Trump putting 5,000 American soldiers in terrible danger

Trump's Talk of Taking the Oil Sparks Questions in US, Iraq

WATCH //Iraqi PM vowes Trump will not take Iraq's oil as he promised - Iraq

Iraq's oil is the property of Iraqis, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Tuesday, in reaction to U.S. President Donald Trump who argued that the United States should have taken possession of the nation's crude reserves.
In a speech to CIA officials on Saturday, Trump suggested the United States should have taken Iraq's oil in reimbursement for the 2003 invasion that put an end to Saddam Hussein's rule.


5,000 American troops helping the Iraqi's defeat Isis.

Now you have the people asking the Prime Minister if Trump is going to take their oil.

What if they turn against the Americans thinking Trump has those troops there to take their oil?

Trump is insane.

Start at 15:43, right after he talks about how young and magnificent he is.

Trump isn't insane for thinking we should had kept the oil for ourselves, instead of letting the Iraqis give big oil contracts to China, France, and Russia.

It may seem insane to you, but that's because you're the delusional one that belongs in a mental hospital.
They OWE us something, though the Obama admin. left somewhat a mess.
Why do they owe us anything? They never asked us to invade Iraq. Bush invaded and then later said there were no WMD's. And then he changed it to a "Freedom Agenda". Only they weren't interested.

The United States had an obligation to take down Bin Laden after the horrendous attack on American soil. Bush and the GOP broke a deep trust with the American people by turning their backs on Bin Laden and invading the wrong country where even Donald Trump says it was a mistake. It wasn't just a mistake, it was a disaster for this country both financially and in terms of our standing in the world. Suddenly we became a terrible danger. I'm sure Trump hasn't lessened that fear.
why dont you wait for the guy to actually do something that backs your paranoid bullshit up? and tiger should hook up and and do stories together,you 2 are made for each other.....
Paranoid? There are at least a dozen video's of Trump saying we should keep their oil. That would turn the US into a pirate nation. Do you have the ability to understand that? Words have consequences.

Clarify your claim......Trump said we should have...past tense. Not that we will. current or present tense or even future..........makes a HUGE difference
You didn't watch the video did you. Fucking idiot. He said we will see if he gets a second chance. That would make it in the future.

When people post stuff, I look at it before I comment.

Remember when Saddam invaded Kuwait and took their oil wells? He became the enemy of the world. That's what Trump wants for us. Except with Russia. He loves Russia.
Trump's Talk of Taking the Oil Sparks Questions in US, Iraq

WATCH //Iraqi PM vowes Trump will not take Iraq's oil as he promised - Iraq

Iraq's oil is the property of Iraqis, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Tuesday, in reaction to U.S. President Donald Trump who argued that the United States should have taken possession of the nation's crude reserves.
In a speech to CIA officials on Saturday, Trump suggested the United States should have taken Iraq's oil in reimbursement for the 2003 invasion that put an end to Saddam Hussein's rule.


5,000 American troops helping the Iraqi's defeat Isis.

Now you have the people asking the Prime Minister if Trump is going to take their oil.

What if they turn against the Americans thinking Trump has those troops there to take their oil?

Trump is insane.

Start at 15:43, right after he talks about how young and magnificent he is.

Trump isn't insane for thinking we should had kept the oil for ourselves, instead of letting the Iraqis give big oil contracts to China, France, and Russia.

It may seem insane to you, but that's because you're the delusional one that belongs in a mental hospital.

You can't possibly be that stupid. Tell me that was satire.
Can you believe USMB right wingers saying "Why shouldn't we keep the oil?" and not knowing the answer to that question? Is this like a generation of tards? I keep thinking it must be satire. No one can be that stupid. And then they call me delusional.
They OWE us something, though the Obama admin. left somewhat a mess.
Why do they owe us anything? They never asked us to invade Iraq. Bush invaded and then later said there were no WMD's. And then he changed it to a "Freedom Agenda". Only they weren't interested.

