Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

Yet you seemed to have missed the similarity between the Nazis burning down the Reichstag and Trump supporters attacking the Capitol.
Trump supporters were addressing a grievance, you know, that thing we all have a right to, and it got out of hand.

The very actions taken by democrats in this run-up to the 2024 elections are directly attributable to Fascist tactics.
Absolutely. All of these shenanigans with trying to falsely claim that the 14th is solid grounds for keeping Trump off the ballot are just more election interference and fraud. But in two years, all this will be forgotten.
Just like the hanging chad.
The 14th section three deals with political rather than criminal end of insurrection ethics of office...
So you can’t show where the 14th removes ones 5th amendment right to due process.

Got it.

Run along, troll.
Trump supporters were addressing a grievance, you know, that thing we all have a right to, and it got out of hand.

The very actions taken by democrats in this run-up to the 2024 elections are directly attributable to Fascist tactics.
Then the Republicans who wrote and passed the Amendment were fascist.
I made the assertion that the 14th does not remove ones 5th amendment right to due process, Simp.

Feel free to show the text in the 14th saying it removes the right to due process.

You did not clearly make any specific assertion.

Either way, your point is moot because no one's Due Process' has been violated.

But keep trying, I love to see you squirm!

So you can’t show where the 14th removes ones 5th amendment right to due process.

Got it.

Run along, troll.
Judges have declared that the actions were that of an insurrection, which is all it takes since this is an ethics issue not a criminal just like the use of impeachment.
I made the assertion that the 14th does not remove ones 5th amendment right to due process, Simp.

Feel free to show the text in the 14th saying it removes the right to due process.
You don't even know what due process means.
As long as the decision of the Sec of State can be appealed within the Sec of States office, and ultimately to the courts, all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary, then due process has been served.
It's really funny that you conservative idiots want to install the "i'm your retribution" dictator but have a problem with one person that was constitutionally appointed.
Quote me saying I want Trump “installed”. Failure to bring a quote is an admission by you that you are a lying sack of vermin shit.

Absolutely. All of these shenanigans with trying to falsely claim that the 14th is solid grounds for keeping Trump off the ballot are just more election interference and fraud. But in two years, all this will be forgotten.

Yes, it's their MO, when you look back at the last 8 years, they use what is at hand (or manufacture it) to smear and tarnish, which is all their bought and paid for 'media' needs. It does its job for the moment, and they think people won't care years down the road when it is all shown to have been false. It's all a means to an end, the question is how long will American citizens put up with the bullshit? As long as everyone is still relatively cushy in their own little life, they'll continue to get away with it. But when things start to directly impact everyday people and they start to pay attention, then their road is going to be a little more difficult and they'll have to resort to more extreme measures to get their way. Something like 2020 is a good gauge for how much they can push those extreme measures, they're not there yet, another 10 years or so, who knows?
It's really funny that you conservative idiots want to install the "i'm your retribution" dictator but have a problem with one person that was constitutionally appointed.
No, not fake news simply facts that you are too immature to accept.
Judges have declared that the actions were that of an insurrection, which is all it takes since this is an ethics issue not a criminal just like the use of impeachment.
Once again troll, insurrection is a criminal act so the 5th applies.
There was no due process.

The charge of insurrection is one of incorrect public opinion and has never seen the inside of any court.

The history of the 14th suggest there is no necessity to see the inside of a court. After its approval to the Constitution many people were banned under it that never say a day in court.

A single Maine Democrat bans Trump from ballot.​

Yep. 👍

I am sure that’s exactly what the framers of the 14th Amendment had in mind. 🙄

Our liberals are incapable of coherent thinking.
Actually it was what they had in mind. Just like they intended that elections be run by the states, the states set the rules, procedures and the standards for qualifying for the ballot.

And the states made it their law that the secretary of state is in charge of their elections.

The legislators have spoken.

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