Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

The history of the 14th suggest there is no necessity to see the inside of a court. After its approval to the Constitution many people were banned under it that never say a day in court.
That is an outright lie.

The history of the 14th was aimed directly as Confederate officeholders.

The very first section of the 14th states that this amendment cannot be used to deprive any American citizen of due process.

Section 1.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Quote me saying I want Trump “installed”. Failure to bring a quote is an admission by you that you are a lying sack of vermin shit.

Are you really this stupid or do you suffer from a meth addiction?
Anyone with a third grade reading level can see that I referenced an entire group.

Apparently you have enough stupidity to supply an entire group....

It's really funny that you conservative idiots want to install the "i'm your retribution" dictator but have a problem with one person that was constitutionally appointed.
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No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

He is getting due process. that you are too fucking stupid to know what due process means is not really my issue
That is an outright lie.

The history of the 14th was aimed directly as Confederate officeholders.

The very first section of the 14th states that this amendment cannot be used to deprive any American citizen of due process.

Section 1.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

So, who has been deprived of 'Life, Liberty or Property'?

Or do you consider the Presidency to be Trump's personal property?
The history of the 14th suggest there is no necessity to see the inside of a court. After its approval to the Constitution many people were banned under it that never say a day in court.
They were banned via a Congressional act and Presidential decree after actively participating in the Civil War.

Any of those apply here? Nope.

No precedent for this.
They can and they did pass a law that requires the SoS to have hearing on all challenges that a candidate is unqualified to run for office. Finding a person is not qualified to be on the ballot is not revoking any ones right to vote. Feel free to write in The Trumpybear next year on your ballot, no law can stop you.
That's what millions will do. Including the newly recognized Trump democrats.

The action by the secretary of state will be overturned.
Once again troll, insurrection is a criminal act so the 5th applies.

And the courts have ruled that one still faces the consequences of a criminal act, even if they are never charged with the act.

That someone pardoned for their crime, still can be denied a security clearance based on the actions they were pardoned for.
There had been no insurrection in the first place. And despite that bogus label, Trump hadn’t participated or engaged in “it.”
Of course there was and Benedict Donald was the architect of it all. From the MAGA MOB's intimidation of Congress, to the demand that the VP exert an unconstitutional power to unilaterally throw out the valid EC Votes of several states, and the substitution of fraudulent slates of electors in their place to be counted so as to overturn the 2020 election results.

He was never fit to hold office in the first place.
Of course there was and Benedict Donald was the architect of it all. From the MAGA MOB's intimidation of Congress, to the demand that the VP exert an unconstitutional power to unilaterally throw out the valid EC Votes of several states, and the substitution of fraudulent slates of electors in their place to be counted so as to overturn the 2020 election results.

He was never fit to hold office in the first place.
Cool NARRATIVE, bro.

No, state legislation determines who is or isn't eligible for the ballot. Just another massive abuse of power by liberal extremists.
The legislators gave that power to their secretary of state. The legislators determined how their elections were to be run, and they gave various entities the authority to carry out the election under the laws they wrote.
He is getting due process. that you are too fucking stupid to know what due process means is not really my issue
You confirm that you are the one lacking any grounding in the meaning of due process.

As a general rule, it means “that process which is your due.” Or “that legal process to which you are due.”

To invoke a Constitutional level disqualification from holding the office of President against a candidate clearly requires (demands) much more than a mere lower court “hearing” or even a state’s high court pronouncement.

If you wish to accuse the former President of aiding or engaging the in an “insurrection,” which is a federal criminal accusation, you’d best be prepared to prove it in a federal criminal trial. There, the process to which you are due is well established:

Proof beyond a reasonable doubt to the satisfaction of a unanimous jury after a fair full trial.
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They were banned via a Congressional act and Presidential decree after actively participating in the Civil War.

Any of those apply here? Nope.

No precedent for this.
NO, they were banned by the 14th amendment to the constitution.
No different than if Arnold Schwarzenegger tried to run for president, they wouldn't have to get a court to rule on where Arnold was born, before kicking him off the ballot.

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