Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

Trump supporters were addressing a grievance, you know, that thing we all have a right to, and it got out of hand.
Trump was pressuring Pence to do claim an unconstitutional power. His supporters had prepared fraudulent slates of electors to be used to replace the certified slates of the states that Pence was being pressured to unilaterally throw out. The MAGA MOB was sent to intimidate Congress.
You confirm that you are the one lacking any grounding in the meaning of due process.

As a general rule, it means “that process which is your due.” Or “that legal process to which you are due.”

To invoke a Constitutional level disqualification from holding the office of President against a candidate clearly requires (demands) much more than a mere lower court “hearing” or even a state’s high court pronouncement.

If you wish to accuse the former President of aiding or engaging the n an “insurrection,” which is a criminal accusation, you’d best be prepared to prove it in a federal criminal trial. There, the process to which you are due is well established:

Proof beyond a reasonable doubt to the satisfaction of a unanimous jury after a fair full trial.
You are talking to fascists. Their terminal TDS dictates Trump must be denied his Constitutional rights
The legislators gave that power to their secretary of state. The legislators determined how their elections were to be run, and they gave various entities the authority to carry out the election under the laws they wrote.
No doubt you can link the legislative authority that allows such action based solely on opinion while ignoring Constitutional protections like due process. I'll wait.
So you can’t show where the 14th removes ones 5th amendment right to due process.

Got it.

Run along, troll.
"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger....."

Hummm now who has been indicted by a grand jury or two?
Really? Where are the charges for insurrection?
Think about it. What if a civil war general who switched sides gets a presidential pardon.

In August 1975, President Gerald Ford signed Senate Joint Resolution 23 restoring full citizenship rights to Robert E. Lee. Three years later, in November 1978, Jimmy Carter approved congressional action extending similar amnesty to Jefferson Davis.

Had this happened sooner, they could have run for office, if not for the 14th still baring them. The only way to restore their eligibility for office, was by a 2/3rds vote of both houses. And not just a presidential pardon.
As opposed to your Orange Fuhrer who tried to overturn the Will of the People after the 2020 election?
Lol. You support turning America into a one party ruled banana republic. You support winning elections by any means necessary short of allowing the voters to choose.

Maybe you’ll get your dream of a politburo governing the country.
In truth, justice and the American way.. America .. this will make Trump even more popular.. :thewave: ... :salute::salute::salute: ...

only amongst his cult, lumps; & that number really hasn't changed.

those that oppose donny will certainly not be swayed either - so yer point is kinda moot. :eusa_dance::eusa_whistle::113:
To invoke a Constitutional level disqualification from holding the office of President against a candidate clearly requires (demands) much more than a mere lower court “hearing” or even a state’s high court pronouncement.
Really? If Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to get on the ballot, it would take the supreme court to determine he wasn't a natural born citizen?

That's just stupid. The constitution was meant to be self executing.
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Fuck around and find out.


No doubt you can link the legislative authority that allows such action based solely on opinion while ignoring Constitutional protections like due process. I'll wait.
The state legislature and/or state constitution write/dictates the states election laws. Those laws specify how an election is to be held. Who has what authority and responsibility, and the the rules under which elections are held.
The states (most) gave the secretary of state the final authority to execute those laws.
Funny you think Law and Order is Nazism, and lawlessness, unconstitutional demands, big lies, and violent intimidation is normal political discourse and mechanism.

Did Clinton foment an attempt to overturn Trumpybears victory in 2016 based on the Steele document?

You side is stupid.
What law? What trial? What conviction? 12 of these examples since the Civil War. The dang act was a move after that War and then used only 6 times on Confederates they blocked

You are full of it. And dont quote Law and Order given how you dont follow it at the border or BLM
"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger....."

Hummm now who has been indicted by a grand jury or two?
Link us up to Trump’s insurrection grand jury, Simp.
Now you know what a Dem dominated country would be like, mob rule.
Gentle correction. Mob rule would be allowed to punish political opponents who displeased the totalitarian government that we would have given the mentality of the Democrat leadership these days as well as those who put them into power. (I guarantee you that our Democrat friends aren't going to like what they consistently promote should it succeed.)
The Democrat party is out of control. No charges, no crime, no conviction.

One Leftist decides to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters.

And the most tragic thing about that is most of the constituency that puts people like that into power will applaud what that person did. They really do not have the critical thinking skills anymore to understand what it is that they do.
The state legislature and/or state constitution write/dictates the states election laws. Those laws specify how an election is to be held. Who has what authority and responsibility, and the the rules under which elections are held.
The states (most) gave the secretary of state the final authority to execute those laws.
So why are they trying to use the US Constitution then, Moron?

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