Trump Relies on New Wuhan Virus Expert

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It sounded pretty even handed to me. how was he trashed? What was distorted? Did not get a chance to read the "Pravda" article. Perhaps you could post it.
Scott Atlas, who relies on data, facts and math, is Trump’s new go-to guy.
Awesome move.
Unfortunately, this report from the AP wing of pravda trashes and distorts, as is their job, but at least it reports...
They refer to trump painting a ‘rosy picture’ and they say Atlas has ‘no expertise‘. They refer to Atlas’s appearances on Fox News though he’s appeared on several other outlets. Ignored by MSM.
Atlas will be trashed by your pravda sources from here on out.
It sounded pretty even handed to me. how was he trashed? What was distorted? Did not get a chance to read the "Pravda" article. Perhaps you could post it.
Scott Atlas, who relies on data, facts and math, is Trump’s new go-to guy.
Awesome move.
Unfortunately, this report from the AP wing of pravda trashes and distorts, as is their job, but at least it reports...
They refer to trump painting a ‘rosy picture’ and they say Atlas has ‘no expertise‘. They refer to Atlas’s appearances on Fox News though he’s appeared on several other outlets. Ignored by MSM.
Atlas will be trashed by your pravda sources from here on out.
When trump said it was under control and would be gone shortly, that was a rosy picture. We will wake up and it will just be gone, was a rosy picture. We will be able to keep deaths below 100,000 was also a rosy picture fir this disease.
The article said Atlas " the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a fellow at Stanford's conservative Hoover Institution, has no expertise in public health or infectious diseases. Nothing trashed about that, unless you are keying only on the "no expertise in public health or infectious diseases". My primary care provider got me an appointment for a stress test with a world class cardiologist, surgeon, lecturer and designer of medical devices and even a heart valve. Expert in his field, but I would not go to him about a flue that attacks upper respiratory, or even request a consultation, as it is not his field of expertise. He would not be insulted by that.
You know who else has made conflicting statements about the Wuhan flu pandemic but who has never fallen from favor with the left affiliated media? Anthony Faucci.

Sometimes it isn't what you say but what your fundamental political outlook is. He's hardly
blameless in this all.
So... Trump hires a guy with absolutely zero experience in public health or infectious diseases to help deal with an infectious disease that is burning through the public... and whose biggest qualifications seem to be that he agrees with Trump... and you don't see that as a problem but the fact that a news organization reports these facts is?

Think about that... for just a moment or two...
It sounded pretty even handed to me. how was he trashed? What was distorted? Did not get a chance to read the "Pravda" article. Perhaps you could post it.
Scott Atlas, who relies on data, facts and math, is Trump’s new go-to guy.
Awesome move.
Unfortunately, this report from the AP wing of pravda trashes and distorts, as is their job, but at least it reports...
They refer to trump painting a ‘rosy picture’ and they say Atlas has ‘no expertise‘. They refer to Atlas’s appearances on Fox News though he’s appeared on several other outlets. Ignored by MSM.
Atlas will be trashed by your pravda sources from here on out.
When trump said it was under control and would be gone shortly, that was a rosy picture. We will wake up and it will just be gone, was a rosy picture. We will be able to keep deaths below 100,000 was also a rosy picture fir this disease.
The article said Atlas " the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a fellow at Stanford's conservative Hoover Institution, has no expertise in public health or infectious diseases. Nothing trashed about that, unless you are keying only on the "no expertise in public health or infectious diseases". My primary care provider got me an appointment for a stress test with a world class cardiologist, surgeon, lecturer and designer of medical devices and even a heart valve. Expert in his field, but I would not go to him about a flue that attacks upper respiratory, or even request a consultation, as it is not his field of expertise. He would not be insulted by that.
Atlas is a medical expert. His Stanford colleague Ioannidis is also a medical expert.
Trump promoting positivity based on current info and data is not glossing anything over as rosy.
The terminology used in the report is propaganda.
Now that Atlas has been introduced to the heretofore insulated lefty hack democrats, you can be sure everything he reports will be fired upon by Pravda.
One thing you can be sure of is Atlas has not been in the national health bureaucracy for fifty years and
has not been involved in Chinese biomedical development in Wuhan (as Faucci has) or been a supporter of Dr. Tedros of the WHO who was instrumental in delaying news of the pandemic to the world giving China
time to cover it's tracks and downplay the seriousness of the Chinese caused global pandemic.

