Trump Proposed "Armed Security Guards" in Every School

Our grasp of mental health is terrible. No one can tell who is a time bomb and who isn't. Until that changes, I fear we are whistling in the wind.

I wonder what we could discover with the billions and billions we have used on useless wars?
I'm thinking those such as yourself are who we should expand mental health coverage for.
You have been pre-impoverished by Biden's nazi media. You can't answer fundamental questions about mediaq trannies let alone media theologians:

Who was counseling the Nashville killer when it went out and murdered people, and for what length of time had the therapy been underway?

Missouri is now arguing for 27 months paid shrink counseling.

Was the Nashville killer-tranny mutilated either by scalpel or opposite-sex hormones?
For the overwhelming vast majority of schools nothing is needed.

I support a teacher carrying if that is what they want to do.

I also support expanding mental health coverage and making the discussion revolve around that.
100% Correct ^^^^^
You have been pre-impoverished by Biden's nazi media. You can't answer fundamental questions about mediaq trannies let alone media theologians:

I don't speak for them.

Who was counseling the Nashville killer when it went out and murdered people, and for what length of time had the therapy been underway?

Missouri is now arguing for 27 months paid shrink counseling.

Was the Nashville killer-tranny mutilated either by scalpel or opposite-sex hormones?

You don't even understand that you are a part of the problem.
Armed guards are "what works". Disarming us will not.

So there it is, and like I didn't know it. It's not about the kids at all. It's an alternative to "disarming you".

But it's a terrible alternative
I think the incident in Uvalde, Texas was a wake up call to police all over this nation.

Unfortunately, the BLM movement has meant that many good police officers have left the ranks. It is growing increasing hard to find good recruits to replace them.
Any alleged officer who can't do his or her job without violating the civil or other rights of the populations they're tasked with serving, shouldn't be working in law enforcement anyway and its good riddance if that is the reason they left.

There is nothing inherently negative about the Black Lives Matter movement but it's telling that so many white people take exception to the organization.
No idea but we need to make the subject about what to do with people with mental health issues and the reasons for them.

The gang reference was simply a comparison as to how big a chance of success I think you plan has. As to Holmes, you are correct. But how many shooters are sane until they start shooting?
They may not have been sane, but they were legal up until the point they pulled the trigger with the intent to shoot and kill the individuals that they did.

I think Ethan Crumbley & his parents are a good case study. If I recall correctly sanity is legally defined as the ability to discern right from wrong. I suspect most of the shooters in these incidents know right from wrong, they just don't care that it's wrong (unlawful) to shoot and kill people.

Maybe some of them have no intentions of being punished for their acts so they take their own lives, which to me tends to show that they know what they did was wrong otherwise no one would be trying to punish them for it.
Any alleged officer who can't do his or her job without violating the civil or other rights of the populations they're tasked with serving, shouldn't be working in law enforcement anyway and its good riddance if that is the reason they left.

There is nothing inherently negative about the Black Lives Matter movement but it's telling that so many white people take exception to the organization.
Most of the police officers who have left the service did so because their cities refused to stand behind them or their cities defunded their police force. Most were not violating the civil rights of the citizens kin the cities where they served.

The sad part is that crime will increase more in the minority communities as there will not be enough police to keep the criminals under control.

Since fewer qualified people are interested in a career in law enforcement, it will be difficult to get crime if not impossible in the big cities under control.

Yeah and here's another thing. How much would this pay, and how comfortable would parents be--really--having someone in their kids' school with a gun all the time? I

Our children's school has armed security, and a few armed teachers. Private school and we parents pay for it.

Here's a novel idea, stop sending billions to Ukraine and other countries and protect our most vulnerable.

By the way, we're very comfortable knowing our children are protected
Our children's school has armed security, and a few armed teachers. Private school and we parents pay for it.

Here's a novel idea, stop sending billions to Ukraine and other countries and protect our most vulnerable.

By the way, we're very comfortable knowing our children are protected

I'm not opposed to any of that. It's not the best use of resources however when you have an armed security guard full time in every school in the US when the vast, vast majority of schools will never need that.
I'm not opposed to any of that. It's not the best use of resources however when you have an armed security guard full time in every school in the US when the vast, vast majority of schools will never need that.

If it saves one child's life.

Schools are a target because deranged nutcases know they are a soft target.

Gun free zones just invite... well you know
If it saves one child's life.

Schools are a target because deranged nutcases know they are a soft target.

Gun free zones just invite... well you know

I'm opposed to "if it saves one life". We saw what that did in Covid. This is the same short-sighted rush to over-mitigation.
I'm opposed to "if it saves one life". We saw what that did in Covid. This is the same short-sighted rush to over-mitigation.

COVID and lunatics shooting children are two different animals.

The fact remains if some mental nutcase decides to shoot up a school there are defenses readily available.

This crap "guns might upset children" is laughable. It's now a societal norm
This sounds like a great idea but will be nearly impossible to implement and a waste of resources. What is an armed security guard going to do at a school that never sees a school shooting--which is the vast majority of schools, btw? Walk around armed and...what? It makes no sense.

"Every school", of course, includes huge high schools with 2,000 kids and this school in Wyoming, with 10 children. Yes. 10.

There are already armed guards in schools, they are called School Resource Officers.
COVID and lunatics shooting children are two different animals.

The fact remains if some mental nutcase decides to shoot up a school there are defenses readily available.

This crap "guns might upset children" is laughable. It's now a societal norm

Well you're going to hire thousands and thousands of "armed security" for schools now? What's the chances that one of them with a clean record is a nutjob that wants to shoot up a school? I'm saying exceedingly high. Very, very high.

Unintended consequences when you employ "if it saves one life" in a panic, see.
There are already armed guards in schools, they are called School Resource Officers.

Sure, in the bigger, usually secondary schools.

People are talking about a full-time, armed security guard in every school in the USA. There are over 115K schools. That's ridiculous.
Well you're going to hire millions and millions of "armed security" for schools now? What's the chances that one of them with a clean record is a nutjob that wants to shoot up a school? I'm saying exceedingly high. Very, very high.

Unintended consequences when you employ "if it saves one life" in a panic, see.

I have some difficulty understanding you.

I like you but I really think you try to defend your position as an educator and you put your position above children. I'm just being honest.

I have a real problem with what's going on in education and the sexual aspect of educators and minors. It's an epidemic, my question to you is it even being addressed?

I'm well aware of the astronomical number of children being groomed by educators.

That said, if you can't protect them from that, why protect them from shooters
I have some difficulty understanding you.

I like you but I really think you try to defend your position as an educator and you put your position above children. I'm just being honest.

I have a real problem with what's going on in education and the sexual aspect of educators and minors. It's an epidemic, my question to you is it even being addressed?

I'm well aware of the astronomical number of children being groomed by educators.

That said, if you can't protect them from that, why protect them from shooters

1. My position on armed security guards has NOTHING to do with putting "my position above children". Such an extreme measure is not only wasteful; it's potentially dangerous. Again. The Nashville and the bank shooter recently had clean records. What's to stop a deranged nut with a clean record from getting a school security job and then having UNFETTERED ACCESS to all the kids?

Actually--just start there.

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