Trump Picks Kavanaugh

Trump: "In keeping with President Reagan's legacy, I do not ask about a nominee's personal opinions. What matters is not a judge's political views, but whether they can set aside those views to do what the law and the Constitution require."
At least he is strong on the Second Amendment. That is a good thing. He may kiss the ass of the Illegals and other things but at least we will be able to keep our assault rifles.

No way, you need very strong immigration laws. If he is flimsy on that, pardon my French but you're fooked.

My personal opinion, is that the immigration issue is as important as any, maybe the most important issue outside of course your first and second Amendments. As I said in my posting an hour ago, CNN has been giddy, I sensed this. That's not good.

I am not happy with him because he is not the strong Conservative I want but I was trying to look on the bright side.
"I'm watching MSNBC to see if Brett Kavanaugh gets Rachel Maddow's support. SUSPENSEFUL!

Wait - how did we get off on Russia??? The president just nominated a new SUPREME COURT JUSTICE!" - Coulter
Liberals won't cry over Kavanaugh: it could it have been a whole lot worse.
At least he is strong on the Second Amendment. That is a good thing. He may kiss the ass of the Illegals and other things but at least we will be able to keep our assault rifles.

No way, you need very strong immigration laws. If he is flimsy on that, pardon my French but you're fooked.

My personal opinion, is that the immigration issue is as important as any, maybe the most important issue outside of course your first and second Amendments. As I said in my posting an hour ago, CNN has been giddy, I sensed this. That's not good.

I am not happy with him because he is not the strong Conservative I want but I was trying to look on the bright side.
I wasn’t sure about Gorsuch either but he seems fine. I’m thinking once on the SC these judges can make their own rulings without the constraints of being on a lower court. I hope so at least.
Akhil Amar of the New York Times: "Last week the president promised to select 'someone with impeccable credentials, great intellect, unbiased judgment, and deep reverence for the laws and Constitution of the United States.' In picking Judge Kavanaugh, he has done just that.”
Why pick a never Trumper as a Supreme Judge?

The wisdom in this escapes me.:dunno:

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