Trump phenomena explained

Why Trump is liked is because today society love the celebrity shock jock, and one that gives them sounds bites that sound like actual solutions but lack substance.

The typical American lack the attention span of a gnat, so Trumps is their best candidate.

I think they really believe that Alex Jones and info wars is a legitimate agency for information. People in Texas are just not very bright and there are a lot of Texans.

I live outside Houston, Texas and can confirm that the average Texan east of I-35 has a IQ lesser than their shoe size.

So I feel your plight but you have to remember Texas has a big minority population that will drown out the Trump supporters.

Yeah...all those idiots in Texas who make the state of Texas the 14 largest economy in the world.
Sounds like you should be living in Massachusetts.

Also you should know Texas is a Minority-Majority state which mean there is less whites than Minorities combined.

So Texas Demographics is changing, and I wrote East of I-35 which mean you do not know where I-35 is at and should look at a map!

I live in Katy so I know exactly where I-35 is.

Sure you do, and I live on Puto!

If you live in Texas then your stupid ass would have known I did not insult the entire state but just inbred people like you on the east side of I-35.

Now go slurp on Trump penis and remember those like you are the minority in this State!
So I am in THe Woodlands North of Houston this week. Went to a Christmas party thrown by a jewelry company of which my close friend is a very good customer. It looks more like were in Manhattan then Texas here. Tiffany's is also on the corner and there are two Maseratis parked in front of Tommy Bahamas where we go in to have a drink.
We start talking to people at the bar and they are all Trump supporters. One of them said that Obama will be opening his presidential library in Austin Texas. Said he heard it on the news.

One guy says that Obama is going to release "millions of convicted felon's from prison so they can vote for Hillary". He said he heard it on the news. My friend who is a Republican kindly reminded him that convicted felon's are forbidden from voting after released. And I kindly told the guy that there was only a little over 2 million people in prison in America in the first place

(Forgive typos. On an iPad using voice feature)

Trump doesn't just have the dumbass bubbles in his back pocket, he has people with money and influence and I don't know where they are getting the shit from

Much more simply said:

Why Trump is liked is because today society love the celebrity shock jock, and one that gives them sounds bites that sound like actual solutions but lack substance.

The typical American lack the attention span of a gnat, so Trumps is their best candidate.

I think they really believe that Alex Jones and info wars is a legitimate agency for information. People in Texas are just not very bright and there are a lot of Texans.

I live outside Houston, Texas and can confirm that the average Texan east of I-35 has a IQ lesser than their shoe size.

So I feel your plight but you have to remember Texas has a big minority population that will drown out the Trump supporters.

Then I am preaching to the choir when you read my O/P. And you know what I mean about The Woodlands. It's quite an amazing place now
I think they really believe that Alex Jones and info wars is a legitimate agency for information. People in Texas are just not very bright and there are a lot of Texans.

I live outside Houston, Texas and can confirm that the average Texan east of I-35 has a IQ lesser than their shoe size.

So I feel your plight but you have to remember Texas has a big minority population that will drown out the Trump supporters.

Yeah...all those idiots in Texas who make the state of Texas the 14 largest economy in the world.
Sounds like you should be living in Massachusetts.

Also you should know Texas is a Minority-Majority state which mean there is less whites than Minorities combined.

So Texas Demographics is changing, and I wrote East of I-35 which mean you do not know where I-35 is at and should look at a map!

I live in Katy so I know exactly where I-35 is.

Sure you do, and I live on Puto!

If you live in Texas then your stupid ass would have known I did not insult the entire state but just inbred people like you on the east side of I-35.

Now go slurp on Trump penis and remember those like you are the minority in this State!

What made the Texas economy boom was oil, the price of oil going to $110 a barrel a few years ago. So now that oil is $40 a barrel I wonder where the 14th largest economy is going to go? I lived in Texas in 1986 when the price of oil fell to $14 a barrel. Lots of humility to spread around back then just like there is now
Why Trump is liked is because today society love the celebrity shock jock, and one that gives them sounds bites that sound like actual solutions but lack substance.

The typical American lack the attention span of a gnat, so Trumps is their best candidate.

I think they really believe that Alex Jones and info wars is a legitimate agency for information. People in Texas are just not very bright and there are a lot of Texans.

I live outside Houston, Texas and can confirm that the average Texan east of I-35 has a IQ lesser than their shoe size.

So I feel your plight but you have to remember Texas has a big minority population that will drown out the Trump supporters.

Yeah...all those idiots in Texas who make the state of Texas the 14 largest economy in the world.
Sounds like you should be living in Massachusetts.

Of for fuck sake!

