Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

See ya @ SCOTUS
See, she knew some assholes would say that.

"‘While 1 am cognizant of the fact that my decision could soon be rendered a nullity by a decision of the United States Supreme Court in Anderson, that possibilty does not relieve me of my responsibility to act."

The Conservative SC calls themselves literalist. The language of the amendment is quite literal, so we'll see who is political and who is a literalist.
That seems to apply to the right who tried desperately to steal the 2020 presidential election they lost. Thanks for that confession, even though it was tacitly offered. Confession is good for your soul.
Too bad Germany didn't have a 14th Amendment Sec. 3. After Hitler's Beer Hall Insurrection in the 1920's, he couldn't have been appointed Chancellor in the 1930's.
So you are good with a single person disenfranchising hundreds of thousands based on her opinion?
Oh! You think there is no review above Secretary of State, level? I did not know Secretary of State was that powerful. If you are right, Trump is just screwed.
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See, she knew some assholes would say that.

"‘While 1 am cognizant of the fact that my decision could soon be rendered a nullity by a decision of the United States Supreme Court in Anderson, that possibilty does not relieve me of my responsibility to act."

The Conservative SC calls themselves literalist. The language of the amendment is quite literal, so we'll see who is political and who is a literalist.
So she's just a shit-stirring Stalinist ASSHOLE who looks like she suffered a STROKE!

What nobody is talking about and something that people should be acknowledging is that these people are running a stalking horse type of endeavor to try to set a precendent whereby they can just arbitrarily broaden the definition of whatever term they want in order to project an illusion of justification for their intended action(s).

Typical manufactured problem, reaction, solution shenanigans.

And we're seeing this practice of arbitrarily broadening the definitions of things quite a bit as of late, including in Congress itself to the extent that they strategically become far removed from their actual definitions in order to achieve the desired result or desired narrative or response required to put their intended agenda into play. As well, it's routinely happening out in the wild of the www where most propaganda that is fully dependent upon the success and normalization/acceptance of the unscrupulous practice is seeded and spread in synergy with the arbitrary actions of the government gun.

We've also witnessed members of Congress lobby to expel other members of Congress for merely objecting from the House floor. They've arbitrarily called them seditionists for merely objecting to them on the floor. These are the kind of intellectually dishonest, unscrupulous scoundrels we're dealing with here.

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You see? That's what's going on. These are the kind of shady authoritarians that we're dealing with here. They're relying on the normalization and acceptance of the practice of invoking very broad, very arbitrary terms of controversy and definitions in order to project the illusion of justification of their actions as they pertain to their agendas in the longer term.

Once that practice is normalized and accepted, they're gonna keep doing this kind of thing. And for the purpose of far more insidious acts of usurp.

And they're playing that card across the board, too. Wherever they see an opportunity to manipulate language and definitions to project that specific image that Americans who disagree with them are some sort of terrorists.

Problem is that many will object to that practice in this situation, but they'll fully and eagerly participate in the very same coercion when it is put into play in other instances. So that's a problem. Because every instance of the shenanigan ends in the same way. Less freedom for you and more power for them. Americans themselves need to be more consistent. Inconsistency is, I think, the electorate's greatest weakness/fault, collectively speaking. And, of course, the authoritarians who play this game with them and who are guiding this stalking horse endeavor love them for it.

I've never cared for Trump, personally. But, Trump, if he wins, will be gone in four years.

The precedent that these unscrupulous scounderels are trying to set will remain. Know that. They're bringing their next forever war here to America now. And it's war on you! Make no mistake about that. Even if they have to import the image of it onto our streets and into our institutions from abroad through whatever policy friendly NGO they can fund to do so. And with taxpayer money, no less. Which they're doing, if anyone is paying attention. They're covering all of the bases.

Before you know it, we'll have people who are so confident in their authoritarianism and the apathy of the people that they'll have positioned themselves to mediate and manipulate the stage they've set, or helped to set, and perhaps even demonstrate the audacity to run for the presidency itself on the idea of things like demanding paperz please at the barrel of a government gun in return for permission for simple acts of exercising your 1st Amendment right.

Excellent summation, I've always said this goes much further than just Trump, Trump is just their convenient boogie man of the day in order to excuse their corruption of Cotus and the law. Once he's gone, they will move onto the next, they act right now like he's the needle in the haystack and the only one that deserves such relentless treatments and actions, but they will quickly make liars out of themselves once he's out of the picture. And they'll have new 'reasons' and 'justifications' for why all conservatives are evil. All you have to do is read through a thread just like this one to get a sample of the population of the incredibly stupid and naive lefties they have all over the country lapping up their bullshit like it's manna. I've always wondered how Hitler was so successful in calling for the extermination of human beings and receiving such cooperation, all you have to do is read these lunatic lefties on here and you know it could and probably will happen again.

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