Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

Trump also said they shouldn't have impeached Bill Clinton over Monicagate. So Bush should have been impeached for lying us into Iraq but Bill should not have. I agree with candidate Trump.
Acquittal worked for Orenthal James Simpson.....

Acquittal does not mean innocent. In the case of O.J. Simpson:

"He was acquitted in a lengthy and internationally publicized trial, but found liable for the deaths three years later in a civil suit from the victims' families."

Barring Trump from holding office under A.14 S. 3 is not a criminal action, it's a civil action.

Therefore, like the civil suit against Simpson, it only requires 'preponderance of evidence', not a conviction.

Thanks for pointing that out and PROVING MY POINT!!!

I doubt they will touch that. They'll find another way to keep him on the ballots in ME and CO.
They said on Good Morning America Trump's laywers have given the Republican justices 5 reasons they can use as justification. That's fine. He's going to lose those two states anyways. This is symbolic. The idea that states are considering leaving him off the ballot for his insurrection.

Republicans or righties who are gong to vote for Trump think the insurrection was a peaceful protest. We need undecideds and independents and first time voters to know the truth about Trump the fascist authoritarian criminal lying snake oil salesman.

Lucky for us young people voting the first time were too young to get brainwashed into liking him through the Apprentice.
Trump also said they shouldn't have impeached Bill Clinton over Monicagate. So Bush should have been impeached for lying us into Iraq but Bill should not have. I agree with candidate Trump.
Bill should have said yes She blew me and I enjoyed it and not lied under oath.
Acquittal does not mean innocent. In the case of O.J. Simpson:

"He was acquitted in a lengthy and internationally publicized trial, but found liable for the deaths three years later in a civil suit from the victims' families."

Barring Trump from holding office under A.14 S. 3 is not a criminal action, it's a civil action.

Therefore, like the civil suit against Simpson, it only requires 'preponderance of evidence', not a conviction.

Thanks for pointing that out and PROVING MY POINT!!!

How come Rudy got sued by those two women but not Trump? How come Michael Cohen went to jail for breaking the law for Trump? How come Trump's CFO went to jail for breaking the law for Trump? How come Trump never got in trouble for hiring illegals at Mara Lago? How come the buck doesn't ever stop with Trump?

I love at the trial where he over inflated his net worth, he and his kids all blamed the accountants. But why would the accountants lie? Clearly FOR TRUMP.
Bill should have said yes She blew me and I enjoyed it and not lied under oath.
Funny that now Trump's defense in the Stormy trial is he broke the law because he didn't want his wife to find out. Trump should not have paid Stormy with campaign moneys.
Trump also said they shouldn't have impeached Bill Clinton over Monicagate. So Bush should have been impeached for lying us into Iraq but Bill should not have. I agree with candidate Trump.

Bush should not only have been impeached, but he should be tried as a war criminal.

Monicagate belonged in a Goldy Hawn movie, not in any Congressional action.

So that's the second thing I agree with Trump. The first was his statement on that Access Hollywood tape. Unfortunately, he was right. There are a lot of women that are very willing to have sex with any man they see as being wealthy, powerful or famous. It a fundamental flaw in the female character. They probably do it just to brag to their friends.
How come Rudy got sued by those two women but not Trump? How come Michael Cohen went to jail for breaking the law for Trump? How come Trump's CFO went to jail for breaking the law for Trump? How come Trump never got in trouble for hiring illegals at Mara Lago? How come the buck doesn't ever stop with Trump?

I love at the trial where he over inflated his net worth, he and his kids all blamed the accountants. But why would the accountants lie? Clearly FOR TRUMP.

Since its inception, the legal system has always favored the wealthy. That's because almost everyone with authority in the legal system comes from wealthy families. They not only have to go to college, but to law school as well. THAT"S EXPENSIVE!

Right now, the legal system is as much on trial as Trump. I doubt even he has the money to buy his way out this time.
Acquittal does not mean innocent. In the case of O.J. Simpson:

"He was acquitted in a lengthy and internationally publicized trial, but found liable for the deaths three years later in a civil suit from the victims' families."

Barring Trump from holding office under A.14 S. 3 is not a criminal action, it's a civil action.

Therefore, like the civil suit against Simpson, it only requires 'preponderance of evidence', not a conviction.

Thanks for pointing that out and PROVING MY POINT!!!

Yes, it does.
You can jump up and down all you want and scream 'INNOCENT'!

But you are wrong. The non-removal of Trump from office was a political action, it bears no wait on any criminal or civil action. It was legally meaningless.
Senators vote guilty or not guilty, Simp.

not guilty
/ˌnät ˈɡiltē/
phrase of guilty

  1. innocent, especially of a formal charge

Bush should not only have been impeached, but he should be tried as a war criminal.

Monicagate belonged in a Goldy Hawn movie, not in any Congressional action.

So that's the second thing I agree with Trump. The first was his statement on that Access Hollywood tape. Unfortunately, he was right. There are a lot of women that are very willing to have sex with any man they see as being wealthy, powerful or famous. It a fundamental flaw in the female character. They probably do it just to brag to their friends.
I also HATE it that women don't stick up for women. Another flaw. AND, even though they benefit the most for Affirmative Action, they don't like it because they don't like people thinking that's the only reason they got the job. They forget that before AA, being a woman was the only reason they didn't get the job.

If Republicans win I hope we do end Affirmative Action for white women. White women only. In other words, white women don't count as a diversity hire.

And if Republicans win, I won't cry the day they make abortion MURDER.
Two different courts.

If it were true that acquittal means innocent, then the acquittal of criminal charges could be used as undeniable evidence to dismiss the civil suit.

Acquittal in a criminal case just means that evidence of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt was not established. It does not mean 'Innocent'.

Acquittal in a Senate impeachment trial only means that there are 43 spineless Republican weenies in the Senate. Nothing more.
If it were true that acquittal means innocent, then the acquittal of criminal charges could be used as undeniable evidence to dismiss the civil suit.

Acquittal in a criminal case just means that evidence of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt was not established. It does not mean 'Innocent'.

Acquittal in a Senate impeachment trial only means that there are 43 spineless Republican weenies in the Senate. Nothing more.
Hey stupid, I posted the definition of "not guilty". it means "innocent".
If it were true that acquittal means innocent, then the acquittal of criminal charges could be used as undeniable evidence to dismiss the civil suit.
Not how it works.

Acquittal in a criminal case just means that evidence of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt was not established. It does not mean 'Innocent'.

Which means the defendant is still not guilty .

Innocent until proven guilty.

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