When you are done slurping on Trump pecker please get back to me when you have anything of substance to write about. I know about the port of Houston, and the industry within the state, and supported Rick Perry when he was governor and hated George W, Bush.

So kiss my ass on your dumbass shit because I could give a rat ass where you believe I should live!

It's pretty funny you who posted nothing but a lib circle jerk about how dumb people who disagree with us are have the nerve to complain about a lack of substance in another person's post.
But what I heard last night makes me want to grab a videographer and hit the streets with a mic and start asking these people here what the fuck they are thinking and why and who they are listening to

A Woman sitting nearby asked me what I thought about the 40% national unemployment rate because that's why she was voting for Trump.

Her husband said that there was a FEMA camp just waiting to take us all in upon Obama's orders. He said it is located outside of IAH Bush international airport north of town.

I wish I was making this up
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But what I heard last night makes me want to grab a videographer and hit the streets with a mic and start asking these people here what the fuck they are thinking and why and who they are listening to

Just make sure to ask some of Hillary Supporters similar questions.
But what I heard last night makes me want to grab a videographer and hit the streets with a mic and start asking these people here what the fuck they are thinking and why and who they are listening to

Just make sure to ask some of Hillary Supporters similar questions.

You are not paying attention. I didn't ask anybody anything. I simply told the first moron that there was only 2 million prisoners currently incarcerated which means that he thinks Obama is going to fling open the doors of all prisons. What questions would you like to ask Hillary supporters?
So I am in THe Woodlands North of Houston this week. Went to a Christmas party thrown by a jewelry company of which my close friend is a very good customer. It looks more like were in Manhattan then Texas here. Tiffany's is also on the corner and there are two Maseratis parked in front of Tommy Bahamas where we go in to have a drink.
We start talking to people at the bar and they are all Trump supporters. One of them said that Obama will be opening his presidential library in Austin Texas. Said he heard it on the news.

One guy says that Obama is going to release "millions of convicted felon's from prison so they can vote for Hillary". He said he heard it on the news. My friend who is a Republican kindly reminded him that convicted felon's are forbidden from voting after released. And I kindly told the guy that there was only a little over 2 million people in prison in America in the first place

(Forgive typos. On an iPad using voice feature)

Trump doesn't just have the dumbass bubbles in his back pocket, he has people with money and influence and I don't know where they are getting the shit from

Talk about missing the point. Trump is getting support because he is not a politician, same as Ben Carson. I have talked to dozens of people, Republican, Democrat, and Independent and the overwhelming majority believe that both parties are corrupt and career politicians are corrupt liars regardless of party. I happen to agree.

Trump is getting support because people are sick of being lied to and they are hoping that Trump will be different because he is not owned by a political party or obligated to special interests
But what I heard last night makes me want to grab a videographer and hit the streets with a mic and start asking these people here what the fuck they are thinking and why and who they are listening to

Just make sure to ask some of Hillary Supporters similar questions.

You are not paying attention. I didn't ask anybody anything. I simply told the first moron that there was only 2 million prisoners currently incarcerated which means that he thinks Obama is going to fling open the doors of all prisons. What questions would you like to ask Hillary supporters?

Just ask them why they support Hillary. I'm sure you would get plenty of stupid answers.
So I am in THe Woodlands North of Houston this week. Went to a Christmas party thrown by a jewelry company of which my close friend is a very good customer. It looks more like were in Manhattan then Texas here. Tiffany's is also on the corner and there are two Maseratis parked in front of Tommy Bahamas where we go in to have a drink.
We start talking to people at the bar and they are all Trump supporters. One of them said that Obama will be opening his presidential library in Austin Texas. Said he heard it on the news.

One guy says that Obama is going to release "millions of convicted felon's from prison so they can vote for Hillary". He said he heard it on the news. My friend who is a Republican kindly reminded him that convicted felon's are forbidden from voting after released. And I kindly told the guy that there was only a little over 2 million people in prison in America in the first place

(Forgive typos. On an iPad using voice feature)

Trump doesn't just have the dumbass bubbles in his back pocket, he has people with money and influence and I don't know where they are getting the shit from

Talk about missing the point. Trump is getting support because he is not a politician, same as Ben Carson. I have talked to dozens of people, Republican, Democrat, and Independent and the overwhelming majority believe that both parties are corrupt and career politicians are corrupt liars regardless of party. I happen to agree.

