Trump Proposed "Armed Security Guards" in Every School

Ah, good poster BS, your referenced link says nothing about Democrats.
But you did. In fact, that was the thrust of your post. You were emphatic about it.
But they are MIA in your own link.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! state that you teach.
OK, I guess.
But clearly not basic research or vetting one's own assertions.

Good luck in the rest of your teaching responsibilities.
And too your students too.
Here ya go, dum dum.
Reality=armed security around politicians, not school children being slaughtered every week.

Again it's a soundbite that seems sensible and "virtuous" but played out in the real world it's largely a huge waste of resources
There are such folks?
Do you have names you can post?
The time and circumstances of such assertions?
And how are they connected to this forum?

Thanx in advance.
Yes there are such folks Chilli , they are the mental health industry who have been 'normalizing' mental health issues

All I know about Petersen is that he's being thrown under the bus because a bunch of other people didn't follow up and do their job and as a result a group of high school kids and a few instructors were murdered by Cruz.
All we know about Peterson is that he’s a coward who was just pandering troublemakers like obama wanted him to
Again it's a soundbite that seems sensible and "virtuous" but played out in the real world it's largely a huge waste of resources
There it is, something we all know. Democrats love their politicians more than children.
You know what's even less likely? An armed shooter, a school shooter, coming into any one school in the USA.

Generally, people seem to want armed guards in schools as an alternative to infringing on gun rights. I agree that gun rights shouldn't be infringed. But the good alternative is not armed guards in schools.
Look at the hassle people are put thru to get on a plane. Odds of a highjacker are low as well.
No, you're just offended because you think, when you speak on what teachers should and should not do, you speak with some kind of authority. Here is where you would speak with authority: if I were teaching your child. I am not, so what you have to say to me about the career I've carried for 30 years is of almost no value. Because you went to school does not mean you know jack about teaching, in the same way that being in the hospital does not give one an inside look at nursing or riding on a plane does not give insight into piloting.

No. Really. Take that in. Since you love to pontificate about teaching, get in there, roll up your sleeves and substitute for just five days. Do it. Then report back.
Those comparisons are bullshit. Most of us has spent thousands of hours in schools. If we didn't learn something about them in that time, it would be a miracle.
Again it's a soundbite that seems sensible and "virtuous" but played out in the real world it's largely a huge waste of resources
Fucking hypocrites. Protection for your politicians, but not for children.
Yes, that is the job they sign up to do and they will tell you that.

However, my admiration still remains for them.
I admire them as well, my comment wasn't meant as a diss on your admiration.

I just think that so many do the jobs that they were fired for so poorly, that when law enforcement officers do their job well, including not overreacting to a "suspect" because they happen to not be "white" or haven't actually posed a threat to them, that it seems extraordinary.

Of course, I couldn't avoid in my mind comparing them to all those "officers" and I use this term loosely who stood around while children were being shot and killed in Uvalde, Texas.
All we know about Peterson is that he’s a coward who was just pandering troublemakers like obama wanted him to
I hear police officers and others say that all they want is to be able to go home at the end of the day, as an excuse for some of the overkill (no pun intended) they employ against perceived bad guys even when they posed no threat to them, or were fleeing and were shot in the back.

Do you honestly think Petersen could have single handedly taken Cruz out by confronting him head on? Or do you feel he should have sacrificed his life even if he couldn't have stopped him?

And on an aside, I apologize if I came off as antagonistic earlier, this is just a touchy subject because when a parent loses a child, they rightfully want someone to pay and sometimes it seems like they don't really care who pays just as long as someone does.
I admire them as well, my comment wasn't meant as a diss on your admiration.

I just think that so many do the jobs that they were fired for so poorly, that when law enforcement officers do their job well, including not overreacting to a "suspect" because they happen to not be "white" or haven't actually posed a threat to them, that it seems extraordinary.

Of course, I couldn't avoid in my mind comparing them to all those "officers" and I use this term loosely who stood around while children were being shot and killed in Uvalde, Texas.
I think the incident in Uvalde, Texas was a wake up call to police all over this nation.

Unfortunately, the BLM movement has meant that many good police officers have left the ranks. It is growing increasing hard to find good recruits to replace them.
Do you honestly think Petersen could have single handedly taken Cruz out by confronting him head on?
You mean quickdraw gunfighter style at high noon?

Peterson was too cowardly to do something so stupid as that

Use available cover and shoot straight like a professional police officer should do
Those comparisons are bullshit. Most of us has spent thousands of hours in schools. If we didn't learn something about them in that time, it would be a miracle.

You also spent thousands of hours with a parent when you were a kid. Does that automatically make you a great parent as an adult, or understand what it takes to parent?
Fucking hypocrites. Protection for your politicians, but not for children.

Your argument seems to be, "If you don't want an armed security guard in every school you want kids to DIE!! You don't care about kids!!"

Really, you want to go there again? Haven't we just been there with not wearing a stupid mask, not getting vaccines?

It's not about "wanting kids to die", or not wanting them protected. It's about cost-benefit analysis, and what WORKS.
I think the incident in Uvalde, Texas was a wake up call to police all over this nation.

Unfortunately, the BLM movement has meant that many good police officers have left the ranks. It is growing increasing hard to find good recruits to replace them.

This is now teaching also. Except conservatives are Defunding Education.

Oh well.
There it is, something we all know. Democrats love their politicians more than children.


"If you loved kids you would put an armed guard in every school full time!!!"

"Even in those schools with 10 kids!! Waaaahhh"

What a liberal argument. Congrats.

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