Trump Rallies Happening Across the Country Following Raid

Are they all traitors? Do you support a criminal with nuclear documents that were stolen?
Actually the proof is in the pudding. Trump hasn't been indicted of anything. The Mer-A- Logo subpoena is STILL heavily redacted and we STILL don't what the hell they where looking for. Because, "STUFF". Top Secret STUFF. In other words, they can't find anything. If that had, we wouldn't be debating this, Trump would be in jail.
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I am not a Democrat I am an independent I'm sick of both parties more so the Republican party because they turned out to be a bunch of fascists. I like being in the mainstream, most Americans don't want Trump or Biden to run again.>articles poll finds most Americans don't want Biden or trump to run again. July 20th., 2022.
What? More lies!
Actually the proof is in the pudding. Trump hasn't been indicted of anything. The Mer-A- Logo subpoena is STILL heavily redacted and we STILL don't what the hell they where looking for. Because, "STUFF". Top Secret STUFF. In other words, they can't find anything. If that had, we wouldn't be debating this, Trump would be in jail.
And you know why it's heavily redacted. The nature of the materials and so trump won't try to tamper with the witnesses like he has in the past. They know what kind of criminal they are dealing with and are taking all appropriate precautions. He's not going to get away with it this time.
And you know why it's heavily redacted. The nature of the materials and so trump won't try to tamper with the witnesses like he has in the past. They know what kind of criminal they are dealing with and are taking all appropriate precautions. He's not going to get away with it this time.
Lol, liar!
And you know why it's heavily redacted. The nature of the materials and so trump won't try to tamper with the witnesses like he has in the past. They know what kind of criminal they are dealing with and are taking all appropriate precautions. He's not going to get away with it this time.
You don't believe that, do you? ANYONE can claim Stann did something bad... so unspeakably evil, we can't EVEN mention it, it is both SECRET and evil, it will KILL you. The FBI raids Stann's home, gathered up a huge cache of "evil bad things, stuff we can't reveal because...We say so". This is how stupid the FBI raid on Trump sounds.
Hey genius, if the documents were so so important to your boy why did he leave them at Mar A Lago when he headed north for the summer, dope?
You're talking about the actions of a psychotic individual, who knows why trump does the things he does. Insanity and reasoning are polar opposites.
We've get him now lie #456,195.

Forward ahead to today and that was exactly how the Dems were acting and talking in 2016 before Trump even took office! For SIX YEARS, all we have heard was that:
  • Trump was illegitimate.
  • Trump cheated to get elected.
  • Trump is not their president.
  • Trump should be impeached.
  • Trump is a criminal who must be brought to justice.
Now they call us a threat to democracy and some "extreme" faction just because with good reason now, we question Biden's legitimacy! Because they cheated to get him in office!
And they impeached Trump TWICE, over nothing.

Yet, just one big crime of true national import might kind of MAKE their case, except that after refusing to attend his inauguration, after spying, leaking and wiretapping his administration a la Watergate, after 30 million spent on a Russia investigation over two years, after a faux Ukraine investigation and impeachment, after the 2020 election, after tax investigations, business investigations and banking investigations, after another congressional investigation and impeachment, after another two solid years of J6 investigations shaking down every person who knows Trump except his mailman with threats, harassments and more charges, and finally, after waiting for his house to be empty breaking into his home and ransacking 128 rooms taking every paper that wasn't nailed down including personal records, medical papers, letters between him and his attorneys, looking through his wife's clothes and under his 16-year-old son's carpet and comic books, the only thing they've determined is that of all the people in Washington,

I'll consider our court system an absolute joke if they consider that evidence after they completely ignored the evidence of the stolen election.
Our courts don't recognize absolute jokes that's why trump isn't president.
You don't believe that, do you? ANYONE can claim Stann did something bad... so unspeakably evil, we can't EVEN mention it, it is both SECRET and evil, it will KILL you. The FBI raids Stann's home, gathered up a huge cache of "evil bad things, stuff we can't reveal because...We say so". This is how stupid the FBI raid on Trump sounds.
Do you know how ridiculous you sound. You're about as crazy as trump is. He should be locked up in a mental institution for the criminally insane. The jury is still out about you and the other cult members that follow the crazy guy trump.
Actually the proof is in the pudding. Trump hasn't been indicted of anything. The Mer-A- Logo subpoena is STILL heavily redacted and we STILL don't what the hell they where looking for. Because, "STUFF". Top Secret STUFF. In other words, they can't find anything. If that had, we wouldn't be debating this, Trump would be in jail.
I'm pretty sure he's heading that direction, hopefully so he's done enough harm to the United States ( that we know of ). The rest remains to be seen. If anybody else did this they can already be in jail. I think they're handling this with kid gloves because he has such a crazy following and they don't want them to become totally insane and cause more trouble for our nation.
Tell us again how it’s not a cult.
What makes you think it is a cult?

We don't hate law and order, we just realize it worked better in the fifties.
So why did your group try to kill all those cops at the capital, and why did you want to defund the police and close down the FBI. You are a joke. I watched you heroes hitting cops at the capital hard enough to kill, and everyone who forced their way into the capital was doing that. I saw you law and order haters with my own eyes. When your heroes tried to bring down our government and constitution. Your people went in the capital a pissed and shit on its floors. Scum to the last man, Traitors to the last man. MAGA Maggots.
The support from his followers will not waiver.

---FBI Made a Big Mistake: Trump Rallies Happening Across the Country Following Unprecedented Raid on President Trump’s Home — Bedminster, Long Island, Phoenix, Mar-a-Lago, St. Louis---

When you become complicit with criminals, you are a lost cause.

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