Trump Picks Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh doesn't play games when it comes to our border, he protects AMERICANS and not illegals. Trump knows what the next battle will be, Brett was the right choice.
Trump knows nothing—nothing about the Constitution, nothing about federalism, nothing about the Supreme Court, nothing about Roe v. Wade, nothing about conservative thought, nothing about bioethics, nothing about the natural law, and I suspect little about anything else.
It's so easy to say anything without proof, isn't it? lol
He's all over the map. One day he's a Trump zombie, the next he thinks Trump's worse than Hillary.

He gets his orders/posts from the Kremlin.
Judge Kavanaugh is a principled originalist who will uphold our constitution. great intellect. big heart. the complete package. no one in the history of the world is more qualified and more deserving!

I think his critics will be largely proven wrong, and you have to look at the bigger picture, Congress has to approve him and right before a mid-term election. This guy will get in, the other three never would. And once in, that will be added pulling weight for the GOP, plus it will smooth a few bumps to help Trump get more of his agenda greased.
He SEEMS good on immigration and mixed on pro life no idea on guns...the fact he is a Bush lackey and the establishment loves him shows me Trump went EASY! He should have forced a Ultra Conservative like Hardiman or Barrett down their throats FORCED the red state democrats to vote for him or get voted out in November! This is not like Trump he played it easy.
He is thinking strategically.

Democrats are now going to look like idiots when they viciously attack “Coach K” and lose even more respect from the American people.

Red state Democrats are now even more fucked if they vote against him.

Which means Barret is going to be a shoe in once Ginsburg goes.

And to top it all off, Kavanaugh is to the right of Kennedy.
Republicans haven't gotten anything done -- so they\'re stacking courts with conservatives
I am on twitter trolling all the leftists freaking out LMAO....I will say this. He is SLIGHTLY more to the right of Kennedy lets just hope Breyer and Ginsberg DIE SOON and then we can put Barrett and Hardiman on the court!
President Trump promised to appoint someone with a deep reverence for the Constitution who defends the founding principles that made America great. he kept his promise!
As a young lawyer for independent counsel Kenneth Starr, he investigated the death of President Bill Clinton’s deputy counsel, Vincent Foster. (Kavanaugh concluded there was no doubt Foster had killed himself.)

That is somehow disturbing.

A Judge who did favors to the Clintons???

Twitter is going nuts that Kavanaugh says a sitting president CAN NOT be indicted OR subpoenaed....NOW I am starting to see why Trump picked him LMAO...its hilarious on twitter
As a young lawyer for independent counsel Kenneth Starr, he investigated the death of President Bill Clinton’s deputy counsel, Vincent Foster. (Kavanaugh concluded there was no doubt Foster had killed himself.)

That is somehow disturbing.

A Judge who did favors to the Clintons???

And Kagan.....
"Of the 113 Supreme Court justices in US history, all but six have been white men. If confirmed, Brett Kavanaugh would be the 108th white male justice" - there you go again, CNN!

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