Trump Picks Kavanaugh

Mainstream Republican justice.

Oh, the moon bats of the Alt Right and far right are going to be so unhappy.

He has a proven track record as a defender of Christianity. He'll drive the liberal phony Christians crazy.
Women's March Mocked for Blunder in Statement Opposing SCOTUS Nominee
"In response to Donald Trump's nomination of XX to the Supreme Court," the statement began, forgetting to remove the XX from the prepared release and replace it with a name. The statement also misspelled Kavanaugh's name as “Cavenaugh"
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CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) | Twitter

Makes sense. He doesn't think a sitting President can be indicted, and can pardon himself.

So Trump thinks about Trump. No surprise there.
Kavanaugh believes a sitting President should not be investigated.

I wonder how pseudocons would react if Kavanaugh gets seated and Trump immediately appeals to the Supreme Court to shut down the Mueller investigation.

I often wonder just how batshit crazy pseudocons are. There seems to be no limit. So I wonder if they would be willing to even go so far as to set this benchmark, which they would undoubtedly flip their opinions on once a Democrat is President again.

I wonder if they are really this stupid.

CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) | Twitter

Makes sense. He doesn't think a sitting President can be indicted, and can pardon himself.

So Trump thinks about Trump. No surprise there.
Kavanaugh believes a sitting President should not be investigated.

I wonder how pseudocons would react if Kavanaugh gets seated and Trump immediately appeals to the Supreme Court to shut down the Mueller investigation.

I often wonder just how batshit crazy pseudocons are. There seems to be no limit. So I wonder if they would be willing to even go so far as to set this benchmark, which they would undoubtedly flip their opinions on once a Democrat is President again.

I wonder if they are really this stupid.


Do you spend all day thinking of this stupid shit?
I can't believe the Woman's March is still a legitimate 'thing'.

1st they had an ex-Cop Killer who fled the country to escape arrest as one of their 'Honored Speakers', and the next year they had a woman who kidnapped, sodomized, tortured, murdered, and THEN tried to ransom some 80+ year old man as an 'honored speaker'.

Who's Next?
Carolyn Warmus?
Lacey Spears?
Maria Isabella Amaya?
Manuela Maria Morgado?

Women who kill: A short list of female killers from the Lower Hudson Valley
CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) | Twitter

Makes sense. He doesn't think a sitting President can be indicted, and can pardon himself.

So Trump thinks about Trump. No surprise there.
Kavanaugh believes a sitting President should not be investigated.

I wonder how pseudocons would react if Kavanaugh gets seated and Trump immediately appeals to the Supreme Court to shut down the Mueller investigation.

I often wonder just how batshit crazy pseudocons are. There seems to be no limit. So I wonder if they would be willing to even go so far as to set this benchmark, which they would undoubtedly flip their opinions on once a Democrat is President again.

I wonder if they are really this stupid.

/------/ "Trump immediately appeals to the Supreme Court to shut down the Mueller investigation." WHAT????????? Sessions and Rosenstein can shut down the Mueller investigation but not the USSC.
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