Trump Picks Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh believes semi-auto rifles are protected by the 2A.

That is a good thing.

Liberal tears will flow because of that.
"Brett Kavanaugh would have the second most conservative score (0.693) on the bench if confirmed, next to Justice Clarence Thomas (0.725)"
"Very few times I’ve felt threatened while out in the field. The mood here tonight is very volatile. Law enforcement appears to be closing down 1st Street in front of SCOTUS." - FOX's Shannon Bream
Kevin Mack: Trump chose Kavanaugh b/c he believes presidents should be exempt from criminal prosecution. Will the establishment let it happen, or will they say to choose someone who's less tainted?
Liberals won't cry over Kavanaugh: it could it have been a whole lot worse.

The Democrats will sit back on this pick for the most part, having little choice. It's too close to the elections, and Gawd help them if they continue to magnify their current attack dog stance.

They will cry later, however.
I hope this is true

Where Kavanaugh sits in the ideological spectrum

'Brett Kavanaugh wrote opinion upholding South Carolina voter ID law that Obama Justice Department said would disenfranchise “tens of thousands” of minority voters. Bad sign for voting rights'
All long as he upholds your Constitution, America is safe. I would also believe the security of your border, you're being bombarded on the Mexican border, it has to be reigned in.
Trump knows nothing—nothing about the Constitution, nothing about federalism, nothing about the Supreme Court, nothing about Roe v. Wade, nothing about conservative thought, nothing about bioethics, nothing about the natural law, and I suspect little about anything else.
'Brett Kavanaugh wrote opinion upholding South Carolina voter ID law that Obama Justice Department said would disenfranchise “tens of thousands” of minority voters. Bad sign for voting rights'
Could you give me more details on that decision? Tens of thousands of minorities... does that mean black, Hispanic, illegals, etc?

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