Those are things you CANNOT say about Scott Atlas as opposed to Anthony Faucci.
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It sounded pretty even handed to me. how was he trashed? What was distorted? Did not get a chance to read the "Pravda" article. Perhaps you could post it.
Scott Atlas, who relies on data, facts and math, is Trump’s new go-to guy.
Awesome move.
Unfortunately, this report from the AP wing of pravda trashes and distorts, as is their job, but at least it reports...
They refer to trump painting a ‘rosy picture’ and they say Atlas has ‘no expertise‘. They refer to Atlas’s appearances on Fox News though he’s appeared on several other outlets. Ignored by MSM.
Atlas will be trashed by your pravda sources from here on out.
When trump said it was under control and would be gone shortly, that was a rosy picture. We will wake up and it will just be gone, was a rosy picture. We will be able to keep deaths below 100,000 was also a rosy picture fir this disease.
The article said Atlas " the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a fellow at Stanford's conservative Hoover Institution, has no expertise in public health or infectious diseases. Nothing trashed about that, unless you are keying only on the "no expertise in public health or infectious diseases". My primary care provider got me an appointment for a stress test with a world class cardiologist, surgeon, lecturer and designer of medical devices and even a heart valve. Expert in his field, but I would not go to him about a flue that attacks upper respiratory, or even request a consultation, as it is not his field of expertise. He would not be insulted by that.
Atlas is a medical expert. His Stanford colleague Ioannidis is also a medical expert.
Trump promoting positivity based on current info and data is not glossing anything over as rosy.
The terminology used in the report is propaganda.
Now that Atlas has been introduced to the heretofore insulated lefty hack democrats, you can be sure everything he reports will be fired upon by Pravda.
I won't argue the merits of the doctor. I figure he is welcome to his opinion, informed to his specialty and it is least as valid as mine, but neither is as informed or as valid as an epidemiologist as communicable disease is more their specialty. When was the last time you visited a neurologist for a communicable disease, such as flu or bronchitis, or hepatitis? I do not, but I am one of those right tool for the right job. I would not consult a mechanical engineer to design a lake or reservoir, just as I would not consult a civil engineer to design automated assembly line equipment.
Drumpf is pretty shallow. I would not trust him for a valid informed opinion on much of anything, especially something involving science. He thinks science is guided by opinion, not fact. He doesn't seem to know much about science and thinks nothing of making up alternate facts, without regard for reality. Though I might give a listen to him on realty.
It sounded pretty even handed to me. how was he trashed? What was distorted? Did not get a chance to read the "Pravda" article. Perhaps you could post it.
Scott Atlas, who relies on data, facts and math, is Trump’s new go-to guy.
Awesome move.
Unfortunately, this report from the AP wing of pravda trashes and distorts, as is their job, but at least it reports...
They refer to trump painting a ‘rosy picture’ and they say Atlas has ‘no expertise‘. They refer to Atlas’s appearances on Fox News though he’s appeared on several other outlets. Ignored by MSM.
Atlas will be trashed by your pravda sources from here on out.
When trump said it was under control and would be gone shortly, that was a rosy picture. We will wake up and it will just be gone, was a rosy picture. We will be able to keep deaths below 100,000 was also a rosy picture fir this disease.
The article said Atlas " the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a fellow at Stanford's conservative Hoover Institution, has no expertise in public health or infectious diseases. Nothing trashed about that, unless you are keying only on the "no expertise in public health or infectious diseases". My primary care provider got me an appointment for a stress test with a world class cardiologist, surgeon, lecturer and designer of medical devices and even a heart valve. Expert in his field, but I would not go to him about a flue that attacks upper respiratory, or even request a consultation, as it is not his field of expertise. He would not be insulted by that.
Atlas is a medical expert. His Stanford colleague Ioannidis is also a medical expert.
Trump promoting positivity based on current info and data is not glossing anything over as rosy.
The terminology used in the report is propaganda.
Now that Atlas has been introduced to the heretofore insulated lefty hack democrats, you can be sure everything he reports will be fired upon by Pravda.
