Trump Picks Kavanaugh

I am shocked, genuinely really deeply mortified; who could have anticipated this?

Hollywood Reacts in Anger to Trump's Supreme Court Nominee

Some began jumping on the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision and the potential of its being reversed — while others reduced themselves to conspiracy theories.

Cynthia Nixon


With Donald Trump's pick for #SCOTUS threatening to reverse #RoevWade, it's more important than ever to fight back and enshrine abortion and access to contraception. Join us and @VoteChoice for a rally to #SaveRoe in Union Square tomorrow at 4:30 PM:

9:12 PM - Jul 9, 2018
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Rob Reiner


It’s official. Trump, who is now under investigation for obstruction of justice and conspiring with an enemy to destroy Democracy, has selected the judges who could rule on whether he can be forced to testify, be indicted or pardon himself. Autocracy here we come. VOTE!!!

9:25 PM - Jul 9, 2018
Fox host: Brett Kavanaugh is "very closely aligned with President (George W) Bush"

Karl Rove: Kavanaugh was the person in Bush's White House who was charged with asking tough questions regarding policy documents.

You are not a politician.

You are an American hero.

God Bless You. And God Bless America.
"If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court it will have a profoundly negative effect on workers' rights, women's rights and voting rights for decades to come. We must do everything we can to stop this nomination." - Crazy Bernie

everything you can won't be enough!
Democrats now filling in their mad lib press releases filling in the name where needed. Judge -insert name here- is a satanic mad man who will fundamentally alter the American Way of Life.
Democrats now filling in their mad lib press releases filling in the name where needed. Judge -insert name here- is a satanic mad man who will fundamentally alter the American Way of Life.

When you pre-write your press release slamming Trump’s SCOTUS pick but forget to add the name....

“I revere the Constitution.” —Kavanaugh

now that ^^^^ I like :thup:
CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) | Twitter

Makes sense. He doesn't think a sitting President can be indicted, and can pardon himself.

So Trump thinks about Trump. No surprise there.

He s a globalist
Yep. Picked the worst fucking one of the 4 left. Fucking pathetic. Mark my words he is another Kennedy. Weak on Obamacare,Weak on immigration.
A president always takes a risk when he nominates a supreme court justice that the justice will not always rule in his favor. If Kavanaugh is the Constitutionalist people claim him to be, I would rather a case I want to go one way, go the other way if it meant he ruled on the strict merits of the law as opposed to raw emotional and political activism.

Don't like it? Fight me.
'Brett Kavanaugh wrote opinion upholding South Carolina voter ID law that Obama Justice Department said would disenfranchise “tens of thousands” of minority voters. Bad sign for voting rights'

Yea, but Obama was an asshole and a dumbshit.
"Of the 113 Supreme Court justices in US history, all but six have been white men. If confirmed, Brett Kavanaugh would be the 108th white male justice" - there you go again, CNN!

Better than those two dingbats Obama appointed.
Women's March prepared the following statement...


This happens when you pre-write your press release and forget to add the name...

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