Trump is getting support because people are sick of being lied to and they are hoping that Trump will be different because he is not owned by a political party or obligated to special interests

I like Trump on the issues, myself.
So I am in THe Woodlands North of Houston this week. Went to a Christmas party thrown by a jewelry company of which my close friend is a very good customer. It looks more like were in Manhattan then Texas here. Tiffany's is also on the corner and there are two Maseratis parked in front of Tommy Bahamas where we go in to have a drink.
We start talking to people at the bar and they are all Trump supporters. One of them said that Obama will be opening his presidential library in Austin Texas. Said he heard it on the news.

One guy says that Obama is going to release "millions of convicted felon's from prison so they can vote for Hillary". He said he heard it on the news. My friend who is a Republican kindly reminded him that convicted felon's are forbidden from voting after released. And I kindly told the guy that there was only a little over 2 million people in prison in America in the first place

(Forgive typos. On an iPad using voice feature)

Trump doesn't just have the dumbass bubbles in his back pocket, he has people with money and influence and I don't know where they are getting the shit from

Talk about missing the point. Trump is getting support because he is not a politician, same as Ben Carson. I have talked to dozens of people, Republican, Democrat, and Independent and the overwhelming majority believe that both parties are corrupt and career politicians are corrupt liars regardless of party. I happen to agree.

Trump is getting support because people are sick of being lied to and they are hoping that Trump will be different because he is not owned by a political party or obligated to special interests

So it's OK if he just disrespects POWs and says the families of Terrorists should be killed, wives and kids. And he's going to deport 12 million people to Mexico and beyond and on and on and on. What kind of fucking fantasy world do you live in?
So I am in THe Woodlands North of Houston this week. Went to a Christmas party thrown by a jewelry company of which my close friend is a very good customer. It looks more like were in Manhattan then Texas here. Tiffany's is also on the corner and there are two Maseratis parked in front of Tommy Bahamas where we go in to have a drink.
We start talking to people at the bar and they are all Trump supporters. One of them said that Obama will be opening his presidential library in Austin Texas. Said he heard it on the news.

One guy says that Obama is going to release "millions of convicted felon's from prison so they can vote for Hillary". He said he heard it on the news. My friend who is a Republican kindly reminded him that convicted felon's are forbidden from voting after released. And I kindly told the guy that there was only a little over 2 million people in prison in America in the first place

(Forgive typos. On an iPad using voice feature)

Trump doesn't just have the dumbass bubbles in his back pocket, he has people with money and influence and I don't know where they are getting the shit from

Talk about missing the point. Trump is getting support because he is not a politician, same as Ben Carson. I have talked to dozens of people, Republican, Democrat, and Independent and the overwhelming majority believe that both parties are corrupt and career politicians are corrupt liars regardless of party. I happen to agree.

Trump is getting support because people are sick of being lied to and they are hoping that Trump will be different because he is not owned by a political party or obligated to special interests

I like Trump on the issues, myself.

Frankly, I do too, but we need to keep in mind that the people who post about politics on USMB are politically interested people who pay attention to what the candidates are saying (for the most part at least). The average American doesn't pay attention and is as stupid as a post when it comes to politics and how government actually works.

We see this in debates all the time. Candidates say "when I am president this is what I will do for the economy" Well, they get away with that because the average American doesn't even realize that the president has absolutely no control over the economy unless he has a Congress that is willing to embrace his policies. Congress and the Fed control the economy and all the president can do is ask.
So I am in THe Woodlands North of Houston this week. Went to a Christmas party thrown by a jewelry company of which my close friend is a very good customer. It looks more like were in Manhattan then Texas here. Tiffany's is also on the corner and there are two Maseratis parked in front of Tommy Bahamas where we go in to have a drink.
We start talking to people at the bar and they are all Trump supporters. One of them said that Obama will be opening his presidential library in Austin Texas. Said he heard it on the news.

One guy says that Obama is going to release "millions of convicted felon's from prison so they can vote for Hillary". He said he heard it on the news. My friend who is a Republican kindly reminded him that convicted felon's are forbidden from voting after released. And I kindly told the guy that there was only a little over 2 million people in prison in America in the first place

(Forgive typos. On an iPad using voice feature)

Trump doesn't just have the dumbass bubbles in his back pocket, he has people with money and influence and I don't know where they are getting the shit from

Talk about missing the point. Trump is getting support because he is not a politician, same as Ben Carson. I have talked to dozens of people, Republican, Democrat, and Independent and the overwhelming majority believe that both parties are corrupt and career politicians are corrupt liars regardless of party. I happen to agree.

Trump is getting support because people are sick of being lied to and they are hoping that Trump will be different because he is not owned by a political party or obligated to special interests

So it's OK if he just disrespects POWs and says the families of Terrorists should be killed, wives and kids. And he's going to deport 12 million people to Mexico and beyond and on and on and on. What kind of fucking fantasy world do you live in?