I won't argue the merits of the doctor. I figure he is welcome to his opinion, informed to his specialty and it is least as valid as mine, but neither is as informed or as valid as an epidemiologist as communicable disease is more their specialty. When was the last time you visited a neurologist for a communicable disease, such as flu or bronchitis, or hepatitis? I do not, but I am one of those right tool for the right job. I would not consult a mechanical engineer to design a lake or reservoir, just as I would not consult a civil engineer to design automated assembly line equipment.
Drumpf is pretty shallow. I would not trust him for a valid informed opinion on much of anything, especially something involving science. He thinks science is guided by opinion, not fact. He doesn't seem to know much about science and thinks nothing of making up alternate facts, without regard for reality. Though I might give a listen to him on realty.
Wrong. Way wrong. I would trust a medical expert with medical issues. I would trust a specialist more with specific issues.
Medical data is medical data.
A medical expert is whom I would trust with medical data.
Atlas is a medical expert who has presented empirical data. His advice is rooted in that data.
Democrats have ignored that data.
Fauci has flip-flopped on the data.
I trust Atlas and data over a bureaucrat.
It sounded pretty even handed to me. how was he trashed? What was distorted? Did not get a chance to read the "Pravda" article. Perhaps you could post it.
Scott Atlas, who relies on data, facts and math, is Trump’s new go-to guy.
Awesome move.
Unfortunately, this report from the AP wing of pravda trashes and distorts, as is their job, but at least it reports...
They refer to trump painting a ‘rosy picture’ and they say Atlas has ‘no expertise‘. They refer to Atlas’s appearances on Fox News though he’s appeared on several other outlets. Ignored by MSM.
Atlas will be trashed by your pravda sources from here on out.
When trump said it was under control and would be gone shortly, that was a rosy picture. We will wake up and it will just be gone, was a rosy picture. We will be able to keep deaths below 100,000 was also a rosy picture fir this disease.
The article said Atlas " the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a fellow at Stanford's conservative Hoover Institution, has no expertise in public health or infectious diseases. Nothing trashed about that, unless you are keying only on the "no expertise in public health or infectious diseases". My primary care provider got me an appointment for a stress test with a world class cardiologist, surgeon, lecturer and designer of medical devices and even a heart valve. Expert in his field, but I would not go to him about a flue that attacks upper respiratory, or even request a consultation, as it is not his field of expertise. He would not be insulted by that.
Stop being deranged.. he was being optimistic.. you need to accept people that speak differently than you.. this is America, we are diverse.. stop saying stupid shit.. accept it, trump speaks different.. and your ok with it, because he’s going to win again.. he’s your daddy
Notice how the experts and generally all educated people refer to the virus as COVID-19 while Trump's cult keeps referring to it as the Wuhan or Chinese Virus.
Notice how the experts and generally all educated people refer to the virus as COVID-19 while Trump's cult keeps referring to it as the Wuhan or Chinese Virus.
Notice how democrats refuse to refer to Wuhan virus as Wuhan virus and chastise those who do while those who do don’t criticize those democrats who refuse to call it Wuhan?
Obviously not.
It sounded pretty even handed to me. how was he trashed? What was distorted? Did not get a chance to read the "Pravda" article. Perhaps you could post it.
Scott Atlas, who relies on data, facts and math, is Trump’s new go-to guy.
Awesome move.
Unfortunately, this report from the AP wing of pravda trashes and distorts, as is their job, but at least it reports...
They refer to trump painting a ‘rosy picture’ and they say Atlas has ‘no expertise‘. They refer to Atlas’s appearances on Fox News though he’s appeared on several other outlets. Ignored by MSM.
Atlas will be trashed by your pravda sources from here on out.
When trump said it was under control and would be gone shortly, that was a rosy picture. We will wake up and it will just be gone, was a rosy picture. We will be able to keep deaths below 100,000 was also a rosy picture fir this disease.
The article said Atlas " the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a fellow at Stanford's conservative Hoover Institution, has no expertise in public health or infectious diseases. Nothing trashed about that, unless you are keying only on the "no expertise in public health or infectious diseases". My primary care provider got me an appointment for a stress test with a world class cardiologist, surgeon, lecturer and designer of medical devices and even a heart valve. Expert in his field, but I would not go to him about a flue that attacks upper respiratory, or even request a consultation, as it is not his field of expertise. He would not be insulted by that.
