Trump Repeats Conservatives’ Favorite False Version Of History

From PBS:

In the time leading up to the 1868 presidential election, the Klan's activities picked up in speed and brutality. The election, which pitted Republican Ulysses S. Grant against Democrat Horatio Seymour, was crucial. Republicans would continue programs that prevented Southern whites from gaining political control in their states. Klan members knew that given the chance, the blacks in their communities would vote Republican.

Across the South, the Klan and other terrorist groups used brutal violence to intimidate Republican voters. In Kansas, over 2,000 murders were committed in connection with the election. In Georgia, the number of threats and beatings was even higher. And in Louisiana, 1000 blacks were killed as the election neared. In those three states, Democrats won decisive victories at the polls.

But yeah, it was the Republicans. You people are literally insane.

Read more: The Democratic Party and the KKK | Common Sense Central | News/Talk 1130 WISN

Correct enough. The first KKK was an insurgency against the Federal occupation of Southern States and their collaborators.

Wilson's racism had grave consequences and was imbued in both parties.
The pseudocons spent DECADES trying to DENY the Confederate flag they wave about and install on their F-150s is a symbol of slavery and racism.

And now they spend a lot of energy trying to PROVE the Confederate flag is a symbol of past Democratic slavery and racism.

These guys are a never ending source of entertainment. [emoji38]
They think they are fooling people. They aren't fooling anyone.

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It's amazing to watch....the more Hillary slides in the polls the more we hear the word Race from the idiot liberal world. The racists today are on the left just like 75 years ago.

There are media racist on TV every night looking at skin color first and foremost, there are racists in academia spouting fictitious lessens everyday in the propaganda rooms errrrr classrooms of America.

Racism never left the democrats...they just got real good at hiding it. Actually they are not that good at hiding it, but they have been very good at dumbing down their supporters with bad schools and cheap handouts.

WAKE UP INNER deserve much better. Don't throw your life away.
LePage from Maine is what?

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They, the pseudo-cons, will never accept that.
They've be thoroughly brainwashed and will forever remain in denial of historic facts. This can be seen in their consistent denial of the well documented "Southern Strategy". The evidence they cite that the "Southern Strategy" does not exist comes from the same sources that brainwashed them.

The righties have been using the same worn out BS distributed by the Nixon and Reagan administrations, all of which has been repeatedly disproved. But they cling to it fiercely.


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