Trump Picks Kavanaugh

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Makes sense. He doesn't think a sitting President can be indicted, and can pardon himself.

So Trump thinks about Trump. No surprise there.

He s a globalist
Yep. Picked the worst fucking one of the 4 left. Fucking pathetic. Mark my words he is another Kennedy. Weak on Obamacare,Weak on immigration.

What a mistake. I hope hes voted down
Yep. The son of a bitch is thanking that liberal Kennedy and fucking KAGAN! WTF!? I hope he gets voted down and Trump nominates Barrett. He did this so he could get someone passed by the senate NOT because its the best candidate. Its an election year he could have EASILY gotten the votes he needed from at least 3 red state democrats.
"The election was a choice about whether the Supreme Court should have Georgetown Day grads or Georgetown Prep grads"
Kavanaugh, surprisingly, is a fair pick and will fill the swing vote position of Kennedy.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh: “No President has ever consulted more widely, or talked with more people from more backgrounds, to seek input about a Supreme Court nomination”

I knew it was Kavanaugh ever since before I was born...but i wanted him to pick Barrett to drive the left crazy!
At least he is strong on the Second Amendment. That is a good thing. He may kiss the ass of the Illegals and other things but at least we will be able to keep our assault rifles.
Leftists can be assured baby murder will certainly stay legal now with this piece of shit. I hope Breyer and Ginsburg die soon...put Barrett AND Hardiman on there!
At least he is strong on the Second Amendment. That is a good thing. He may kiss the ass of the Illegals and other things but at least we will be able to keep our assault rifles.

No way, you need very strong immigration laws. If he is flimsy on that, pardon my French but you're fooked.

My personal opinion, is that the immigration issue is as important as any, maybe the most important issue outside of course your first and second Amendments. As I said in my posting an hour ago, CNN has been giddy, I sensed this. That's not good.

Turn on CNN right now, they are defending his "strong record" and suggesting he will be confirmed. I mean, if this doesn't give you a hint of how happy they are. The last thing the left wants is to see America Great Again, sorry, but they want to be a global socialist hellhole. I am telling you they love this guy, they are relieved beyond belief.
"Kavanaugh believes a president should be above the law. No wonder Trump wanted him on SCOTUS."

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