Stop being deranged.. he was being optimistic.. you need to accept people that speak differently than you.. this is America, we are diverse.. stop saying stupid shit.. accept it, trump speaks different.. and your ok with it, because he’s going to win again.. he’s your daddy
Yes he speaks different than me, and what I am used to, because I do not hang out with liars, crooks, conspiracy theorists, and morons. Get your head out of your butt and pay attention to what he says. Words have meanings in the modern world from normal people. He is abnormal and without a moral or ethical compass.
It sounded pretty even handed to me. how was he trashed? What was distorted? Did not get a chance to read the "Pravda" article. Perhaps you could post it.
Scott Atlas, who relies on data, facts and math, is Trump’s new go-to guy.
Awesome move.
Unfortunately, this report from the AP wing of pravda trashes and distorts, as is their job, but at least it reports...
They refer to trump painting a ‘rosy picture’ and they say Atlas has ‘no expertise‘. They refer to Atlas’s appearances on Fox News though he’s appeared on several other outlets. Ignored by MSM.
Atlas will be trashed by your pravda sources from here on out.
When trump said it was under control and would be gone shortly, that was a rosy picture. We will wake up and it will just be gone, was a rosy picture. We will be able to keep deaths below 100,000 was also a rosy picture fir this disease.
The article said Atlas " the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a fellow at Stanford's conservative Hoover Institution, has no expertise in public health or infectious diseases. Nothing trashed about that, unless you are keying only on the "no expertise in public health or infectious diseases". My primary care provider got me an appointment for a stress test with a world class cardiologist, surgeon, lecturer and designer of medical devices and even a heart valve. Expert in his field, but I would not go to him about a flue that attacks upper respiratory, or even request a consultation, as it is not his field of expertise. He would not be insulted by that.
Stop being deranged.. he was being optimistic.. you need to accept people that speak differently than you.. this is America, we are diverse.. stop saying stupid shit.. accept it, trump speaks different.. and your ok with it, because he’s going to win again.. he’s your daddy
Yes he speaks different than me, and what I am used to, because I do not hang out with liars, crooks, conspiracy theorists, and morons. Get your head out of your butt and pay attention to what he says. Words have meanings in the modern world from normal people. He is abnormal and without a moral or ethical compass.
Let me ask you 1,000 stupid questions and see how you sound.. your Acting like a child stomping your feet because Trump won get over it stop lying about the man have some diversity in your life understand he’s the greatest president in history of America
It sounded pretty even handed to me. how was he trashed? What was distorted? Did not get a chance to read the "Pravda" article. Perhaps you could post it.
Scott Atlas, who relies on data, facts and math, is Trump’s new go-to guy.
Awesome move.
Unfortunately, this report from the AP wing of pravda trashes and distorts, as is their job, but at least it reports...
They refer to trump painting a ‘rosy picture’ and they say Atlas has ‘no expertise‘. They refer to Atlas’s appearances on Fox News though he’s appeared on several other outlets. Ignored by MSM.
Atlas will be trashed by your pravda sources from here on out.
When trump said it was under control and would be gone shortly, that was a rosy picture. We will wake up and it will just be gone, was a rosy picture. We will be able to keep deaths below 100,000 was also a rosy picture fir this disease.
The article said Atlas " the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a fellow at Stanford's conservative Hoover Institution, has no expertise in public health or infectious diseases. Nothing trashed about that, unless you are keying only on the "no expertise in public health or infectious diseases". My primary care provider got me an appointment for a stress test with a world class cardiologist, surgeon, lecturer and designer of medical devices and even a heart valve. Expert in his field, but I would not go to him about a flue that attacks upper respiratory, or even request a consultation, as it is not his field of expertise. He would not be insulted by that.
Stop being deranged.. he was being optimistic.. you need to accept people that speak differently than you.. this is America, we are diverse.. stop saying stupid shit.. accept it, trump speaks different.. and your ok with it, because he’s going to win again.. he’s your daddy
Yes he speaks different than me, and what I am used to, because I do not hang out with liars, crooks, conspiracy theorists, and morons. Get your head out of your butt and pay attention to what he says. Words have meanings in the modern world from normal people. He is abnormal and without a moral or ethical compass.