The United States had an obligation to take down Bin Laden after the horrendous attack on American soil. Bush and the GOP broke a deep trust with the American people by turning their backs on Bin Laden and invading the wrong country where even Donald Trump says it was a mistake. It wasn't just a mistake, it was a disaster for this country both financially and in terms of our standing in the world. Suddenly we became a terrible danger. I'm sure Trump hasn't lessened that fear.
why dont you wait for the guy to actually do something that backs your paranoid bullshit up? and tiger should hook up and and do stories together,you 2 are made for each other.....
Paranoid? There are at least a dozen video's of Trump saying we should keep their oil. That would turn the US into a pirate nation. Do you have the ability to understand that? Words have consequences.
actions have more consequences,why dont you wait for the guy to actually try and take the oil before you start shitting your you have the ability to understand that?....
They OWE us something, though the Obama admin. left somewhat a mess.
Why do they owe us anything? They never asked us to invade Iraq. Bush invaded and then later said there were no WMD's. And then he changed it to a "Freedom Agenda". Only they weren't interested.

The United States had an obligation to take down Bin Laden after the horrendous attack on American soil. Bush and the GOP broke a deep trust with the American people by turning their backs on Bin Laden and invading the wrong country where even Donald Trump says it was a mistake. It wasn't just a mistake, it was a disaster for this country both financially and in terms of our standing in the world. Suddenly we became a terrible danger. I'm sure Trump hasn't lessened that fear.
why dont you wait for the guy to actually do something that backs your paranoid bullshit up? and tiger should hook up and and do stories together,you 2 are made for each other.....
Paranoid? There are at least a dozen video's of Trump saying we should keep their oil. That would turn the US into a pirate nation. Do you have the ability to understand that? Words have consequences.

Clarify your claim......Trump said we should have...past tense. Not that we will. current or present tense or even future..........makes a HUGE difference
You didn't watch the video did you. Fucking idiot. He said we will see if he gets a second chance. That would make it in the future.

When people post stuff, I look at it before I comment.

Remember when Saddam invaded Kuwait and took their oil wells? He became the enemy of the world. That's what Trump wants for us. Except with Russia. He loves Russia.

yes as a matter of fact I did watch it.....from your own suggested timeline of 15:43.....I even went back a few seconds earlier (14:59) and watched again and really listened to what he actually said.

From your point in time, he says.......

'To the victor belong the spoils. I remember I used to say "Keep the oil". I wasn't a fan of Iraq, I didn't want to go into Iraq. But, I will tell you when we were in, we got out wrong. And I always said in addition to that "Keep the oil". Now I said that for economic reasons, but if you think about it Mike if we'd have kept the oil we probably wouldn't have ISIS because that's where they made their money in the first place so we should have kept the oil. But, ok. Maybe we'll have another chance. But the fact is, we should have kept the oil.'

yes, the only reference to future is 'Maybe we'll have another chance'.......doesn't sound like a direct threat to me or that he's putting troops 'in terrible danger'.

What if they turn against the Americans thinking Trump has those troops there to take their oil?

Here ask them yourself....I don't see any major news stories about fear of Trump taking over anything. Iraq news, the latest Iraq news by Iraqi News - Iraq news, the latest Iraq news by

sounds more like this thread belongs in Conspiracy Theory section....
You fucking moron Trumpbots. We have American soldiers serving alongside Iraqi security forces RIGHT NOW. Trump has put them in danger with his irresponsible comments. (Not to mention a fucking war crime)
Hey dumbass, taking the oil has nothing to do with our troops. You think those Iraqi misfits could stand a chance without us?

You are the one that is insane.
You fucking moron Trumpbots. We have American soldiers serving alongside Iraqi security forces RIGHT NOW. Trump has put them in danger with his irresponsible comments. (Not to mention a fucking war crime)

Do the world a favor dumbass, don't breed.
You fucking moron Trumpbots. We have American soldiers serving alongside Iraqi security forces RIGHT NOW. Trump has put them in danger with his irresponsible comments. (Not to mention a fucking war crime)

Do the world a favor dumbass, don't breed.

Too late douchenozzle.

We have 5,000 troops in Iraq relying on Iraqi Security forces. Have you seen the video being passed around Iraqi social media of Trump? He's putting our troops in danger.
They OWE us something, though the Obama admin. left somewhat a mess.
Why do they owe us anything? They never asked us to invade Iraq. Bush invaded and then later said there were no WMD's. And then he changed it to a "Freedom Agenda". Only they weren't interested.

