Trump Proposed "Armed Security Guards" in Every School

So you support armed security at schools. Great.
But if some crazy maniac comes by before or after school while student are bussing, then there is simply no way to stop the maniac, an armed security officer would be useless.
What are you suggesting?
What do you mean about "Not good enough"?
We need at least one armed security person in each public school. Preferably someone with military experience and totally expert in killing bad guys.
We need at least one armed security person in each public school. Preferably someone with military experience and totally expert in killing bad guys.
Whatever simp.

A locked front entry and NO OTHER points of entry, with cameras and being buzzed in works just fine.
Prescribed by the folks who think men can have babies?
There are such folks?
Do you have names you can post?
The time and circumstances of such assertions?
And how are they connected to this forum?

Thanx in advance.
There are such folks?
Do you have names you can post?
The time and circumstances of such assertions?
And how are they connected to this forum?

Thanx in advance.
Yes, there are such folks. They're called "Democrats". Many Democrats believe men can get pregnant. Fact.
Yes, there are such folks. They're called "Democrats". Many Democrats believe men can get pregnant. Fact.

OK, it should be easy for you to name names.
Do it.
Or lose you credibility, your gravitas.

If you accuse....then be able to back up your accusation.
Those ain't my rules.
It is how the adult world works.
I am mildly convinced you already know that.

So do it.
OK, it should be easy for you to name names.
Do it.
Or lose you credibility, your gravitas.
He BS Filter has a very simple mind.
When I asked him what subject he was qualified to teach at the HS level, he just deflected because he knows he would get destroyed in the public HS classroom.
OK, it should be easy for you to name names.
Do it.
Or lose you credibility, your gravitas.

If you accuse....then be able to back up your accusation.
Those ain't my rules.
It is how the adult world works.
I am mildly convinced you already know that.

So do it.
Here ya go, dum dum.
He BS Filter has a very simple mind.
When I asked him what subject he was qualified to teach at the HS level, he just deflected because he knows he would get destroyed in the public HS classroom.
I said I could teach a class on common sense, dum dum. You really need it.
I mean....sadly....many, many teachers can. Look at the teacher who was shot by a first grader, and the Stoneman Douglas shooting. Deeply disturbed students and this was well-known. But my profession--the BIG failing that's not being addressed is that we talk out of both sides of our mouths on this. On one side, "If you see something, say something."

"Okay. I fear my student is violent and disturbed."

"Oh well, just build a relationship with him and 'love on' him and I'm sure it will be fine. Have you tried asking him about his weekend?"

I'm not kidding about the above. Teachers of my vintage can tell when students are just misbehaving, or naughty, or traumatized or have behavior disorders--or are potentially DANGEROUS. But our admin brushes it off.
Oh I believe you. My sister had her children in a private religious school when they were grade school age. And every morning when the kids were dropped off for school and again in the afternoon, there were always two armed protection officers there, directing traffic, but with their heads on a swivel, surveying the landscape for any potential threats.

One thing I noticed when I was caring for my niece & nephews while my sister was visiting Israel is that none of the kids seems fazed by the presence of the officers and that they treated them the way they would any other person there to great them as they arrived for school. I couldn't detect any stress from any of the parents I encountered either and this was in Pasadena, California where people just don't openly carry firearms.

I don't know, I agree that the return on the investment would probably be really low but the only thing else I can think of is maybe hiring someone whose job is to do threat analysis and detection and then have a couple of officers at that person's disposal so that they could perhaps craft a more targeted approach instead of just propping up a couple of uniformed officers and hope that they serve as a deterrent.

I always believe in being proactive instead of reactive because usually when people are reactive they oftentimes react and focus on the wrong thing(s).
Armed guards won't prevent a nutjob from notjobbing. They should help end incidents faster. To prevent them there would have to be metal detectors at every entrance and every single person checked. I don't think we want to lockdown schools like prisons and courthouses.

Nothing is getting after the root cause, which is the nutjobs. I think if there was a real investigation, we would find that all of these shooters are on some sort of mind-altering drugs as a result of some diagnosis of anxiety and/or depression. Like this last shooter - Audrey Hale, 28, was under care for an "emotional disorder," March 28, 2023 - Nashville elementary school shooting

OK, what drugs was she on and how long had she been on them? Important questions never asked. Was she shot up with testosterone and some cocktail of psychotropic drugs? It's fucking ridiculous that this is not being investigated.
Let you ask you something. Don't we generally only find this out, after the shooter is deceased due to the strict privacy laws surrounding medical treatment and "the deceased have no expectation of privacy"?

On the other hand, we know quite a bit about the Parkland shooter, Nikolaus Cruz and he's still living so what gives, because it's part of a lawsuit?
Mental health provider had long history with Parkland shooter. Was agency negligent?
You are totally out to lunch on this

Officer Friendly was white and he did live on a trailer on campus
Who in the heck is Officer Friendly? Was white? He isn't any more? Did he live in the trailer because he had nowhere else to live and free housing was part of his "compensation package" or was it so that he would be a constant presence and would be able to keep a closer watch on the campus? It sounds like he did that but got no backup from his higher ups when he raised the problem of Cruz and tried to Baker Act him.

All I know about Petersen is that he's being thrown under the bus because a bunch of other people didn't follow up and do their job and as a result a group of high school kids and a few instructors were murdered by Cruz. As a result everyone is anger with him because after having warned them, he refused to become cannon fodder to everyone could say that at least he tried to do something.

As far as I am concerned he did try to do something, just not the something that other people think he should have done.
We have that now, and it's a great idea. Most districts have partnerships with law enforcement. At least once a week or so, at either dismissal or drop off, we have a cop parked prominently out front of the school. They also drive by frequently, in addition to our resource officer, who comes in to the school.

That's a great protection. Foolproof? No, but not much is.
A police presence at a potential target is good but they have to be inconsistent as far as when they show up otherwise, anyone intent on doing harm will just pick a day when they're usually not there.

But it sounds like a good first step that can be implemented almost immediately but suspect it would only work in some of the smaller districts.

I like that the police show up during the times the students are coming & going. Just sitting and waiting for the attack which may never happen is what a lot people struggle with, that is the ones who aren't just against armed individuals at their kid's school.
Here ya go, dum dum.
Ah, good poster BS, your referenced link says nothing about Democrats.
But you did. In fact, that was the thrust of your post. You were emphatic about it.
But they are MIA in your own link.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! state that you teach.
OK, I guess.
But clearly not basic research or vetting one's own assertions.

Good luck in the rest of your teaching responsibilities.
And too your students too.

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