Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

When it does happen to them, they'll still be fools and believe what they're told and place the blame where they are told to place the blame, just like every day Germans did to the Jews. Supposed 'normal' people not only watched, but actually helped and participated in rounding up their own fellow citizens and had them sent off to prison camps to be gassed, including children, because they were good, loyal little puppets who believed everything their sacred government told them. You see that kind of blind loyalty on display here every day by democrat leftists. They will never go against their party no matter what horrific things they may do.
True. We witnessed the beginnings of that from 2020 to 2022.

Millions witnessed Trump's Jan. 6 speech, and all his other lies about the 2020 election.

The J6 Committee showed us that Trump insurrectionist plot was a whole lot more than just the attack he incited on the Capitol.

We have a whole lot more than 'PRETENCE'.
Who gave the orders for the Capitol Police to LET PPROTESTERS IN THE CAPITOL???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
You people ARE Nazis. One only has to look at your actions and those of 1930s Germany.

The clown show trying to pass Conservatives and Republicans as Nazis has been exposed for the lies they are.

Yet you seemed to have missed the similarity between the Nazis burning down the Reichstag and Trump supporters attacking the Capitol.
Who gave the orders for the Capitol Police to LET PPROTESTERS IN THE CAPITOL???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

No one.

If it did happen, PLEASE Prove IT or STFU!
Absolutely, I sometimes still believe that was a dry run just to see where they stood and what they could get away with.
Absolutely. All of these shenanigans with trying to falsely claim that the 14th is solid grounds for keeping Trump off the ballot are just more election interference and fraud. But in two years, all this will be forgotten.
You made the assertion, it's up to you to prove it. Otherwise STFU!
I made the assertion that the 14th does not remove ones 5th amendment right to due process, Simp.

Feel free to show the text in the 14th saying it removes the right to due process.
You can still write in an unqualified candidate like Benedict Donald if you want too. No law or amendment prohibits that.
Not sure about the Maine hack’s ruling, but the CO ruling instructs the SOS to throw out any write in votes for Trump, Simp.

Obvious disenfranchisement

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