The United States had an obligation to take down Bin Laden after the horrendous attack on American soil. Bush and the GOP broke a deep trust with the American people by turning their backs on Bin Laden and invading the wrong country where even Donald Trump says it was a mistake. It wasn't just a mistake, it was a disaster for this country both financially and in terms of our standing in the world. Suddenly we became a terrible danger. I'm sure Trump hasn't lessened that fear.
why dont you wait for the guy to actually do something that backs your paranoid bullshit up? and tiger should hook up and and do stories together,you 2 are made for each other.....
What is it you think they could do.

Let me explain something.

Remember, Iraq invaded Kuwait for their oil. Bush Sr. drove Iraq back to their own borders. He was correct because of safety agreements we had signed with countries in the Middle East. But he stopped at the border because he didn't want to own Iraq. Bush Sr. didn't make the mistake Bush Jr. did.

If you punched someone in the face, would you turn your back on them and walk away? Of course not. You wouldn't want them to come up behind you with a baseball bat.

Do you think the US didn't put spies in Iraq? That the US didn't place satellites overhead to keep track of them? Remember, inspectors had to leave the country before the US could attack. Why were there inspectors? What were they inspecting?

Bush said the worst part about the Iraq war was not finding WMD's. Bush said that. He would know. The reason we invaded that country, he admitted didn't exist.

So your entire argument falls apart. With the military this country has, no other country is going to attack it. Remember, Bin Laden wasn't a country.
Why do they owe us anything? They never asked us to invade Iraq. Bush invaded and then later said there were no WMD's. And then he changed it to a "Freedom Agenda". Only they weren't interested.

The United States had an obligation to take down Bin Laden after the horrendous attack on American soil. Bush and the GOP broke a deep trust with the American people by turning their backs on Bin Laden and invading the wrong country where even Donald Trump says it was a mistake. It wasn't just a mistake, it was a disaster for this country both financially and in terms of our standing in the world. Suddenly we became a terrible danger. I'm sure Trump hasn't lessened that fear.
why dont you wait for the guy to actually do something that backs your paranoid bullshit up? and tiger should hook up and and do stories together,you 2 are made for each other.....
Paranoid? There are at least a dozen video's of Trump saying we should keep their oil. That would turn the US into a pirate nation. Do you have the ability to understand that? Words have consequences.

Clarify your claim......Trump said we should have...past tense. Not that we will. current or present tense or even future..........makes a HUGE difference
You didn't watch the video did you. Fucking idiot. He said we will see if he gets a second chance. That would make it in the future.

When people post stuff, I look at it before I comment.

Remember when Saddam invaded Kuwait and took their oil wells? He became the enemy of the world. That's what Trump wants for us. Except with Russia. He loves Russia.

yes as a matter of fact I did watch it.....from your own suggested timeline of 15:43.....I even went back a few seconds earlier (14:59) and watched again and really listened to what he actually said.

From your point in time, he says.......

'To the victor belong the spoils. I remember I used to say "Keep the oil". I wasn't a fan of Iraq, I didn't want to go into Iraq. But, I will tell you when we were in, we got out wrong. And I always said in addition to that "Keep the oil". Now I said that for economic reasons, but if you think about it Mike if we'd have kept the oil we probably wouldn't have ISIS because that's where they made their money in the first place so we should have kept the oil. But, ok. Maybe we'll have another chance. But the fact is, we should have kept the oil.'

yes, the only reference to future is 'Maybe we'll have another chance'.......doesn't sound like a direct threat to me or that he's putting troops 'in terrible danger'.

What if they turn against the Americans thinking Trump has those troops there to take their oil?

Here ask them yourself....I don't see any major news stories about fear of Trump taking over anything. Iraq news, the latest Iraq news by Iraqi News - Iraq news, the latest Iraq news by

sounds more like this thread belongs in Conspiracy Theory section....
Victors belong the spoils?


So why not attack other countries?

And perhaps you should learn how to use Google?

Here let me help you:

Iraqi's worried Trump will take their oil - now see what comes up
Trump's Talk of Taking the Oil Sparks Questions in US, Iraq

WATCH //Iraqi PM vowes Trump will not take Iraq's oil as he promised - Iraq

Iraq's oil is the property of Iraqis, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Tuesday, in reaction to U.S. President Donald Trump who argued that the United States should have taken possession of the nation's crude reserves.
In a speech to CIA officials on Saturday, Trump suggested the United States should have taken Iraq's oil in reimbursement for the 2003 invasion that put an end to Saddam Hussein's rule.