Those comments don't seem to be hurting his polling numbers. Perhaps there are plenty of Americans who happen to agree or perhaps they feel that despite how distasteful they find those comments that their distrust of career politicians outweighs their distaste
So I am in THe Woodlands North of Houston this week. Went to a Christmas party thrown by a jewelry company of which my close friend is a very good customer. It looks more like were in Manhattan then Texas here. Tiffany's is also on the corner and there are two Maseratis parked in front of Tommy Bahamas where we go in to have a drink.
We start talking to people at the bar and they are all Trump supporters. One of them said that Obama will be opening his presidential library in Austin Texas. Said he heard it on the news.

One guy says that Obama is going to release "millions of convicted felon's from prison so they can vote for Hillary". He said he heard it on the news. My friend who is a Republican kindly reminded him that convicted felon's are forbidden from voting after released. And I kindly told the guy that there was only a little over 2 million people in prison in America in the first place

(Forgive typos. On an iPad using voice feature)

Trump doesn't just have the dumbass bubbles in his back pocket, he has people with money and influence and I don't know where they are getting the shit from

Talk about missing the point. Trump is getting support because he is not a politician, same as Ben Carson. I have talked to dozens of people, Republican, Democrat, and Independent and the overwhelming majority believe that both parties are corrupt and career politicians are corrupt liars regardless of party. I happen to agree.

Trump is getting support because people are sick of being lied to and they are hoping that Trump will be different because he is not owned by a political party or obligated to special interests

I like Trump on the issues, myself.

Frankly, I do too, but we need to keep in mind that the people who post about politics on USMB are politically interested people who pay attention to what the candidates are saying (for the most part at least). The average American doesn't pay attention and is as stupid as a post when it comes to politics and how government actually works.

We see this in debates all the time. Candidates say "when I am president this is what I will do for the economy" Well, they get away with that because the average American doesn't even realize that the president has absolutely no control over the economy unless he has a Congress that is willing to embrace his policies. Congress and the Fed control the economy and all the president can do is ask.

The average American can see that Trump is against the US being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

That puts him far ahead of the Establishment Republicans or God Forbid, Hillary.
So I am in THe Woodlands North of Houston this week. Went to a Christmas party thrown by a jewelry company of which my close friend is a very good customer. It looks more like were in Manhattan then Texas here. Tiffany's is also on the corner and there are two Maseratis parked in front of Tommy Bahamas where we go in to have a drink.
We start talking to people at the bar and they are all Trump supporters. One of them said that Obama will be opening his presidential library in Austin Texas. Said he heard it on the news.

One guy says that Obama is going to release "millions of convicted felon's from prison so they can vote for Hillary". He said he heard it on the news. My friend who is a Republican kindly reminded him that convicted felon's are forbidden from voting after released. And I kindly told the guy that there was only a little over 2 million people in prison in America in the first place

(Forgive typos. On an iPad using voice feature)

Trump doesn't just have the dumbass bubbles in his back pocket, he has people with money and influence and I don't know where they are getting the shit from

Talk about missing the point. Trump is getting support because he is not a politician, same as Ben Carson. I have talked to dozens of people, Republican, Democrat, and Independent and the overwhelming majority believe that both parties are corrupt and career politicians are corrupt liars regardless of party. I happen to agree.

Trump is getting support because people are sick of being lied to and they are hoping that Trump will be different because he is not owned by a political party or obligated to special interests

I like Trump on the issues, myself.

Frankly, I do too, but we need to keep in mind that the people who post about politics on USMB are politically interested people who pay attention to what the candidates are saying (for the most part at least). The average American doesn't pay attention and is as stupid as a post when it comes to politics and how government actually works.

We see this in debates all the time. Candidates say "when I am president this is what I will do for the economy" Well, they get away with that because the average American doesn't even realize that the president has absolutely no control over the economy unless he has a Congress that is willing to embrace his policies. Congress and the Fed control the economy and all the president can do is ask.

The average American can see that Trump is against the US being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

That puts him far ahead of the Establishment Republicans or God Forbid, Hillary.

I think that's true as well. Americans are using to being in charge. I agree that the public sees us being bullied financially by other nations and militarily as well. Obama is such a pussy I have even spoken to Democrats who can't believe he is letting Russia push us around like he us. Hell, Turkey has more balls than we do under this administration.

