Trump pivots.

That's a bunch of bullshit! Biden is not a narcissist. And he is not a racist. I challenge you to prove either one. I will make it easy on you. Just give me an example of Biden narcissism or Biden racism. You don't even need to provide a link.

I have to give you a link or you'll continue to believe that Biden is beloved by all? And you want me to dispel you of that absurd notion? No way, continue to believe it, that's hilarious. You go girl, and MAGA!
I have to give you a link or you'll continue to believe that Biden is beloved by all? And you want me to dispel you of that absurd notion? No way, continue to believe it, that's hilarious. You go girl, and MAGA!
I didn't say he was beloved. Even I have issues with Biden. I'm just saying he is not a narcissist or a racist.
I didn't say he was beloved. Even I have issues with Biden. I'm just saying he is not a narcissist or a racist.

Gotcha, so you are comparing Trump lovers only on the right to everyone who will vote for Corrupt Joe no matter how much you hate him on the left.

Sounds like a typical Democrat argument, MAGA man
Gotcha, so you are comparing Trump lovers only on the right to everyone who will vote for Corrupt Joe no matter how much you hate him on the left.

Sounds like a typical Democrat argument, MAGA man
I don't know what planet you are living on, but Trump is a narcissist and Biden is not.
I'm sorry, I don't know what that means.
It means you prove your own ignorance.

According to your "logic" The majority of Americans hate Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren ... becasue they lost elections.

In regard to your claim that Trump is a felon, well


n. a person who has been convicted of a felony, which is a crime punishable by death or a term in state or federal prison.
It means you prove your own ignorance.

According to your "logic" The majority of Americans hate Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren ... becasue they lost elections.

In regard to your claim that Trump is a felon, well


n. a person who has been convicted of a felony, which is a crime punishable by death or a term in state or federal prison.
Thank you for the explanation. However, that is not my logic. The majority of Americans don't hate Trump because he lost, they hate him because he is a lying POS! He is also a danger to our democracy.

If he gets re-elected, he has already said he will eliminate parts of the Constitution, consolidate power in the executive branch, reinstate the Muslim ban and use the DOJ to go after his political enemies.

As for his 91 felonies, that is my own personal opinion that he is guilty. People that are actually innocent, don't act that way.
Thank you for the explanation. However, that is not my logic. The majority of Americans don't hate Trump because he lost, they hate him because he is a lying POS!

So why did you cite the numbers from the election to prove your thesis that the majority of Americans hate Trump
He is also a danger to our democracy.

If he gets re-elected, he has already said he will eliminate parts of the Constitution, consolidate power in the executive branch, reinstate the Muslim ban and use the DOJ to go after his political enemies.

As for his 91 felonies, that is my own personal opinion that he is guilty. People that are actually innocent, don't act that way.
It's truly sad that you and seemingly your entire party have abandoned the bedrock principle of our criminal justice system of innocent until proven guilty
Call me whatever you like. I'm fine with that.

So just to be clear, you think people who call people who don't support "MAGA" are morons. Does that apply to Democrats who call everyone in the world who isn't a Trump supporter MAGA too or just people you hate?

I thought so .... Thanks for playing, MAGA man
So why did you cite the numbers from the election to prove your thesis that the majority of Americans hate Trump

It's truly sad that you and seemingly your entire party have abandoned the bedrock principle of our criminal justice system of innocent until proven guilty
Because the majority of Americans didn't vote for him.

And me and "my party" didn't abandon the rule of law, that was just my personal opinion. You, however, seem to have completely shitcanned the American way by your bullshit support of Trump.
Because the majority of Americans didn't vote for him.

And me and "my party" didn't abandon the rule of law, that was just my personal opinion. You, however, seem to have completely shitcanned the American way by your bullshit support of Trump.

The majority of Americans didn't vote for Biden either, MAGA man.

Fun fact, that isn't how US elections work, retard
Did not the former President pooh pooh the Russian angle in the 2016 election? What is has to do with 2020 is anybody's guess.
Trump knows he's going to prison, so he is just throwing any kind of shit on the wall to see whatever sticks.

I pray to Jesus Trump goes to prison and takes a shive to where the heart would normally be?
lol, I hate to disappoint you, but..trump will not be “going to prison”…at most, it will be a form of house arrest…most likely just disqualification..

Your trump getting shanked fantasies are going to be a disappointment….
He's not pivoting anything. His best hope of not dying in prison is for the Secret Service to claim that some kind of house arrest is necessary to protect him.

Do you really think they are going to put a former president in general population inside a prison? Do you really have images of turned inward barbed wire, cell blocks 3 levels high, an orange prison suit with trump in leg irons doing the side shuffle in the lunch line with the rest of the inmates…is that really your idea of what’s going to happen??

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