5,000 American troops helping the Iraqi's defeat Isis.

Now you have the people asking the Prime Minister if Trump is going to take their oil.

What if they turn against the Americans thinking Trump has those troops there to take their oil?

Trump is insane.

Start at 15:43, right after he talks about how young and magnificent he is.

Trump isn't insane for thinking we should had kept the oil for ourselves, instead of letting the Iraqis give big oil contracts to China, France, and Russia.

It may seem insane to you, but that's because you're the delusional one that belongs in a mental hospital.

We aren't a pirate nation.
They OWE us something, though the Obama admin. left somewhat a mess.
Why do they owe us anything? They never asked us to invade Iraq. Bush invaded and then later said there were no WMD's. And then he changed it to a "Freedom Agenda". Only they weren't interested.

The United States had an obligation to take down Bin Laden after the horrendous attack on American soil. Bush and the GOP broke a deep trust with the American people by turning their backs on Bin Laden and invading the wrong country where even Donald Trump says it was a mistake. It wasn't just a mistake, it was a disaster for this country both financially and in terms of our standing in the world. Suddenly we became a terrible danger. I'm sure Trump hasn't lessened that fear.
why dont you wait for the guy to actually do something that backs your paranoid bullshit up? and tiger should hook up and and do stories together,you 2 are made for each other.....
Paranoid? There are at least a dozen video's of Trump saying we should keep their oil. That would turn the US into a pirate nation. Do you have the ability to understand that? Words have consequences.

He said "... should have KEPT the oil ...."

At least get your lies right.
And then said he's looking for a second chance. Perhaps you need to do a little more research?
They OWE us something, though the Obama admin. left somewhat a mess.
Why do they owe us anything? They never asked us to invade Iraq. Bush invaded and then later said there were no WMD's. And then he changed it to a "Freedom Agenda". Only they weren't interested.

The United States had an obligation to take down Bin Laden after the horrendous attack on American soil. Bush and the GOP broke a deep trust with the American people by turning their backs on Bin Laden and invading the wrong country where even Donald Trump says it was a mistake. It wasn't just a mistake, it was a disaster for this country both financially and in terms of our standing in the world. Suddenly we became a terrible danger. I'm sure Trump hasn't lessened that fear.
why dont you wait for the guy to actually do something that backs your paranoid bullshit up? and tiger should hook up and and do stories together,you 2 are made for each other.....
What is it you think they could do.

Let me explain something.

Remember, Iraq invaded Kuwait for their oil. Bush Sr. drove Iraq back to their own borders. He was correct because of safety agreements we had signed with countries in the Middle East. But he stopped at the border because he didn't want to own Iraq. Bush Sr. didn't make the mistake Bush Jr. did.

If you punched someone in the face, would you turn your back on them and walk away? Of course not. You wouldn't want them to come up behind you with a baseball bat.

Do you think the US didn't put spies in Iraq? That the US didn't place satellites overhead to keep track of them? Remember, inspectors had to leave the country before the US could attack. Why were there inspectors? What were they inspecting?

Bush said the worst part about the Iraq war was not finding WMD's. Bush said that. He would know. The reason we invaded that country, he admitted didn't exist.

So your entire argument falls apart. With the military this country has, no other country is going to attack it. Remember, Bin Laden wasn't a country.
what the fuck does that have to do with what i said?....
Not only would it be a war crime but it is also strategically stupid and tactically nearly impossible.

President Gump is just not the brightest billionaire in the box.

Besides, we buy about a half a million barrels of Iraqi oil every day.
why dont you wait for the guy to actually do something that backs your paranoid bullshit up? and tiger should hook up and and do stories together,you 2 are made for each other.....
Paranoid? There are at least a dozen video's of Trump saying we should keep their oil. That would turn the US into a pirate nation. Do you have the ability to understand that? Words have consequences.

Clarify your claim......Trump said we should have...past tense. Not that we will. current or present tense or even future..........makes a HUGE difference
You didn't watch the video did you. Fucking idiot. He said we will see if he gets a second chance. That would make it in the future.

When people post stuff, I look at it before I comment.

