Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot


I meanie ... If hearing John Dean { disgraced Nixon White House Counsel }
heartily agreed and endorse the bubonic-style Maine decision to
Remove The leading person { BY FAR } for President in the 2024
general.What we've come to expect from some personage w/o
a conscience or ability to find work save being a Political
scalawag of known repute.
In short ... I doubt too many Dean's relatives want anything to do
with him.So why not get work at a nutter place { CNN } that
cottons Liars,Losers and ballbusting pricks like Chris Cuomo.
Current CNN Loser Prick being Jake Tapper.
Dump Trump, he's a loser we don't need.
Not even in the newly distorted New World Order Bible for
Mad Oligarchs who swear by The Extra Enlarged Devil's Dictionary.
Where the Definition of :
Un-American,adj. Wicked,Intolerable,heathenish &
has been drastically updated.
Patriot has now been substituted and/or supplanted.
/----/ By removing him from the ballot, his supporters are disenfranchised. Imagine if we did that to a democRAT candidate. You clowns would have a cow.
Real simple Simon.Democrats don't run candidates.
They run their mouths,make constant noise and seem
oblivious to Real America.
Appeal means there was a lower court decision. There wasn't. She simply ruled "He's gone" LOL
She followed Maines state law with regards procedure of challenging a would candidates eligibility. You Faux Not News guys just want to believe we are just like Russia and no appeal process is in place in Maine for challenging her finding. Faux Not News tells you the lies that are most profitable for their advertising ratings. It's not really news when they lie to the flock you know.
Nonsense. Your boy lost in November 2020, fair-and-square.

You had sixty-two (62) chances in the law courts.

Oftentimes in front of Republican (and even Trump -appointed) judges and justices.

Time after time you got laughed out of court for lack of standing or - more damning - lack of substantive merit.

In the United States of America, that's the end of it. We are a Nation of Laws, not men, nor Orange Personality Cults.

Your boy lost. Bigly. But that Orange POS lied his a$$ off and continues to take a page from the Joseph Goebbels playbook.

Orange-Boy fans need to remember that they are Americans first and Republicans second.

Oftentimes the Dems also need to be reminded of that 'Americans first' mantra, but at present that falls upon ya'll.

You had sixty-two chances to prove it and you failed. Learn from that failure. Do better next time.

And it was no innocent protest.

Rump and his minions summoned, incited and aimed an insurrectionist mob to assault the Congress of the United States.

The goal being to cancel or forestall the formal certification of Electoral College results in order to keep your boy in power.

That constitutes Insurrection.

What is lacking is an authoritative declaration of that fact on the Federal level.

Until that happens, the legal arguments we see on the State level about invoking the 14th are almost certainly doomed to failure.

And I blame the idiot Democrats for not jumping on that, on January 7, 2021... for not having long-since obtained that.

Of course. Reasons matter.

Good thing for me, then, that I'm not a loyal Democrat, eh?

Personally, I'm totally in favor of the vast majority of major talking points in the so-called Trump Agenda...

  • secure borders
  • mass deportations
  • dangerous Muslim-nations immigration ban
  • fiscal responsibility
  • making allies pay their fair share of defense costs
  • minding our own business without retreating back into 19th century isolationism
  • recreating an extremely strong manufacturing base (especially with regards to strategic goods)
  • distancing ourselves from a dependence upon China and barring them from large land-holdings in the United States
  • setting aside a great many regulations and statutes spawned by wrong-headed Democrats in several topical areas
  • forcibly restoring Law and Order within big cities
  • reversal of Woke libprog policies related to sexual identity and orientation
  • reversal of Woke libprog indoctrination mindset in our institutions of higher learning

...and on and on and on.

I'm closer to being "one of you" than you know ( or care, no doubt ).

I'm all for much (even most) of the so-called Trump Agenda.

But I want someone who is willing to abide by the Constitution and to step-down when his time is up.

And your boy does not fit that bill.
LOL. TDS in Full Bloom
The appeal from a top court of any state is automatically given to the SCOTUS. Now that the idiot Secy of State of Maine has unilaterally moved to strike Trump from the Maine ballot based on the retarded Decision out of Colorado,
Ridiculous. They had a proceeding where each side presented it's case.

"Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows (D) is the first elected official to unilaterally deem Trump ineligible to run due to the 14th Amendment's insurrection clause. The Trump campaign has vowed to challenge her decision." (This ain't Russia)

Read Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows' decision in full, via DocumentCloud:
The problem for you is that you can't just arbitrarily expand the definition of insurrection to accommodate and to act on your feelings at the barrel of a government gun. Nor can the unelected secretary of state in this case.
No one has expanded the definition of insurrection and rebellion against the Constitution. Demanding the VP unilaterally throw out certified EC votes of several states in order to change the election results meets the standard without question.

By the election laws of Maine, yes she can. She explains all that in her findings. Also to an earlier point I made that we are not Russia......She said this in her findings.

‘While 1 am cognizant of the fact that my decision could soon be rendered a nullity by a decision of the United States Supreme Court in Anderson, that possibilty does not relieve me of my responsibility to act."

It's snowballing. There will be more states disqualifying him. It's also a kick in the butt at SCOTUS, telling them they can't slow-walk this.

Maine barred Donald Trump from the primary ballot Thursday, making it the second state in the country to block the former president from running again under a part of the Constitution that prevents insurrectionists from holding office.

The decision by Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows (D) is sure to be appealed. The Colorado Supreme Court last week found Trump could not appear on the ballot in that state, and the Colorado Republican Party has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case. The nation’s high court could resolve for all states whether Trump can run again.
Your headline should read:


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