Trump pushing Iran towards a nuke

Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN

They had Iran in a nice place... 10 year deal of them doing nothing...

In 10 years with economic success due to lifting of sanctions it would be a lot harder for them to sell there country back to poverty... Europe and US were winners as Iran would severely dampen down its bad actor role and stabilise the region more.

But here came the problem. There are three regional powers in the region:
  • Israel
  • Sunni (led by Saudi Arabia)
  • Shia (lead by Iran)
They all generally don't like each other but Isreal and Sunni have discovered they can get the US to fight there wars... Shia is the smallest group and has generally less Oil but enough to fight over. So they pushed the Trump Administration to end the deal and up the twitter box...

Who's the winners and losers here?
Rule of thumb: If you are at war, you lost...
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN

They had Iran in a nice place... 10 year deal of them doing nothing...

In 10 years with economic success due to lifting of sanctions it would be a lot harder for them to sell there country back to poverty... Europe and US were winners as Iran would severely dampen down its bad actor role and stabilise the region more.

But here came the problem. There are three regional powers in the region:
  • Israel
  • Sunni (led by Saudi Arabia)
  • Shia (lead by Iran)
They all generally don't like each other but Isreal and Sunni have discovered they can get the US to fight there wars... Shia is the smallest group and has generally less Oil but enough to fight over. So they pushed the Trump Administration to end the deal and up the twitter box...

Who's the winners and losers here?
Rule of thumb: If you are at war, you lost...

That's a laugh. Iran is still trying for a nuke and I'd bet the billions Barry and Kerry gave them is funding that hunt.

If you lefty loons think that agreement would stop them from pursuing a nuke then you are dumber than a bag of rocks.

Oh wait. I forgot. You are all dumber than a bag of rocks. Never mind.
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
Well that's world class stupid.

Obama/Biden give Iran the green light to build nukes, and $Billions in sanctions relief and a couple of plane loads of cash to pay for them....

And their mouthpiece blames Trump.

What kind of Tard falls for something that transparency dishonest?
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Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN

Actually, the reverse is true.

He defied his national security advisors that wanted a strike on Iran when they shot down a drone. He even said that if they shoot down another drone, he still would not start a war. . .

. . . and then went on to praise Iran for not shooting down a plane that had people on it?!

Taking a Minute to Walk in Iran’s Shoes

If one can learn anything from the modern history of Iran, it’s that great powers will sell — and have sold — them out at a moment’s notice.

Opinion: Taking a Minute to Walk in Iran’s Shoes

". . . The wisdom of this decision is that Iran delivered the intended message without causing any escalation — which doubtless would have been the outcome if it had downed a manned military plane that was also in its sites in the vicinity of the drone. It was a message that Trump had clearly received, and for which he expressed appreciation to Iranian authorities (although why he would bother to thank Iran if it was attacking a plane flying over “international waters” as he said is truly baffling).. . . . "

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure | The White House

Q Would your decision have been different if it was 10 to 15 casualties, instead of 100 to 150 casualties?

THE PRESIDENT: It’s — anything is a lot when they shoot down an unmanned, okay? So anything is a lot. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it.

Q If they shoot down another drone, will you not have to reply to that either?


Q If they shoot down another unmanned drone, will you also not —

THE PRESIDENT: We’ll see. But I don’t think that will happen. I don’t think that’ll happen. And if you notice, there was a plane with 38 people yesterday — did you see that? I think that’s a big story.

Q Is that accurate?

THE PRESIDENT: They had it in their sights, and they didn’t shoot it down.

Q That was accurate?

THE PRESIDENT: I think they were very wise not to do that, and we appreciate that they didn’t do that. But they had a plane in their sights — 38 people on the plane — and they didn’t shoot it down. And I think that was a very wise decision. And — and I think that’s something that we very much appreciate.

Q Is it accurate to say that your national security team brought you a plan for a planned strike and it didn’t have a fully formed estimate on casualties?

THE PRESIDENT: No. No. They brought me a great plan. But I wanted to know, at the end — I wanted an accurate count. They gave me very odd numbers. I wanted an accurate count as to how many people would be killed, how many Iranians would be killed.

And, as I said: Coming from New York, I know a lot of Iranians. They’re great people.

Trump is as much a pawn in this game as Iran is. . . .
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN

Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
Well that's world class stupid.
Obama/Biden give Iran the green light to build nukes, and $Billions in sanctions relief and a couple of plane loads of cash to pay for them....
And their mouthpiece blames Trump.
What kind of Tard falls for something that transparency dishonest?

Not just sanctions relief. Obama gave Iran $150b including $1.8b in one plane load of cash.
Agreed that probably funded their nukes and ICBM development.

Donald Trump: Iran got $150 billion and $1.8 billion in cash
Trump is just giving the renegade terrorist nation a little discipline, that's all. Obama gave them the impression that he was a co conspirator in their dastardly ways.
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN

Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
Well that's world class stupid.
Obama/Biden give Iran the green light to build nukes, and $Billions in sanctions relief and a couple of plane loads of cash to pay for them....
And their mouthpiece blames Trump.
What kind of Tard falls for something that transparency dishonest?

Not just sanctions relief. Obama gave Iran $150b including $1.8b in one plane load of cash.
Agreed that probably funded their nukes and ICBM development.

Donald Trump: Iran got $150 billion and $1.8 billion in cash

Trump is a lying fuck & I can't believe you actually believe what he says.

Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -

Trumpette, dumber than shit & proving ot every day.
Trump is just giving the renegade terrorist nation a little discipline, that's all. Obama gave them the impression that he was a co conspirator in their dastardly ways.
Bullshit. Obama stopped Iran's nuke efforts while maintaining sanctions on other issues.

Yiu assfucks need to quit lying.
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
Well that's world class stupid.

Obama/Biden give Iran the green light to build nukes, and $Billions in sanctions relief and a couple of plane loads of cash to pay for them....

And their mouthpiece blames Trump.

What kind of Tard falls for something that transparency dishonest?

Trumpette logic.

An agreement that stops Iran from getting a nuke is letting Iran get a nuke,

Trumptard pulled out of that agreemrent giving Iran a free path.
Trump is a lying fuck & I can't believe you actually believe what he says.

Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -

Trumpette, dumber than shit & proving ot every day.
Everyone knew about the Iran Deal and Obama giving Iranian Terrorist a plane load of cash long before Trump repeated the obvious.
Crooked Donnie said he would get a better deal than Obama

His deal is Iran getting a nuke
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
Well that's world class stupid.

Obama/Biden give Iran the green light to build nukes, and $Billions in sanctions relief and a couple of plane loads of cash to pay for them....

And their mouthpiece blames Trump.

What kind of Tard falls for something that transparency dishonest?

Trumpette logic.

An agreement that stops Iran from getting a nuke is letting Iran get a nuke,

Trumptard pulled out of that agreemrent giving Iran a free path.

That agreement did no such thing. They were still enriching uranium. They were still acquiring delivery systems. They were still funding terrorist under O's non agreement that wasnt even ratified.

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