Remember when Saddam invaded Kuwait and took their oil wells? He became the enemy of the world. That's what Trump wants for us. Except with Russia. He loves Russia.

yes as a matter of fact I did watch it.....from your own suggested timeline of 15:43.....I even went back a few seconds earlier (14:59) and watched again and really listened to what he actually said.

From your point in time, he says.......

'To the victor belong the spoils. I remember I used to say "Keep the oil". I wasn't a fan of Iraq, I didn't want to go into Iraq. But, I will tell you when we were in, we got out wrong. And I always said in addition to that "Keep the oil". Now I said that for economic reasons, but if you think about it Mike if we'd have kept the oil we probably wouldn't have ISIS because that's where they made their money in the first place so we should have kept the oil. But, ok. Maybe we'll have another chance. But the fact is, we should have kept the oil.'

yes, the only reference to future is 'Maybe we'll have another chance'.......doesn't sound like a direct threat to me or that he's putting troops 'in terrible danger'.

What if they turn against the Americans thinking Trump has those troops there to take their oil?

Here ask them yourself....I don't see any major news stories about fear of Trump taking over anything. Iraq news, the latest Iraq news by Iraqi News - Iraq news, the latest Iraq news by

sounds more like this thread belongs in Conspiracy Theory section....
Victors belong the spoils?


So why not attack other countries?

And perhaps you should learn how to use Google?

Here let me help you:

Iraqi's worried Trump will take their oil - now see what comes up

yeah all US news sources that are biased to begin with. Did you check the link I had provided? It was directly from an Iraqi source.

Here let's try again... Iraq news, the latest Iraq news by Iraqi News - Iraq news, the latest Iraq news by and if that doesn't work type it in your search bar yourself... Iraqi news
They OWE us something, though the Obama admin. left somewhat a mess.
Why do they owe us anything? They never asked us to invade Iraq. Bush invaded and then later said there were no WMD's. And then he changed it to a "Freedom Agenda". Only they weren't interested.

The United States had an obligation to take down Bin Laden after the horrendous attack on American soil. Bush and the GOP broke a deep trust with the American people by turning their backs on Bin Laden and invading the wrong country where even Donald Trump says it was a mistake. It wasn't just a mistake, it was a disaster for this country both financially and in terms of our standing in the world. Suddenly we became a terrible danger. I'm sure Trump hasn't lessened that fear.

So YOU'D be happy to see over 3.6 million Iraqi children starve to death by today?

In 1998 Bll Clinton signed the "Liberation of Iraq" ACT because of this:
November 14, 1997: President Clinton: [During a standoff on weapons inspectors]
“What he [Hussein] says his objective is, is to relieve the people of Iraq, and presumably the government, of the burden of the sanctions. What he has just done is to ensure that the sanctions will be there until the end of time or as long as he lasts. So I think that if his objective is to try to get back into the business of manufacturing vast stores of weapons of mass destruction and then try to either use them or sell them, then at some point the United States, and more than the United States, would be more than happy to try to stop that.”
Autopsy Of A Disaster: The U.S. Sanctions Policy On Iraq | Accuracy.Org

Bush saved nearly 3.6 million Iraqi children by Liberating Iraq that would have starved if Saddam were still in power.

I would have done THE SAME damn thing to save American lives because evidently you never heard that Saddam
would have let these kids die RATHER then say "there are no WMDs"!
So put yourself for one minute in Bush's shoes!
Saddam won't abide by the UN sanctions that clearly asked him to stop WMD development.
Saddam said he wouldn't abide by that!
Why because he was pretending he had WMDs... and he was all right in letting children starve when all Saddam
needed to do was sign an agreement that stated there were no WMDs!

Again if you can't understood Bush's dilemma ....
If Saddam would let children starve rather then sign an agreement, then THERE MUST BE WMDs!

In 1995 as many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization. Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports
You fucking moron Trumpbots. We have American soldiers serving alongside Iraqi security forces RIGHT NOW. Trump has put them in danger with his irresponsible comments. (Not to mention a fucking war crime)

Do the world a favor dumbass, don't breed.

Too late douchenozzle.

We have 5,000 troops in Iraq relying on Iraqi Security forces. Have you seen the video being passed around Iraqi social media of Trump? He's putting our troops in danger.

It's a shame for America and the human race that you have already spread your faulty genes. People as ignorant, stubbornly and purposely ignorant, should be allowed to.

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