Trump Picks Kavanaugh

As a young lawyer for independent counsel Kenneth Starr, he investigated the death of President Bill Clinton’s deputy counsel, Vincent Foster. (Kavanaugh concluded there was no doubt Foster had killed himself.)

Oh lovely! Just another deep state establishment asshole.

Exactly. He also is on record saying that he doesn't think President Clinton should've been investigated. That's all I need to hear. I don't like this pick at all.
AN OPINION ON THE STARR investigation from the
Readers's Views on Clinton's Speech
Did the president's speech answer your questions?

I agree with the point that this is his "private life" but that should have been said long ago. President Clinton is not the first president to be guilty of straying outside his marriage, however this does seem to be the first time a president was ever forced to go public with the information. I wonder what past presidents would have done if put in the same situation.
South River, NJ
CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) | Twitter

Makes sense. He doesn't think a sitting President can be indicted, and can pardon himself.

So Trump thinks about Trump. No surprise there.

I could not be more pleased, he was who I was hoping for

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And this causes me to have concerns about the man, given your rabid leftist manner of posting.

Ahh, how sweet of you to say you crazy little lefty!

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CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) | Twitter

Makes sense. He doesn't think a sitting President can be indicted, and can pardon himself.

So Trump thinks about Trump. No surprise there.

Yeah Trump's pick makes perfect sense:

A decade later, after Kavanaugh had worked closely with President George W. Bush, he wrote in a law review that he had new appreciation for the demands of the presidency and the toll any legal proceeding could take on the White House. He recommended presidents be shielded from civil and criminal litigation until they leave office."Having seen first-hand how complex and difficult that job is," he wrote, "I believe it vital that the President be able to focus on his never-ending tasks with as few distractions as possible." He acknowledged that blocking litigation would suggest the President was "above the law," but he added that "the point is not to put the President above the law or to eliminate checks on the President, but simply to defer litigation and investigations until the President is out of office."Kavanaugh noted in the 2009 Minnesota Law Review piece that a check against a "bad-behaving or law-breaking President" would still exist. "If the President does something dastardly, the impeachment process is available."
Who is Brett Kavanaugh? Washington insider has said presidents should be shielded from litigation while in office - CNNPolitics

Well you can't tell "if the President has done something "dastardly" unless there is an investigation and what he refers to as litigation--or (discussion of the dastardly deed.) Sounds like another Trump MORON to me. Hopefully Democrats on the committee will be able to block this nominee until after the mid term election cycle?

At this link on this board you can read one article, watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another video of Trump admitting to Obstruciton of Justice on National T.V.

This link, then scroll down to post # 56
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

Maybe Mr. Kavanaugh needs to read a book? I wonder if this would be "dastardly" enough for him--:auiqs.jpg: This one is good for starts.


Make certain to VOTE this coming November. Do not let them get away with this.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

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" As a judge, again, it is not your personal views. It is a
similar kind of mindset in some ways. It is not your personal
views that are relevant or your past affiliations that are
relevant. It is important to follow the law faithfully, the
precedent of the Supreme Court, regardless of what those views
may be."
Lefties were prepared. They wouldn't accept any pick by Trump, regardless of who it was.


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The democrats hate how the Judicial Branch is going back doing what the Constitution says and not being an unconstitutional, super legislative, radical activist branch! Bottom line, democrats have a seething hatred for America because Whitey created it. oreo, have you preordered you copy yet! ;) :p

oreo I sure wish someone would have put the lid back on the box of cookies you come from... Your shit sure is stale...

You are showing your amateur status on this board by using Ronald Reagan as youir avatar. I was a life long Republlican until you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. I then changed my party status to independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN. You might want to spend the next 3 minutes watching this.

You didn't elect a conservative in Donald Trump.

1. No conservative would have campaigned on single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative would have proposed another Obamacare type program,only called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
3. No conservative would have stated they are the king of debt and love debt.
Why Donald Trump has crowned himself the 'king of debt'
4. No conservative loves emminent domain and used it often.
Opinion | Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz

Enter Steve Bannon into Trump's campaign, and with Trump's acting abilities Bannon turned Trump into the politician he always wanted.


You were taken in by a T.V. Reality star conman.


You wouldn't know what a conservative Republican was if one came up and bit you in the ass. It's disgusting to me that you're using an avatar of Ronald Reagan to promote and defend your Ass Clown. Obviously you didn't know Ronald Reagan well.

Now get your dumb ass back to the links I gave you in post number 186 on this thread and finally learn something.
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It speaks volumes about where our country is that people are upset with this pick solely because it did not piss off one side or the other.
Don't worry democrats, no one is coming after your abortions. We just want "common sense" abortion control. Stricter regulations on late terms, no public funding, and you have to be 21 to get one.
Is it true this Supreme Court nominee helped cover up Crooked Hillary's murder of Vince Foster?

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