Trump Picks Kavanaugh

kavanaugh has proven he's a defender of religious freedom. Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do.
No worries. She will be the next one
I predict Justice Thomas will retire and Barrett will replace him.
That would be ok.
So says a little uneducated trumpkin who hasn’t finished high school
I finished high school early 2008.

That was almost a lifetime ago for me.

Let me know when you’ve actually studied a Supreme Court case little boy.

And you sure don’t sound like you went beyond 5th grade, troll
No worries. She will be the next one
I predict Justice Thomas will retire and Barrett will replace him.
That would be ok.
So says a little uneducated trumpkin who hasn’t finished high school
I finished high school early 2008.

That was almost a lifetime ago for me.

Let me know when you’ve actually studied a Supreme Court case little boy.

And you sure don’t sound like you went beyond 5th grade, troll
I have studied several.
CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) | Twitter

Makes sense. He doesn't think a sitting President can be indicted, and can pardon himself.

So Trump thinks about Trump. No surprise there.

Presidents can't be indicted. That's both parties going back. They can be impeached.

Leftists are bizarre. If Trump burped, you'd think he invented burping. If Trump dropped a fork, you'd think he invented being clumsy. You're butt hurt and obsessed.

BTW, pardoning themselves is irrelevant since they in fact can't be indicted and pardoning yourself doesn't prevent you from being impeached
No worries. She will be the next one
I predict Justice Thomas will retire and Barrett will replace him.
That would be ok.
So says a little uneducated trumpkin who hasn’t finished high school
I finished high school early 2008.

That was almost a lifetime ago for me.

Let me know when you’ve actually studied a Supreme Court case little boy.

And you sure don’t sound like you went beyond 5th grade, troll

I know if I want to know what the law says, I ask a fake lawyer. So what do you think of Heller?
kavanaugh has proven he's a defender of religious freedom. Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do.

I'm disappointed in the pick, specifically because of his Obamacare history. How is a healthcare exchange a "tax?" It's just stupid. I just hope he doesn't turn into Souter
kavanaugh has proven he's a defender of religious freedom. Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do.

I'm disappointed in the pick, specifically because of his Obamacare history. How is a healthcare exchange a "tax?" It's just stupid. I just hope he doesn't turn into Souter
Obamacare has pretty much nothing to do with courts now.
kavanaugh has proven he's a defender of religious freedom. Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do.

I'm disappointed in the pick, specifically because of his Obamacare history. How is a healthcare exchange a "tax?" It's just stupid. I just hope he doesn't turn into Souter
Obamacare has pretty much nothing to do with courts now.

So? What does that have to do with that he held up Unconstitutional provisions because one provision was Constitutional?
yeah , he is ok , i hear that he is Pro Gun and TED Cruz approves but i was hoping for Halderman . This guy 'kavanaugh' has ties to the 'booshes' and ' kagin' from what i hear . Still if he is good on Guns and if Cruz likes him then its ok . --------- i defer to President Trump !!
kavanaugh has proven he's a defender of religious freedom. Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do.

I'm disappointed in the pick, specifically because of his Obamacare history. How is a healthcare exchange a "tax?" It's just stupid. I just hope he doesn't turn into Souter

Obamacare is not the SC's problem, its congress problem. Roberts punted the pile of crap back to congress to deal with. Maybe that was a cop out but I think Roberts and any rational person knew Obamacare would fall apart all by itself.
kavanaugh has proven he's a defender of religious freedom. Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do.

I'm disappointed in the pick, specifically because of his Obamacare history. How is a healthcare exchange a "tax?" It's just stupid. I just hope he doesn't turn into Souter

Obamacare is not the SC's problem, its congress problem. Roberts punted the pile of crap back to congress to deal with. Maybe that was a cop out but I think Roberts and any rational person knew Obamacare would fall apart all by itself.

So he let unconstitutuional law stand? Wow, lame
kavanaugh has proven he's a defender of religious freedom. Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do.

I'm disappointed in the pick, specifically because of his Obamacare history. How is a healthcare exchange a "tax?" It's just stupid. I just hope he doesn't turn into Souter

Obamacare is not the SC's problem, its congress problem. Roberts punted the pile of crap back to congress to deal with. Maybe that was a cop out but I think Roberts and any rational person knew Obamacare would fall apart all by itself.

So he let unconstitutuional law stand? Wow, lame

Possibly. Some say Roberts in hinging the law on it being a tax positioned it to fail then sent it back to congress to fail. Or maybe Roberts didn't want to get the SC in the middle of a pissing match in congress or be hung out to dry as the scapegoat. Who knows he has never really explained himself. But they guy is brilliant, I have to assume he had a reason for doing what he did. Who knows maybe he regrets the decision today, he's humans and humans do dumb things sometimes.
Obama and democrats repeatedly told the American people that obamacare was NOT a tax. The USSC said it was. That's a job for Congress to deal with. Obamacare is dead.
Mainstream Republican justice.

Oh, the moon bats of the Alt Right and far right are going to be so unhappy.

Damn, I wanted the anti abortion chick. :(

Screw Trump!

OMG SCREW TRUMP? Wow I've been told by many on this board if you're not with him you are a traitor.
-------------------------------- sounds good and accurate to me after reading some of your opinion and points of view . Plus to make things even worse i think that YOU are a youngish taxpayer paid public school teacher Deb !!

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