Let me ask you 1,000 stupid questions and see how you sound.. your Acting like a child stomping your feet because Trump won get over it stop lying about the man have some diversity in your life understand he’s the greatest president in history of America
Are you deaf or stupid? I gave him 9 months. He continued to lie, incite, side with the Russian, appoint and fire or have people quit because working with him sucked. I was not thrilled on election night and would not have been if the Hill had got it either, not being a democrat. I even thought his winning might at least be funny and it was for awhile. At 9 months, I was fed up and still am. I did not vote for trump or the hill, because they both sucked. I will not vote for trump because he has proven to me just how bad he sucks. Joe is the better man, better leader and the only man running who can bring change and dignity to that office. I will vote the Biden/Harris ticket for change toward better government.
It sounded pretty even handed to me. how was he trashed? What was distorted? Did not get a chance to read the "Pravda" article. Perhaps you could post it.
Scott Atlas, who relies on data, facts and math, is Trump’s new go-to guy.
Awesome move.
Unfortunately, this report from the AP wing of pravda trashes and distorts, as is their job, but at least it reports...
They refer to trump painting a ‘rosy picture’ and they say Atlas has ‘no expertise‘. They refer to Atlas’s appearances on Fox News though he’s appeared on several other outlets. Ignored by MSM.
Atlas will be trashed by your pravda sources from here on out.
When trump said it was under control and would be gone shortly, that was a rosy picture. We will wake up and it will just be gone, was a rosy picture. We will be able to keep deaths below 100,000 was also a rosy picture fir this disease.
The article said Atlas " the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a fellow at Stanford's conservative Hoover Institution, has no expertise in public health or infectious diseases. Nothing trashed about that, unless you are keying only on the "no expertise in public health or infectious diseases". My primary care provider got me an appointment for a stress test with a world class cardiologist, surgeon, lecturer and designer of medical devices and even a heart valve. Expert in his field, but I would not go to him about a flue that attacks upper respiratory, or even request a consultation, as it is not his field of expertise. He would not be insulted by that.
Stop being deranged.. he was being optimistic.. you need to accept people that speak differently than you.. this is America, we are diverse.. stop saying stupid shit.. accept it, trump speaks different.. and your ok with it, because he’s going to win again.. he’s your daddy
Yes he speaks different than me, and what I am used to, because I do not hang out with liars, crooks, conspiracy theorists, and morons. Get your head out of your butt and pay attention to what he says. Words have meanings in the modern world from normal people. He is abnormal and without a moral or ethical compass.
Let me ask you 1,000 stupid questions and see how you sound.. your Acting like a child stomping your feet because Trump won get over it stop lying about the man have some diversity in your life understand he’s the greatest president in history of America
Are you deaf or stupid? I gave him 9 months. He continued to lie, incite, side with the Russian, appoint and fire or have people quit because working with him sucked. I was not thrilled on election night and would not have been if the Hill had got it either, not being a democrat. I even thought his winning might at least be funny and it was for awhile. At 9 months, I was fed up and still am. I did not vote for trump or the hill, because they both sucked. I will not vote for trump because he has proven to me just how bad he sucks. Joe is the better man, better leader and the only man running who can bring change and dignity to that office. I will vote the Biden/Harris ticket for change toward better government.
Grow up tds
It sounded pretty even handed to me. how was he trashed? What was distorted? Did not get a chance to read the "Pravda" article. Perhaps you could post it.
Scott Atlas, who relies on data, facts and math, is Trump’s new go-to guy.
Awesome move.
Unfortunately, this report from the AP wing of pravda trashes and distorts, as is their job, but at least it reports...
They refer to trump painting a ‘rosy picture’ and they say Atlas has ‘no expertise‘. They refer to Atlas’s appearances on Fox News though he’s appeared on several other outlets. Ignored by MSM.
Atlas will be trashed by your pravda sources from here on out.
When trump said it was under control and would be gone shortly, that was a rosy picture. We will wake up and it will just be gone, was a rosy picture. We will be able to keep deaths below 100,000 was also a rosy picture fir this disease.
The article said Atlas " the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a fellow at Stanford's conservative Hoover Institution, has no expertise in public health or infectious diseases. Nothing trashed about that, unless you are keying only on the "no expertise in public health or infectious diseases". My primary care provider got me an appointment for a stress test with a world class cardiologist, surgeon, lecturer and designer of medical devices and even a heart valve. Expert in his field, but I would not go to him about a flue that attacks upper respiratory, or even request a consultation, as it is not his field of expertise. He would not be insulted by that.
