes and did the selective declassifications himself.

Again, 30 members of Congress have already seen the unredacted version of the FISA memo. If this was going to be a thing, it would have been a thing.

And you know this how? Have you even seen anything Trump announced today that he was going to declassify?

Because the Press Secretary already cited the specific pages that Trump was declassifying of the FISA application for Carter Page. Only 21 pages of 412 pages of the FISA applications were declassified by Trump. So much for 'full disclosure', huh?

With the vast majority of the portions of the FISA application where the FBI discloses the political motivation of Steele Dossier to the FISA judges.......remaining classified. Trump doesn't want that released to the public.

Trump is actively withholding the FBI disclosures of the political motivations for Steele Dossier while pushing a narrative that there were were no FBI disclosures of the political motivations of the Steele Dossier.

Which is so incredibly 30 members of congress have already seen the unredacted FISA applications. And Trump did this personally. He eliminated his own cut out man, Nunes. He eliminated plausible deniability for Obstruction of Justice charges. All the Obstruction of Justice implications come to lay at Trump's feet.
You’re being set up. Please by all means keep going.
You conservative kids may wanna be careful what you ask for.

Not really. Trump specified the page numbers of the documents to be released. He knows exactly what is in those documents and the effects they are going to have. Releasing the documents will no doubt improve the ability to monitor what the government is doing while nobody's watching.

Aren't you the ones who are big on "transparency" and "accountability" in the government?
Selective partisan transparency like when Nunes and his committee cherry picked and warped the contents of their fisa memo. This is the same thing. Nunes and congressional Republicans are coordinating with trump rather than being a check on the presidency like their position demands. This exercise is about trying to catch the investigation on technicalities. When I heard that trump was declassifying specific content requested by Republicans, theres no dount in my mind what's going on.

For one minute suppose trump was guilty of conspiracy and election tampering or whatever tf it is. What would he be doing right now? Should he have selective control over what the public can see? Having control over information to that degree is concerning. If he wields selective control over the information, isnt that telling? This is just a crazy situation.
When are you people going to learn...


It's better than that. It's like the Trumpsters scream "let us into that room full of rakes!!!"

Then they open the door and walk in...
Left wingers think Trump should be worrying. Lefties should be. This is Trump holding his cards and starting to release them now. He’s going to absolutely fuck over the democrats in the next two months with slow releases of information. By November democrats will be so down they won’t even bother getting out of bed.

No, Trump is selectively declassifying.......specifically keeping the vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant application where the FBI disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier to the FISA judges classified.

While pushing a narrative that the FBI didn't disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier to the FISA judges. One Trump knows that full disclosure doesn't support.

Which is stupid. There's zero application in any charges to anyone in the FBI. As the FISA warrant still has the disclosures to the judges about the political motivations of the Steele Dossier, classified or no. This is solely to push a narrative that Trump knows doesn't hold up to discredit the Russia Investigation.

Which pointlessly opens Trump up *personally* for all sorts of Obstruction of Justice implications. As Trump got rid of his cut out man Nunes and did the selective declassifications himself.

Again, 30 members of Congress have already seen the unredacted version of the FISA memo. If this was going to be a thing, it would have been a thing.

And you know this how? Have you even seen anything Trump announced today that he was going to declassify?

Because the Press Secretary already cited the specific pages that Trump was declassifying of the FISA application for Carter Page. Only 21 pages of 412 pages of the FISA applications were declassified by Trump. So much for 'full disclosure', huh?

With the vast majority of the portions of the FISA application where the FBI discloses the political motivation of Steele Dossier to the FISA judges.......remaining classified. Trump doesn't want that released to the public.

Trump is actively withholding the FBI disclosures of the political motivations for Steele Dossier while pushing a narrative that there were were no FBI disclosures of the political motivations of the Steele Dossier.

Which is so incredibly 30 members of congress have already seen the unredacted FISA applications. And Trump did this personally. He eliminated his own cut out man, Nunes. He eliminated plausible deniability for Obstruction of Justice charges. All the Obstruction of Justice implications come to lay at Trump's feet.

I'm already aware that he released the FISA applications for Page, although they were heavily-redacted. What Trump is releasing will not be so redacted. We want the actual names of the judges who illegally signed off on those warrants, and those who gave them false information in order to obtain those warrants.

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application
GOD BLESS General Michael Flynn! And GOD BLESS all Patriots! every single one of them!!!!:clap::clap::clap:

GOD BLESS forever!:clap::clap::clap:

Finally. About time. YAY!

Without redaction.

President Donald Trump ordered the immediate declassification of several documents relating to the 2016 FBI investigation of his campaign, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Monday evening.

“The President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Sanders continued “in addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”

Trump Orders Declassification Of DOJ, FBI Documents

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