Trump is an asshole. Trump is arrogant. Trump says stupid shit. But Trump doesn't get pushed around and that resonates with the public. Maybe it's time for an arrogant asshole.
So I am in THe Woodlands North of Houston this week. Went to a Christmas party thrown by a jewelry company of which my close friend is a very good customer. It looks more like were in Manhattan then Texas here. Tiffany's is also on the corner and there are two Maseratis parked in front of Tommy Bahamas where we go in to have a drink.
We start talking to people at the bar and they are all Trump supporters. One of them said that Obama will be opening his presidential library in Austin Texas. Said he heard it on the news.

One guy says that Obama is going to release "millions of convicted felon's from prison so they can vote for Hillary". He said he heard it on the news. My friend who is a Republican kindly reminded him that convicted felon's are forbidden from voting after released. And I kindly told the guy that there was only a little over 2 million people in prison in America in the first place

(Forgive typos. On an iPad using voice feature)

Trump doesn't just have the dumbass bubbles in his back pocket, he has people with money and influence and I don't know where they are getting the shit from

Talk about missing the point. Trump is getting support because he is not a politician, same as Ben Carson. I have talked to dozens of people, Republican, Democrat, and Independent and the overwhelming majority believe that both parties are corrupt and career politicians are corrupt liars regardless of party. I happen to agree.

Trump is getting support because people are sick of being lied to and they are hoping that Trump will be different because he is not owned by a political party or obligated to special interests

I like Trump on the issues, myself.

Frankly, I do too, but we need to keep in mind that the people who post about politics on USMB are politically interested people who pay attention to what the candidates are saying (for the most part at least). The average American doesn't pay attention and is as stupid as a post when it comes to politics and how government actually works.

We see this in debates all the time. Candidates say "when I am president this is what I will do for the economy" Well, they get away with that because the average American doesn't even realize that the president has absolutely no control over the economy unless he has a Congress that is willing to embrace his policies. Congress and the Fed control the economy and all the president can do is ask.

The average American can see that Trump is against the US being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

That puts him far ahead of the Establishment Republicans or God Forbid, Hillary.

I think that's true as well. Americans are using to being in charge. I agree that the public sees us being bullied financially by other nations and militarily as well. Obama is such a pussy I have even spoken to Democrats who can't believe he is letting Russia push us around like he us. Hell, Turkey has more balls than we do under this administration.

Trump is an asshole. Trump is arrogant. Trump says stupid shit. But Trump doesn't get pushed around and that resonates with the public. Maybe it's time for an arrogant asshole.

It's hard to see any of the Republican candidates getting pushed around by Russia, or anyone, except perhaps for Carson. Or Rand Paul.
Talk about missing the point. Trump is getting support because he is not a politician, same as Ben Carson. I have talked to dozens of people, Republican, Democrat, and Independent and the overwhelming majority believe that both parties are corrupt and career politicians are corrupt liars regardless of party. I happen to agree.

Trump is getting support because people are sick of being lied to and they are hoping that Trump will be different because he is not owned by a political party or obligated to special interests

I like Trump on the issues, myself.

Frankly, I do too, but we need to keep in mind that the people who post about politics on USMB are politically interested people who pay attention to what the candidates are saying (for the most part at least). The average American doesn't pay attention and is as stupid as a post when it comes to politics and how government actually works.

We see this in debates all the time. Candidates say "when I am president this is what I will do for the economy" Well, they get away with that because the average American doesn't even realize that the president has absolutely no control over the economy unless he has a Congress that is willing to embrace his policies. Congress and the Fed control the economy and all the president can do is ask.

The average American can see that Trump is against the US being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

That puts him far ahead of the Establishment Republicans or God Forbid, Hillary.

I think that's true as well. Americans are using to being in charge. I agree that the public sees us being bullied financially by other nations and militarily as well. Obama is such a pussy I have even spoken to Democrats who can't believe he is letting Russia push us around like he us. Hell, Turkey has more balls than we do under this administration.

Trump is an asshole. Trump is arrogant. Trump says stupid shit. But Trump doesn't get pushed around and that resonates with the public. Maybe it's time for an arrogant asshole.

It's hard to see any of the Republican candidates getting pushed around by Russia, or anyone, except perhaps for Carson. Or Rand Paul.

I agree but it's very easy to see Hillary getting pushed around by Putin. For one thing people will associate it by party. They see Obama acting like such a pussy and getting pushed around to such a degree that we haven't seen since JFK and Carter and will assume that's the Democrats way. I also think there is some inherent bias about women where people are going to have a hard time seeing Hillary (a woman) standing up to Putin. I mean Hillary aint exactly Iron Maggie, here. :lol: although I might argue that she is far more "hawkish" than people realize.

Look, I am not saying any of this is right or wrong. I am just saying that I think this is how people will look at it

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