Stop being deranged.. he was being optimistic.. you need to accept people that speak differently than you.. this is America, we are diverse.. stop saying stupid shit.. accept it, trump speaks different.. and your ok with it, because he’s going to win again.. he’s your daddy
Yes he speaks different than me, and what I am used to, because I do not hang out with liars, crooks, conspiracy theorists, and morons. Get your head out of your butt and pay attention to what he says. Words have meanings in the modern world from normal people. He is abnormal and without a moral or ethical compass.
Let me ask you 1,000 stupid questions and see how you sound.. your Acting like a child stomping your feet because Trump won get over it stop lying about the man have some diversity in your life understand he’s the greatest president in history of America
Are you deaf or stupid? I gave him 9 months. He continued to lie, incite, side with the Russian, appoint and fire or have people quit because working with him sucked. I was not thrilled on election night and would not have been if the Hill had got it either, not being a democrat. I even thought his winning might at least be funny and it was for awhile. At 9 months, I was fed up and still am. I did not vote for trump or the hill, because they both sucked. I will not vote for trump because he has proven to me just how bad he sucks. Joe is the better man, better leader and the only man running who can bring change and dignity to that office. I will vote the Biden/Harris ticket for change toward better government.
Grow up tds
TDS, my butt. That is all you got in your empty pot. Anybody who does not like lies, corruption, favor being paid to dictators, communists and international thugs has tds and resistance to public health has the dreaded tds. What a lame broke record you people have turned into. Sure you are just a trumper. Nobody has come up with a cute name for what went wrong with you as you just aren't worth it.
It sounded pretty even handed to me. how was he trashed? What was distorted? Did not get a chance to read the "Pravda" article. Perhaps you could post it.
Scott Atlas, who relies on data, facts and math, is Trump’s new go-to guy.
Awesome move.
Unfortunately, this report from the AP wing of pravda trashes and distorts, as is their job, but at least it reports...
They refer to trump painting a ‘rosy picture’ and they say Atlas has ‘no expertise‘. They refer to Atlas’s appearances on Fox News though he’s appeared on several other outlets. Ignored by MSM.
Atlas will be trashed by your pravda sources from here on out.
When trump said it was under control and would be gone shortly, that was a rosy picture. We will wake up and it will just be gone, was a rosy picture. We will be able to keep deaths below 100,000 was also a rosy picture fir this disease.
The article said Atlas " the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a fellow at Stanford's conservative Hoover Institution, has no expertise in public health or infectious diseases. Nothing trashed about that, unless you are keying only on the "no expertise in public health or infectious diseases". My primary care provider got me an appointment for a stress test with a world class cardiologist, surgeon, lecturer and designer of medical devices and even a heart valve. Expert in his field, but I would not go to him about a flue that attacks upper respiratory, or even request a consultation, as it is not his field of expertise. He would not be insulted by that.
Stop being deranged.. he was being optimistic.. you need to accept people that speak differently than you.. this is America, we are diverse.. stop saying stupid shit.. accept it, trump speaks different.. and your ok with it, because he’s going to win again.. he’s your daddy
Yes he speaks different than me, and what I am used to, because I do not hang out with liars, crooks, conspiracy theorists, and morons. Get your head out of your butt and pay attention to what he says. Words have meanings in the modern world from normal people. He is abnormal and without a moral or ethical compass.
Let me ask you 1,000 stupid questions and see how you sound.. your Acting like a child stomping your feet because Trump won get over it stop lying about the man have some diversity in your life understand he’s the greatest president in history of America
Are you deaf or stupid? I gave him 9 months. He continued to lie, incite, side with the Russian, appoint and fire or have people quit because working with him sucked. I was not thrilled on election night and would not have been if the Hill had got it either, not being a democrat. I even thought his winning might at least be funny and it was for awhile. At 9 months, I was fed up and still am. I did not vote for trump or the hill, because they both sucked. I will not vote for trump because he has proven to me just how bad he sucks. Joe is the better man, better leader and the only man running who can bring change and dignity to that office. I will vote the Biden/Harris ticket for change toward better government.
Grow up tds
TDS, my butt. That is all you got in your empty pot. Anybody who does not like lies, corruption, favor being paid to dictators, communists and international thugs has tds and resistance to public health has the dreaded tds. What a lame broke record you people have turned into. Sure you are just a trumper. Nobody has come up with a cute name for what went wrong with you as you just aren't worth it.
Trump 2020, trump 2024 keep obstruction

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